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We have a limited number of these special Travelalters'! to 'sell for only .$68.00..5et yours right now$.5.00- - - down will - ' ' deliver. - '' .,.' , 0 ;., - i . 0 '.. .pl- ice.:- --- to L., - -, - Full New, Machine . - -- ' 1,17 - , FACTORY SPECIAL - -- - , . .. 'rt , . . REMRIGION- :- '' ''',"?.,------ - ., to Sell at This Idolli Price Limited Very- - 1,., ' i, . ,,,,;,, , - ., - Just a , ' If ' - j channels and fineiunes Pkture ' :- z ''''''''' I'' . ' , - - , , k V .. ;... f , .- 1. '',. ' ' , Á-4- , , , .,, At i-- t - ,,, 4 i ..; , 1 ", ',..4',,..;' ' ' . ... - ' t 1' er- - 1.,0 , . --- ,, .,..,,,,,,..,,,: - '', . ,-- , - : $218. - ,. , ,....!..,,,,,y ....,...., ,v3.,. ' Optiona-l-----------;--- --- - of f.in shes - . . 2 - 1 .. : . , , ,..,,. ., ,: ...,.,,:l fine-tun- Aoptionali-extra- 101s.Choice ,......t..,,;....,.;,..,-,0- . -- A;,. , One touch changes and soun- delectronically! Years ahead here's the first TV you never have tunel One touch changes channels, picture and sound electronicallyfar more. accurately, than by handl "Brood Band;' c reception means new freedom from service calls-sZt. - in.. of viewahlearea.Remote control agona4 262 , - cflossis, e '' I ''' -- , - - '- ,,,,,,, 0IE2 , ,,, ' , ' fine tunirig - .-- ,,..-s--- " ..f- .- ' automatic P11-fing- i101.Trauble-fre- ,.- ,,, ' 1:.', r,, , ,.. , , ,, 1 ,, .., - , t ' , - -,, , ,'' , ver - - P1' Remote control ,,,..... , - ,.,.. -, , ,, ' '....N.--- ' L I .. ., - .0- 9- t9 - , to' Big - ,.,, .11 ,,, '1 -- - . LENNOX-- ..., 4 Model 21K224 - .' , . - ',,.., .. - N ', , 1 ,-- ,,, ,t ,. ' .' ' , ' --7 ..---. . .. , 0 C) ! 1L:),,,, .n.:,.i.,,i,.,. 1.., l ..,.. ''''.....gt;,,..!.:,,q. . ' , '., Both For .N .......,7 ' .'N''' 4 '' 1,,1,-:-,',-- , 7".'---,,,- e ',.. .., - ' ,, -- - ' - ' ' '- ,:e7 , , irCIN , NNi , , , ,,k , ' , '' , , ,,,,,,.,.., , i - - , , ' - . , r.,,,,,,,;,, .,e, . YOUR CHOICE OF FRENCH. PROVINCIAL Of EARLY AMERICAN STY,L1NG .. t .,0(00a,: ,,, ' , , .. ,. ...,,,.,..,..,...,...,,..,..,..,, i...,...,,..,,,.., ' - ' - - - ..4,.' ,r(-- eck - - ..,,,,,,, , ,.... :... 1,,.,...1,...;;.1. , 4 , , - attractive when used :,,,,,,k,...,,,,i,-.- , I. ,.,.,,,,.,..,,.,,,,,,,, - re ,,ea. . ...a, , ' ,...,.,,,,,,t-,-ii-- - 7 AUTHENTIC-H-A-NCRAFrED SOLIp HARDWOOD MAPLE., ' CABINET ,, . ',.., 114 p. - ,:::,,1 , ........7.,,, 4.10a4,04WAR.NONS.Wil..":'''' ...,,, , .,, i , A 2.D - - Mt- -. s . ' 1;.s.,:o -- - - ,, , AaVd...gfggtRltg,V2OMAMW.It""'g04-A,V,e- t evision 01 - ' ' $.:, ' ,,,. . s),, . , , , - 'Here is jhe value buy of a lifetre Both chairs for almost as little as you would expect to r one. pay-fo- k. It . A ----- ,, C,'N ''' '''. , ., . - ' 1 , - any occasional use. Very new pairs.N,. ' ' . , ouse 1111 ' I ,, '. - - . .". It, ?I., Uii:;',, '.'' your choice off tan,' -- - vinyl. In I and-particula- ', , q ''' t- ." ;--' ,, ,........, . - TH c. MOST TS Till Jrt&s(109111 ....... ' g .