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Show qjuiri Tf (fc ll -- THE DESERET NEWS 8AltT3DAY r DECEMBER 3 1921 - r Delivery Service Company Purchases Two Ford Gar?' A Equipped With Hercules Bodies From Alkire-Smit- h Co. rew Kata Hiwt GS Beaver J County Commis Charged .With a" BeM HRISlMAS GIFTS the newest, the cleverest, the most beautiful and the most reasonable you can imagine. fksdasta CASHED ivobt FROM CUIS A art narealonaly worked In the flnet ind wort tailed dealgn. They come bang or RKAL ' moan atenr la anoaually loealy. It la UATtl parted ganarooely Into a fluffy, Fraudulently and Unlawfully Obtaining Money. trmaeparent bag and tied With faTorlte colored rlbboa and Ita daiaty fragraaco ia gnarea-toa- d to last for at lout three years. It cones' la Ita C SB owa gift box., ob en silk cords with lag The eupreme court trier faeued n alternative writ (...prohibition xinst j the Judge end acting Judge in the Fifth judicial dietrict citing them to appear and ahow ceuee why they should not be reetrained from with the trial of the- - action- brought to ramove Oran Burke .- from the Bearer county commiwlon- The writ to made returnable on Dec. II. j au- -i tG writ-w- ill bring before-t- h preme court the review of the Instituted by Charles T. ney for Woodbury a county-attorBeaver county, wherein Burke to charged with unlawfully obtaining money from the county. Thto complaint brought by the county attorney and filed In the Fifth district court before Judge William F. Knox. Alleges that the county commissioner has presented a score of claims for expenses - which hare bees paid by the county. The county attorney, charges the commissioner rrith fraudulently- - and corruptly securing certain claims for lodging ex-to penses. Soma of those expenses, ft whale the Alleged, were Incurred county commissioner was Implored In doing certain road work for the county. In addition to presenting Claims ' for road mork dona, which the attor-- . ney alleges the commissioner knew was unlawful, ths complaint further alleges that bills for board- and rooma ware presented to the county eommls-etowhich are alleged to hare been . paid. These bills for board and room, according to tho complaint, covar a was period while tho commissioner n road work personally employed-band as such employee of the county wss receiving the regular salary. In presenting the claim, the attorney alleges that the county commissioner -- knew hie set go be ia violation ef the law. The complaint charges further that notwithstanding the fact that the romimseioner had knowledge his acts were Illegal, and notsrithetandlng It was hie legal duty to oppose each at claim, the county commissioner certain meetings of the board refusconseed to oppose these claims and quently they were paid to the defendant for his own use. The complaint now filed in the supreme eourt charges that despite the fact that court bad been adjourned by an acting Judge for the term. Judge William F. Knox, while acting Judge of the Fifth district, caused the ease .10 be act-ltrial on Doc., L which he to alleged to have bad no legal right to do. Unless restrained - Judge . Ritchie of the Third district eourt will sit for Judge Knox in the Fifth district, the complaint alleges. Serving of summons and the acting ef the case for trial, tho corry. fr!' Ukt la A DEAL JET MACBLET Irory-eUp- c sum" tutmti RtSKKT CUH POWDER me In blue and pink little doll With cun! $1.50 - puffs te match ITAH JADE DIVffER IIVM are a lovely addition to a girl's , treasures the newest sad most charming ef adornments. It looks particularly level y at night. Several styles $3.00 lP $5.C3 AD S7.C0 , ot - . by - JkWSggW As Alkhw Smith Ante C iipiny, Utah's 4 V. W Mini Aw ea Cast delivery of light goods for atoms is tho Delivery