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Show LEGAL. D . OOOPEIi. ATTORNEY" AND COUNSELLOR, OlUct-Exchange anil Reading Itooms, iip-stulra. julU Sil.T I.aKB riTT. 1 C. li. Hempaiead, M. JCirkpairick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneys-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Weils. Fargo k Co., Bali like.c ; r v, C. II. Ilemratead. U. S. Ait'y for Utah. fW t. SNOW. B. D. BOOK, SNOW At HOOK, Attorneys and Comuelors at Law Salt Laka City. L'Cab. Offlr;e ftt Snow' torner. liit lia-t Street. JuS 6. P. McCurdy. C. H. Morian McCLRDY MOU(iA., Attorneys-at- La w, Omen -Four doors east of Uebald fiioe, tALT LAKK CITY. I-' 1 T O H fc M AN N, Attorneys-at-Law, Ufflcc, First South St.. Fourth door of Hooper. Kldrede Jt Co's b.in".. S-ilt Le City. a26 Warner fcarll, i'. M. bwilh, EAHLL At SMITH, A T T UltNEYS A T L A W , SALT LAKK CITY, E.y.i Tempi o htrect, one uoor south of NOTARIES PUBLIC. , A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, 9g- llininz Deeds, Agreements and Bondf for Deeds, M uncages. I'owtrs o: AUoncy, Leati. Cjnlr..cj and other intrutnonta o: wriim drawn with accuracy and dispatch. Mining Companies Incorporated. Incorpora-ted. under l lie Laui of Hall. A. S. GOULD, NOTARY PUBLIC und COMMISSIONED JF DKKDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pcnuoylva-nia.Obio, Pcnuoylva-nia.Obio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Halt Lake City. BANKERS. ; FIRST SATIQSE BA5K OF BTAH, (Snccesiori to Hussey, Daliler Co.) WaKKHf HCSSEY, C. L. Dahler, Presido&t. Vioo Frost. A.ntuont Qodbk. Cashior. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also oonnootinK offlcos at Oftdon andCorinno, Utah, and Virginia and Holona, Montana. Dealers in Gold Lust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exohanire on Now York. Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha. Denver, ban Francisco, and all parta of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Baukers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all tin principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS j Promptly attended to. Salt Temple St., Salt Lake City. TIIEO. P. TRACY, Agent. mil Thos. R. Jonoa, A. W. White BANKING IIOUSK OP A. XV. WHITE &. CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET. a-SO Rait Lako -'ity. MEDICAL. V. 11. SIMMONS, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Office Main Street. Throe ilodra nnrlh ot' Wnlker Tiro's. DK. A. FOWLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OIHoo over tho Co-oporativo Drug Storo, jn9 Miiin Street. S. L. City f" J. M. & F. 1). BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Oflke Over Culdor Dro's JIusio Emporium. W, F.ANDERSON, M.D. H. J. RICHARDS, M.D. ; Surgcous nud Pliysiciaus, UfljcM. for tho present, at thoir rospoctivo residences in tho Utn andlTlh Wards. Bg&X DR. GROVES, UjTTTTT? rontlQt, Ofltco 4nd So u tl St., Sail Luke Cliy. Throo doors Wc.Uof Kovorn ilouao, half .a hlock East of tho Klophant Storo. orrini Hin'H.t kkdm '' a.m. to ml DR. H1GQINS DAVIS, SD1UJEON AND PHYSICIAN, OlSoo First door wcl of tho juylS Revero Uouso. . TAXT SMITH. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ofllce at Qodbc'i Drug Store, juyS Salt Lako Cily. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., Lni of Cirion City, Svda, Offers hi rrofonnional jerrico to the peorlo of Salt Lakot'ity, Residon.'o at t'apU Tyler's Ty-ler's half block ?outh of Walker Bros, store, K.vt T'mjde Street. J' 0. C. 0 RMSBY, M.D. rUYSIUlAN, SUltOKON AND DRUGGIST, 11 UalOHAM CITY, UTAH. MOORE &POTTER, CAUPKSTKRS AND BUILDKDS, Commercial Street, nft (Hear of Salt Lake UtIJ N. P. LAKE & CO., Oiliowith DunfurJ k Martin. Old ConolllutUm Uulldlug, auBl V i Stairc. ' 0 mi i raissEi f( Praciii-alWatcIiiuakei xicl JiaWHIiBR., Worltmaualilp Ou.rtutcea, Has th finest itcok of Watohes and Dia. m.tid Jewelry in tho w.t, at very modsrati prife. Watert Rlfties tittod .it ot.