- ... 4:', --- -- , ,, -- , Nor most 1 1' .,'' ' i . . ' , ei, .. ,, :' I 110 - ' . - ,,,4 .. .,,, - - , , . , -- v , , ' - . , , Not, N, FOR ALL 88 PIECES WHILE THEY LAST - turquóise, persimmon or white. Styled, ,.. ; lust right for picture window, fireptgce I '' - , ' e .f;?': .! ,, .., -'- - 0A,---- -:,.,; .,,, u p p 0 rte d ';' ,.., t',,, ' N ''.... in RAINBOW ASSORTMENT - new eat ' k ,r - ' '..f, ,,,,,": ' e , . . . , - - SERVICE FOR 8 Chairs ,3. ..,..- - , ,''3 - ". , , , ' -- . Leather-Lik- e ., -- ' ., , ' , k .., .... -'- .,,,,, ' k'- . - .1u---!------- - '. ,.,.,,,. i.,' ,, ,. ..,,. J ' . , , 4 . ' .' - , ,;,,,,,,,,,--,.77---- , 4- .,,,,,,,...., ,.,, rCYMAMUMBLERS . , .,; i, ..:.... , '' '' .:' ,..,.....,...; i , eP - ' .,,. ... 4.- - , '1.:.;..-?:e,-:...- . ,.. Two Beautiful Modern , '.......' - .. - ,,' - - ...- ' - , i , , ', ;I '41111111111111' 1 --- ,,,.;......, IAcsupf, , 0 ' - - .. . . 'VP 11110b. - .. ,,,, 'of ..... ,. - ,S,.,. IA (.,-- . 4 - ' , , - . .; , - , ' 5-- Exciting! Beautiful! Everything matches the Dinnerware, the Cymac handles en the stainlossware tumblers and coasters all hi soft pinks. Wes, yellows and white. Unbelievable this COMPLETE SERVICE FOR 8 U pieces for se little. Hurry! der your MELMAC I, CYMAC ensemble TODAY! , ' 8 Forks Spoons . , ,, ,,,,:,,,,f,:.,,0:,.,,,, - ' .,, dI N 1,-- f. Grand Totai 88 PCS, , - ,s.,,.,.. .. . .. 8 Knives , - , .. CYMAC , ' ' 4 - ' .., . Pet STesspoons ,, ,V, .' , , , . - b 7,s.,3 , , .. , ,. ., - - . CI 0,,,,,,..,.. .1t 0 II - - ... , '47' , ,, ., r,,,,,1rt... .i 8- CYMAC STAINLESSWARE , , - -i-- - - - - , -IN: TUMBLER SET - I , . 4 , en, - (.2, , , , , - 8 Matching...Tumblers 8 Soup :! , 1 Pa. 32 :.... ,I V - .. , li '''.,' , ''..t,, ,;,, ' .. .0,--- '' , .' k. ?, . .. , , ,, I ,, , ',,,,-''';- - 0,,,Y "; z - .C' ; 4, . - ISy.e- ...,,. 77 , PRICE' SALE! 6:888 .., ,,, ... ,,,...,:.. .,,,, - 1 RwIlEAlirtC ,,,, , - ., , I ,, 8 Matching Coasters ''' '.. ,, , , '''-- -- , 7 , ,,J v .. .,....'.,.. ',e' , v-- '' . ' ', ''' '.." ..,. '' ' . .;111116,, .- - , ... ' - ' , .. . - , 88 ,f, ,4?,,,,!1 ,.. ,.... BLUE , ell,,77 - , .,- ' ,,, ''' ' .- III ' 14RE, ' , j ,, - .. j- , , : .. .. 711,12 ifr ainink TYPEWRITERS -- 1..; , ' ' ,, - s -- - SAVING ,-.STAMP , is, U 1 ' ,, (ii ifilila ORGANS ' , - ( ,,,,, Is ,,,,,,, ,....., , . At-IT'sDit''s'ss2:tt'- , :Eitikkti .. timinvon7 , DRAPERIES , Ns. 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