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Show , aro, me iusoj anu.wmi auuutt vl.i leriod :w.orthyioSorpmpnihi.msclf.. ; , AS: I ' more LETTER QW ME. YEBSTE n to , : . ; A YOUNG MDY. 0 thp ' -, ' i Rfoori K Juanman's forthcoming pny pi which of Daniel Webster contains-.thp i Ident ipg.letter It iwaa addressctl 1 her young lady who had. bepa spen earth, social, evening at Mr. Webster's mid- and on acpount of tiib rainj ha moon stitutcd, a borrowcd.hood for hi rill be? bonnet; and thb .note,, jh; questu iri the deliyercd with the;?.bbnnet, at th enteUj ;dbncp;, of. thb, ladyby ?lMr, W ir utf ;whilp?,driving to 4is office th sjdo xc"Moi'DAIoiisra,,Mor id? on Jt9tmmrn.fy 1, oE gt.etting last evening,, as it :ft Tastsoprivafter ybujoft ovur.doc long Irayail-inyscl.-o the .upturn; p loved kqnnet Woxjprpss tho wislitthpt; b thp ,w?eH this; morning, and without c ripon? fj'have demanded parlapci "n it, yourlBbnnetihavb askcit'how ; Pnd tender looks it has noticed to bo j be- c"d under itj what soft words ipon's heard, rclpsoj' to its flide;, in iwli .Tlie tanpes an 'air?p .tjtiumpli:has.ca nds 5 io 4bp tossed;, and whether, ipv it in KuPpj Jt lias,:quiyered from trei jr. or embjipnsi prpepeding frpra belot moon i.tha3?proycd.itscf; a faithful . bo js ?pf -secrets, and ..would ajuswer n orbit, my?;questipns It onl remain ntho mojto attempt to . sprpriso jt int takes Eessibpi byCpronopncing sundry ' th, as one after, another. Jt soemet tst id unmbyed bymost-Of these, but moon apparently uhexpected.mpntibn; carer, 1 Jhbught its. ribbands dbcidodl, moon tpredl. -.' ?, ? , '? :allod , .Iigavp it.my partingr,gopd i mbyp hopirig,;that.at: might ?noyeri co; 7? aching head, aiidituat tho eyes i protoptfl rom..thp xaya of'thi 3; may know: nb tpars butof by fectiph. . va- rns his ' 'u.ieaif:. Josbphinowlt t8$o tiohatejregard,. f V- 4-- r!.'ahd :'l?fy ;;0n; the; MI4.jr.8oaton.,t -"V g'5 IS- a !fiV& i - - ' C" ,tt., |