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Show r' r - V JtnfaiM&i.fiit'X' K.lWiR0Blil''cjAi iltVM h tS t fejNjrttfM'Si " '" Ma0ei AOmI '" . A i ii Wes, . t; ' . " THE DESERET ''& c .4 - ! -- - . JSi-- y I. J 4 , 4 . UMimr 5$i'ljl6il! i J tn$ fa.S'lhg jhx:u 1tf.V?f1VC. left, ft? jAAUfyittfll ' ' . a ' . n -f itd i.j, a.'KhSlir!Wrt, ' jtpt&f p injT7S r 0ATHRDA Y DECEMBER 3 1921 - fezily to Have Fire Drtad w Ready to Rgtl Bbze at Any 1n:2 r . mat A long felt M meat, aeeordlng to County Commie-teste- r B. L Burgoo, who, with Com mtmtooere 8. J. Lindsey and Joseph Wlrthltn, constitute the advisory board ot the organisation, At a cost te the county ( 10,m a completely quipped fire truck bee been ordered and Is echednled to arrive in Balt Lake from Cleveland, -Ohio, about Dee. It. . Difficulties Heretofore. With the building up of Salt Lake county the necessity of such a department has been felt for many years, Mr. Burgon said. While several of the larger towns have Ore departments and fire fighting apparatus, many of the settlements and all the buildings outside the limits of Incorporated towns are dependent for fire e protection on the bucket brigade or on assistance from Salt take, or some other town with an efficient fire department. Many difficulties prssent themselves in cases ot fires outside the city llmlta In the flret pleee, Mr.- - Burgon maid,1 if a building within the corporate limits should catch fire while the Salt Lake department te absent fighting a fire outride the limits the city can be held responsible for any damage dona Again the city must recetvs a guarantee that it will be paid for a run before it can go to an ouulde fire. It la not the bdelneaa of the city to pay for the protection of the Bounty from fire, the commissioner said. On the other hand the county department will be free te answer e eeeond eall, from e city in the event of e aeriona fire even . theugh the city has a fire force of lte ur three-departm- iliary orgsnlxatlons wll be formed In each locality, Mr. Cooper said, te assist the truck crew on lte arrival at the scene of a fire. These local units will be especially needed in the event of a fire by night when the truck may arrive with only the driver and one or two men at most. In forming the crew of men for the truck an 'effort was made to have a representative from each part of the county, so that in ease of s night call, gt least one trained man would be In the vicinity of the fin. Station At Machine Shop. A part of the machine shop baa been converted into s fire house to receive the new truck when It arrives A cement fleering has been put in letpl with the sidewalk and walls erected segregating this section from the rest of the shop. Four collapsible doors have been built and so Installed that when the driver 'on the truck pulls a rope thd way is clear to State street. Meetings of the association will be held hereafter for practice and drill each Saturday afternoon. The way the men hare taken hold of the Idea and built the fire house shows that the infant organisation does not lack esprit de eorpa , . ' At a meeting last Monday night Walter Cooper was elected chairman of the department, Fred Palmer, secretary. end Albert Marriott, treasurer. The track crew chosen at tha same Nosslemen. A. I meeting follows: O lander, A. E. Smith, Bichard SpenHals man end cer, W. R. Colvin. Jack Tom Christian: - hydrantmen, R. 'H. O. Mitchel and George Gllhespie, L Porter: chemical crew, C. W. Barton, Ely Mitchell and Clyda Sansom; Axel Fodae, Ray Barnett and H. Glover. These men are so chosen that every section of the county la represented. -- at Mnrray. Practically the only expense to Balt take county for tha organisation now established will be the purchase of the - truck and neceasary apparatus - according to Walter Cooper, who has been chosen to head the department. Considerable ingenuity hae been need In the organization of the department to give the maximum bight and day protection to every section. - Head quarters ere at the county machine Art Dept. Specials Buy Useful Gifts Domestic Dept. .Linoleum Door. Mats, Rugs, j