-.; ket-s lOiolot..; hand, ii ot.. Remember, Cm-I Cm-I C.Atmuen. Mainurt. ' I ! HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This Home U centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has acoomnoda-Lionifor acoomnoda-Lionifor ISO KQests. THE PROPRIETOR is now Preparin to build large additioni to his Hotel, whiih when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCK! MOUNTAIN REGION ! AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSiK BLOCK EAST OK THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terms93.00 per day. Board without with-out room a $12.00 per week. Ilatlm free to gutiti. J.C.LirTLK, iun24 Proprietor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Locust Btreots, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. Good Accommodation for Families. Bi6 E. S. FOOTE, Proprietor. GRAND RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. JUST OIPEXSnEID. Thij c.-tahlishaicn' is olcsnntly furnished, kcciis sullied with tho dclicaoius of the season and tho beat tie warkc: .affords, and emplojti nono but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners serrod and dishes cooked to order in tho host style and at tho low Pit rates. Fresh salmon, cod and roukiiati received daily. Chocolate, ice-cream, cakes, ifcc, in the ovening, for ladioi, in private rooms, im m a-jp2.1 COSMOPOLITAN REST'RAiNT COFFEE SALOON, Soxt Door to Wells, Fargo i Co's, Main St., Salt Lake City. 3Tho best tho Market affords cooked in Grat-clas style. MEALS, SO Cents. Dishes eorvod a le. carle at moderate prices. H. H. Horst, Proprietor, nugll CALIFOBNIA CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS t STEVENS, PrcpWs, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Throo doors boIowSecond South St., SALT LAKE OUT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. MS PHILIP MARGETTS, Second Soutli Street, Salt Lilt, City, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALER IK English and Scotch Ales, PORTER, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, GENUINE. McEHMX'S EDlNliCRGH ALU, A SPECIALTY, on draunht. in any finnntity; also a splondid nssoctmcntof tho best tobacco and cigars-Country cigars-Country dealers ;sup.died; terras roaaonablo, UlK--t BREWER, BEMIS & CO., Chicago iiml Omiihu LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Families supplied by tho auart, or iu iuan-Litics iuan-Litics to suit. Chnieo Clgni'4 ahv.ivs on hmul; aljo. Limbiirgtr nud 5 Ibs Cliecse for Lunch, and at wholesale, Uoddard'i Ruil.linR.Ha.mont, M:iin street, ono door south oi First National Uauk. juyl TI It K XV E II & LAPI1AM. LAGER BEER SALOON 1 WAQENEIt S CEl.EUltATED Lager Deer, Ale AXD FOR TKR, Under Woodinaiisee's Building,' ' I First door north of WolK Fartro's. ai,c10 II. Till" N DT Jt CO. CALIFORNIA BREWERY SALOON, Commorclal htroot. Lager Beer and Ale,ioliolesale and retai Jusa: HENRY WAGENER. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep oonst&ntly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest RAtM. QROESBECK'g BVlLDINOli ii 17 Eit Tempi Street. E. MARTIN & CO. IMesale Lipr Dealers, (08 Front Street, gnn Francisco. Proprietors of MILLER'S EXTRA OLD BOl'HUON And sole acent. for I, F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD 8QUH80N WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full as4ortment of all the Standard Brands of Whtiklei, Fine Brendlet, Foreign and Domestic Wines, mj Bitters, Cordle.li, c. "J Mrs. C. M. STOWE, HEALING MEDIUM. Hoom No. 1 1, Salt Lake Home, spVill derote a p.ntion of her time to the ', ol'iirvoy.int etaiuiii ton ot rook, to ascer Ltain the exact lecauon of mineral Icdtti. f aujM LUMBER YARDS. LUMERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLISDS, MOULDINGS ASD ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. R. JOXES & CO., Half-a-block south of TJ. C. Depot. my3 EDDINGTOX'S At i Two Blocks south of tlie U. C. R.R. Dejiot, and next to Wm. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. Tho yard is kept constantly supplied by several saw-inilla with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber.1 W. E. solicits tho patronage of his old friends, and by punctuality and diligence in ' business hopes to merit a share of public I support. FOR SALE In the 15th Ward, one block and a half west of tho U. C. R. R.. a inall house and half lot, with fine orchard. ForwticuLr. ''Vm. EDDINQTOS. CTADAND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July IT, I87I. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in all kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, CHICO SUGAR FINE, CEILING, SIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC, ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south 0? Walker's All business done through tho President of tho Company. Oflioos Lumber Yard, ono block south of Railroad Depot. E. II. BARRON, Prw'.Ient. D.W. PABKIILllST, Secretary. CHARLES DAIILKR, juy21 Treasurer. $75,000 CURRENCY. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will boBiron at INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKK CITY, U.T., OCTOBER 3, IS 71, BT CHURCH & CO. During tlic Concert 1,317 Glfte will lie distributed among tlcKH iiomers n mounting to $73,000 In Currency an follows i 1 Gift of Currency Hn'SM 1 " " 11.1,1 H) ou i 5.000 00 1 " 2.000 00 3 ei.OMeach...... 3.0H0 00 5 3tX) " l.NO 00 inn 50 " 5. AO 00 aw " i'. QQ 1,317 Priies amounting t 875,0u0 00 The JTR.ono will bo deposited in the First National Dank of Utah provious to tho day of drawing. The drawing will take place ami tl gift be nwanliM In s mannir pnvinrly timilar W tlit of the Concert girn in Son Eraocco. in aid of the Mcrfftntilo Library, and under the SujrTmfon ot Cooiniittea of well known ciUieM of Slt Lake City. 80,000 Ticket will be eold at $4.30 each. The ticket will admit the biarer to the Concert. TiciMs ft-r l all the principal ItusiaeM bouMi of ihe Territory. All onlr for UckeU and drafts for mono? to be iddre-edto CHURCH. CO., P. 0. Box " SaH Lake City, U-T- AND OATS FOR SUE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. , THOS, R. JONES & CO, Half-a-block SmUta of U. C. Depot. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, GRAIN and FLOUK FAT SURPRISE OATS, CORN IN SEAMLESS BAGS, Valley Flour, CHOICE BRANDS, BARLEY, CORN MEAL., BRAN, &c.f &c.f "Wholesale and Retail, at KXOH'LDES'S. I will pay CASH for S.000 Imeliele of BARLET and 1,000 Irasbcla of good clean WHEAT. G. H- K. 8 augd GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, flret door i north of Co-operative Grocery Department. GOLIGHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cokes, Pies, Crackers, F.lc. Fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale ud Retikll. Groceries, Flour. MIis Feed, &c. DAVIS' NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a large arrival of choice TEAS Direct from the Importers Also a full stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. We have REDUCED our best gunpowder gun-powder to per pound. It cannot be equalled. TRY IT ! TRY IT 1 C. W. DAVIS, Two Doors from Kimball & Lawrences DAY & CULMER, IU1-0RTEK3 AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COX6ISTISG OF DRY GOODS, (iROCEIlIES, HARDWARE, JJUOT.-, MIIOES, HATS, CROCK. EKY, LAMPS, (;LASVARE. A.C. CORDAGE. TW1.VKS, WOOUE N W AUK, UAH PETS, CRACKERS tfc BISCUITS, TOUACCO, .U., A.C., A.C. Which they offsr at prices that tuarantee latistaotioD and defy comi'diuon. The choicest TEAS Mroianilv on hnnd of the TollowiiiK kinds Gunpowder - - SI. 73 to S3.25 Yoiiiiff Uykon - l.uO to 1.50 Tycoon ... 1.35 to 1.05 Kooning - 1.15 to l.Jj Pekoe - - - - l.e5 to 1.10 Souchong - WO to 1.00 Dlrnnoud 1,. 