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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES Need! Any of They re Available ::::i:::::u:t::::::::::::a!i::i:::::ii Agricultural Implements Modern Farm Service Your Utah County dealer for Ferguson Tracton and Implements, Imple-ments, Farm Machinery and ' Supplies. PHONE 056 R2 ' 1804 S. Stale Oram Bni:n::w::::::!:n::::!::!n:i:::::i:!i:::iinK:":::::::::::u:! Patten and Ekins Complete line of farm and orchard or-chard supplies. Case Farm Machinery, Mach-inery, Tractors, Implements-Sales Implements-Sales Service Parts PHONE 1744 W Pleasant View Artists Charles Agency Custom and creative art work done by Charles W. Jr., Orem artist. 850 South Main St Automobile Dealers BB3BaaneBS8aaBiBBi:::inii:wa:nB:::Kisa:.i Washburn Service Tour Kaiser-Frazer Dealer Delivering new cars Servicing Servic-ing all makes of cars. PHONE 0767 J3 8th North and Slate Orem Auto Parts Seely Auto Parts Co. Machine shop service-service; service-service; Re-boring. PHONE 0552 Jl 1st South and Slate Brake Orem Auto Repairing Hall Motor Service Automotive' and heavy equipment equip-ment repair. Body-fender paint shop 24.hour Wrecker Service DAY PHONE 021 R3 Nite Phone CS33 R2 18th South and State Orem Mount A' Lake Assn. Complete garage service by experienced ex-perienced mechanics. Regular gasoline at service station 24c. Tire sale now on! PHONE 0731 32 520 South Stile Orem e3BKasascsa2:::B:::a::n::::"!in:::in::::B:n:::::!a Barbers Ericksen Barber Shop Make it a habit to get your hair cut here. You can tell the difference! differ-ence! PIIGNSCSS0J1 t:h North and Stale Orem otaaBasRHKKn!a!:n:::!:n::i:::i:::na:!!!K::K:a!! Eurningham the Barber Tor a well-shaped haircut stop I re. No rush Jobs. . Our Haircuts axe famous! . t) South Stale. orem ftsamsns:a:saim:!:n:suR::ni:is:uu:sia:iinii York's Barber Shop fmrt, well-dressed men get t-eir haircuts at York's- Yes, if you want to get clipped, see uat Fhone CCI5 Jl T:h North and Stat Orem RuuiaunraiKKirosuKiuiuttinn: Boxes RC.Olsen Truit, Industrial and Corrugated Ljxes Eushel, Eerry and Fruit tiskets. Spraying Materials :.tisi;uua:::::::u;:::::!-::u:;:nu: Bus Lines Geneva Transportation Co. Serving' the Orem-Geneva area with fast, efficient service. Special Spec-ial bus service for groups. PnONE783 T.e profession of acting was confined entirely to men in ancient an-cient Greece. "ha V'zyow bell, largest In world in acua use, weighs ina. rui:!:!sm:::u::::!::i:!:::R:::na::!sa::!:::::::::::u:::::::: Children's Wear gnnnm:aamuiiian:aBaaCTasaKgnian::c::::aani Erma's Shoppe Infanta' and children's clothing and shoes. Shower gifts. Toys, a good assortment of blankets, diapers and diaper bags. PHONE 0546 Jl 675 No. State Oram Children's Shoes MacDonald's Clothing Phone 0790 Rl We feature pre-tested Poll Parr ot shoes for growing boys and girls- Exclusive in Orem- 8lh South and Slate Orem Concrete Christen Sand and Gravel Ready - Mix;d concrete Co. Ha 'yard or a million to your own specifications. PHONE 021 Rl 20th South and Slate Orem Department Stores Christensen's Department Store Clothing and shoes for men and women. Sundries- Simplicity Patterns. PHONE 0550 Rl 670 North Slate Orem Electrical Contractors Miller Electric FARM & HOME SERVICE CONTRACT WIRING Industrial - Residential Moe Fixtures Controls William C Miller PHONE 014 Jl la:i::::::!i:::::::::::::;:::i::::::::::::::":::::::::::::::::::m.l! Geneva Supply Co. Your Westinghouse Dealer Wiring and wiring supplies Residential Industrial lighting fixtures- Gas and electric appli- snc6s PHONE 0650 Rl 3 doors South Orem City Hall Pate Heating & Appliance Contract wiring: Industrial, Res idential, Commercial. Air Conditioning Con-ditioning and heating equipment Phone 0552 Rl tnnn:u:i:tmuffi::mi:::::i:::i::: ::::::it::::m:i:n Drive-Ins oss:::iu::::::::u:::::n:i::mi::'.:::::i::::::s::!::s:iiu::::i:n Kirk's Drive-In Dinners, Lunches, Sandwiches- Fish and Chips, Chicken Malts, , Ice Cream, Car Service , PHONE 5S9 R2 V v North Orem n:::i:n:!u::Kcuui::ui:::-.:::::::::n::u::::::n::mi:tni Bunny's Corner Bunnyburgers, malts, Spudnuts, walking Sundaes. Whether its a snack or a complete com-plete meal you want, stop here! 8th South and State, Orem m::ni::ai::::::itiii:i::i::::t::-j:i:::r.n::!:i!:a:i::i::ii::ni Feed :!!:::::itui::iii:m:U!im:::i:):s:u::Kn:n:n:uininiiana Bunker's Custom grinding and mixing For higher milk production use Bunkers feeds- Try our newly developed Horse Crunch. Phone 0551 R3 Genera Steel is Across from Us Cluff s Feed Mill and Shopping Center Manufacturers and Dealers in quality feeds and poultry sup plies. Fresh groceries and meats-PHONE meats-PHONE 1265 , Pleasant View cannann:::m::::n:nnn:::K::8s:smBtBmmnx LaMar Ercanbrack Dealer for Drapc-r Poultrymen ! and Draper Egg Ass n Co-op. Dairy and Poultry Feed Grains Wholesale and retail Phone 12S5 Pleasant View Plumbers L. C. Bailey Journeyman plumber Plumbing Heating Remodeling Repairing PHONE 013 J2 1700 South State Oram These in the Or em Area Insurance Beneficial Life Insurance Orem-Fleasant Grove Represent ative: JACK E. HORTON Phone Pleasant Grove 5332 510 East 3rd North, P. G. Phone 0546 J2 "Is Your Life Insurance Benefi cial?" c::ui::u:::ui:::::ni:::::::::::Kn::::::::nu::::n::K:R;n:n: PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Joseph R. Mills Orem-Pleasanl Grove Agent Phone P. G. 2284 499 Locust Ave., Pleasant Grove "The Prudential has the Strength of Gibralter" jk;::::::;::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..;;:;::...;...... FOR THAT GOOD OLD Mutual of Omaha POLICY that pays your doctor bills on your whole family office calls, home call3, or hospital calls, up to $500 on each case. See L. A. HILLS 287 West on 8lh North, Orem or PHONE 0546 J2 Photographers Orem-Geneva Photo Center Quality Photo finishing. 24-hour service. Developing, printing, ana enlarging. PHONE 0552 Rl Next door to Orem telephone office Insulation U. S. Rock Wool Sales Co. Insulation for home and industry. indus-try. Our fire-proof insulation will reduce your fuel bill one-third one-third and your summer temperature temper-ature 12 percent. PHONE 010 Jl 1690 South Stale Orem Lawyers Hugh Vern Wentz Attorney-At-Law PHONE 231 4th So. and State Orem JVIetal Work Clegg Welding Phone 075 J3 Ornamental iron work. Porch railings. General Welding and fabrication. 1700 South Slaie Orem Millwork Pyne Bros. Cabinet and Millwork Shop'- Plain and fancy cabinets. Have t made here in Orem,. Phone CS57 J3 150 North State Orem Wesko Cabinet Works We can save you money on windows: basement units, doub le-hung windows, stationary sash wood and metal cabinets. Phone 0654 Rl 3rd North and State Oxen Newspapers Orem - Geneva Times Utah County's largest circulated weekly. Serving over 1500 families in the Orem-Geneva area. Phone 0684 Jl 550 South State Orem Painters V. Emil Hansen Sign painting, paper hanging, Interior decorating. , Expert work Phone 0529 R2 , Orem Steel Buildings U. S. Rock Wool Sales Co. The versatile Quonset is adaptable adapt-able to every building need. Giving you more value per dollar dol-lar than any other type building. build-ing. Phones 013 J3 010 Jl 1690 So. State St. Orem services i Tires - Recapping O. K. Rubber Welders Orem's Tire Recapping Headquarters Head-quarters A name you can count on- Famous from Coast to Coast. Phone 0790 R2 . 8lh South and State Orem Tourist Courts Chief Timpanogos Motel A grand place to stay. Sealey Air matresses on all beds. Radio in every room. Convenient to stores, theatre. Phone 0791 Jl ! Across from Scera Orem hk.vm... U'mera Orem vjiivu a mica Fine commercial printino. Wedding Annoucements. Hand bills, Programs, Menus, Business Forms, etc. Phone 0584 Jl 550 South Slate Orem Real Estate Ray E. Hanks Co. Phone 0554 Rl, 3642 or 2333 M Buying or selling real estate. SEE "Desiring to serve in every degree." de-gree." Fire and automobile insurance. 265 West Center Prove Repair Shops Ed's Fix-It Shop If Ed can't fix it, it can't be fixed. Sewing machine, bicycle, motor, lawn mower repairs. Phone 537 Rl 722 North Stale Orem Restaurants Bill and Iva's Cafe Delicious food served in a pleasant atmosphere. Chicken, Steak Dinners We Cater to Parties Phone 0575 Rl 3rd South and State Orem Clyde's Coffee Shop Short orders our specialty Hamburgers, steaks Good food served in a hurry. Phone 0576 Rl 81h North and State Orem Park's Cafe U-m-m-m, good! That's what everybody says about our fried chicken and sizzling steak dinners. din-ners. Catering to parties. PHONE 0568 Jl 8th North and State Oram ' Silver Star Utah County's most