ETC Z. C i ne uuuiy noiuewiie wiu apinewm these special offering, coming aa they do, right when they are J always - appreciated M. I. Carpet 17 in. Ginghams, 11 In. Gingham, Dept. 12 in. Ginghams, 11 !n. Ginghams, w al in. Imported, 12 22 in. .Imported, 10c regular 15c, special a yard regular 10c, special a yard ......24c 28c regular 15c, special a yard .. .40c regular 50c, special a yard .48c regular 50c, special g yard V. .tSc regular 55c, pedal a yard 80c regular f LOO, special a yard Choose now from the balance of our Hamt .Embroidered Pieces, they will make attractive Christmas Gifts, at . HALF PRICE stamped and hemstitched' for crocheting, special, $1.85 a pair We also have a few Stamped Childrens Play Aprons, Dresses and Rompers, your choice, while 75fi they last, at A few odd shades in 0. N. T. strand cotton, while 3. SKEENg FOR 10c they last One grade of Pillow Slips ? H II In. light and dark, regular 42!4c ralneo. special .. ....18c a yard 15 in. light and. dark, regular 25e .slues, special 10c . a yard . 5c valuea, special SC In. light and dark, regular a yard ,,,,,,,.150 a. 22o 22 In. Devonshire Cloth, special a yard 22c IS In. Klddl Kloth, special a yard . 22c 21 in. Galatea Cloth, special a yard ........ ............. ,,.... ........ Underwear Specials Girls Union Suits, gray wool and cotton mixed, with high or Dutch neck, ankle length. Regular f 1.25 and $L50 values, $1.00 special ....,, . ...... Wool Flannel r 27 in. Wool Flannel, regular 55c, special a yard-..- . (8c 27 tn Wool Flannel, regular 11.00, special a yard. .SOc 27 In. Wool Flannel, regular special a yard.. 1.00 An attractive Rug will be a pleasant reminder of the giver for years to come. railroad, 8odal Mali was built when the plays of SlYakespeare, the opera and the community danco woro Prom this confer this influence was disseminated in all direction. every village and hamlet In the intermountain region had Its home dramatic, debating club, martial band, brass band. Its community orchestra and community alnglng. Neither were they conducted for financial gain the leading thought was the development of art and HUratur. As a boy in Utah county f remember seeing Mom and Aaron Johnson Mr. Westwood and the Boyers of Bprjng yUle, John C. Graham of Provo, Frampton and Vie Gleason 0f F4oaaan Grove In the community dramatics and they were setors of ad mean ability. Modt of these activities havs glvsn way to eoumerclailsed amusements and atojg with these changes comes the suggestion that tho Social Hall, the very cradle of art and jlrama in Utah, be destroyed. I wonder If we live so close to events that we fail to catch their meaning. Permit me to quote from one of our educators; "The community theatre In the of Brighsm Young, was unique. days The Latterday Saints bad ad organisation with such fine Ideals and gave performances of such excellence that there has been no equal in theatrical history, and the theatre of Brigham Young stands today the admiration and wonder of the entire world. Have the mighty fallen? W have old our birthright for a meed ot pottage .to commercial theatrical enInstead of leading, show, terprise. tug- - how communities could entertain themselves and by so doing develop a taste for only the best la music and drama, we are amused by demoralising vaodeviile.J and uncanned'4 drama. real, sentlmestal Today our taste Is aa low aa anywhere in the United States. , JOHN Z. BROWN, U. D. Kearns Bldg. Deseret News: - Editor The- American people are proud Of their historical buildings situated In those citlee where history waq made during the revelation, and also during subsequent years of our nation's Ax-ministe- in. Wool Flannel, regular 51 50. special a yard. .11.20 i;75 In. Vlyella, special a jard J in. Silk Warp, regular S3 40, epecl&l a yard-- . . . . 