1.00 Natural Leaf - 00 to 1.00 And the famous English Allied Tea - 1.T5 Dealers in Tea will find it to thoir ad-TaatK0 ad-TaatK0 to five us a call, before jiurchua-iax jiurchua-iax thoir Teu, a oar facilities ia tbi branch of our haziness oaaaol be excelled in tho oity. juiW BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, WEST BIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, Near Second South Street, IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION There b. will be ploued to ws.it upon ' bi. Erieodf ud petrous with ' Everything iii the above Line j CHEAPER THAN EVER. t J GIVE UJM A CALL IN IIIS KEW RETREAT. MISCELLANEOUS. To the Public of t'tah Territory i j Be itkr."WTi I have :h If Jv ar rented 3IK. CHARLES W. a. TA - k-K, Utah Territory, to 3?t as aeen-. Kr :d Territory Ter-ritory for lioiaie of ihe Great Mom Hair Bsstorsr, and have tra him tbe sole and exdo?iye rigotaad authority to fell the taiae taroti,;h-oui taroti,;h-oui the Territory of I'tah; and 1 rerccy , certify that he ha for Bale the genuine article, ar-ticle, manufactured by the "CREAT UNKNOWN." TVitoeM my hand at Sail Lake City, t'tah Territory. ta';s Iwonty-im day of August. 3F1. W, FROMM. THE GREAT l.Mi.OW.. Mr office is for the rreen: at tbe Com. fori Homt, three . luck south oi tae lown-iedd lown-iedd House, Sail Lake Cily. CHARLESW.STAYNER, Age-t for ihe GREAT VMv.OWS HAIR HKS IOHKK. ausJl WITCHES iUEWELRY! O. L. ELIASON, BEGS to inform the residents of Salt Lake Cily and vicinity, (hat he not only guarantees to properly Repair, Clean and Adjust Watchea and Chronometers, but he will make them, or any iart of them, to order, and warrant the work, A xsw surrLY of ELGIN and SWlbS WATCHES just received, which he will guarantca as reliable Linie-keeperi Prices to defy competition Remember the address. Two doors, esu.1 of Hooper, Kldredge it Co UB.nk. TESTIMONIAL. San Francisco, July. 1&70. We, the undersigned, take great pleasure in recommending Dr. A. W. L'ALDLK to all thoso who ni.iy need tho services of a Demist, as a thoroughly compi-tent and skillful operator, and one in wlioin we have implied; cooudence, both as a Demist and u gentleman. 1b. II. Austin. Dontist. Das. Robe ra I kkkland. Dentists, R. U. McDonald i-Co., DruitKii-ls. 1 IOFFICJR In Seventies' Hall Oulldtng, First East Street, SALT LAKK CITY. Of n far lllglirr t ins than ary other proprietary medicine of the day slutids. TARKAXT'a 3KLTZER APRHENT, And for this reason : it is an cTitct counterpart counter-part of one of tho most valuable natural medicines in tho world, w o rofsr to iho grand rioltior Spring of Oermany, to wbioh thousands of tho dyspeptic, tho biilious, tho rheumatic, and victims of venal diea'os ro-sort ro-sort nnnually, and return to tb-ir homes convalescent or cured. Tho A pi-riont is ono of ihe Qrst, mi I b fur the m si successful of all tho ellortf made to reproduce, in a portable por-table form, tho popular mineral waters of Europe. nice that you purcluiis only the genuine article. jnyl2 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. COAL! COAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to aupply Justly celebrated WEBER COAL liy car load or retail. Depot at TJ. C R. R. Ynrd. IHIlcet Kxcliange and Reading Hooiu.. BATEMAN & BUEL. nl,8S W. II. IlIRD, Agfitt Dried Fruit! We lire desirous of purchasing pur-chasing nil of the Dried Fruit Crop of this Territory. Terri-tory. We WILL PAY IN CASH The Hiyhost Price Paid in the Market for M D BUT. XL XL-LZ Ks APRICOTS, PEACHES, 5cc., tSc We are dealrous uf einployirig ACENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, To whom ft liberal commission will b) allowed. BIGGS, LECHTENBEEG & Co. i I Main Strffl. S. L.Ifity. I bl1 TRAVEL. ; LenVTice. fl. F. Kimball. SALT LAKE,!" OFII1H . And Tintic, Stage and Express BfXXlXO DA1I1" FKOM SAUtJ LAKE CITY, vt LAKE TOWS, TOOKL.sC CITY, STOCliTOX AND OPHIR TO TIM1P. The route tss been rc-,tocl;l with si.lpn-.liii si.lpn-.liii Concord Cottohes, fine Stock, e.uelul a: n attentive Drivers, and every attention iMnl to the conifer- i oenvenionoe ol ia.