OCR Text |
Show - , --- , - , . , , ...., I - ,,,,.. , , v;i'' t ' . Marc Cominglnlike Lam - , . rompt ., . ' ':. t e,. ' ,,' , .:'. 4,3 I, ' t, '' I h ::: ', ,i t i , ' .,.... ..- , - '",, - A -, ''':''' .t , ::::::.,.4:: :',:. ::,' :Y " :', ,. .,.,...:....,:. ::, .,,...:. ''.10,1 .,,, :': ,.4 rk..., " ,,,,, ::.,..:::,.......:i:r.,.1.,,, .: r' ,,,:, ' - ,' ::. :', ,',5 :, if,..;.:.:.. ;.!,...t: 4,..,;;; tpci "cl'cli ,,;,".4 II r - 4 I ',..;'4''' ,,, ,:,,,,.., viz .., t?..,.- 1 , ,'''', ::T ., .... , .' '.: :,,. ...' :: t. 9,:'- ;: 1 I , ,A , i ,'' '.:.,' , ..:...... - ',,,:: ,:e, - :,.. - 4N'''"'-------'-- "' II 1 ' ' . , ' : .. & ' , -, , '",::yr,,,i,r::::: 5,...io, :..:4,. ., --- . ' .. s , V - ,... ,'i110. ; ,.......m............j ;.,:,- .,,,s, ':. - :. ,.! , -- .. re. ' , - n .. ; ; - . ,, - ''s . , . T 1 1 .. .. - - - . ... - ' L.- . , - ,,,,,.- - .... - , - z,,:,:, .. , .: , , ,,.. 3, ss.:,., Ihil:: , ....,. ' - ,.,, , 4at. to-t- he . , Outlined, BennettDiscioses ., lioti,5,,,,4,.....:,::::.....,y......., .11: 7 ..,,,-,,4-- - ... 1 - ' .:.,. .. - , , .. , , ; na I P $16.5 Million in,rrolects -- .....,. .. .. , . at.::: : IdAahos.,Foakile:miad:h,00,ratthse . . IT . I, ' , . ..,.....',... . - Z) j. - . early Mon. 2. T'Sh-arrived In- Salt LakeCity lust before midnight Stin3ay. and left here for ', r.,', , 9(. A,. It o CS evel take City t",- :News...reporter ,, ,,, '',,'''-'- I, :,..",:iiI ,..., C.' ,:, - . I - dar morning. t-- ' t ,,, k A 1, Pre ! - . ea R.' II , - - United, States delegate , . -7. United Nations Gen;. A KODIAK BEARS W ELCOME WSITORS-LTh- e - The -Kodiak Mrs. said ANYONE? eral '14 A11,-nears, BREAD, TASTY Assembly', - " . 31ORSEL,He. Deseret NeWashIngjo n Bureau ' their from at to -, -not grotto was Hogle Gardens,. bear love. a sunshiny it per, Zoological found -preferred lifts polar . keep -7 -- Recreational,- facilities form for- rapacity audience as balmy w.eather brings out.stream to reporters. WASHINGTON talk $163 an costing for on day begging. of bread.. ly People' eye fhunk ... - of visitors over the weekend,- ' million are planned at Glen Canyon Darn and Reservoir' in were in a generous mood. Never, fear, he Will not miss, ,, , ' --2 , . .,. , , , , ,, the next 10 to l& years - Sen. Wallace F. Bennett -- -- -' . . '11" ' -.''' 411111Mi-tirr;rVIIIN-1"1".r.rw".."1"---oN.1"1141111917.1474,4:;;;"71.mkr".1"1.64111"r4";-v""'"'I - '' k disclosed Monday. ' - - 7"rtir."7 ., -- , t, , . , - 4 n 4' , ',...1-' . s, !'.7-ec4.1 i ' '''..:: .,,v 1,17- It,f' , r 'Spring idyl '; , much i i '',:two,,,,,..9''' - '''''A',A of the construction, will , not get under way-----,..,,.4.. Although ,i 't VIt,73,,tt,,,,,.i0.,,,,,,,,,A, , A3.,7 if , .Z) . , 4..,... 1 , ......, . -- ' , until the dam ts complettd an vbkx !140.7! , , ;,, i i ' ' I i , : , ' , , , .A water backs ; reser, ,,, 4 ,,,,,, 0:., up in, the , , . 1::,.40hps...:fnjoy--74.witst. ' ,,,,,,., , ,, itIkk, c, ,.. ., ' ; N'',k,, voir, general- plans for, each ,s, L..,0.,,,,..4.4.0,.. i2e ' ),t , , : major arda ,Within Glen Can. 4...., ,,,,,,,, ,,,, Jr-4.,t.,,, , 1 Recreation Area ,.,,,,,,,,-,,,,,-,, ,,.T.,... yon.islational .,.., ., ,.,;, I , ,,: , 4 4 s.,,,,, 4,,3444,4 .. :.. 4 r - '''.',,-,,...- o hive ,,,,,,Z 4 -7.7:;, been drawn:up, o already '''14,,..,. ,. .,..,,, A ,,,,,e ' ::,,'' ,::. , -: , s....1--.,f ::,;,,,1,1,044...0;,,,,,so..