Serriee QumPMr PC y Job, will ho One, Two specially T mi tee body equipped Fords were purchased the past week from the'AIUre Bmlth Ante Company. truck equipped with a dosed, driver's cab la for the transportation ef light need "for a' fast Special delivery store service, while tbeother. al-to- n baggage, a service the new concern Will specialise on. At the secretary of state's office It to stated that II per cent of commercial cars In service la this state are Ford ears and that of the (I pop cent over per cent ere equipped with Hercules bodies. Hercules bodies are distributed in thto territory by tho Alklre Bratth Auto company. , a. warn delivery eoaoera -- ' beckons, hqepttallty is la the air you'll plaint alleges, 2 were done by the COUPLE breathe. FIRE eonnty attorney for Beaver county, Freud of her schools to Balt Lake who had no legal right or authority her her her theatre City churches, The county commissioners' complaint libraries, her monumental strides la cites further that If ousted from office fif Join the ranks of sn to civic DIST1UTED no progress. court there decision of the by Industrious, happy citisenry. Como-l- ay adequate or speedy remedy at law as oc held tho inexhaustibly elements pending an appeal he will be deprived fill your lunge with .the of of the right and privilege of his ofR. H. Jenkins and Jackie L Mar, MERGE mountain sir and grip the hantis of fice and be prevented from performwho were a it sated te Balt Lake sevrt optrmtive tr'endUne" ing his duties The complaint filed with the sueral months ago on the charge of preme eourt seeks to have ths Judges Pioneer conspiring to violate tho Mann act, Approximately 19,400 Illustrated Foneral restrained from proceeding with the To be Held Monday wars Indicted by a federal grand trial of the case until tho next regu- folders describing Balt lake as ths lar term of court. center of scenic America, were put inJury and convicted te the United Funeral services tor Kelvin K Mi- Btats district eourt at Cheyesin to circulation today by the Balt Lake ller will be bald ia Mill Crash ward yoeterday morning according Attending Conference. ! Commercial of Comchapel Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. te A report brought to Balt Lak this merce. A member of tho board of Ths body will 11a la state at tke resiThe following appointment for the characterized the accom- dence, 2211 south 8aventh Burnt street. era tag by H. J. Cassidy, agent of tho Moapa etake conference at Bt Thomae. governors ever -- put Sunday afternoon and Monday until bureau of investigation, department of Ne? today and tomorrow hare boon plishment the greatest noon. Interment wtU be la Mill Crook announced: Relief society, Mrs. Lottie over by the organisation. Sunday school, John M. Jdaklna aad Mr Ia Mar. according While the folder has be pu out cemetery. Mr. Miller died Friday St Saul Baxter; T. L W. L A, Oscar A Kirk-hathe age ef 71, death result tag frees to testaments made t officer at the Y. L M. 1 A., Clarissa Bees ley; by a local organisation K to by atf amoks effect the of Inhaled while of thsir arrest, wees on route Primary. Alice T feheets. Religion means local In its description. d helping tke flgemeu tight a fire 1 the time clans. Guy C Wilton. to California aad topped off te Balt views of sections of the state basement of his hem He te survived day od sightseeing o from the border line to rea Arthur V. Miller of May. Idaho, lutonteg Abort of funds Mr La Mar rfieffflii Receiving Pay. the Grand canyon of the Colorado, James end Ik C. Mills both of Belt ppsdted te the tonal pottos te an Winchester of Idaho, Aa tavset Ignites Mr. Ray Merrill It was the semi monthly pay day printed ia four colors showing scenes lake, Mr Daniel R. and Mr D. P. result that the two . at the