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Show At Wholesale, a choice lot of Sugar Cured 11 A Mb and COFKKK. adv C. R. Baeratt. The Cheapest and llet Housa to buy Furniture" is at Brunton'a Furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring Mattras5es a specialty. aiigi Grkat ItusH at tho Little Auction House, neit Post Office, to close out Household Furniture, Clothiug and Oents' Furnishings. adv A New Firm. Tullidtre J: Co., painters, strengthened by Kusell, the Kifn writer, anil White, the best ornamental orna-mental and fresco painter in tho west. Commercial street. s2. A large stock of PIAX03 nt the New Stork of Caldep, lino.s. a UK-' Light SrniNO Wagons, suilahlo for grocers and provision dealers; just the tiling for running around town deli verity ver-ity goods. adv Ask your Grocer for Cutting & Co's Cidifornia Canned Fruits and Jellies fur Euperior to all others. For sale i' very where. f 1 Pnosi'RCTOBS should oiumino tho STUUliBAKEIltJPliING WaGONS, tit tho Council llouso yard, before purchasing pur-chasing olaowhoro ; thoy aro juat what lliov want. adv Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Silvorware, etc. Tno largest stock west of eiiirngo at tlio Crystal Palace. aue!5 Barhatt & Co. Wantkd. A Goat giving milk. Apply Ap-ply at Hit) li k n a I. d Ollice. aug'Ju Studerakkr SPUING WAGONS, timber and workmanship warranted. for falu cheap at tho Council llouso yard. adv W A nti'd 5,000 pounds of D1UED Al'lilCOTS, for which CASli will he prtid. juy'JO ltiuos, Lkciitknukrq & Co. Express Wagons for eale at tho Council llouso yard. Warranted a lirst-cliisa article. Timber and workmanship work-manship gui.ran.tGod. adv Jimt Published. Magnilicent Views in AMEIUCAN POKK and LITTLE COTTON WOOD CANONS, taken by O It Savage, and for salo at tho Pioneer Art Gallery. Come and see them. augl3 I Diamond Spring Wagons, suitable for family cfirriiius, good timber, woll ironnd and lirst - cliias workmanship. FOR SALE CHEAP, at tho Council House yard. adv Dried "Apricots.'' Wo respectfully respectful-ly call attention to the advantigoa of drains; tho surplus stock of APKICOTS. S o ahall givo tho highest price for clean, woll dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of E-oportum Buildings. Build-ings. II. B. Clawion, augl SupU PbOCLAMATIOIT TO THK PUBLIC. 1 do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to the travelling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on the U.P.R.K, will nnd it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby h&T-ing h&T-ing a good night's rest, and so be fresh for travel at 6 o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. At the Ogden House we oiler as good accommodations ac-commodations as any house west of Omaha. .Kree busses at every train to and from the depot, i adv John Mahon, Proprietor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANOTHER CARD TO THE PUBLIC. MR. J. W. FOX pnMisbM in tho HilIlD or laie i"ue ft card, in which he cliirgfi mi with aurre plitiouiily obtaining and theD copjiUR on unlini-bej map of the city, pro pored by himself as promptly denied, may work scriona detriment to me in my busine.