--- -41 , Fi,i4 Sen. Bennett said ,,, ,,': "t .i ,,,:i, . ::.;,,,,,i...,korr ::,.,. :,:,..,,,,:2,. 4,..'""4:,' A ."''r ---,, ,,..;" 1::: 1:7:::: 4...4 ; I 149.5 9 2, NDAY,..M.,RCH 411 .14,v- A la ., ' : 9 itotO - ' 41.Sunday night,- but declined i an interview with a Deseret t, ,.,.: 4.' :4 ..?''.: ' , widow :of .former -- President-- ,. ,,,,,..-,- X ':.; ,, 40,1 ,:,..; 71 l i , . . 4, , . : -- I 't ,f.,,;.:::,:::::: , 1,1 - - , ; , I ......:, ..,:.,:, - ., :::.:' ; ::' l.::::':. f ''',0"4$ ....,4 I, c, , ,';',: , i :! 4.. . ,.,:,,....-,- 1 ;,., -- :: 1 , , . , , ,,,:,, .... .' ,,, ,t' I - :,:: ,,,'...;..L 1. Ro. oievelt. .:.... ers'i:No.Titilk--- . i . :., 47 ',.. ,t !,':',fi'..n:::;.....: . ,, , :4,'::: i k ,.: , 1.,,,.;:,,,,:t,-,-- f'. :: ,' ,,,,,,.,, ,, ,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,4. ,,,.1 7 le,' " t,;3i...,:::. - , is ,$,.:',:." ',',",J,t:,4,,,, , ''''" -- ,,:.,::-:- '':- ;:,r,,A, ,...-- ::,z..,-- . ,, .,.,:::::,:.::,:.: I ''''s -. SAIL LAKE:CITY, - ,..!.s, :I, l''' 'Mrs. 1 ,: ,:;: 1' ..f. ; ,,,,,,,,,i .s.,,, ::, (":: A,4":1L4d.,-- , r i,li ' . ,,, , -- . - 1 i1 . , ' 1E111 .., . ''" - - .., . I ,. . i' LS - - 7Er .4...olb ) , '',..N; ,g :,:, ! ., , N ''N 1- , , lig, ' L. - , t.:- - ' c , --' ,., ,,, 4,...,1;,...,,,,:.,., ,,.: ,,,;.:; I :-- 4;,,,.....,..46.'',Ita.44": ,,,, 4 . t .1 i .., . I: i , '''' - f,- If , . 1,, fAs; 4 el.- -. - 4- Visitors tream,,,01-Zo- - , . . . . '- - : A, . . , 4-'- - ,,. -, :,,:se ,,, , r :,,;,-- as - .Epring-.--.-"-.--- ': i,,,,- be well ,,.:Y..:,!:::i2,,, --- -: - :,T,:,,..,,: .:,:,,.:, ?::: - 00:7". !, .$01. 4:4,N.,.. r I ,'6'..,!,:',::, N , ,. " " o , ,,,. 714 ''''..ii,4 ::n , .1 .'lt,4 , ,0,-- - .,,i,,,,,:,,,,,.,,,,,,,: '',i,,': , .(4 ,,, i,-,:,- 401.:oa :' ' ,,A, ,,,orm ,o..: " Fixt''-- - i, - - , ', , '' . ..: : '' , , ,,,,:f44,, - :, , , ,.,. , 4 , ll;';i,'::;:'::',':::;!:::::: ,.7.,' . ::: , .4r"."Roora."!.A" ' '''' will be:need- ) , ' , :: s , ,,,,,. a ,,. '. 111 (,..a.s ., ,..,,,:.::7...:. .: - ......, , e ,:::::,,?, ...;-:-:: ...1 -,; ; '''..' ,::::T1,:,--::::!:,.....i- o', i - -- 40;r'1-44-4- , -- :,.. Lib- - s ,tos,,,,,,,2wg,4 s . "( - Weather Bureau Last Quarter Of '58 Plans Weekly A-Fall- Clas)Iline Shift . Tax Indicates Recommended-Slight Business GO ni Ease Traffic Sci les Test out - 'Gide- Utah-sales-,t- Grand Open Session ' - t Pot .Concert :irevk , next-to-las- er 0 . I , I. 1 , . t -- . - SCENOD A the change cannot-g- 0 .Corporationlranchisetax; affected heavily by decreased into effect until next Fall mining activity, now has Quarter since clas's schedules dropped 15.1 per cent fronl until that time are already and as year printed, -- PIONEER DAYS a man was caught desecrating and robbing- new BACK other local traffic 'offenses, let them consider their counterparts of the'Tvölytoast, LN TheeWet-frhan--repuhIk.- i, one Piece here from the National Geographic says it is probably tfie,onlY modern state where a senator has vanished on tour, the supscion being that he was eaten by his -constituents. -- After trial and conviction by due ,process; his ears were lopped off, he was branded GE on the forehead with a hot iiitelgpe Island. Iron, and kanished Anyway, that's the ,:s,..,:::: . iRt aptalpreAzed during the year. - -- - , :, ,,, , ';.: ,'.. 