32.40 in. Bilk Warp, regular 31 50. special a ard ....fl.M In. Bilk Warp, regular 54 80, special a yard . . . .1.20 in. Colored Outing. regular 20c. special a yard-.il20 PER CENT OFF ALL OTHER FLANNELS 2 We are now displaying an immense variety of Rugs, including Wiltons and there is 'such a splendid from that you will surely select to riety find just the size you want. will find the prices considerably less than they have been for a long time. rs; 21 27 50 35 27 c Crepes Fahey Pillow Cases LINOLEUMS The largest assortment we have had in years inlaid and printed in the newest pattern designs. A DOOR MAT Is especially appreciated these days saves the housewife endless labor and annoyance. We have them in cocoa-nu- t fibre, wire and rubber. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular 31.50 '0 31 5! 50 32 75 33.00 pair, pair, pair, pair, pair, 3UO special "pedal special special special 91.36 2 00 2.20 52.40 All Other Pillow Cases Special, 15 Per Cent Off 8-- 4 4 19-- 4 Girls' bleached Union Suits, fleece lined, high or Dutch neck, ankle length. All sizes up to 16, special price.. $1.00 Childrens white merino 'Vests and Pants of a very high quality wool. All $1.35 sizes, regular $2.25, special and fleece Pants Childrens Vests, lined, in bleached white and natural color. Sizes from 18 to 34, special 20 per cent off.' Childrens Jersey Bloomers in Hack, 35c regular 50c values, special kneeJbJoomers white in and ;Tjadiea pink: "Regular BOc values, special . .40c Childrens Vests and Pants of part wool, in white, 20 per cent off. and natural gray. Special Ladies Tights in black wool, mixed wool and cotton. These Tights are ankle length, a complete line cent off in regular and extra sizes. Special. . . .20 Ladies white Union Suits, also " some flesh color, low neck, no sleeve and ankle length in a medium weight Union Suit Regular $1.50 values, spe- . 29 fn. Jap Crepe, regular 59c, special a yard ......39n 20 ini Serpentine, regular 40c, special a yard 22o 20 in. Wasbemlde, regular 15c, apeclal a yard ...,28o ou Pequot Bleached Bheetlng. apeclal Pequot Bleached Bheetlng, apeclal Pequot Bleached Bheetlng, special -- pr 70c 73c ...........80c cial I. Electric $ 1.00 Reading Lamps One-Fourt- - Off h For Four Days . tatence. Many thousands of visitors gas upon Faneuil Hall and Independence Hall la Boeton and Philadelphia. M is an event oc a life time, for our dtfkens to visie such buildings and Inspires within each person, seeing them, a pardonable prtfe and patriotic love of country. Americans enjoy seeing spots or places where things were said or done, that stood for equal rights and Justice to alL It was the writer's fortune to spend two years in the Old Dominion, among the valleys and hills of Virginia, made famous by Gen. Geo. Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Hea USE and also by Gens. U. S. Grant. Robt. E Lee and Stonewall Jackson. As I stood byThe grave of Thomas Jefferson and gased upea Montlcello, his homo, J felt although the man was dead, the products of bis pen would live, while memInto big peine ory rahra lasts and republics endure. LITTLE wardedgrow o& by a applies The Deseret News recently announced that the old Social Hall was condemned tioo of Soaao. Domt rat, and would be rased. This building was friuMri. A counter-irritan- t. by the pioneers in 1152 under Shea's scatter confection, and eoori erected the direction of Prest. Brigham Younw, the ache and pain. fog the social and dramatic activities for such neuralgia, ocisHra. of tho poople, aad wax ua.d purpoooo, vntll tho rood old Balt Lak, beck, stiff joints, Theatre wa built. Many were th nopraam and strain wont fight long table satborlnr held In thio hall. Booh men a, Brigham Young, Hh,r C. KimBgniMt Skmo'i M. Grant; Georgs A, Always keep k handy for instant tae. ball, Jededagh Sloan's Smith, W.Iford Woodruff, Oen. 5. H. Far snare than forty Gao. Q. Cannon, Orton Walla. Pratt, hs MpH thousand ths Hr rum B. Clawson. John T. Caine, Ira-rworld .over. Yon wont be an excepMcKensle, John D. T. McAllister, William tion. It certainly does produce re dt. Charles R. Baraga. Eddlngtoa aad Prof. . C. J. Thomas, with their You just know front its stimulating, thamaeiraa la thl eajoyed famine, will odor that it 4? yon good. building la thoaa early days haakhy All descendants of tho pioneors will 1.40. c 70c, AtddM-dSrejoice if thl hiatorle ranter escape demolition. Our magnificent temple, Be Gull flnoaumont