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Show 0REM-GENEVA TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 18 (Orpm - (Stntm tmea Published Every Thursday at Oram, Utah M NEFF SMART, Editor and Publishei Entered as second class m-cter November 19, 1944 ; the postofflce at Orem. Utah, under the act of March 3. 1879. MEMBER: Utah State Press Association Subscription Rates: One year, strictly in advance j3 00 Six Months $2.80 'AIN'T WHAT WE WAS' . The brilliant new president of Brandeis University, Dr, Abram L. Sachar, tells of a benediction offered by a Negro who had been attending an interracial conference. confer-ence. The INegro quoted the following prayer from his unlettered grandfather: " Lord, we ain't what we wanta be; Lord, we ain't 'what we oughta be; and Lord, we ain't what we're gonna be. But, Lord, we's thankful that we ain't what we was." The profundity of the prayer speaks for itself. It is a prayer that could be used by the United Nations. It coulcTbe used by a group of youngsters attending a summer camp; it could be used by a college gradate, or, indeed, by any person who defies fatalism. One of the most important factors often neglected by religionists is that of fundamental change. The social and personal questions that beset us often become ends in themselves ; or we fail to note the results of man's continuing crusade for righteousness. There is a fundamental funda-mental optimism native to the religionist that must not be lost- Sometimes let us honestly and reverently bow our heads and thank God that "we ain't what we was." Zions Herald (Boston). Mr. and Mrs. Leland Gapp-mayer Gapp-mayer and Kathie spent several days touring Bryce, Zion's and Grand Canyon and Boulder Dam- Mr and Mrs. Harold Baker had as their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs John Stastney of Ogden. Friends of Karen Beth Moon helped her celebrate her sixth birthday on Saturday afternoon- Games were played ind refreshments served to Linda Joey and Hallie Shumway, Luana Littlefield, Glenda and Jay Brown, Brent and Douglas Patten, Lee Grant Guymon, Ilene Davis and Coreyne Steele. Rail Travelers Drawn Trains Prefer Diesel American railroads anxious to cater to the whims of the American Amer-ican tourist, are going full speed ahead in replacing steam engines with new diesel locomotives. In addition to smoother rides and better on-time records, the replacement re-placement of steam engines with diesel help remove the dirt and smoke nuisance. Most new locomotives being installed by rail lines today are diesels. For example, of the total 1,010 engines en-gines added by he railroads in the first half of this year, 969 were diesel. Similarly, of the 1,127 now on order, 1,094 are diesel. i MO WONDER HE'S FLOUNDERING Rih its -viiSJEZi- s n -, ' - ' jT I TWXVv Je. . "easr Vu, - J Some eWft. 1 r Yf. , L-"' - - ' ."iWP 1 ) I v.w VINEYARD Malicent Wells 0893-J1 Extensive nreoaration is Be ing forward for Vineyard's annual ann-ual ward outing artd the Sunday School's centennial celebration-The celebration-The date set for the big get together to-gether is August 24 at Canyon Glen. All former ward members are invited. The officers and teachers of the Sundav School will have charge of th asy's activities. Youth Leadership meetine was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Antoine L Bunker. A oo ial ' was held following iht meeting and refreshments wre served. Fast Day services will be held on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. The MIA girls from Vineyard who enjoyed an outing to the girls home in Provo canyon were Caleen .Muzzell, Anabel Ciegg, Dora Pace, RaNee Orvin, Nadine Harding, LaRae Holdaway, Ruth Anderson, Donna V. Holdaway and Lois Jenkins- Beth Hfrdlng was the chaperon. YWMIA pres-iden pres-iden Oroil Clegg and Lena Y. Clegg, stake counselor, visited