-s in thii community, I Leg to niakd tht following statement to the public: Sir. Fox's chargo is not true. I never had Fox'i map in dij n,uid3, nor hare I seen it but once, when it was in hia own posieMion. When I formed the dcs'gn ot making n mip of Fait Lake City, I Jul not know t!i it Fox or any ons eUa bad avei thought of such an enterprise. I employed a citii-nof l his city, a draughtsman, tomske the dm wing which 1 now hare, and from which design making my map. W hoi her lis made hii ilrau-insi from the city surrey, or whethar h( pre-) veil it from that of tho goverilniut, I am nol uwure.nor do I rare. If Mr.tox thlnka tliit I hay infringed on any right ho may posieia, he i al liberty to institute each proceeding! as he niuj ihmk'proper. Any plat of this city and luwnshir. that I h ivu evcrseeu or handled is public property. pro-perty. Having stolon no muu'i notes, nor infringed in-fringed on any copyright, I utii totally indiileranl as 10 any action tht tho "Surveyor" or sdj othei person may taka in the premises. I may state tint I have eacured a copyright o my map, and if Fox or any other man ininugei upon tho lame, I shall prosecute him to the fuller (A. tent of the liw. lUsp;ctfullv, youra, etc., J. L. liLEJf. STAB BAKERY. WE IIAVEjuFt received a. largo lupplj of Choioo 1'iour, and guarantee, A GOOD, SWEET LOAF. FRESH BUTT E R. AND EGGS, CORN MEAL., SHORTS, BRA..V, GRAIN, iVD PROVISIONS. Fresh Bread Every Duy, Wholesilo and Rotail. Families up-plictl- Buns, Caked, Ginger Snaps, ko., always on band Five Dotri East ot Post Office. e3 WOODS A KEATON. ORGANS I ORGANS! DAYNES & CO., ii-GHCVTS, For Utah Territory, for the Gale of the S&S JVJC H rH" 3: flL 9 AMERICAN CABINET ORGANS ! Respectfully invite tho members of the Musical l'rofesion ;iod tho Public generally to call at their M uiic Rooms, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Two doors cast of Post Office. Salt Lake City, and examine their splendid stock of Organs, and learn thounprecedentedly LOW i 1'ltlClid at which they offer thom for s:ile, the prices being from twenty (o tllrt- per cent, lower than thoy can bo bought ; tnanyotber house in Umh. Daynes A Co. do not offer tho SMITH ORGAN at the.o low tiKurcs because they are, as some would havo it believed, a poorly manufactured and consequently cheap instrument; ior, for ex-cellcuco ex-cellcuco of workmanship, tboy have no superiors, supe-riors, while in strength, purity and sweet noii of tonOi thoy clialleiiije the profession pro-fession to produce any instrument ofiual '.o them. Tho oauao of their LOW RATES Is easily explained: Thoy havo no looal agents whom they PAY TO PUFF Ihoir wares; and besides this they havo resolved to place these beautiful instruments within tho reaoh of all, aud will do so by doing what no other houjo in Utah pretends to do, namely, sharing with their patrona the commission com-mission allowed by tho manufacture rs. Actios Act-ios on this principle they offer tbeir instruments instru-ments at twonty per cent, less than eastern retail tigures. bee i do paying the Iroigbt to the railway terminus in this city, guarantee- uir every ins:rumont sold sound and frco of damage. They will sell a Parlor Urtfan.wiik jelteaut Blacky Walnut Cao, Fivo Stops, i'rcmulo and Knee swell, for 5M0, tho extern ext-ern retail price boing S175. An instrument lor a school or meeting bougo, with power sufficient for i-if ty dingers, with seven Stops. -ub-Buss, Octavo Coupler, Tremulo and Knee-swell, for SltO. the eastern price lor the same instrument boing S--. In proof that tho American Organ is all they represent, thy roier purchasers to iho following well-known gentlemen: C. Sau-donic, Sau-donic, D. li. .Davis, A. Minor, John Sharp, S. W. Sears and W. S. liodbe. also Mrs. S. Kimball, all of this city; tJ. Henriod. of Salt j Creek, Juab county; T. Suyner, Ogden; tho 4 Fish burn Choir, Brigbam Cny. Daynos ; Co. wui also sell every other I description of first-class Musical ilercban- Jiao, from a l'lauolorto to a Violin airing, at tno same ratio; and to prove that tbe pre ceding statements contain not a particle ol j eiiip-Kcration. they invite all Musicians and : tho public lu