exclusive dining spot. . Steak, Chicken, Fish dinners. Catering a specialty. special-ty. Phone 0566 R2 4lhNorth and 41h West. Oram Twin Pines : ' Specializing in Steak and Chicken Chick-en Dinners. Our Drivate dinina room available for private banquets ban-quets and parties Phone 0573 Jl Across from Orem City Hall Septic Tanks - Service A. B. C. Furnace Cleaners Equipped to dudid or Dressur pump any and all jobs. No spill age or oaors. Hauled in sealed tank trucks. Phone 0858 R5 ,Orem :x::::::::ti:::a::::::;::: Sporting Goods ii:::nn:a!y::::::::i:i:::a!:n:::::n-j:s:K::ns3:: Burr's Sporting Goods Phone 0789 Jl Guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, tack-le, bicycles, athletic equipment, boats and motors. Across from Scera Orem A bath of bulls' blood was used as a baptism in the myster ies of Attis, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica- PLEASANT VIEW Among those from Pleasant View who made the Timp hike were Angus Wall, Frank Wall, LaMar Wall, Mrs. Reva Perry. Janet Baum, Gladys Tippetts Alga Allred, Frank Tippetts and Blaine Tippetts- Billy Wilkins gave the sacrament sacra-ment gem in Sunday School. The closing program or ine summer Primary activities was held on Wednesday afternoon-A afternoon-A program and refreshments were enjoyed. Articles made Dy the children during the summer were displayed - Congratulations go to the M Men who have played such a fine series of softball games this summer. Bruce Miller Is the manager of the team and the following fol-lowing are members of the team: Duane Lowry, Mont Briggs, Lynn Lowry, Haws Baum, Clar-enc: Clar-enc: Schneider, Kenneth Ash-ton, Ash-ton, Curtis Colvin, Glade Montgomery Mont-gomery and Douglas Eagar. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Lind-strom Lind-strom and children, Gail and Robert presented the program at sacrament meeting. Gene .Nicson and Mrs. Vera Whitehead White-head furnished musical numbers. num-bers. The Relief Society neia a 'wnrk dav last Tuesday and com- pleted a lovely quit. A bazaar will be held on will be ; Wednesday,- August 10, begin- ning at 4 p.m. Certain moths cannot fly ufttiF they have reached "flight tem perature" by energetically brating their wings. vi- New York City's water supply "crosses" the Hudson River through a tunnel 1,114 feet below be-low sea-level. About 29 cubic feet of poisonous poison-ous gas is created with each pound of coal consumed by a steam locomotive. Temperatures which kill living liv-ing cells are often only a few degrees de-grees above those at which they are accustomed to living. 'Minimi it ii BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER Wn ft complete, dtpendoble local mm. Yon need' to know all that it coins on where yea live. Bat yoa live aba m a WORLD, whore mom on tout event are in the making events which coo moan to mach to yoa, te year Job, yoat home, year tatare. Fet conttractive ropottt and mtorprt-totieat mtorprt-totieat ai notional and mtomo-tional mtomo-tional newt, there it no tahttitate for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR daily. Eniey the ontfHt el homo, eat informed locally, natwnolly. mtornetienolly with year local aaa and The Chrittien Science Monitor. LISTEN Taotdoy niehtt aror ABC ttetioat te The Chrittien Science Monitor Views the Nov." And ate this tteeon i ,; rooty tor a teeciel k o , tredtKtory tahecriatien. $ rJL ' Tko Ckrwrlon Idtneo Mi.Eii One, Merwoy St.. Batten IS, Maak, U-S.A. today lor The Chrk-Hm Um Mmrtw U atom. I i iTm l. IT Mountain View Trailer Court & Motel Showers and baths. Complete laundry with mangle for your convenience Phone 0567 Rl 1601 North State Orem Upholstering SI"-- s Young's Upholstering Co. Furniture restyling and repairing repair-ing cur specialty. All work guar-anteed. guar-anteed. Call for estimate Choose your own fabric. Phone 0752 J4 Oram ..: Making a substantial contrib - ution to Orem's reputation as beautiful and choice place to live are Mr and Mrs. Samuel O. Crosby who live two blocks west of State St- on 4th South. All summer long their yard is a mecca for flower lovers from miles around. The big attraction is the Cros- bys' renowned iris garden thejing Evan, 14, Marilyn, 10, and largest of its kind in the state. In his garden are iris from all over the worm. More unusuai is the