Veteran's bureau Ja the Boston in the Wasatch mountain Williams, both of Bait Lake. Ha 1s alas were taken Into custody and the WyoThe folder is intended to bring out survived by seven brothers aad fear building, today and cbeeka wore reThe brothers ere: Frank, ming officials advised of their arrest. ceived for the IM men In training is the fact to those who may come into ulster Marlon. Waltar, Doan Elina Removal proceedings wero Immedipossession of K that Belt Lake to Oeerg Utah, The amoont paid was M,4i0. Mr C. L. Miliar and the stater ately started to taka tho couple back really the cancer of soenlo America. and NelUa Redman. Mr Ellis Crockford to Cheyenne, where it was mid JenAs an evidence of thto fact a map of end Mr Emmie Park, kins had a wife and family, while Mr the western part of the United States, La Mar had two small children. Mr which to conceded to be the scenic General Decrease La Mar gave bond in the sum of ! on part of the country. Is shown. In the " for her appearanrs, hut Jenkins stubcenter to Salt Lake, surrounded by the Product Rate bornly fought bln removal.. An order ten national parks, and 2i national was instructing that he bo token back, Till. monuments. ' tanned, however, by Jndgo A general finally , WASHINGTON, Dee. 1 In order to give esch part of the man D. Johnson, of tho local United district proper adverting the folder decrease of It per cent In rate on Staten district court. Jenkins was also has been divided Into five peris: practically all farm products was au- convicted of making fraudulent use of Scenic attractions In the vicinity of thorized by the lnteratato commerce n free railroad pan al Salt scenic Utah. Og- commission today In passing favorden and northern - Utah, southern ably the voluntary application of scenic Utah and the Yellowstone Na- all the rads except those in New tional Park. J; England territory,. -- In ths Salt Lake" division to deThe comlmanlon acting with great scribed the numerous canyons In the expedition on the application of the The high priest a of Pioneer stake BEGINNING MATINEES . vicinity, Brighton, the Temple square, railroads which was barely completed will hold their regular monthly meetttx Eli thto all of outstandweek, the repealed sign state peak, Saltalr. TOMORROW NIGHT ing In the etake hall Sunday, Dec. Thura. and Sat- - at --2:30 Bird Island, Bingham capttol, rates which 4, and the exit ing orders affecting at 1 , would Interfere and authorled the bed The description of central The a establish to railroads end monthly priesthood meeting of maintain scenic Utah takes np American Fork, Thomas Wilkes Presets be held in the etake and Provo canyon Utah lake, lit. lower schedule for a period of six Pioneer stake will hall Monday, Dec. i, at T:I4 P m. Ttmpanogo the Grandaddy lakes and month Timpano, oe cave. In the Ogden and northern Utah dtvtoion, descriptions are given of Lagoon. Ogden. Brigham City, Cache valley Ogden canyon, LoWHEN A MAYOR IS INAUGURATED and the Wilkes Players With gan canyon, and Bear lake. Descriptions are glten of Cedar OFFICIALLY WEIGHED IN ENGLAND HE Breaks, Zion National park. Hurricane flat Kalbab forest. Grand of Canyon In Willard Hacks latest drums, the Colorado. Bryce canyon. Fiah lake, (first presentation on any stage) and Utah's natural bridge . Three pages are given over to a of the Yellowstone Nationaldescription park. On the back cover to ehown an view ol Salt Lake Under the picture, whlcl. has been charaetertx-wn gripping story of love and adventure I as the best ever obtained, the fil'nw-In- g In the Canadian Northwest. M welcome to vie tors appea-- x; Ke advance fat prices. AH seats lasrrM.