call ana prove thoir truth by 1 personal examination and investigation, Ufliiieiubor J. DAYNES & CO., Dealers in Musical Instruments, 1 Two Uoon Jin it of Foil Office, SALT LAKB CITY. i Agents for tho Celebrated Qrover & Baier Sewina MacMne. Jno. Taylor &Bro. MERCHANT TAILORS, COMMERCIAL 8TRKKT, KEUP conn.intly on hnd a ehnie a-ffort-ment of KH K:Cll, KXWLISII aud AJIKRICA.V Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of the finest qualities and latest styles, wtnb we mnko up to (.rder in the most fahiouablo and approved manner. J3t5PATKON AGS OLICITED-IS Jlesdanie s E. Rawliogs & C. Tester PLMS AND FASCT DRESSMAKERS, On the moat reaionable terms cutting and basting done. One blciek trth rf S;fuhou?e'a Profwr jBeeilej 'scores;, liti Ward. u6 I BUILDING LOT ! FOR SALE, Well fenced, planted chwe frnt, oon jtaicinc one hun-irad roa.-. s.nd withm ihort diiir.fcf:te B;:nai r;an of thiei. nn nnn ZUlUUuIRON AND STEEL At C. II. Kassett's. Opposlts Salt Lak House. al6 PLANTATION BITTERS WILL Purify the Blood aud luviorale the Body. The blood is to the flesh what rain is to the grass. Why is it that Plantation Brr-TEBs Brr-TEBs outsell all others? BeCcLUSe it promotes digestion! Because it is the best appetizer ever discovered ! BeCaUSe it purifies the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach ! BeCaUSe it imparts vigor and vitality to the whole circulatory system, sys-tem, and thus cures dyspepsia ! Because it puts new life into a lazy Liver! BSCBUSe the most delicate ladies can use it ! BeCaUSe those ladies who have u?cd it, all agree that, by cleansing the blood from all impurities, it at once imparts the "roe-tint of health" to the cheek, aud does away with all cosmetics, emulsions aud lotions for the complexion ! BeCaUSe it bestows a fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing the blood from all impurities ! Because it is a strengthening morning tonic ! BeCaUSe it will cure chills aud fever 1 Because it is a gentle alterative ! BeCaUSe it corrects all the defects de-fects in the pastric functions, and cures nervous constipation ! BeCaUSe all of its ingredients arc pure ! BeCaUSe it is nlways kept at its original standard ! Because all of the Druggists and Wholosalc Grocers know this, and! recommend it ! Because its spirit base is pure Santa Cruz Rum 1 Because Calisaya Bark constitutes consti-tutes its aromatic flavor ! BeCaUSe it contains Dandelion, Lavender Floiccrs, Anise, Winter-green, Winter-green, Chamomile Floiccrs, with other well-known ingredients used by all scientific physicians for centuries centu-ries ! WIVES AND MOTUERS.-0nlj woman " Vdows whit women endure; and if thoro is any moans of asuneii)R th diitrcss of body and mind which so ninny thousand experienco, day aftor day and week after week, with a fortitude whioh puts to shame tho courage of man, who will deny that bo great a blc'gins to the sex should be found in over? household ? Millions of Men have been benefited by iu use, but aiuons the feeble and ilok of the op-posito op-posito gender, who, pcrbun'R, need it most, its virtue arc nol ho widely known. Tbi foreuioit remedy of tho aijo this fpecific f,.r every species of debility, Kenonil or local, constitutionttl or casual, is PLANTATION HITTERS. One right of wouihd t luast, will bo conceded the right of strengthening herself to so-taiu iho ills of which tho lints of nature have made her tbe unfortunate heiress. niyia a i PH CD g i a s m g J. n i J P 0 i . h3 I ,0 a i fH S SAN FRANCISCO TRACE. EOSESBAujI & FEEDM1, I BATTERY STREET, SAN PRAKCI8CO Imrcr.eri kd Miisflurer! Acea' of e:'r:?n a'D v,hi:w Fancy Dry Goods, NOTIONS, ETC. I Cnirle:e 1'r.c- in a'l their brar.