fact that Mrs- Luzon Cros by knows the name (usually the scientific name) of every iris in the garden. From early April when the first iris from Asia Minor blooms until late fall the Crosby iris gardens are a sight to behold. be-hold. They have earned such a reputation that the State Ins Society makes an annual pilgrimage pil-grimage to see them. Develops New Strains Mrs- Crosby always tries to keep up with the latest develop ments in the iris world and has many of the most recent patents pat-ents in her gardens- She also has put her ingenuity to work and develooed many new strains herself. As systematically as a scientist she cross-pollinates selected sel-ected iris a most delicate and tedious work Fortunately Sam Crosby shares Luzon's enthusiasm enthus-iasm for flower culture and love of flowers. Mrs. Crosby says she couldn't do much without him as he does most of the cultivating cul-tivating and irrigating and other strenuous work involved in the gardens. Talented Artist Although she is best known for her iris gardens and work in flower culture, Mrs. Crosby does not limit her activities in this direction. She is a talented artist in both water colors and oils, but unfortunately she does not get as much time as she would like to develop this tal ent. For the past five years Mrs. Crosby has been an outstanding Bee Keeper in the Geneva ward MIA. She is admired and respected respect-ed by the girls she teaches. Works in Salt Lake City Mr. Crosby is probably away from home more than he wuld like inasmuch, as he is employ ed as a carpenter-foreman nth the Walker Construction Co. in Salt Lake City. At present hw is working on a job at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon Of course he has to drive both to Ar(t -I larS -ottli iteras shelf tCd " Ao,oma,ie In'r!w Hghf lit e. LaT9 hum ,owl "mparl h. e Durable. Inna-lnctin li.i. Lew 312 Sooth A' PAINTED CLYDE E.WEEK3. and from Sal Lake every day he a WOrks and he works six days a week which doesn't leave him all the time he would like to spend at home. Fishing Trip However, the Crosbys were able to take a vacation this summer. sum-mer. The whole ' family, includ- Sammy, 6, just got back from a week's fishing trip to the northern north-ern part of Nevada. They really enjoyed the trip, but found upon up-on their arrival home that a jo sgejuBApe uasiej peq jeijnq their absence. If you'd like to see something very much worth while, drop over to Crosbys' gardens one day soon. You'll see one of Orem' Or-em' beauty spots- And if Sam and Luzon Crosby happen to 6e working in the gardens, you'll see a couple whose love of liow- rs is helping to make Orem one of the flower centers of Utah. At least twice weekly, air craft from Alaska fly to the North Pole and back to make weather observations. OREM muu!lL..,-. ' jmi.ii.i""W"'ww,;'!.: MBTCHEMS n nn v cofflDartment Durable, long-lasting finish operating cm Unlyersity Are. Ptoyo THURSDAY, AUGUST ,194 HILL MES? Vaneese Woffinden 0553.Rl The Gleaner girls and M iw were entertained at th k en Miss Shirley Rowland at Tr side chat on Sunday. Mrs. Elw'ood Johnson ent.. tained the Gleaners and Ju Girls on Friday evening, were marie fnr th "wj girls home in Provo Mary Ashdown led the grZ t games. . . , m The big event of the sum for Hill Crest wardS was the outing held at Canvl Glen. The families of the lZ gathered around the large nic nic tables. Ruth Barnum wss charge of a one-act play "Myti. ical Medicine," presented by the MIA. Those taking part were Rhlene and Nita Doman, Lhcille Woffinden and Norman rm (phant Richard M. Hebertson, son of Mr. and Mrs- Thorit C. Hebertson, Heb-ertson, has received a call to serve in the Swiss-Austrian mission. mis-sion. Ha will leave in November for the mission home. Mrs- Lexia Harris, Mr. and Mrs Frank Woffinden, Mr and Mrs. Richard Rowley and family spent Sunday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Charles Searle in Taylors-ville. Taylors-ville. FEMALE HELP WANTED Show friends big Christmas Card values. $1 Assortments pay up to 100 percent piofit Imprinted Greetings 50 for $1, up. "Leader" assortment on approval, Free Imprint Samples- Write, STYLART, ijlo Santee, Dept. 30, Los Angeles 55, California. 1. " AM CAdi1 Kitchen... LO 01 Mtt as Next to Utah Power 0r PHONE 133 PEONE 0767 B1 |