Show DEAD visit to our well kept cenieth ry edito enquirer it ia a grateful gra teul change from the every day of life to take a ekroll out to the silent ward that is now auch good order by sexton thadius duff choso who bave not been out lately will be well repaid for their visit in the streeta and alley ways laid aff BO nicely and with such pro casion home few of these are already graveled and our boston bus care to remove the old grass from the edge of the walk a little distance back in order 1 to enow the owners bow couch better their lots would appear it they were that way all over the tall weda aud long grass 3 about all cut down eo that the shafts of white marble and other head atones gleam in the sunlight in a pleasing manner giving evidence ot tha care of the living for ahe dead and while ia almost remarkable in the atmosphere in and around thia white pillared alt no loved or harsh sounds being beard yet there is a eort of sacred whispering going ou the mind with solemn thoughts and makes the hearts beat with emotion A fainted mothers subdued emile cornea now before oar view a fathers look benign a oia tere tenderness and now a brothers love while the sweet babe that we all loved BO well whose could scarcely lisp our names aright looms up before ns in ita child ieh glee and while our ayee are filled with gathering tear these fada from yiew to find that we are hare in a life of ebern reality yes yes it is a beautiful indication of a peo olea love for the dear departed to see their erives trell tended a silver link aa it were between the finite and the infinite and it egowa a love lasting a love thac endured after the sad burial rites are ended a love that still lives on it will do to eo out occasionally and anit the ce meery to appreciate ane efforts of our city fathers to speck with our mild mannered bexton and admire the pains and care taken by citi bedr 8 P J provo oct 25 1895 |