the girls and Edna Gillman, ward supervisor, spent Sunday with them. Among those who attended the William Blake family reunion reun-ion held at Fairmont Park in Salt Lake City ere Mr. and Mrs-S. Mrs-S. H Blake, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Blake and family, Mr. and Mrs-Max Mrs-Max Blake and family and Mr. Generally speaking, those foods which are best for us are most satisfying. Milk, nature's most perfect food, is the perfect energy booster. You don't hav to cultivate a taste for it, and, unlike stimulants, it sires you GENUINE vitality. vital-ity. ; For home delivery of that good , MOUNTAIN MEADOW MILK Phone 484 Goiovo EDaibsr Go. 8th South and State Orem To Shed Light on the World This Week -THESE MEN HAD THIS TO SAY: "In the place of the vanquished foe Has arisen this new agressor, bent upon absorbing the exhausted victors." GEN. OMAR N. BRADLEY, speaking before Congress. , fi "I am fearful of delay." GEN- GEORGE C. MARSHALL, MARSH-ALL, urging Congress to approve the full $1,450,QOO,-' 000 military assistance program to friendly nations. "If the breach continues to widen between ownership, and management on the one side and the workers on j the other, it will destroy American industry and destroy i America." WALLACE F. BENNETT, Salt Lake City," president of the National Association of Manufacturers, speaking before the Los Angeles Rotary club. -j "Operation for the six-month period of this year? brought net profits of $97,088.12 after all expenses, depreciation de-preciation and interest on indebtedness were paid." J. HAMILTON CALDER. chairman of the Provo utilities 1 board, in describing the semi-annual report of the, Provo, municipal power plant "WeW have experienced what they (preceding courts) never knew. Our vision may be shorter or longer. But it is ours. It is better that we make our own history than be governed by the dead- We too must be dynamic com- Ir?? .f hi,story " ASSOCIATE JUSTICE DOUGLAS of the U. S. Supreme Court. and Mrs. Joseph Blake and fam ily. James Blake was elected president of the family organiz ation for the coming year. Relief Society meeting vwill be held on Tuesdav nt th v. rim a V lVeIC of Mrs. Lyle Williams. Class leader Velda Bunker will give the lesson and the visiting toners ton-ers Will make their reports. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams Ad-ams and children, Leslie Jane, Laurel and Jimmy returned to their home in Layton on Sunday after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams. They spent Friday night at Aspen Grove and made the Timp hike. ' -r " '. J: x . I -v A I - I Mr. and Mrs. Grant are vacationine at ards Lake in Idaho, huch-Bear Mrs. Maybell Millei is visiting friends in Preston, Idaho this week. Between 1601 and 1609, 2,000 Frenchmen of noble birth fell in duels. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Baker Continues Study of Federal Taxes The founding fathers, in making mak-ing the rules on which this country would be operated, never nev-er intended that the Elected Officials should tax the individual indiv-idual in order to provide the Government with money (your tax money) to enter into direct competition with private business. busin-ess. 1 The operation of TVA as an example shows that if its ac counting system were properly handled it would show an actual deficit (cash shortage) of $174,- 000,000 up to 1948, aside from the enormous cost of construct ion. The people of the State ot Utah Ut-ah and every other state in the union are paying taxes to keep the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) In operation, and they will continue to pay taxes on through the coming years to keep it operating in competition with private industry. The TVA not only operates on a deficit basis but it operates tax free, and that great American institution instit-ution the