-hcj of tbe followiEs coodi CL&itttstiy n hiCd, aijd 'Xoveliies Daily Recehod I From Earorc Sow York in j Whit Cootlt, J Hosiery aitd Clov., Ltcrtand Embroider! r, Silk iuJ Velvet Kllbon. I Ladlck' and Children. Underwear, Keady-made Robes and I3resc, Drcii and Cloak Trimmings, Lore and B roc he Shawl, ! Sewed and Woven Corsets, Eug'b and Am'n Sewing Cottout, r Silk.!, Etc., Woolen 'arn, Ktc, Ktc, Superior IrMd of Kid Glove. Purchasing all our --.tot's at thoir various va-rious places of production all ov.-r thi world we are enabled to sell the same at prices to compare favorably with iho-of iho-of the leading houses in New York or London. aull THE GEEAT BLGOD PURIFIER. Sia THE GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER ! niGH IN TIU PIFUHA NKVAPA Mouutjtins. iu tho wonderful ?luto Uamornia, grow; nu herb Unit k:i n t" th l.uliiiiB as :,n o'!oUUu cur; tor KilllL MA-TIM, MA-TIM, tiOl'T, Nia'K.LGlA, uml nil oa-os in any wny frniKnK lritu imiuritic ol the blooi. Sijioiiu ii ,1.11 leii h broa hi to litht its virtue, aud ol tins putoin hoi 1 has ooiupounuon V KH li A SANTA, i-rciur-ation tor iho l'iiK.UAS KNT CUKli of Scrofnla, Salt II lie tint, nnd all Krup-tlve Krup-tlve and Cutaneous Dlitmci. Qi es immediate nnd pcrmnnent relief i) UVSPia'tflA. EliYSlPLl.AS. KiiiB rt onu-Tumors, onu-Tumors, boil?, S.uld IK-uJ, Lloura utit Sore: eradicates from tho cyatoui all tracet ol mcrcunul d.sciwe. IT IS FUftELY VtutTASLtl It is therefore peculiarly BuitJihlo far use bj females ai,d children, as a ULOUD 1'L'Kl-FIiil 1'L'Kl-FIiil and KKNuV al)lL MOTHKHS, Who wish to find a medicine poeuliarb udnp'od to tho cure of HU.MUHS aud KJtL'IJ TIUNS in thoir children, will bud a sax and euro cure in KuiiA SaJsTA. if'orealt everywhere. ! KEUD1NOTO.M, HOSTKTTE114 CO. Agents, B40 and 331 niu.rk.el St., San Francisco. REDINGTON HOSTETTER & CO., IkPOBTLRS AND JODBEES UP FOIIKIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Fine Kstenilal Oils, Uuuu, Uoots, Seeds, Flowers, tsponges. Skins, Pomades, Ac, And all other Staplos connected with th Wholesale and RoUil Urui Uasiocj. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation of Knropoan and Asiatio products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hosteller: Dillers. Drake'.- 1'luuinti'Ti liiitcr", Woil'r- I'hcidam f"clinniip.,t Howell' i'uluiouarr Nyrup, And all the led irnr Prop-iettiry Modiciosi bulh Amorican anil Kurupcau. Orders Promptly and Carefully Kxouuted, IV os. a-40 and 531 Market Street. Between First Dd Second San Francisco, California. my 31 lliJT A DI.U II Kt IK ll-OZ. ARMES & DALLAM, Importers, Johhrrt and MANlFACTUilKKS UP Wood .WillowWare lilrnOMS, I'AII.P.TI'I, ClirifN' licit HI J. HASKI'.IS, TWM ,.i;. r;-MATt'lll.S, r;-MATt'lll.S, f"TATH-M--KV TAI'I U JJA'iS. f'l.vui I"-- i: IN'; l if. J-'K.TH I If HI'MTKS KC-H-iN'i 'I ACK I.I . Ti N I-J.NS ASH IIA 1. 1, KT ',, AND G1..M.HAL House Furuisbln (ioods. DtNITT IMf il lTl! "F It. S K IVi'P K)i LKAIii.N'i 'ii iiMA' AM) ntl.,NLH WAM"fA(-TT'iti;il.4. 1URKTS Ml Till B LI OT .-1. ?. Per.rui..n Mm-h Omiy's Mul'-hn. Ami.Tiniiii Net mti'I "I i-i r Liju-' 't 'I iner. B'.H'.n flu Mi, I -..Twine. J- C. C;,tir.y A C-mi-ai.y: l-'i-hinr Tn'-V.le, H 'IlirjE-worth W t;iTin-)-'p T.