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Show , D'ESERET 1..P 'Aomw, - - - MARMADUKE ans 2 Shots enus - June - ' rf ( ,,--, :.; -- OM 00 040 - In Sall Vialer - would , , Conversion Plan be -- .- s - signed, to put a w satellite in- , 325 pounds of struments in or, , , bit around , said lithis 'country also plans to Rep. Brooks launch an "Able 1 ' 4Venus. - 1 ple-effe- ,, o,' li . I ' ' . ' s anti-mtssir- e : , Hospital Repoos Dulles' Progress , - Stitch in Time - WASHINGTON Dot)bittireasted Coats Smut to Sing , .Reasonable i;;tces,Consident' With High -- Dulles was reported making satisfactory progress Monday under massive radiation treatment for abdominal cancer. -- The State 'Department said bulletin that the . ,,,, Froes,,, Mall Orderil Accepted -- 1 M a PETERSEN TAILOR CT Season Illeg., Sett Lake Coy' . - , I All Kinds of Re Pe irs and Mterations (UPI)Sec- retary of State John Foster. Grade-Wor- Custom Tailored Suits IC. . tri p7,.,...- 11(0n - - , k 6 I Cii Irt,knedical, another treatmett4rom the million-volt- . mach'The at the Army's Walter Reed Mellical Center Monday morning after having a restful night. ' ( ' L. Wit& :V,7ASHI7s--,1GTON- ,. I e-- --- el 4 I toil ' (UPI) , rresl, George Meiriy f most-othe con , 1 - ' , - ''''.. , - r .. police-an- :,.... -- 7 , ' p i L - -t 0,110 - ' jisti. -, day - High, cloudiness. Low high morning - fub !dent pr late - YOUR FASYEST a :by Sen.7Hubert diction,. Humphre7y-(13-Minn.)..tba- gress will enact a tire, reasonableand effective" civil rights bill at this seasion . The first public hearings on civil rights legislation in the new Congress will begin Wednesday before a House Judiciary Subcominittée,which will hear testimony on approx. imately 30 bills. Talmadge said his measure also would limit the scope of federal injunctions. Under the bill, he said, no person could be bound by such an injunction unless he Was--6. party to the proceeding, had been named in the injuncthm of had the injunction read -- - Con- - t ! N. The Deseret PlihillthIna .1 'nlys PanX assumes no resmonsibilfty int and manuscripts photographs contrib. uted - Photographs and articles - may be reprinted OniY with writtenDer, in minion given advance. DELIVERY RATES '' ' OneCARRIER month tdatly on's, i 8 150 Six months I dans, 01113,1 aid in advance II One vear Mall, only) aid in advance SIB One month (daily and Sun ' . $ I day) six months (MOO , and Sun. $13 day t paid in advance One year. (daily- - an Sunday: Dahl in advance $24 MAIL DELIVERY " RE NO, NEV. - AND NO CHANGE -- OF PLANES!. Enjoy superb service, luncheon en route, Douglas-cegine dependability on the only n - ' eaves ft 67 24 42 201 02 09 35 54 53 40 h0 19 were announced in the Housi' of Commons by Chancellor of the Exchequer Derick Heathcoat-- SALT LAKE CITY ''' San Diego; Calif. Sa n Francisco, Calif. ' ST . GEORGE St. Louis. M. Seattle. Washr SHERIDAN, WTO. Spokane, Wash. B C. Washington, D.C. West Yellowstone, Mont. 77' 71 52 h5 45 67 34 21 27 35 37 37 4 51 . ,, Amory. It was part of the Nt . Anglo- agreement Cairo IJAR financial last Saturday. signed in The accord ended joint finan1 cial claims arising out of the British-Frencinvasion 05 1936 .08 - ,0.,- I CALL cooperation with BRANIEE INTERNATIONAL Biggest Value. - s.N:' N, - ,;. 7, Viti, ..:.' , :',i: ht,:vv ,., '..-'.- .Y T, M1 : rt - '':",: slim , - 0 .- -. 'i.:' t 8 :, A c)) L7J ,,:. ,: 16... ro ro) ..! 1. WITH TRADE-I- ti ''21.''