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Show FnidAy, J an Li Any i CUaohklt 15, 1988 i ll ii r i rT ii rv i -- i v a l I n jiv.;? ? w Ji w i SUPERBOWL f SPECTACULAR- - i qXi -- J O GRAND PRIZE! 27" Screen Color TV Zenith 3 Bose Digital System Donated by Includes delivery l yo-.- honie Ui linn for SUl'KRHOWI viewing . O SUPERBOWL PIZZA PARTIES One PARTY will be given away at each Little Caesars location. Each PARTY includes 6 Large Two Item Pizzas and 3 orders of Crazy Bread. ( feed approiimotelf 24 people.) Parties must be picked Does not include delivery up at location! of winning entries. (Wifl -- ENTBY BLANK Name """ ' " I ' 1 lm M r- U LI TM :rih ' Approximately how many miles do you live from tint. I. ittle Caesars locati' n" How often do you buy pizza'- X. VV v O !JW v z,p Phone v yplT"., 111 I'i'l I Slal cl-- Vv - - A,'.- Addres . NO PURCHASE IfECESSAKY Deposit at any Little Caesars location by January 28. 1988 ; v i f """""""TSerSinat WEST JORDAN 562-959- 5 7106 South Redwood Road FORT UNION 943-444- 6 East 7000 South 1844 TAYLORSVILLE 965-140- 0 7 LtImU ySSXr I lyx J II ill I V I I 1 I 4124 South Redwood Road 7800 Soutn State 1 RIVERTON MURRAY 2664477 880 East 59Q0 South III I 254-210- 0 BOUNTIFUL SANDY 298-444- 562-190- 0 74 9205 South 700 East East 500 South SALT LAKE CANYON RIM 485-444- West 12600 So. 1822 486 8600 680 East 2100 South 1 3269 East 3300 South , AMERICAN FORK 7566068 485 East State KEARNS 967-705- 0 3950 West 5400 South BELL CANYON HOLLADAY 572-560- 0 278-828- 2 1341 4654 South 2300 East East 10600 South Delivery Boy! Coming Soon! Delivery Hot Line the Originator" pizza! pizza! VALUABLE COUPON EZZ1 2 SMALL Ic VALUABLE COUPON With evfrylliiny! 10 toppinys. peppi-runi- . mvi- -. rnusnrooms. yrccn pcjjpvis. iiiuniiv u 1 jlali.in sius,iyc- - & pineapple, not peppers flixl anchovies upon re(iiest Three Items everythingtwrn. $99 ( an Identical Pizza $D)49 Plus W Coupon Plus Tax f ifaUiA.:J y $799 W k--i Coupon W Coupon fjpirei 131 '88 IJI8S m if'! With Cheese & Any 2 Items Li 4 fipirn 5 y n FEEE - y MEDIUM PIZZAS get one Ji r- 1 COUPON 2 1. Little Caesar's Pizza With Any a4 VAI.UABI VALUABLE COUPON Buy one PIZZAS Best with A EZ3 CZ3 B 1 PIZZAS I 583-270- 8 r- -i tor Ei Em lt 12 a fipirei l: i M.n 13188 r 13 N 5Ui j Li fipirpt cr;: rvj r; i I ? I 88 14 PAqc Five |