-.en-g.rs. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Weill, Fargo & Co.'e, Salt Lake Cily. WINES & KIMBALL, 14 Proprietors. a? o LIVERPOOL & QUtESSTOWN "1 .( " IN MAN L INE Of Royal -Mall Stramtn, Sailing from New York Every Saturday AND Alteriisttc Tum1;ij . Cabin Passage, to Ltrcrpuui. (puld) S7n.00 Steerage " " " (cur.) 30.OH Patiage from Liverpool to New York Cal.ln, - (GrM) tTR-Oti Steerage, - - (Cu-roncj) 3-1.00 Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rale JO II IV 4). DA LB, Ap-nt, 15 Droadwuy, New York, Or WILLIAM CAM KK. A tent. oiT ill I.nk' TitT. Iilah. UTAH CENTRAL KAILIIOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. , On and after Monday, July IT, 1H11 IuEiy Tralui Lenre Suit Lako City at !i a-m. and 2:Vi p.ir. Arrive at UKdoo 7 a. m, nd 4:1.'') p. m. Leave Ugdon at S a. tu. and &:.H) p. in. Arrive at Salt Lako Uity 10 a,m. and 7:30 p.m Iu addition to the above 'X'Xa.-A-IINJS Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Learinr Salt Lnko City nt 8 a.m. and 5.J0 p.m., and Otfdou at 5 a. in, and G p.m. Far from Salt Lake City to PnfVirer Mixed Woods Cross - - J i0 frJ Centrerillo - 0 M V FarmiiiEton - 1 " 1 0 Kaysvillo - - -IV, 0 lv'- Otden - - 'I 50 1 M Fare from Ogden to Kaysvillo - - - $1 30 JO fi.' r'urmingion - 1 if OH.' Centroville - - - X Of. 1 U'' Woods Crofs - - li'i 1 1.'' Salt Lako City - 2 6U 1 00 Paisengere will uleaae Purclun their Ticket at ttie Odlcee. Fifty Conta additional will be n horned whei the laro is eullaoieU on the train. For all Information concerning freight oi . passase. apply tu U. O. CAI.UKK, General Freight and Xickoi Ag't. JOHN BHARP, HUPElllSTKNDENT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah 'outh - cast Nevada V Ion-tana, Ion-tana, Leaving Salt Lake ( I f r al ly, running run-ning fUUlll lo Tintic, Aincrinrin rork, Mount ctjO, tievicr, St. Gtory t'tali ; aud I j'ioche, Nevada ; ' Passing through I Provo, Pprinpvilln, Sjmtiisli l-'urk.l'ay-son, Salt (,'r'!-:k, I hi':k--n Cn-ck, liomid Vallfiy, b illinore,Corn Creek, Jt'-aver, M lueru-ville, lueru-ville, and AU the. jtrinrijifU tnrm atid niinnf enmym in tmtlitrn Utih niul tovth-etii Nevada. Alio leave tnrlnne, t'tah, UaUr, running north to ' Virginia City, Il'-lnna, Fort B'-ntoo, Deer LodKe. Codur Creek mines, aDtl pa'v-iriK through all tlic principal LowrjM and luin-irjg luin-irjg oaiiipH in Montana, Mon-tana, PRISLIPAL OKKICK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, JnU Kaltl.aktjOilT. HARDWARE. .iXlTTsIZES Iron, Cast Steel, roe Steel, Spring Steel, BELLOWS, AX TILS, ices and other Blacksmith Tools, AXLES, SPRINGS, Carriage and Msrhlnt Bolts, . BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Carpenter's Tools, &c, SCOTT, Dl.imi & ITS Slain Street, W est aide, Next door to White House. LOW I Oil CASH Taylor & Cutler, Are sold out fmauj kinus of STOVES and have only a few left. Xhty have a large quantity of HORSE & MILE SHOES, HflRf $HfiF Nans A number el Fairbanks' Scales, And (he remainins stock of HARDWARE Tinware, Etc., Whijh (hoy are soiling positively at COST. Slore Opposite Salt Lako House. No orders or duo bills taken or tiiuo given in the Hardware store. aut EUCI1AHDS' IRON WORKS, CHICACO, ILL., Miuiufucluron of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, ISLOWUIt!!., tfiasiii:i:s And Machinrry for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made Ibr building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone. Including Machinery, &c, ct up in complete running order. He Terences ICureka Ml til rig Com-luy, Com-luy, Halt Lake Clty( Utah Hotel!, lug ComiD)', Tlnilc. Address J. C. Richirds, Chicago. C. E BASSETT, 1VJUW HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron Hllfl fSlcel, J Stoves and Tin Ware ULACKSifllTIl TOOLS, Aajrlrultnral lmplrmrtita And MlnlBR Tooli, At Lsrweet H.atea. OPPURITB "ALT LAKE ItrHUB D16 O aa i oa O to N 3 es o L |