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Show ,' r ' $T. V 'Z&ft ..MJW me dBR T r - ' -! ,r-- a..f wJ nrg - onaaosns Mill axcaptlou to the foot that tt was atatad In tha local praaa that b "oondemnad tha old Rodal Hall tbaatra whan ha had merely lamed a roecanmaadatlon that It moat no Iona or ho tiaod aa a theatre, Flra Chief Bywatar yaatarday apoko before an ofttcara aaaalo, of the Dauqht.n of the Pioneer! In tha etate eapltoL The fife chief read to tha woman tha city erdlnaneee about fire regulation! for ptAllo bull ding! and explained how the old atrnctura, not complying with theoa regulations could not vary wall bo uaed aa a theatre without defying tha city laws Ha declared, howarer, that ha had In no aenao condemned the ho tiding, that tt did not need aoeeaaarUy to be torn down and could ho uaed for aomethlng elae without any Infringement on the city rulea. W. D. Plnney, building lnapector, alao apoka at tha aeaalon. At thO meeting of the Daughter! of the Pioneer yeatarday. It waa again pointed out that ode of tha purpoeea Of the eoclety waa the preserving of old land marks and relica, and that tha Social hall having been bn lit "by tha people, for the people, and of tha people. and being the vary embodiment of the- life and history of local amusements. It ought to ho preserved and put to some historical and patriotic use. light from a different angle on tha demolition of the structure waa obtained at tha office of the First Presidency and tha Presiding Bishops office today. It was pointed out at tha latter offer that city ordinances had recently caused to be closed n certain large moving picture theatre on State street whose construction. Hke that of Social Hall, did not meet the requirement of the city fir ordinance. It waa scarcely fair, it was argued, that tha one should be dosed as a msrdal enterprise while the ether, though equally unsafe, should bo left, through sentimentIs as a menses to public safety. It said that not only does the sntlrs construction of the old hall run contrary to the citys public building regulations, but that It is absolutely not fireproof, though In the district where such conditions era required. - Its- - exit system alao dose aot conform with tha city ordinances, two more at least being needed to make It safe as a play house. Borne time ago a fire started In the basement of the structure but this was fire depratment. put Out by the local Present renters In the district declare thO structure an Impediment end men- 'rHE"DSERETiniWffATUEDATDEClQ.rKER'3 . mr ?V i ' '"f-r rmujp - Writ of man damns sought In na action hreught hy O sores A, Startup against tha tJtah county aommlnalon to compel them to provide annual funds to bo expanded la partial support of Widowed mothers, la denied by the state supreme eourt la a divided opinion handed down today. The majority opinion written by Justlde & R. Thurman, holds that a private chiton has no power to institute mandamus proceedings to enforce a right which pertains to a class of a public at large, uni sea be has some special Interest In the matter, or Is directly oonoemed. In the ease at Issue tha court finds that tha plaintiff has no other interest In tha fund for widowed mothers than that Of 4 public spirited cltiaen which la Insufficient to warrant him Instituting mandamus proceedings. The eourt holds, however, that the county commissions rs failed to perform a duty that tha statutes specifically enjoin upon them. Chief Justice E. E, Corfman dissents from the majority opinion. Ho concurs in the opinion that the county commissioners have failed to perform their duty tn regard to this statute but takes issue with other Justices of the court In reasoning that party must have soma special Interest before ho can institute a mandamus proceeding. If tha courts era closed to the clti-se-lan In eases like the present. It difficult to