-.j-r l-f, ihtiTUiuti'f Imi-TiiTtsd t.'n.itic- W r.ni'T. C K, (iriFill i U'TiifMiir'siftthv Juyten . McLsuchHo' J',fu-btj. Our rt-ck ',i tb? iKrtwt ri ihf I'nrji, j"at'r fcni our l-iiiti -,r inimiijrn wd utiptTitng; enable us u tti al low, msjket price, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 2I5&2I7 Sacramentr St, San Fran n ICE! ICE I ICE 1 SALT LAKE ICE COM FA NY, Ettahliaiied Jan, 1, 1800, lee dliTeTd d-.Hr 1 sll psrli f tk p)iy. li JU qa&i.Ltf. at f"i Ui tut h Umes. I. K. CLAWSOX, AGENT Oiiwios'i lot Crum Stloon. j SEWING MACHINES. READ THIS! JP. ' y n k. i SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all the beautiful varieties SHQBl-D EE SIE3 BY. EVERYBODY ConU'nit'tt'ri( tli' puroh . o m Machine for I'simly or other usa. AI orir ir ty-nttnl tip SitkiroAin, HtnuJ Door Soutli of lh Knlt- F.in-porluitt, F.in-porluitt, dclvtcrn ill aiid l lo ttitn- Dtpartmrttli of . C. M. I., will b found Full Aiiorimrnt f ih. Admirable Sewing Machines At J'ris to Suit Kvt'rylxxly. THE SIHGEK SNW1NG MACrihN'K NEEDS K0 rui-FLNG to commend It to (lis public, st th EL mZ ' HL" How t In I) thcFc now eoiersioii M.u-in-B fi-io fin-1 olii-:oil ui th-' imi'lu- nini in he oui yu.iri MUVW iins i.iKM uro ruld. lu- luy uvi'v ilim t.uml cr i o k.y tui nvd .iut m ui ho iW.ory. und yot thi iuimfi..- m,- -iy IF n-i t.juul lhi I tin- end r the y.-nr iv-;. uinv.ird t.l iJ Miu-linicN i- i '7n. iliu number hud bum inon-ii.sod tu upward cf 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One ll)lrd of wlilcli t ! rilioad of within llir irrcrdli twelve moitilis. Fro-n (bo ft-reciunc li will lie ten thnl Jnr-ur Jnr-ur the lust three yen re. tin- ar hivo tic.-n .iwir.t ol till i-t-r C nl murr thun diiriuit he whule ol .ho sevontocu previous yourk, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, ftr score of rnrs tharouth trlnl Is tlii tUe , Mtf IM.Ml fe. nu. simm MACHINE ndjitcd to nil kindi of work, newins n eudili tho thicko-t aud tmM -tubbortt iiih-erml iiih-erml tbe linot und most dolicuu limno; ith a Blitoh, that for pvtiicas. i.orleoiion md durahilitj- la uupuiillid. Accoiuis.nying oiu'h AlHchino sre printed OflruruuDs, so iilnin nnd cut.j- of ciiiirci'n-mn ciiiirci'n-mn that. iiltlnunJi wc lr- imiiuiuii J .'u-iun,. r to luko at lo.wl one tt,"uti r..tn tin-rslur, tin-rslur, it is soljuui Jhul iurotirturn 'Oiiiu .t a itlmice tlio uiui-ln-itr i,l ttit .M-nliiim .nd oomiiloieneaa utths ounsiruQiion. &uuj ji toe OF TUX SINGER MACHINES AUK Siaijilioity of ooBPtruction therefore leu iitbillLj" lo gel out Jl rst ntr. Whnrt, riniiirht n -ed I o I osn lUhlo lo bend, reak or akii tho stitcb. Thesbuttlc Is carried: friction, wenr and he nccojuLy ui grniuing thu iscs -tie tbus voided. Rendinesn with which tho inosi looipt-r-enced oan sujiist iho louhj.Jtt ol me threud. Preodoiu from weir. Alior tneniy jnnr 'in-limt pnrri'e llit'fo imwiiinoi have uuvcr ova kuowu tu woat out. They sre BoUoless, tsj-id cd euy iu kll h sir moTcu)eui6. All our ranchioM arc sdjuritot ntJ injt ia (ioroutil riiiimnM " r r . tt r-,toi--t rui IjumI-. fore dulivcry. I'ur-'N n cr- u,rr iUr bvo in trnnl.l. hut pD Huocortlulo oi njali ttitti ihem st ODoe. THE KEW BUTTOM-HUtE M O I I i "N b: s irelhorouirhly i.rartirsl sod will iierform alt hat wealaiui for iheui. The Jmprnvrd WANUFACTURINa MACHINES or btisvy w(,tlc. re tr,., Wr! !,., tu Dj ilUimoiiL. li i: mIpo keri u ui -,rli Ilia New M'diutn, AowitJii VIAfiUKACTlifliiiS.VIACKINES 'tor ru,V r.f tbfMir.Kff Prwln- Mn--iirit .ti btak ,j''" tjii'l,ll.il..Il.,V'' 'tl,.''JfUi.V,f". '""";U" .torriitutf, in-1 mill,, Ik. f,"',','-ier f,"',','-ier teewiDg all widtbuj and fsiiei and btj- Wo KunrsnHi anr M mrh In r da IrmmlliK.ill wldllia rlllusri llani- tlK lilMKI HrNlilliiKi m-i Huffllnci tmhrolfltrlnt; (no eh Kin iltrh Imf.trllh or wllhoni l ml. nn ilit rig or lnlh( cnlT( nrfltni, I tith. KKI CiiillllKKl Trimming, UId1i.ik II wlrli In ttnd kinds, rlM etc., ale. rw doon toulhof III Ka(l Km. porlnn, WE DELIVER MACHINES WillunU AihUtvmrd (Jfatrgv TO ALL PAKTH OF THIS CITV All kind of ."rw.ru; ,, tbororyrhly riptreJ u It--(uuibltl' Tnnn. |