- - Wan. 1 47 Come to Belt Lake City Wnetbrr for an hour'a stopover. weeks vis.t. month' sojourn or n lifetime of bltof..l aac pro. porous living she welcomes you lo her midst. Jteentl-fhomesitee abound, opportunity 11 IMSTEO 1 cowan Atonepom MH WJ. er Itlus-trste- Ctah-Idah- -- Lake,-centr- Farewell Week Willard Mack's - f- AT CONFERENCE of Firm - teopathle Health club will meet In the offices of Dr. Mary Gamble, Templeton building, at o'clock, Thursday evening. Dee, I. Dr. Grace Stratton Alrey will speak upon the topic, Health Only Four Weeks Away." ' Goes to Pasadena Miss Florence B. Jessup of tho surveyor general's office, left thto afternoon, on n month's visit with her mother and stator in 01NS QUIA 7 CHURCHNOT1CES.I a, a-- , WILLARD MACK IS IVA SHEPARD The Scarlet Patrol i 1 ut Urea Powen Agree to Quit Leased Lands in Flowery Twelfth-Thirteent- Kingdom by Agreement at Washington. - Professor Will Speak Prof. James L. Barker of tbs University of L'tah will speak In the Sixth ward cEapel, tomorrow night. ; Glee flub Program The program h ward chap- in the ol Sunday night will be given by the LeGrand ward glee chib, with n tea-- T minute talk by D. Ray Shurtliff. Ward Speaker A a- M. BJodahl will be the , speaker at the Sunday evening service te the Nineteenth ward chapel, the seealnn begin nine at 4 ze p. m. Hn - Book-P- f Mar 1i . JtJFUL3itaChS- - . mo I. ' i (By Associated Pram) -- Another Dteh-point te tho For ef the aimdmeat conference was won today Of Chian In the committee of tke nine power Great Britain. Japan aad Fraaco agreetng to retire from teach of the lee end territory of Chin it waa said, Japanese representative agreed to give up their leased territorial helSlaga te Bhaatusg aad also reported as offering te disease retirement from their special territorial privileges In Manchuria. Ths offsrs from Oreat Britain. Japan aad FTanea were raid to be contingent oa fulflllmeat ef eeitditioae which China was sxpeetsd te meet. M. Vivians for France, expressed willingness te retire from Kwaachow wai. the French leased territory. British spokesmen, it waa said, fol lowed wkh a proffer to give up the British teased territory of The eommlttN on Far Eaittm question adjourned until Wednesday be. ranee - of eggemea4e-w- fdelegates and to glee time for subcommittees to the fall foa committee,. prepare'work lfMboa.'ee.2te .'Or euKnfaUiTirtBMT1 of leuef lamtory la China. Franca today pavod tha way with an Initial offor rorardtnjr hor leaaod torritory. Grant Britain fol Inwad with tha offar of regarding tba Brltlah tarrltory and Japan than mad a bar rl and Bbantong ragardlng a. rbtnaaa dclagataa axpraaaad what aa rraatly plaaaad ow tna genaroua offara thay daaeribad aa tlfVaa of tha power coming from all aad aapaclally with tha braadtb of that discussion Tha Britain. from Groat disposition of laaaod tarritoriaa Is ax aactad ta ba ranowad Wodnaada r with of an ultimata non oral oxpactatlon armament greatly to tba baaaflt of WA4HLKOTOK, - vuienaf waa sddrea Tmaonit npmM an delivered thto afternoon by President George Thomae of the University of Utah before the Nebo district teacher convention of Bpan-is- h Fork. , CALLED BY DEATH Johanna Stvaaget At a local hospital. Mrs Johanna Strange died Friday night 8b was a native of Or many and la survived by one soft Clrf Strange, 7M Parkway avoowa. thin a daughter. Mrs. Marla city, and Berlin.- She. waa 53 Marta, ia years, olo, a widow. 