.111".4fe ,N vf , tee4i 4 ,4t,t.'t 4 weeks' supply , 411 'lib - g k o ::tut If f eJ no '11- ALInc WASHER In 1:110.1;11111:1011:1111111:1011Illli f etpiTt, ozo, amD :, ', ' a. o ,,,:, what it is: how to use: .. , a A ' - SweltishMdkaret'worin-- 1-, Just take larson's 51L1).with milk four timekdaily as directed tylanday, Wednethat's all) Tuesday, sday'and Friday Thursday, Saturday and Sioiday you eat' your normal meals. the country with the vented healthy wayof living. If you are over- - , weight because you eat too much and if you want to reduce easily, quickly and ,safely without betng hungry, then you :shouid.gèta packoge of Larson's S.M D. and See for yourself that you don't have to be so fat. The . healthy-41- ot. 710 rsonlsSWe'dish '0 dangerous: Milk Diet takes off the excess !at in a naturni way without using 3 slimming Ingredients or'exign'g-,I drugs, Invented in Sweden, larson's S.MD is v I. ;,DOWbeing introduced here in America. Because ft is so limited in supply, it sells 1 out fast, so you should ask far it today. - 1.arson's-S.M.D-9ontai- - IIInT ' doily requirements of 'minerals, necessary vita. min, calcium, protein, carbohydrates, iron, phoiphorus, energy elements. And k Diet gjyes you the nec, the Swedish,-.iilessarysvariation between clier days and with normal meats when yoii eat cloys as you- - do now. You only use Larson's t.M.D. 3 days a week: The other 4 days ' of the week, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday ad on Saturday, you don't die,t at all but eatitist as you do now! , No mtitter what your figure 6'5",. can improve your health: results are guaranteed:'- Larson's &MD., a granular preparation, combines with milk to fontlpulk Jo help keep your intestinal tract. regultirz --Lam son's S.M.D.74ipplies healthy Ltylk on& You ?All encourages normal habit-tim- e. more Ulf in and dearer of mind. , , -- it '.: '' .,.., - : tablet form, fortified chocolate -- NAME '72tab1ts, 2iteeke syppl; 3..00 sizes. proportioned-to-li- t - I , If you have not - of an HS&M suit', stop in and try one on , 0 0 Check or MO. Charge Mos odd 24 PostagL, 34- - soles Street FIoorCosmeticsff 0 Utah COD: In I -, - , : ' . - ' 7. - FILTERS- - lint- - without pump' g recital. :1441c. toting wotor: FRIERS sand out bole tofdg tub; FICTERS liCtint during oyerflow rinte.:go' 5 on tronsmistionports.- b yer ' '' ,!' . - ' - ilicaligulluI , ' ' '.....'.."'".'''' - - 0 - i WORLD-S-f111:11.:I11.11.1N- . -- SEE- 1111! , - 2,ROURS FREE PARKING AT KEARNS GARAGE (Back of Store) and at GRANT and EGRERT l'ARKDIG LOTS ,,,.1- STORE We Guarantee STATE I , 'to NORMAL cycle for regular loads; SHORT ', cycle for dctirtbingt. -', ' - AUTOMATIC WASHER - enjoyed the perfect4itting comfort -- ADDOSS CITY - 111 , at It'sOurGrecdestAsset ta) d, 1111.11 Th Es. - !MIA-RAI- 41 Adds-deterg- and fabric during first rinse; - ? - It 100 D (t. 4 titibUltnt 'Ural 1 fa91: 0, Products Washday Wonder bleach cit start 11:t0 ii) 1i-ra- 0 F:O.RMEIi:ISI;ArC.)MEN -- All conditioner of wash; water .,--- PMe110. loiir Satisfaction or Injects Any Automatically. softener during linaLrinse. tat '140 SOUTH MAUI- - - Model- - : r for you). You'lihave a selection of TAH'S LEADIN supply groTTrès supply' 'tablets ' -- 1959 -.. . 4 . - ,,or'betwten 95 and 295 poundswe f:4,0 Lie Bax 1465, Auerhach's,,Salt City, Utah Please send the following Swedish Milk Diet at S3 If lc-- it I V:41:I 44-a- 1 1 Us, dairt1:1 r.11 Ractotos4040007.,--,mmw,-,44:-4,-,x,zybkag,:27,4,KwAkv- o , 1 . ' 7mu-a:VT' 'feel - - :. - . ' - - isfrom 5'2" you exactly' in a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit over 225 - yau follow the diet faithfully you should lase 'pounds and inches the firsi you return the package and get a refund, t get - If ti-- - , ' SCiIAITNER 8i MARX ''''s' , - .. ,.....,,....... - f' ..4 .. .,. die, 1) N,- - - , ;nukes, figures its business, too , - ''.. - - fi1I ns ' '.. 4.04 no undeffeeding: -- I - S' - swedish" swédish milk diet .et1 - . . , IN - alariev, 7e.7;: 1 , - -- ' 4fr .411. t arkl 0 RATED 75 Saturday only by matt. six Months. $2; one year. $3 50 (available only in areas without carrier vervice).-- All mail subscrlitinna ,are Dayaldt in advance hungry 11 0 r your trove rigout Si tta. - DAvis ":11. Mail daily with carrier service on Sunday, onejnonth, Si 75; six months $IO 50: one ',ear. $21 Mail daily and Sunday. one Mnritti way p.m. daily 1;15 VVIVfeNYrOVV"V6tetilittrtrYVV"fr !lit;,'07-1"'"'-'- , --- flight to Dallas and Houston. one-plan- e Mil Nasser, To Pay $77 .' Vancouver.