nniqoo tabernacle. and eras the old wall around tho temof are interest to tho block rital ple thousands of eCraagara that rlalt out beautiful city. W cannot bo too soal-oin preferring all hUtorie building and plara that oserted an InOaenoo-, inttsMautnt aad upilft ls the for:10a of this great commonwealth. . , E. J. BARDLET. ST .......... Z. C. M. I. CHINA DEPT. Z. C. M. Toyland and Dolldom is invariably a place of delightful attraction to tihe little tot. They love to see the Dolls, the Toys, the Games, etc etc. You may be feeling tired, but you will find a trip to our Third Floor with the littles ones a refreshing experience. SLOAIfS TO Commencing Monday Morning How warm and cozy an Electric Lamp makes your home appear! We have-- a delightful variety to select from mahogany, silk, hand painted and boudoir shades, depicting scenes, flowers and conventional effects. Some are attractively finished in bronze, some in gold,, and there are some attractive green effects. Bring the Children WARD OFF PAM Your choice commencing Monday morning at a It will make them happy and do you good. I i thmst inn, id us .nr 3' ! Ot'R DRUG STORE 18 AT 4 SOUTH MAIN 8T ! of us save tho old Social hall for its to eee the ruthless exparyln National Park Lectarerf. Its old landmarks; forth. I bar associations, and a .worthy purpose. the Yours respectfully. promuch with acted pleasure WM. H. BURTON. . nounced leaning of many of our peoplo Tho Bureau of service, national 925 south Second West Street. to th fin and applied arts. I have parks and resorts, of the Chicago A noted the timid aad sporadic sfforta of Northwestern and I'nlon lacific sysour artists to form a society and setems announces establishment of a cure a permanent borne. Now, Mr. lecture department. The speakers are ta too eld building Editor, while tbo said to be sell posted as to the atsmall for a permanent art gallery worno ouch tractions of tho national parka, and thy of an affiant community wo arc rapidly becoming. It would do hate good views for Illustration. Jobo n start: It need not very well for seph Muller, passenger agent. Is In very costly proposition to bring th charge, Id place wltbin the requirements of tb board of underwriters and white we aro about It to secure suitable Inheritance Taxes Paid.'' lighting. The old place io as central The estate of Godfrey Fuhrlman. say location wo could got which Is of iWhU...es!'dAir paid to the state through the attorney general s tral public library and might anally office 31,060.47 In Inheritance tax. be mad a magnet, ter tbenpUft of 5 34 wa received-A"cheek slur tutors cittsen, besides keeping Inheritance taxes from the estate of th.bi In mind of tb fathers and mothof Provo. McMillan Elitaboth er who have don so much for them. I would appeal to tb people of this city, reminding thorn that this te both Council Jo tb .state capital and metropolis. Let us tell tb worshiper of tb golden coif te g bock and alt Sows and tot Th. stats couiTTf Utah Christina Uk 11 Endeavor will meet this evening at the residence of Walter A. Nielson. (15 Harmony place, with Mrs. Rose Whitley of Ogden presiding. Plant lbbonTlrgenr(iwrMmj1scii-sed- ,lut - Meet - eTvr- - dt rw -- THIS IS A GENUINE ADVERTISEMENT BT A RELIABLE CONCERN U At 4m tight vmm Miri mdmd Inmw JtY jOT7CCt ISdhiCS Of Wflfl Am can b emit mto 12 bmh ot chim m t ha Unwed Scam. fcumpU No. YORK Nov try unjlv aQ 1 U NEW iri ba mwiied. .YO YCHJa, gNX IMMrnMTELt on a poMcmfd oc Hi a kirn wuh aiM mm wtthaddfM Mam. Yaa not in ring neba usiHMt aantiM vmwm nmnao-in-- f offer. Yon anJ tvtrr ocher nm ,A tanu bof ot fttri) who aenda In tha ,man rrotnfn, will receive a prue of rquii value eat t mom which Ton nuhcaaaka worth $ W'O.OO to tow w4b4 aUl treat happMara. wuhta there memtUs I I Lore M M. Other mrprim tmd detifbea. thiaNOWandraawhatmmrt. Afiiirai Inua Writ nd ft : r M(09K i following a supper served by th Sa't Lake officers The council will bi guests of the Phillips Cor.grcgatJorae al Senior Christian Endeavor soFty at breakfast Sunday morning, fire session concluding on that dav. Reward for Your Lii i for--34- Editor Dora