9be came to Utah lit 11. Funoralr service will ba bald at tha Larkin chapel at 2 45 p m. Sunday. The body may be viewed at the chap 4 el from 10 day of the funeral. Interment will ba , eemeterjr in fha sHteot famur home. tT3 Foprth Kart streot Mm. Helena Christine MaUtf.Jf.dftf. Friday night. She wds a native of mark and cam to Utah In I9M Br sides her husband. AMhon H Marker aha Is survived by four children Thao' dore Marker, liviag in Denmark.Mmf Angelina Sorenson Jamea T Marker and Mrs. Magnua Watson, all qf Halt Lake Khe is survived 1ro by tva reat-grand hildren. Mr Marker-wa- t an active worker 4n the Church of ftatna- - The Christ of Latter-da- y body is at the 8. M. Taylor undertaking establishment. Edward Cnsbtngt in n local George Edward Cushing, 52. htitpiU: Ted Friday night. The body is at the CblciLgo. William Taylor undertaking Tha Froncb dalagatlon praaantod the aaiabUahmanL h no oat ton of tba Franc gooerniiiant to1 tba commfttaa la a declaration read FIYEIAL NOTICE d Aftar having tahon note of the Funeral services for Metorcvrle Chines delegatho orsoeated bo P K. Brown, mho died Frition. Dm. L tha French detagatinn re- Patrolmen day. will be held at the O Donnell rea that tha government of the I p. n Monday Interment w!b chapel public la rsadv to associateof Itself the terri- will be in ML Olivet cemetery the reflective restitution torial leasee In Chna to vaHoo powThe funeral ef char's L. Burton ers with tha understanding thst tha wil be held at 9t Hollywood avenue. being admitted end all pri- 13 o clock, noon. Hunday. Interment prlndnlo vate rights being safeguarded the will in City cemetery. aad details of tba restitution ra Nellie (or will ba regulated In accord between tTift will be held at the Larkin chap-fL.the government of China and each- of 3 y, m. Sunday. The body tho governments ntereeed bo viewed at the chapel from Id a.may m. Information from other aourcoa. fo the hour of the funeral Intermanv waa that not even hate hayrevar. In Hc-- n be wll Mt. Olivet a tentattva of agreement cemetery. raaebad noon the overt ion ef fordn an th lessee nTr: tori praetlralto hed Wn i Iq City . ' rt. -- a.m-4s-SJ- Wal-halw- al pro-poaa-la Min-chu- tbam-aaW- -- Je-s- de-c- ls it con-dtt'o- ne " at te M x4 ht The Guardian Fire Insurance Co. lKi reu-.t.r- Bntwk In Place of U. S. Product PLwhiht " PfONAI. CJ riXRl. DtfiniONA 1.0 Araertated Free) . 1 B to T. w Dee. WASHINGTON. Lerxe lilt American Coal oompnny dolnc buxl-nete Cuba and havtnj offices in Havana, were declared te reports re- -. eaf.T LAK nHBl.C kb IIOKO. cel red here today to he repartee to mill Wri, ,c O Fra im k hmi preparing to replace their stock of American coal In the inland with . eonL , ri mi nmwiotx I British Cardiff coal, the reports cen IXHhtVY r,.Ut'KTAKThlJ Rkn he delivered at Havana at about two . . rt.M vica 'dollars ton cheeper than American rtH t jcoaL M .r-The report Hi. sav that four car-- I lo 14 iu of Brittoh coal now are on route joesBan i i e Francisco for Ppciflc coast te liwi mlMOMr consumption. Teweir lT xo.ixurx en h severed all relations with THE AGENCY COMPANY, will take over and occupy the entire ground floor of its home office building and will operate under the direct supervision of ita Executive Officers- ' , eri. The GUARDIAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Is a Utah Corporation; avail of its ome Office facilities. , w We can solve all your insurance problems. fH roe GUARDIAN FIRE IBISURME Co. vs it 'in 30 West Broadway wi vi, V Salt Lake City, Utah 3C LATE LOCALS teiJW law found a to dtOcnlt ta mayor will put on dfartef P term- o l emc but neverthcleas the toot Munntee- th nt la eoaee parte ef Bajtaad it ip to weijh the treoaniaq: luayer. still part of the I fiirpl eerement photo shows Mayer Q, H. TAytee bpUf duly wtejhed, aaatvRiaj l.lkeae- . - , , clent custom. ,- A" I luititetapn j tehMUWP ' hr th mh Aanbctet Indus tries, and John E. Jones ef the Union Paper company warn the speakers Friday at an assembly ef the . West high eehool student body. . Club rari.m etsr pie at pmiteiinFr. haul A Tdw -- omimi r Teo t ; xla4iiujiTm. I Dimrief, ten g b Ma (Mil FMI jr wtamte'That sec um ,0 rae t. n Vv tlc gtb MatMl 7tUKTtnlK AddTru Law cutATKnr U Mate te. ,mi I 1 roomie-aelear- a |