1 - , ,:;,:,,,, 4 .4::.::;:,,...::,1 4,6 .. . ..... , .!..:: .......... , ..,.., ..,....: .. , . ., l' ,, :.,,.:, ---area MRS. VIRGINI1An fLunElirdsAelly lake Glen Canyon dam i divided into nine other general recreation areas. The 'most , highly developed in terms of cost would be the Warm Creek, area; 15 miles above the daM, on the Utah side-o- f the Ani:., , ,. z I zona 'state line. for Area Plans This area would be developed at a cost of $2.5 million. Nearly $1 million would go for an access road to the central A complaint was signed site and more than $50000 would be spent Monday charging a roads and trails. The remain., old Salt Lake stenographer der would be spent for utilities, with "forgery and uttering" in a visitors' center and seasonal the embezzlement of funds employees' quarters. The Bull Frog arearnearthe other end of the lake, would Society of Utah. require $2.8 million. About Named in the. complaint was' $600,000 would be ,spent for Mrs. Virginia-Lewar- k; 158 government rights of way, Ave. ,(1825 So.), Downington $575,000 for minor roads and who had been employed until trails and the remainder for the adoption utilities, visitor center, em- Friday by agency. ploye housing and other faciliDavid Officer P. Bradford ties. This area would be before the complaint signed reached by road from Fruita K. MarcellifS City Judge' and Hanksville. Snow. Bail was set at $2,500. The area, to Mrs. Lewark's husband, Roy be reached from Escalantd, D. Lewark, 42, was released would cost $563,000 for access after having been road t, $116,0001or minor roads1 Monday and trails, and $141,000 for booked Soturday in city jail utilities and buildings, totaling with her for "investigation The complaint alleges that $820,000. on or about Jan. 24 Mrs. Lew. Other Developments Other areas slated for devel- ark forged and passed a bank, check "with intent to defraud , opment include: Padre Point, on the east side another." Detectives said $12,500 was of the lake in the Navajo reservfrom the society, a ation-, 25 milesfrom the dam, taken near the Crossing of the United Fund agency, in three withdrawals of $2,500 each Fathers, which is ..to be inun- from Utah $avings and Trust dated. Roads into the area Co., and two of $2,500 each would cost $115,000, and from Walker Bank & Trust Co. $125,000, toIn addition, police reports taling $240,000. Showed that two society -- pay. Oaks Island area, 50 miles roll checks totalling $494.33, -- See GLEN on rage were 4orged against the so. ciety. Memisomminnoommiodombliiimal Police said they recovered Friday night $2,500 in cash30 $50 bills and 10 $100 bills in an envelope found under a asea d 411 mrlurrurt einerator- - at-- the,rear of 1581-i--- t,,,. I2 bowningtort Ave. , "t I 1 f 2. I 'rhey said they also recov4 1 , ered a bank book on Utah Say77,4, ) f I ings & Trust Co., showing withdrawals. front' the society's n :. Jan. 30, funds of $2,500 each-O6 and Feb. 20, and a bank Feb. .11: 4 booK on,,...watice3anic. & Trust' : , It' Co., Ishowing a',,withdrawa ' : ,,...':,''' ',. ) lfrom the society's 1unds of 500 on Feb. 13 and a ga,',;), withdrawal dated March 2 b " ,o,', , .:......:.1. 