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Show . . t . ... '. ,- L ,i .'C, -. . . " ' ; ", "''-'.iff.'i'' r-"''j :;imhttma weal io liyaJu Scotfndofa -'" Jteieand.didnn lilt iha W'iniry.' t wa :f nil Xh tlrnS T waa iheneMyi he'and f 35 llirejl fiero- fill Ibfa ilflfa Id been daid 8pi "'.r. . .... v J 4s ; lly,". said.ywitifgent,' preparing tcutalce ,'ijf 'j oii l(any pn calla, tall tftaVt'p gpae 0 wfcir,Vir? -"Goa tonteep' - dwi't Ihtaki huatiahd, tlit;yo nreyery . i' t, 1 "Noj -Jnileed, wife' :Vnt .everybody. VIM ! r that I ajwfttHy Sreterf. Wc .- ' . ' " . . . c ndi 1 exeHango aayas "0ir davll, ,wio paya Tli at attention tbt ayonrifj latly.op. townwli.h sakli.any decided ad vanceli ai returning ibl ber.from meetlngibe other h'gb wienaba . gly. aatdi "I (ear T atull never , (fo lo From "Wby!' said; jwr-typo,- -Becaua,'i lled, lave a devil ao welb V''; - . v V ' r:" V:;. t ts. ' "-Fai noils .iR.artwdjlaayiPwnticaj,: atari!; their -JelboaouVoteacb' QinVra atomacba; 'AI1 mauitbmacV'iablnarfn tli&t log ot'hi,tytk elbow, tlian'by tliosa of his 9jfii .;.?r';y2.!::f IZ if that comes from aboviWuot aMewlttftl: lietnin wt(a'aka;et.lc'ftVu'hVbad.- . vbatbaca ' .popular ;nov'j!dp maggola r?J Hog ovet a cheese remind '6net v.jrh'" Pd- x7 ot.tbetRbW' -" -..J" '-'i-'i";" W -""N ' ' " ' '' - and n board the Cunard ateamera.-dlrina .eervtee. v id1 every; 8and'ay -morning. .A paaaipger; ," unday,' naked one of iba crew, "Are'fyou . d to attend public worshlp7" "Notectiy W i, lr,M replied Jack,bt we would lo.e oar lf.wa:dldn "V j - ( $ cilben dbWri waa"'diibbed MlfiV'little .IiAI ll''---nA';frle&dtte';otuntwn . be, was:, palled Mhe little Vaacal" jijo f?u,-e,"fm;tty'.efebJ6oraedi he,: Ben 'are-sJtgre4trimab"t''''.' T' . .JBi THEKAc5t"liatAvrt Hojto,fcX RMdaate erUln dilea jjayft' iaaitbef Ihy He, and a Call ajje followed;?- ertbemVtlcartutor.of ;... -illegetbeajrd of tbadltputea 6d aeriWr be ', whft'told'bfa be.iniMtghtj Whyi: ed: the datbematiciaa. ila.garemeUie T '"IH'tWm-more if, If U -J ' 'Vyu4'tW lfl'iRdihe does not proVe It. a. ''.Wbji'aboiild you "aboot ooo'acotberi ,lm prove tu - - JlQi , r. Simpklna, we bava not chairs efcou jb ,ir7 reompibyV-Mld aayVwjr to her ftugij tW nd. Plenty, of cbalre; bttt 'tboni'acb iny.'jal4'Mr. S.-' ' ' "- AS on Llebfff . that the ijoanfify of aoap f" ned byeomniabHy;Je gebd feVt brif UleW The principle bbtda true of Jndivid- ' r- -l ' - -, ' v . aoitmi I ;, , . , " v ' - city. in.11l5?J fo .rrt'ke,Melyje.on tbe. , Sple ?rfnclpl whfeb'cBu'aeeliiilecbUdren joery pa1 I fof W'bedfelJowi-iie lnf raid if belflg left tone' !.dark, . - tolneV Partington say that a gentleman laughed vaftet djthattAabe feared beVould have "burst Clot irar-yeln.'V ' ' ' ' duro j ' ' . Ready la winter,, and no more' the breexee' notiom 1 amobj the' buddlug Ireeaet; Gto id while the bojr wiib racked toweea, A f )e'lng homeward drirea tiii icowaen Don't ewlyrrottbltara hla tbeaes, db(eaa ny life how bine bis note la, G. s |