Tax Payer (the goat) pays the bill. Each state, each town or tom-munity tom-munity should stand on its own economic feet and the Federal Government should bend all its energies to the work of government govern-ment and leave business to the collective efforts of individuals, only by this method may we hope to avoid dicatorship. Tht methods of taxation, as well as the purposes for which the taxes are used will end in financial paralysis and economic econom-ic chaos unless those who levy taxesand spend the monej are roped and hogtied by the force of informed public opinion. Many, many people in this country are well aware of the value of our way of life a we have known it in years gone by, and we would keep it that way. The danger today is not so much from the so-called subversive element el-ement in this country, as it is from the "money mad" spending politicians whom we have elected elect-ed to office. They are creating the very state of financial chaos which plays right into the hand of the communists. Do you, or I want Communism here? No, then let us stop this mad orgy of taxation and spending. Bill Baker Mr. and Mrs. Theodore. Farley, and Mr and Mrs. Leorw ard Peterson and family leff Monday for a vacation trip. - . i r S mmmmmm wmmma aaa FRIDAY & SATURDAY AUG. 5 - 6 Seta Vtar v" KIRKDOUGLAS tnRlnlLaidnrs uinn MAiwEti . uroi tth PAW. STEWART Birm numn" . Produced br STANLEY KRAMER And; "LOVE THAT BEAUTY". This is America "CLUES TO ADVENTURE", a Pawing Parsdt. S. S. S. Fun Matinee Saturday at 1 :30 COLORADO An action western starring Roy Rogers and Trigger! Plus: First Chapter: "King of lha Rocket Men" Cartoons MON., TUES., WED. AUG. 8-9-10 in u r ' CPlf ffo'ili !!'! rr9.f'T I l'l.l'T f'fV m Lr 1 iwinn wviivnn ni wwa,tiii itbiii ini Pi A KETR0-S3LDWYII-KUVCX KASTCTXCS t 1 - "CHANGE PCESE" . . kill, this, bat the has "eaanf ' for herself. Welfhln lesa three nneea this new iwlratult Is easily tacked la Barbar Fr kiiif's change par a a, takiag slightly mora room thaa a hand kerchief. These antics ara t&C place la Ssa Franclsca. 'ffllAFFEnS EVERY DAY" vf 50V-0?? oP(Mj vvsoDy wows wio A v PLOTNER 12ID6M.OVS? MOT AT ALL .TVOU MAV if 3V OUQ STAY OUT f80Mr 87-71 trsrM1M fiwciriate 1 . 1. 1 1 1 1 1 laaa I" II Organ music, either religion or I secular, imparts reverent inspir- . ation to the memorial services- 1 I At Berg Mortuary the family I III may select an appropriate mus- I 1 ical program at no extra charge. I iuouuaiu us cast centei a phomf i7t ... Hoiv! tvo big ovtr.z pPDgocjaoo' 0 cutorriclic electric rcngo UM tkewn ll IK-70 Othera htm $000.00 S32D.75 Now, Bake Roast Broil . . . Faster Easier ScHer How, with two, all-purpose, Even-Heat Oveni, you can bait In one oven . , . roast or broil In tht other, all at once fotfw, easier, beffarf Ideal for large families. Tht finest electric range that money can buy. See this new Frlgldalre Automatic Electric Range todayl These features bring Safe . . . Clean . . . Cool . . . Cooking Two large ovtns plus c'A these facturts Autamatic Ceek-Katter Oven Clock Control fluorescent Cookinf-Tat Cookinf-Tat ler-p Autofflotk Tlmo-S:?Mt Avtenwft Swfdce IVJt 1 Utrk crppanca eettats Ll-tortaiwa cciinat iUii-rotlsf pomicUi coeking-toi ono many efhort yen showfd soof mm. - -" t ladlonlub 5-SpMd Surface Unita Ttieie eulviiv units gWe you iteady, Inttanl htol every timet Only Frigidaire hat theml Trtermlier Deea-well Ceeker It's O 6-quart deep-well cooker wllh Thritlo-Matic twitch. Can be changed ta urloce unit in a ilfy. Cook-Matter Oven Clack Centre! Put In a meal, tet lor ttarS. Ing and finithlng flat . . . and forget II. Ceokt a eieal while you're away. Two High-Speed raflen, WaliS-HIgh Jutt walet high for aii-.d envenlence. foil, ii"", oven hoot eroik) mean perfectly. per-fectly. Smoheleu type. , ORSEL DELANGS, DSALTa PHO?JE 0789 Jl ACROSS FHGr.1 SCEHA IN CZZll |