Show republican rallies OCT hona baat demmond and A 0 bishop OCT fork hona jas T barn mond and A C bishop MONDAY OCT spanish fork Es governor A L thomas CA christen ben and J 0 TUESDAY OCT 29 spanish fork J 0 banter hon arthur L thomas and J E booth Maui eton hon JM tanner and borman snow OCTOBER american fork afternoon atter noon 2 speakers hona frank J cannon clarence E alien heber M wells and chipman lehi avenido 8 speaker hona frank J cannon clarence E alien habar M wella and cameo benjamin gona J M tanner and jaa chipman the provo quartette will visit all above places with the speakers named 1 e hon J ohn M zens ath grand ratification at provo in which all in utah are in cited to participate the provo dram corps clab and provo flambeau duo will part in the kopea br demonstration hon john henry smith and other speakers speak era will be pres ut and the voters at the opera hauae ri Banish fork lion john M ane lehi hon george sutherland B jr JOHN 0 GHAHAM secretary |