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Show OBEM-GENEVA TIMES DO YOU WANT TO organize a clh for some cause? Half to iJtttaVS. 6ple to work important a battle is in making them feel Here's an example: H. Everett P . the OklaWT, 5P "M head man of Oklahoma; he butf itun fromneSS'r.TuIsa-liked fromneSS'r.TuIsa-liked to puff a Dte- hmS?V puP- Evere" old Dutch charSerf W m,ore than th And he lid such Hood Va" .Winkl-he .Winkl-he decided he would to aft puffln? ? other men in tX who i?wtup tclub of smoke. Wh0 hked to shoot out of .RP Smokers' ( that TW ht r.ffP! "dy and all D. Carnegla SiSTWS P Smokers' Club and sent them a letter telling E that iT" meeting, at noon, in the dini ! :2a was to be a merce. He knew that the men would I coWSr? of om" he would tell them the purposes of t .? P g Then would elect officers and tESSd 1 Lve a fK pipe puffers. I. sounded dandy. 8 fme grouP Well, he got there plenty early! N?S.i!t Fta ally a man came in and apologetically slunl fn n" smoking a cigarette. After a time LZ, 7 eorner showed up and settled down behTnd hi LaVdT , The ree had lunch and then faded awav lik mi. w the morning sun. The club seemed doomed 7 to Se. But Everett still believed in the idea- h J as a sailor loves shore leave. He tZRth I This time he sent out a letter which said I . pleased to inform you that you've ben ' ?. m of the Pipe SmokerV Club of Americ? ThJ u6"' the meeting was to be ... in pfi ld where It happened just as you think That r?imv. . t j many men in it as a famer's arnokSJeeSfiSS hanging m suspense of what was going to happen! ' He explained the purpose of the mprtinr 4 u them of the uniqueness of the idea . LFdi!0,d every man was to be presided In other" worfhe'v The men liked the idea; the club began to succeed Tn fact it has done so well that he is now eetw Kf u different cities in the iTniw i i!w gettmg UP branches m The secret of his success is that he mad th topgnt; gave them something to ? l H " Wedding Ceremony At Bride's Home Unites Couple A small ernnn nt fri iciauves witnessed the marriage ' 1WS LDU VWirhnu an A Tn-. h.iu wau tiisDerrv on KatnrHa,, mnrw.i " ' J .iw.itiiijc ihe rites were Dprfnrmori k cisnop Stanley Finch at the nome 01 the bndp's ninwi. nt. r-"- wnj, nil and Mrs. Ray Voorhees. Present at the the bride's oarents! Mr Mrs. Thomas Elsberry, parents x me groom; Yoianda Voornees, maid of honor; Clayton Wright, uesi man: Mr. nnH Mr. trQ eth McEwan. Mr. and Mrs. Ken ny jwcawan and Bertha and Jeanne McEwan. The bride wore a uhito ctin wedding gown and carried a bouquet of red rose and whitA carnations- A sheer rrora a crown of seed pearls. The maid of honor wore a peach colored formal and a white rose corsage. The newlyweds left foil ow ing the weddine for a honev- moon trip to Colorado. They will be honored at a receDtion on Saturday evenine in the Sharon ward hall. They will make their home in Orem 0 Bishop and Mrs. R. jsliss Allred are vacationing in Idaho this week. Weavng may have been the eaniesi cran, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. HI-WAY GARAGE AND SERVICE Under New Management Dependable Service at Reasonable Rates BATTERY RECHARGING BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING MOTOR TUNE-UP EXPERT LUBRICATION GAS Owen Powell P. C. Bell 595 South State Street Phone 0522 R2 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hey Say "Thank You" to all our new friends who have helped to make a success of our first week in Orem. HAVE you BEEN TO THE MOUNTAIN BAKERY? (SOUTH OF LINCOLN HIGH) I i i i i i ii wiiiiiH'rHii pi fprrnr utifTri "In iiihwm f! i X - ' ...'.y.v.v.-V.flafc . "Housing situation is really bad." Garden Club Holds Monthly Meeting I Members of the Orem Garden club held their regular meeting at the Orem City hall on Thursday Thurs-day evening. Mrs Van Snow cinducted the meeting. Mrs. Frank J. Earl SDoke on Artistic Arrangements" and W. Reed Nutall discussed " Sel ecting Specimens for a Flower bhow. Nina Carter, show chairman for the club's annual flnwer show to be held on August 20 and 21, discussed plans for the show. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 OremniQeinieva Society Ina Smllh. Editor Phoaa 0684 Jl Orem Lady Lions Attend Meeting The Orem Lady Lions met at the home of Mrs- Harold Rnud-sen Rnud-sen on Thursday evening. Mrs-Paul Mrs-Paul Ellertson presided at the meeting. Refreshments were served to the ladies present by Mrs. E. B Terry and Mrs. James Norton. uiitcers of the Lady Lions are Mrs. Ellertson. Dresident: Mrs. Verd Washburn, vice pres ident; and Mrs. Lorin Millett. secretary. Canyon Outing For Gleaners Set Aug. 10 -14 Sharon and Orem stake Gleaners, alonif with Cleaners from the four Provo stakes, will gather at the MIA Girls Canyon home for a four-day outing be ginning August 10, it was an- LARGE CROWD WITNESSES T1MP GLACIER SKI RACE Approximately 1200 snectat- ors watched the 33 skiers who pastlcipated in the annual Timp Glacier Cud Race on Saturday. I Junior Bounous, president of the ximpanogos Mountain Club, wa cnairman or tne event and was assisted by Frank Hirst, a director direct-or of the club. Orem Jaycees Hear A. A. Richards Orem Citv Councilman A. A Richards was the featured sneak er at a meeting of the Orem Jaycees held tonieht. Thursday. at Park's cafe. He discussed city management, roads and city improvements. Neal Bunnell, color captain. arranged for the speaker, and Max Pederson arranged, for special musical numbers. The girls are making suits and their work is progressing nicely. Club members present at the meetinfl were Nedra Denya, Lee Ann Bingham, Carol wayior, Jo Ann Green, Viva Brown and Ruth McKell. , F. C. A. Colored slides were shown at the meeting showing gardens of several club members and the club's float which won honors in several parades during the summer. Parlell Peterson is recuper-iting recuper-iting at his home from an operation oper-ation he underwent a week ago in the Salt Lake LDS hospital. Mr. Peterson injured his back several months ago The operation operat-ion was successful. - - t ,3' GENEVA Beth Mnon 0581-R1 Several bovs were ordainod Teachers at Priesthood meeting on Sunday morning. Thev were Henry Brown, Ronald Hatch, Kent Rowley, Orson Tolman, Sterling Rigby and Jackie Burr. Edna Larsen's Sunday School class will have a picnic supper and party at the Orem canyon park on Friday events. All class members are invited to bring their families. Each group will bring their own picnic sup per. The three-quarter mile course with o UArtlfcit 1inn t QAA a nounced this week bv Cloren mnn to iuo .t r.. t- - .. svii wj i-.v v utir L,amo, a memDer of the program Inings, former Olympic team committee for the affair. I member. The race attracted Girls wishing to attend the ! a number of nationally known affair are instructed to notify skiers. Photographers were on their ward YWMIA presidents, .hand to take pictures for Nation- through Lurleen of Sharon stake week and Saturday Evenine or Oriel Cleen of Orem tnki iPost. registration committee members !.',,' Girls who cannot go for the 1 F'rs.1 pJacf m0n? the wTen . . wpnt n Sue o Harris a mAmKoi rmiP lava maw nltan .na " u i v v urday and Sunday ' the natlonal team competing at the homes of Carol The program at the canvon "" jrCa, ..a a..VUM home will include hiking, handi- eco"a p . Wem 10 cnarlene Billy Farrell won in the men's division. George Sormer and Corey Engen were second and third place winners. 4-H Club Activities Sewing Our Styles The Sewing Our Styles 4-H group met at the home of Ruth McKell. Miss Elaine Short is directing the activities of the Kroun for two weeks durlns the absence of their regular lead er The F.CA. 4-H Club of Pleas ant View held recent meetings Allred S. I. Club t Meets at Park Members of the S. I. Club held. " their monthly meeting on Sunday Sun-day afternoon at Pioneer park. A pot luck lunch was served and chatting was enjoyed by the ladies. Present at the meeting were Mrs. June Brown, Mrs. Laurel Gibson, Mrs. Dot Schwartzrock, Mrs. Loretta Carol, Mrs. Florence Flor-ence Brown. Mrs. Mav Iaaaeaon and Mrs Arthella Felker. The -Mississippi river drains' five-twelfths of the Unted States. craft, programs and Sunday services ser-vices on Sunday. A bonfire oro- gram is set for Saturday evening even-ing to which all Gleaners are invited, in-vited, as well as M Men jnd their partners. Cost of the outina is $6 50 for . the four days, or $3 for the Sat- jUIldaV befVlCeS urnav-Snnrtnw nutinu ' " t, GRAND VIEW WARD ) Sacrament meeting will start , at 7:30 under the direction of the 'Primary. Mrs. Berniece Kirk-Iwood Kirk-Iwood will preside and Victor IVicklund will furnish the music. Kids Parade, Dance Review Makes Hit Approximately 1500 children Mrs. Prcal Jones and Ferr- INSIDE JOBT . . . Laird, (he collie. col-lie. Is watched at Dr. Charles Fletcher's kennel In New York. It teems Mrs. Gold Fvlkersoa was walking two cocker spaniels and met Laird. A fight ensued in which Mrs. Falkersoa was nipped and her S7.M diamond disappeared. The qnesttoai Is the diamond hi Laird? All members of the ward and especially the children are asked to participate in the Primary Children's, hospital building program pro-gram by buyne a brick. Mrs Ar- vella DeLange has enveopes for the contributions. Asahel D. Woodruff of Provo, member of the General Sun day School board was a visitor at Sunday School. NaDene Adams and Russell Adams gave interesting two and one-nair minute talks on Sun day morning. Evan Burr and Leland Davis. representing the Aaronic Priesthood, Priest-hood, gave talks at Sacrament meeting on Sunday Deon Pat ten gave an interesting account or ner experiences at Woman s Medical College of Pennsylvania last winter. Janet Peterson sang a vocal solo, accompanied by LaDene Donnell and Lois Jensen played a piano solo. The Primary officers and teachers enjoyed a steak fry in the canyon on Saturday evening. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Orrel DeLange, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Patten, Bishop and Mrs-Wilford Mrs-Wilford Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Finch, Mr and Mrs. Ar-den Ar-den Rowley and Mrs. Edith Murdock. At the Youth Leadership meeting on Monday evening fin al plans were made for the annual four day trip of the iDS girls and Aaronic priesthood boys. The advisors will announce an-nounce the names of those who are eligible on Sunday morning and all boys and girls should be in attendance at Sunday School to receive final instructions. and their parents participated in closing summer recreation activities at Scera on Saturday. The day included two free matinees, a net and fun Darade. exhibit of handwork, dance re view and musical Drocram. Flor ence Muhlestein, director of the children's play program this summer, was in charge. There were 50 entries in the pet and fun parade. Winners were the health float from Grand View and the Hawaiian float ridden bv Jean Buckner. Jeanette Maag, Zola Mckinnon and Coleen Smith. Prizes were also awarded to Maynard Nielson, driving a nov elty fire wagon; Don Cragun, for his lion's cage; George Win-terton, Win-terton, best costume: Janet Gor don, May Gillespie, and Gerry Therning, best decorated bicycle; bi-cycle; Geradine Thacker, best decorated doll buggy; Lola Ann Rowley, Jeanine Jacobs and Elaine Rowley, best decorated tricycle. Other entries winning prizes were fclame Dianne and Dixie Morgan and Joan and Waunda Marrott. Handwork was exhibited in the Scera lounge under the dir ection of Darrell Stanley and Mrs. Edgar Booth- Articles in cluded plastics, wood, crochet and cloth. Some 300 children particiD' ated in a dance review in the afternoon. Maxine Pinegar was in charge. A musical nresentat- lon was given under the direct ion of Mrs- Orland Pyne. Mr. and Mrs. Genree Will- ett spent the weekend visiting relatives in Colorado. Th first recorded vnewriter was patented in England in 1714. morning. - Thp LDS cirls will have an other enjoyable fireside chat on SnnHav ovpninff at the Leslie The group will leave on Tuesday Adams home. 48 BRAND NEW HOMES 48 Just Being Completed FEATURING LARGE 3-BEDROOM HOMES 2-BEDROOM HOMES WITH ATTACHED GARAGE A gorgeous panorama view of Provo valley, mountains and lake the most livable homesite in the city. TOP OF HILL SOUTH AtfD WEST OF ESQUIRE MARKET Large 2-Bedroom Homes $8000 All above homes F-H-A- approved with financing all arranged for- Down payments pay-ments $700 and $800 plus loan costs and reserves. Monthly payments less than rent. Large 3-Bedroom Homes $9000 Lots 65x100 feet graded, fully improved improv-ed streets with curbs and sidewalks. Hrdwd floors, linoleum in kitchen, bath and utility room Auto, gas heat- Buyers may select colors to suit if purchased before decorating stage. Beautiful Morningside Heights Drive to Top of Hill on Highway 91 to 1800 South Street Thence West to Site J. WYLEY SESSIONS 1480 r MARTIN A. JOHNSON, 2777M RAY KATZENBACH, 2191W ,on Jones attended the Lambert family reunion held at Midway ilast Sunday. Shirley Thompson demonstrated demon-strated the proper method of prenarina whole wheat bread. Games were conducted by Mary Jean Miller and the girls worked work-ed on their record books and recipe re-cipe files Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs. A. Ray Ek-ins, Ek-ins, Mr, and Mrs. Stanford Ekins and family and Mr. and Mrs-Robert Mrs-Robert Elliott and family attended attend-ed the reunion of descendants of John and Elinor Sykes Ekins, held at Luke's ho pots in Mid way last week. Rats can live in cold climates as well as in the tropics. Mr. and Mrs. O. Tronjo and their son and his wife t,.vn Chicago. Illinois visited at the- home of Mr and Mrs. Hal Cow. ley last week. 1 1 1 'it DRENTVOOD COTTC SCHOOL IN 0OLD "i .. V D DACCI 70 STILL I 4. ' t . ,. LOW AT A 1 6 Xs i "Mil 0 1 ) -h: lie k : 7 " Vet, those Penney Brentwoods Juit get better and better! No house-drew look about thee 5-tquart 5-tquart cottons . . . their smart tyling and fresh plaid prints give them go-anywhere good looks ! And at this LOW . . . they're terrific! Misses' sizes 12-20, juniors 9-1 7. '7 rn rn 3 uJ LJ pncy.o , S T & u l |