conceive how the Inters Wa of the public generally are to.be safe- - j guarded, said Justico Corfman. "To deny mandamus In the present case Is to deny n citizen the right to the com pelting process of the courts where the defendants are hot only found clearly derelict In their official duties, but it also precludes plaintiff from seeking redress in the courts when his individual rights as a citizen and taxpayer are being denied him." DOORS OPEN 8 Ai M. TO 8 Mall Orders Will Be (liven Prompt Attention 1. i Remittances Must Include Parcel Post Charges OUT Shirts Wear Regular $2.00 $2.95 -- For Men- - Soils and ij Cf! . Overcoats trr t. i Dozens of pattern to pick from, "U 11 : or without with collars attached i Ji- - ARMY WOOL BLANKETS ! i nd $4.49 62x82.7!..:....,. CORDUROY PANTS Dark color; fine cord; $5.00 value $2.75 MENS LEATHER VESTS of Best Quality . ARMY WOOL MACK-INAWS, $15.00 values . (m . frm . 9 1 MENS SOCKS . . ; $1.10 per dozen. 10c HEAVY WOOL A dandy., 29c mm FLEECE LINED 1 D UNDERWEAR. pa .&U . l4etA HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR.,. .a,raa I 69c . HEAVY RIBBED UNION SUITS $2.25 Values. . MENS DRESS SHOES Value Up to LEATHER GLOVES. $7.50 at Canvas-P- air. ... 39c , Dm Leather-fare- d DRESS PANTS Value at MENS tt; $1.69 $1.00 Exceptional . . . . . Price RENSSH0ES: 1Qp .. 131 . Canvas KHAKI AND WORK PANTS " WOOL WRAP LEGGINGS., let MENS $3.00 HEAVV FLANNEL SHIRTS. . Ms-hu- .ttt;$1.45 Up HI-BOO- 16-i- n. T Smoked Elk i Wing Tip $6:45 ...'.$3.95 Krpri: 5c CHILDRENS HOSE At ...18c HANDKERCHIEFS Blue, red and white ICeep Chill Blasts. Out of Your Car 58 .West sidewinds that sweep around the and bite Into your fate on a 7 winter day make driving mighty unpleas- ant, dont they now? THE chilling Windshield tvpnim and wptonwnu quickly attended no hi the only shop hi the Cdty equipped le handle thi t, 1. X kAV. gK&SESSrS!!fe3!SSB?4P L m i v gvz&te; h-::- , . o 'KWfU. . ITllns RJ i nason vAixinr ' no irr. REtfO. Nev Deo J The Weeteru P-- I 4 the iMtlteni Peelfto retiroede elflo ordered by the ittUrtUU eom-merhave be Frh- -i eemmleele tt etb1teh hdfo thirty day' net tee.oree rvary tt, im. lower eenedule of freight tariff onKagle-atne, d nd eeneentratee frem Paxton Chttfornl. te Wtheeke. Thi eetto on the pert of the Interslete vle ommeree cemmleelo tt eoldre4 Importance for Exttory of ern California mine operators end tho met al' tndoetry of weotom Hindi. Tho opinio of th eommtaeloa to paid to ot Mid the eoetentio of tho Weet- -i to tottotod to Cnttforale t raffle for tho full oxtent of He Hoe d that tho prodoetV of eoetor Collforot rnineo Utah smelter. Under ho1d go compete CtUferato. for tho ore prod need I wo oortr made ttte l Appltootto tho Btmtmu tor g W. tool ford. ttoroy for tho Meooh Vdltoy Mtoeo eomor for redoeodt re too from ooetom California petal to Watomha, Nov, a point otfThe branch of tho itoiihera Faotfle faN-roawhore tt am el ter to fteaetog. over Ha .4 Doors Second South Street. immuts win rxEiutiT I 1 i CLOSING A Bear for are-gue- sts W, can supply you!; I a moments notice with this desirable winter accessory for your ear. Drive aver and let us teU you mors about It. i M. U.S.Army Shoes for Men Denver News Items MITCHELL AmJUarr WlxhUeU stri Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Trunks, Suit Cases, Etc. Compare These Prices WithWhatYou Pay Elsewhere -- For your own comfort, ,n4 particularly tha comfort nd even the health of ths food wife mud the children who enjoy n spin on n bracing day, install the I Ml lerelaifse Slod J 1 Clv jf a i? . e, i i - Genuine Calfskin LEGGINGS a)..' ' f 1921 j- j , 0 h it "(Special Correspondence.) DEXTER, Dee. 1. President John M Knight left Denver Friday, iior. lb-- to attend the' North and South Dakota conferences. He will also attend the Nebraska conference before bis return Elder Daniel Peterson.. who baa been In the mission