- SERVICETO - zsznair syrt 114 - I ''' 11179 - e'' - , r- March 3. . I . TuesPRECIPITATIONSince March 1, police, Tuesday 1959, none; departure since March 1, He saict the AFL-CIwants minus 05. Since Oct. 1, 1958, 4.68; ; Oct. 1, minus 1.90. since departure to in Fair SOUTHEASTERN MAHO racketeering elyninate t sunset SUNSunrise Tuesday, 7;00; with a- few clouds through Tuesday. Tuesday, 11:21. Dt management affairs and Low Tuesday morning high MOON Moonrise Monday 2:48; 8. the Kennedy-Ervi- n Tuesday aang.moonset Tuesday,,12:57 .P.m. bill as a step in reform SOUTHWESTERN.MAHO COMPARATIVE----'rEMPERAPartly ES : cloudy Tuesday with chance of a few direction. City Sunday: , gh 62, showers north portion, Low Tuesday low 32. pakemean 47, norma11. A AFL-CI; morning- - 24-3es high Tuesday 44-5ago: High 38, low for, month. 18. line low the comments in a key( moPth 5. Warmer east portion. address opining a legislaPefor the Temperature WYOMINGPartly cloudy Tuesday. 0 : tive conference-151-'3,50dele Snow flurries likely beginning along riod endin,g,t,5:30 a.m. Monday northern border ATHER AIRPORT STATION gates 'from-4-8 Tuesday. trades building Warmer. - iszvE Max. Min. Free. NEVADA Fair Tuesday. Little A l N.M. 66 40 temperature change.....1 53 32 Atlanta, Ga. FIVE-DA29 FORECAST FOR vrial 44 Bismarck, ND. (Tuesday through Saturday) ,Temeeriewt.-ear- 59 averaging-- - above Alormal,- BOISE, IDAHO Chance of some snow or r 36 .91 2 toward Boston, Mass. 1 Mont t 33 of the week. 01 end Butte, 7ç CEDAR CIT1, ........ 64 26 ALTASnow dep inches 55 29 with no new snowSki pacIted snow. CHEYENNE.- WTO. 42 32 Skiing andAowringis "exedient.1 Chleagar111. operatiOrRoade open Detroit,--Mtc--AZ-- 29 and dry. Genera-117161through-Tuv38 32 Duluth, Minn. day. Colder. Low Tuesday morning 'GRAND JUNCTION. LONDON (UPI)President of the canal zone and paved high Tuesday COLO. AS 69 BRIGHTON Snew-etiep- th 1 is 12 LAS VEGAS, NEV. 4R 74 Abdel Nasser's United tha way for resuming diplo. Carnal LOGAN 55 27 , ' Los Angeles, Call!. 79 50 Arab Republic will pay Britain matic ties between Cairo and 70 .21 53 Miami, Fla. 1$77 million as London. l MILFORD 62 compensation , 17111 43 33 .03 ;Mc trAtOrlon Minneapolls.Minn. New Orleans, La. 60 for Britishproperty nationali44 . Editorial OffceLiKlchar4.$ OGDEN 5R zed after ,the 1956 Suez, invaAdvortiling and Circulation. Oklahoma City, Okla. 83 n8, . II3 8 Main St Monannounced it w'aS 55 Omaha. Neb. 38 . .,f)) 'rsion, 1,weANVVILJI Vublithed-- Phoenix, Ariz. --- c,stabilsberi June RI day. eirih evening Entered at the Salt POCATELLOADARO 55 '31 Lake City Post Office as second class the Terms of , agreement 55 Ore. 32 Portland, matter according to Act iii( Congress- PROVO 57 Tuesday-,- 4.4, reduce'without-being n. 'i;- ., o, 4.-;0-i- -- - "T here has ' , ' been a serious i breaklown in law enforcement at the local, state Mr, Meany and even at the ,federal level," Meany charged in a speech prefg07, Yel 195, Joh. Ao06R 'row pared for delivery to an AFL-CIWilding trades departshovel the walk before he rouses the' whole ment conference. neighborhood!" "It is not ... , a question of . grafFat the federal- level, -- -- - but incompitence," he- said.- with THE WEATHER out elaboration. Meany said the juke box and , coin machine rackets exposed' SALT LAKE AND VICINITY-.'-Gesnow. Breakable inches with rally fair through Tuesday. Variable crust surface.. (AU other data same recently by the Senatehigh cloudiness. Low Tuesday morn- - as, Alta-- 1 sta n bust.- not could gators 57. 4ng high 'ruesday BUMIDITYAt 8:30 a.m.,. 70 per ness without from UTAH GenerfillyTfafr through Cent, try ou 414411171 (- pros- - d tutors. 