11.,.,,et ..;'"?..., actually made last Friday, :.' abrledohui - :, , .. ., grrammed to- theThle86recreational i - , nnb Woman Charged In funds Case - In $12,994 Case or for-min- 7-- fronffthe--Childrercs-Servibe -- 1. --- ,,, . k , I , , - . . . -- -buildings - 7- , -- ' 1 , -- : , I 4 II 11 Crimes Rate - ' , ... ' 4',- , ,. I Itt SI. Among - :?. I of , 11lixeolle Commission ,;''''''' by .' stOry.-iWell- , cent gain .for show a the eight montt of the present CHILDREN'S TOUR. we're not ' suggesting anything t :::.1',..!i,:,,f:::;s1.:l -- Mrs. fiscal tal collections L., Perkins but from , cer4inly, something quite that drastic, Cliftqn, Idaho, durii I ';' the,curient fiscal year should be done to cunb the wanton destruc--- - writes that her daughter, having no baby as compared are $e14.7a million, '''::. ''. t. ' lion- and vandalism going on these days sitter, frequently takes her youngsters to I .:: ':::.....) ' ' With, $43.49 million a year ago. Relief Society meeting with her. at- - the City Cemetery, Lake i '!. Gasoline tax shows a 3.8 per ,Salt 1958 City's crime rate! , Seems thatthere's a big poplar tree right was among the during Latest word 6 that par& or parties ,, .....,,,,,,,:-, outside the family's kitchen window, filled cent increase with $12.31 mil lowest in its population class,,ii have been tipping over 'stone monuments lionduring the present fiscal the Federal Bureau of Investi the other blackbirds, nesting and, day i some cases breakiiirkk ,iatl year, compared with 811,92 miland. markers-'I- n got upin the branches. rt,,,,,,'' gation's nationwide crime- - in.. , , - lion a year ago. them, beyond repair: dex disclosed ' Monday. "What's the 'matter with the !Ardor": , . ,,,, 44 ' Aceording, to figures reAnd the theft of .flowers and 4. the mother asked, as a great chattering, leased oh the seven most seri-' Basket Market Stolen containers goes on constantly, - --.. and ,squawkingfluttering ensued.. ,, , Man was telling us lust the 'other cart market 'take' Theft of : ..'.. ; ' ...To which City ranked third and 'V Nt,s1 After- a number of such thefts Conrad, one of the basket-Valu- ed 1 , .' ...;,,,r,,,:. .., re at was $40 10 :....: of lowest out : Isixth compartwins, replied, : guess they're Just having hts.,wife's grave, he bdught some , .,...... , . gel ported Sunday to the .Sait Lake able cities. ! , Society7 , exknSive artificial flowers and a ..,, . Other cities In- - Salt Lake .. Police Departrnent by the , .staked the latterakdown securely-, and wired' City , , Our Art Linkletter story the other day class are El ":, ?' the flowers into4it. Miniature Market, 616 S. State City's population t reminds Mrs. George A. White of Ogden Paso, Tex.; Jacksonville, Fla.; , 1 '. 7 , ..,:,... St of the occasion some time ago ,,.. 1Vithin a couple of 'days, thieves had ,,f Prpvidenee, RI; Richmond, , , 1'1 )Yithheeri'lLtDhSe ,..., , , : , TV -' had , 7. to Va.: 77---to tried steal the flo'wei$ and unable popular - -- - - personality Sytacuse. Mr; Tampa, ..' ,,'.. ;. 's ' , : on his program., 1 , Wichita, I ... do so- withou ruining the4 had returned - - youngster , , .:. 4,' ,,k-- : ,,0 B - F'a- -- Tulsa', Okla.; Mass. SECTION ' ',,, 1(Stf.:and Worcester, ",,.. ;' ',, x,,,::k';- 'r. i. with- I:pair of wire critters and- pains- - - ' .4, .; , when the boy 5aid- his' occasion, : feoin the anchored takingly removed them parents weren't present, Art asked where - , i it . container. , Nt, ;, . . -on ;' :,. ; ... :.'"':'"".'"'"whwk:. '. '4and non,negligent 3 murders 4 . : , , , Itli heyOnd us to.unde.rstapdithgmental Art and audience alike wkén the tot replred, 4-. ., ,r o Sports : manslaughterseommttted , -- process'esT behind 'married.'" ta gone get Steorge-t"They'Se Radio-T.StICKY SITUATIONWhen 'Amber:Jensen startéli Highlights 7.