field for It months, was called heme Saturday. Nov. it, on account of the death of his sister at Boise, ace to safety, and ars Insistent In Idaho. He Is expected to return to Denver within the next few days to their petitions to have it removed. Me mission. At the office of the First Presidency complete An interesting conference was held matter stated the that . . merely the Denver Branch Sunday school. by ....e-i- i. un . Each Cm. wx, rep. times from all angles and viewpoints resented Uo, on the program The principal and that President Heber J. Grant, speakers were Vaster Rodney Knight. his counselors, the apostles and tha Vies Phyllis Factors. Master Wetsei presiding bishopric had decided upon Whitaker and an addsest on the ancient by President C. C. Carr. tha abolishment of tho old structure aporUee. Mrs. Jobs M Knight, accompanied as tho best step to be taken la the Miss Zenna Worthen and Elder Ev by matter, gene Whitaker, left Denver Thanksgv trg day to feta President Knight ta Omaha, where they attended the NeFOlinSflUTFUAFOSEOF braska conference. Eiuir Whitaker w continue his missionary labors there Mra James Dtigdale of Kearney, Keb Is visiting her daughter In Denver, ana 111 expects to remain here for some few weeks. Edward Wlnmlll and Irvin Murdock f Fogar City. Idaho, were the guests of Sadie Wlnmlll last Saturday and Origin and purpose of Americanlm Sunday. They were returning from a btUMoene trijr in the east and stopped tlon week were explained to members tn l Denver tot Ylett on tho va of the Schoolmaster's club at the reguBaptismal services have been held Sunday afternoon for tne lar monthly meeting held today at nearlytlxevery weeks In the Denver cnapet. past the Newhouee hotel by Q. N. Child, The Denver missionaries feel nod) en- couraged In their work as the Denver city superintendent of schools. grows. Th speaker declared that the great branch The Boy Fronts of Troop II of Den- did a splendid work for the poor purpose of tho week was t y bring rer Thanksgivinr day. Food wan colthe public to a better understanding of on lected and d atributeJ in baskets. The the educational problems that conrouts were directed by Scoutmaster front the nation and to emphasize the I Owen H. Martin. kind of education that goea to make f.M'r Lywcae A- - Ksrtchner has been transferred to BoalJr, Colo, to lab r up tha boat citizen. Lnrenso Camming in the absence with outlined Child Superintendent itorle) Peterson tho , programs-that will bo of. MlElderMinnie Knight was hostess at given' during tbd week at tho 1 a delightful Thanksgiving dancing par- various schools of tho oity, explaining ty Nor. 24. at her home. Tho rooms were artistically decorated in yellow that & was tho object of those in and white crepe paper and chrysaa. charge to arrange tho programs so themutne. Besides the hostess the folthat and girls would absorb lowing guests the boys were Mr. and 4 hose Ideas which stand for true Mrs C C Carr. Mr.present and Mrs Melvin Americanism and instill In them a de- J. Knight, Mr and Mrs. Navy Peterson, the Mis"es Ksthaleen Wetsei Amy sire to perpetuate those Ideals. Woodruff. Ines Woodbury, Ruth Brown Dr L. C. Women of title tn England are fast and Myrtle Mortensen to the morlea Among the lat- Goodman, Dr 8 S Runs, Dr. H. Mytaking est to become motion pleters actresses ers, Dr. E. W Cutler H D. Call, P. are Ladv Diana Cooper, daughter of C. Wood ard Dr W D. Taller. Mr. and Mrs. Navy Peterson of the Duke of Rutland, Lola Stuart, of Mr.