1 ... - ' exist without the "connivance" of ..., I -...00"'' i Corn- - de- WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secretary- Freil'A. Seaton an Monday the Interior Department has 3" satellite April with an . aelected a multi orbit of 30,000 miles elliptical .Y: distik and a 325 pound payload. ,.'..;z:,,,r ; 1 lation process'','August, he said, an attempt ' 11,,'..i. k forL use in the will be made to launch a satel t ,. .nations-Tfirs.1N-lite of the 'noon. ; saline water con- The projects would be under version demon- - the National . ,, 1 AgencyA ..:i stration plant government Space . official, asked The plant, one about Brooks' statements, said - , of - five- - authorf the proposed shots had not ized by Congress been announced officially beSecy.8eaton last year agd to cause they were too "iffy" be built in 1960, will convert But this &falai said sea water: to fresh Water at a- Venus rockets would be fired ,, rate of one million gallons a if proper communications -- -- day;- - Some 80 cities are bidding equipment can be assembled for the plants. and a rocket with enough Seaton said theziew process power available. If a Venus ' development "gives promise of shot is not attempted in June, the planet will not be in faachieving a remarkable break. vorable position for another through in conversion." try until January 1961. The government has norde Reporting on the DisMverer - on the cided which plants will use the process. Sea- West Coast Saturday, the conton said the office oft saline gressman said nothing had water, which is in charge-- of been heard from it the program, is enthusiastic But he said it was believed over it. to be in orbit and that its ' "In pilot plant tests we signal devices had failed. strictly the distillation equipment, at military aspects of the spade much higher temperatures progr a m, served notice he than heretofore possible," Sea- planned to ask top defense deton said. partment Tuesday The scale fouls heat trans- why the Eisenhower adminisfer surfaces and impedes fluid tration had refused a produccirculation. It has long been tion go ahead for the Nike--Zeu--a-majo- rproblein. missile.- "This solution, when attained,- will Snbstantially reduce the cost of converting, sea water to fresh," Seaton said --, .--- 11 C:11,1111.ids 1 : . Process Pickecl - 0011! lill 1111:: Tow. II. , - labor-Rtkels.7".-- .. Case Plea Denied WASHINGTON (LIPI),-T- h supreme Court Monday , r . jected Alit appeal, of for r , .R1.'s0p1(:$6.:.d...',::: Louisiana Gov. James A- - ',Noe!, ...... .,., .,.:,,,..,H,...,... ,..:. challenged the grantmot ...,,....,:.,. who, a- New Orleans TV license to Loyola University. The brief order lets stand a in faVbr of Loyola handruling and explained by the judge in ed down WASHINQTON (UPI)--Seby the LLSCourt of - Berman open court October. Appeals here last said he would Intro Talmadge said the law he proposed "would protect duce legislation WANTED Americans from abuses aris- to guarantee -- NEWSPAPERS t . 1 ing through misuse of the jujury- trials- for dicial of and -contempt power all persons cited PAY CASH,' for contempt in ::01 I IA would constitute the most sig- - - WE 400E4 OR BUNDLED nificant civil righti legislation federal courts. PAPER SPAFFORD to come out of Congress since Sen. Talmadge 111I 1208 BECK , adoption of the Bill of Rights." ' 'k , aimed his bill.at' , a provision of , A 11' ' the 1957 civil , au-- . bill , , rights, federal 'A thorizing Sen. Judges to impose these penaties, Talmadge' themselves, in cases involving violations of voting rights. - His 4 proposal followed a pre-- 0 l'i, 0! ik M. , f Brooks the House space committee said Sunday the United; States plans to lire two rockets to Venus on successive days,; June 3 and 4. The first would be ta "Venms probe." It would cbrpy a , Ipayload of 78 pounds- and take .abopt 150 days to reach earth'snearest planetary neighbor-i- n toward the sun. TV Civil Rights Bill i - - - 1959 14,01iis:-P0-0:ii- am. I' 2t iAgrch-- Anderson and Leeming By WI-o- - NEWS - ,I - : ------ ,- -. a 1 - - - |