- -- 8 1958,'the crime Index indicated. ' 9 Salt Lake City had three dur- ' . , 'chewing on. a tube of model' airplane ,glue Monday Financial ,,, '-- , .L PARTING SI107 ' OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD , 10 itig the year. Only Wcirrester Comics morning: it ruined her whole day.- She was hustled :, The trick in spelling banana Is knowing If our legislators think they re puftipon Obituaries and Providence, w,ith two each,offto Salt Lake General Hospital' where her 's, toniach "1. d. ' rates. .. had loVver-rhurtit- i vgzsp-timpe'getting . parking- tiCkets and citations for I, when to ttop. . . ...... .. taxs of '.:( ,...:,.. .., - - -- , " ' ',''' -- :;'',::, j ,; , : ,' :,.: Wahweap development is pro. ,..,. 4- ...,',.... , , '', Vo4,',.took.'::!:::::-:, sionsaal iPdarwk 0Srervk iceon Ottthie oNaal :;, - :''..,.,!:i visitor-cen- .,,,...,,, ::',;..,:,:,-::- , . ter, picrfeand camping facili- ties and possibly an air strip. ' ,:,..' -- , ..ii,',i::4.110,44.,:', - o,ii, :.,..,74.r.....,.,,,.. , 1 , :.,.40'.-';1'-' This e7ctensive pytile.ct will in golf ccoluudrese,110boadtgin4gx -- I .k 4,:,' First Development First area will be in the Wahweap' Creek area, closest site t , 'k.,,i-n.L.''- ' 0. -- . . ,..,- , for constrUclitin of ,roads and trails and $8,008,819 for ' buildings and utilities. At4o. 1, ''' :,.i:: ecl ,;'' . ' ....::':- ,,,,.,,,:.e.,,:. 41::.. , ' . t.. F ' That was the feeling all ove , ,.. - t, '' (. :'' :4466:71-W07.,., , .. ' A ::::,-., ....ft (': Utah 'last weekend as March .::,::,,,,., :,,;, 1 , . , ,:i;..:t,l'.., .,..,,,,,;;' , .11 came in like the gentlest of all , ,,;: 1.0,,, ,..i,::, ,.. ' -- lambs. ...., , ,,,.,,,,, , . "it'.4 ..,p,, 4,,o" ,t,, ' 'I he sun shotie, skies wer'7,kr': r 6.1Fik,24,''' ,,., 7::',..,.,,7 '., ',.,o' ,. r:::,:::::1::,,:,::. blue and the mercury did some , ,,::;:,:':,:.'0,1::', t ,,,,., , ::. :.:,;.;:, .:,:,:,:, c: ; ,,,,,,,,,,,"?,..,,,,..;44r,;:::,,,,,,A.,,,4!,.,4 nib-up7, that set some pevr .:,.,,,' .&,,,,,,,, i.:;::.....:, :z..,..,,.,..3.:,;:, , ... ' records. , ..,..,.E:,,,,1-,-,;.,e-.1-o 4. :4'''''?,t4koop' tit.. ..1 , The tempertfure-elimb- ed to .,iiHi::,:::,,. -.. .. ,.1...S a summer-lik62 in Salt Lake , ..: ., ',"::' , a new record for ' Cit-y- td-- set ' '4.vii ''''':::': ,,i,,,,,,,:.,w.k....,,....0. ,,,101,.,..77.,,k,,,,leoz.,,..e41,,..,,,..7,1101000.0, ,:mk.... tow.....ii....1... ...1.t:''.:41''' " '' ,ol ..'( '.. ' March, 1. Previous high was a .......,e"'", P4,,. '''' of 4,144014' 61. The new record was a full '4 '77.7.:.... 4,,,,a ''. 1P'114 :..::'i::' '.. , .4 ' ..,,,44.. ...,,..:.,,s: ' , le- k214lit ,.,. - 4., '40' ''. 4,Te''',,,, :1!..0 ;1,...: aL I. , ' ,.,. , 15 degrees over the normal ':::',.P. . , ? ,::C'- -' ' .' 71;,;,fckilt .1 ,pot , of 47. ,4 1 A: 4 .4. ;,,. -- 4 414 , , i ' , lc , z SLGeorge was thewarmest .44 , , '4' spot in the state with a high ' of 69. Most temperatures were de , . ,. , . ' so'''.., '4,' '. cff,',1,,tat, , trei ...,.." ;'; tti fp ; in the 50s and 60s and the low..'