rat Mow: A a resident of' Balt Lak City fra bo, a lltUs of nearly bald a century, toI role promy your rateable space test against tb rasing of tbo old Soto a and mak ball cial suggestion for As a Its retention aad continued no terra of this town I do not tinea and t f f Percales LET SOCIAL HALL STAND - in. Ginghams, 11 COMMUNICATIONS - Ginghams - n. Editor Deseret News Permit me te utter my pretest against the destruction of tho landmarks that typify the history end social life of our commonwealth. Tho very suggestion of tho touring down of tho Social Hall on Slata etreot stirs my seal to tho utmost. As has already been said, the Utah White Holies' end the Oardo Houra" ere gone end new this original home - of the drams irnrat follow- - them. la till the city council- at a nominal cost remodeled and carefully preserved Eagle Gate on Its original 4ft e where smvk if steads today at the heed of the eat street In our state. Mr. Editor, I am euro way can be found to pre serve this threatened but unique atruc- tort-I was lnprtaid-4.feytmrs ago to In tha old city of St. Aainitlaa no of tha land marks many Florida, former Spanish civilization. Tha orlr-InIts with rata apartment for city tha sentinel, the fort large enough to accommodate one thousand men, and the moat surrounding It with the headgate to let In the sea water, -are Intact by our governmentpranrd Tho old Bpanlsh Cathedral with its Bella, and the alave market with Its block where human .beings were sold Into alavery ora preserved, and who would dare to tear them down? I need not mention the many historic buildings, both public and private, that are being preserved In every state in the Union. To me the significant feature of the to Utah Is the migration of our people fact that they came as colonisers. In to their pubUo life they fostered and have developed the lofty ideals that charalwfcys characterized them. The ter of the city of Nauvoo called for the eetablishment of a university "For the teachings of the arts,Insciences and the 14 1, learned professions. February, an ordinance was passed by tne city council there appointing a chancellor and a board ot regents. A building tor a strucsite was selected and It was here tbs ture were drawn. plana drama in all Its lofty phases was encouraged. I once heard Tr. Wiashlp, editor of the American Journal of education, say that tbs community singing and Brigham dancing which President Young provided for ths Saints as tey were crossing ths plains contributed ss much as anything else to buoy them " op and encourage them to continue their hardships. No sooner had they settled here than these activities were continued. Tae University of Deseret, now the Univerplans sity of Utah, patterned after the of the University of Nnuvoo, was crested. This was the first university founded west of the Mississippi river. In 1852 five years after their arrival, and 17 years before the advent of the j Attractive Values in the It old-tim- sfi- Operated B and For the People Owned and Everyones aware that a great deal of .the successof Christmas shopping devolves upon" the salespersons. The time they have to give you as well as the amount of time you allow yourself, are aids to successful shopping. Why not try to shop early this year and thereby avoid the crowds and lighten the usual Christmas strain? which wilt undergo Ute same aa the tegular crew. Three training driven will be hired by the county and they will stand eight-hoso aa to shifts have e driver ready at all times These drives have not as yet been appointed. The mes except driven, will not be paid. Besides the central department at the machine shop, aux- , Ptogirt of IShop Early I npplM by Ore hop at Murray. The complete crew this week of th Balt f the truck bee been selected from rgmabatto the men employed In the 14k Bounty volunteer dr depart bop, also regularly s eomplete relief crow, , Th 3LO - ryn GOLDEN RAVEN - CO. 441 s -- 4. . 8o. Boulcvsrd. "A'U rB.1, L0; Adtaa," . ANTLTAA iKfewZarji MPHEMI9 2. '?? YrrroDTvrtjSNOirrof LOBTOD COOHACl nbrvdb 10. 9QOOT 1L RALDPOTN 'u uevabtiro QB.28, NEW t jTORK.N. arrows Y. "tta-- |