-s- ns Miss Popdaughter of Lady Arlington. Lord Mrs. C. C, Carr and Mr. and Mrs. of daughter py Wyndham. Melvin J. Knight. and Lady Eden. Inch-cap- tluV ii wmm pun TIRE CHIEF BYiVJTEfl - - tai . EL'KlLm- w. mnfi - - - - v , , L - 1 ' - . West of Orpheum Theatre for the first If day of November ootab-Itoh- oepHal and rexb dlxburvemcnte made ac- - obtained from the companya own plpa Icl a new htgh record, al 9S7 M and tail cash profit for 10 month of 121 arsywim. hould amount to around IIIHI for tho riaeed at 119000 This Is at the rat off M A Burgees, th eminent mfnng in charge of United a year, euel to 4 cents e share j Met and entire- - month. It to understood that tbt has Just cemptud ea exhaust ve company wilt pay a dividend of mil a no nelly tn addition to this ubtnittl of the Candeixrt a chare in December and an extra of the Saratoga ret, werking capital eqalva.ec te jI examination properties whtoh swfsaiAtM a sharp upward rovt- same amount In January. Rochcwtor paid I4 cento a ahara. fatou of or Prei'm nary eeticutuL I eenti a share la Juno and 2 omu to Coastroetlo of Candelaria's tot to rr- j despatches reeotved hr show that 9140-i- d . , geptember. we mill wilt William at one of or le placed abv tha t eat oe foot Ail rice indlrxto that th thorough oaetructloa engineer n the1 staff ef Dorn A complete report will bo examtnatlon recently cemp.eied by Mines. Ltd., whs built th 0S ton Donat r ed hy ronmltlne Cngtncor e end and ethor large plants, tnctudlmr th Yewdcnt Kacd eg at aa ear'y date. J A Burs, formerly heed of the Uni--l ! I mill , I . ... ... 960 ton coocewton Simon atlver'lead fetal ted Raeirrn. chewed highly fevorxbl j ain't- a Th aured Ilf of tho property tt, t rater, to steady on tho ground suit understood to bsv bees materially mUTuCrCu M&B 8 W iiC bllng his warkiag oraanttatton. A xt It to, leaded la excoax of preloua MttaaU. , j const rod ion record la anticipated mill wit) tot th Caiwietorl shews estimated that Tho October flnenctal etetenxowt ACUilC 1H Inaid of eight months at the further euhncantur Improvement la working? operetieg end peeotMy within a.g mentha. cepttxi poeltlon, from 4241 III e of hcpi I meet, lova, 90 to 910 09 at th oad of tho loot month. Ftoencee for mill construct ten am to bo Current assets amount to lift! Ml. a com- advanced by Rochester Mtver fora, Bill. Azbtu(h And ,A to 990 too to each from na IfIk lIf pared with IK4 01I n went h earlier Quick amounting woti-rmRim cum over ibw wiik $ 'gf to erattoa of a custom smotter. provtdod It Recheeter to otrongty fortified flaanetoJty ttonily as good so new from tho tsauaed man two children and Incident Undwe giro freight rate low enough ta perto .how Crnhoo was In th Ash Combtoed plant, which in to 920 000 cash for1ILowetrwetto I to Recheotor mit ohtpmeat of CatyUorula oroa t u of odvanoo the Candelaria eyantde operated far only n few day befero shut-tto- g btufh house following Row Ash-baug- hs down permanently, At tbs beginning ef the year, Reeb-tert- o death, wora rriated todar hr w tanas sheet to Wed.410. Cnndoinrto tied Mood at ly wltncnc In the trial her, of Mr. werking oepltal J wan the else trie power tmanatoto Hoe HSTR Fnyment of two dfvtdmtds nggregattof share involved dtotrftoitto of 9i9l.-1- 0 whtoh woo iss Hi smtosd by Mtweml Ahbouh ob charge of msrdertac ha cents Akundani ere as s to woior to On tho heals ef Prodact Ion of tha Roehcetef MNr Carp. supply to working County, tiWa. the Weoter road Pacific and Southern Pacific t . fa Reno la A hearing wax July, lftJd, by Raathlner OaHner of the who tnteratate eomlnerce oommloetoa, later recommended a rate of ft. IS per ton from mala liar point. The Weetera Pacific protested Examiner, Oarfote or Briefs were filed by both aides end der. the ease wax argued op !te mertia. Mr. for the Maeoa Valley Bel ford appearing company the of smelting eempeny Tho object wee ta procure retro on autphlde ore end from the Plumao county sops concentrate pore mlneo'Ithat would eneMo tho o Tho oreo Its to ofKrat are heavy tn troa and arc tugalgitc na a fluxing agent In l he omeUtag of the gllic'ous ore of rtod ftp ThoMeooa Valley ootnpeny Inteatton of ehengiag Me smelting plant eonduefed f.nry t bln Prv lel tar nay Trial ,lnt; Plnr Sslssstixsss&LJxjtmns mm ttiatiil 1 |