.,,',.4 i t'S.7. 74? :1' ,I,. dt 4 IT '4 ;g ;:, T. ,,,. .:,?1, 6.0 1124--t ri lit 001 1 , est' high was a 52 at Coalville. , .'r,'W .o.OP , f,"''' t '' . 1 4k am,e )4,-.Of course, there- was no, pre,,,.,,,, z,-., ',,. cipitation. e'r, rt,..4e...,,,,4 i It was a perfect day for roll-- . ''''L,,,t.i.t.....""I'iii,,i,'.:,:t;',.....z.1.;IgW' ' t5;4,J er skating, bicycling, marbles, , .., .N., fly, skiing, golfing, motoring, WANDER?--Curi- ous DO YOU WHERE to be seem A askzoo. FOR CARE, youngsters the kites and offers than ing visiting wise, BITE?Tiny girl, rzeo loving zoo rounds. (Photos by Ing the old nursery rhyrhe question of this fatt goose as they explore huge, shaggy camel bite of bread Highs will range from 42 to zoo. new at the the. delights of 56 over the state Tuesday. Deseret News photographer W. sights. Johnson.) - Lows will dip to between 15 I and 30 Monday night. For the next five days tem1 , peratures will continue to averChomp-UmmmUgh-- This . age above normal, but there 2 snow may be a chance of some or rain toward the end of the ' week. D61 -VVO-tilf-The fair weather prorniSes Weather Bureau personnel , to remain through Tuesday, - at the, Salt Lake .Municipal To the long list of subbut. temperatures will turn a Airport To will take radioactive stances swallowed by tots, colder. little falloiltmeaSurements every e 8alt Lake police -- Monday , . 1 Wednesday,-- J. C. Eberhardt, - Final collectionS of for the.,.lahtt'quarter new An 15 extra ,minutes of added something meteorologist in charge, said of 1958 indicate that the volume of business transacted s model airplane glue. by was time" Monday. proposed Juro-rMerchants that quarter ran barely ahead of the previous "sleelliing A Salt Lake This program, he added, is Monday for University of Utah the State Tax Commission reported 145 nday. year, a tube of the girl not in anticipation of radiopopped The report shows a definite slowdownin the percentage studeits by the Salt Lake Trafglue into her Mouth Monday active fallout but rather is a increase in sales collections for fic Advisory Council. morning. precautionary measure. . 1959 as compared with fiscal The extra-slecwould result The Weathh- Btlreau, he The tot, Amber Jensen, A ,lederal grand jury Went fiscal f958. of Mr. and Mrs. with other said, from a council the daughter along agen by ' proposal Int ,secret session in Salt Lake Program-Seincrease was 4 heavier with nacies, is that University classes begin Harold N. Jensen, 874 Emery in fiscal 1958 as City Monday after being im- - tion& and local Civil De(1170 West) then proceeded with fiscal 1957. 15 minutes later to help relieve to paneled by U.S. District Judge fense authorities in a radiobite off the tube end. A. Sherman Christenson. Le Pct. Gain traffic congestion, ' She got some of the ce active fallout monitoring Judge Christenson appointed program. Data accumulated The council askodlutiversity ment on her lips and started t e beginning of the 1959 Utah Douglas R. Mabey, a Contract- fiscal year last Ally 1, sales tax officials if classes could Bureau will concert of by the phony ,season begin to cry. Mrs. Jensen, who engineer for Kennecott be to Civil Defense for will be held Wedn9aday - at collections have netted $19.191 at 8:15 a.m. rather than 8 a.m. wasn't sure whether or not Copper Corp., who lives at usegiven or dissemination. 8:30 p.m. in the Zalt Lake million for a gain of only 1.6 her daughter had swallowed 1737 E. 3043 South, foreman cent ahead of the $18.88 so that traffic along 13th East any of the cement, called the Taberrnacle.f . The measurements be will per . of the jury. , made counters, Maestro Mau ce Abravanel million collected the previous and Foothill Boulevard could Salt Lake police. . geiger Impaneled were 16 men and four ofbywhich year. have be moved better. Radio Patrol Officer Oscar already has arrange a program of seven women,to return crimi Sales Peak traffic for downtown J. HendPiksen was dis-- nal indictments for the federal been received at the SaltLake works most. equested this sea Jan. 31 tax,oremittances due Bureau. yielded $3.99 million Personnel Weather 4 court in Utah. business areas conies along patched to the Jensen hôme during February for a drop of the bureau have attended at 8:21 a.m. He met the will include Dr. 2.3 Appointed vice foreman was - a,lectures in use of the Nuthfs streets thel two between 7:30 per cent, compared with the equip Mrs.EdnaM.---McMullin94e -mtberancLbabyancL took J. Robertson's -.- 3.' tth-c-tifriand-Leroy 8 ust a a them to Salt Lake General Fairview Ave., Salt Lake City. merit - caglie ruary, 1958. Remittances re- students have to drive to Hospital, where the tot's ceived during. Jandary, also lcir. classes. , , stomach was pumped. . last quarter of 1958, were the The council authorized . . , , , up 8.9 per dent ahead of Janu-- James W. Challis, city traffic ' , ary, 1958. . engineer, to negotiate with the P,.., Collections of two other University on the proposed ,,,i,,!, t taxes showed a downward , time change. . , , trend. However, school officials in. r.,s,. 2, , . t At' ,,:,,," , ''.;:; ',Vs.. so !.i , .i111 4 , --- -- ,,,,,,,,...t,--,--------- -- , , , . .... , , - -- -- . - . .,. :Mittli'Láifib:::., might-- r .1,.. 4-- , r, , ' "It r ,, ., , ' ' .1. -- 'k..-- - L . a , - - - - --- , - - - - - -- ,- - - ' 2, U.S.'LoWdst I - .:' - ' ,: .:. ,,,, i:. -- - :2 ! . , i , 1 1 I -- Strange Pill '.'"4114414::!...4::.:''':..:':::.::;..c.:' ,: , , ' t , 4- - , . - ,:i......,'::::. -- . i ' - , :, ,. ,; ,:...,,,,...,, ' , 4 -- 4heywere;---InIagine-thti-jtMed--effe- - - - .,. - ' .,...- -- - ,r.i. -- -- -- . contained.- 1 - - , - ' ,' - , ' 1. the pill came from or what it I - ' , - - , i - . ;0. ' - She said - the child began choking and 'became extremely. She called the Salt DeptwhW ,11-1.2- A , - ll'a Sh-eri- l s - 7 1 T.7!.ratched an ambulance. : .:, , a ' 2 . , - ityR140 -- -,------ . n ... '.. - - . , , ,1 . , '''' Air---- .- - , ., --- ' , 4 :: , 1 MURRAY A 22,month-o1Murray child was rushed to , Salt Lake General Hospital, at 11:46 a.m. Monday after swab lowing some type of Pill. - The.child;William Geertsen, son of Mk. and Mrs. James W.- - Geertsen, 4461 S. 9th East', was in Monday. afternoon after having his - ' stomach pumped- ,Mrs. Geertsen fold , Deputy Grant Young that the swallowed tot apparentir-haa 'pill lying on the floor. 'Sh - ( ,,,.. - , I - Swallows TOt ll 44.41,416. A II ,k,ok..,,AAk.,. A. A. - ' - . , AL, .1 AkA.JkA.A.Jb.- - ih, n ",. AL ALA..." A-- - 414141,-460-01-4- 0, A, A.dah."411&- AAA:AA:4k. A-- JO.. AL" A,1116. Ilk Ab4 46AL:., |