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Show mini A bWuifi;risnan bftch tii: briP wit tP:good accounini th6tntnp! etirf aid dnBwers; tho. questions ib'Ebi n$sp Jknch without giving, much liht isible questipni at issue. Tliblloyipj scope bale in pointromtbc? jfhilac ; PiK "Kofth Ambricanf ,;f.;K4;-V-i jitr- Some, b f the drpllcsfr things th L cti ITesorit themsolycS to tle :notice rlftiylpofter, aro tbe efforts made b , aiei yera tj draw ,tp testimony they id;S$ from yefractbry. ,orstubborn witi kar Wbaaw a- Milesian 'c'entibraan rthV the : stand, the. other. , day,, who copf. bothered onoo.f.tlib.Bhrewdbst.li dark in: Philadelphia ..;'Ihp;fcasb,,w' ... t aaulc,.ind .batiiwjitcio 8t i jn qucstibnnvasVcajlcd-upen. ;tpj.j siaii for, tlio-Vprosccutibn ?bioforo.a;;i i that; MigU'tratei.Thpdialog rj9l2 up was? as follows;? 'iiC'SjS & Mkitt- ' "Mr?i?0.'pailywhere dp?ybutli ccip 'v'5 '"In1 Qlmtbnistreetry ' 'vfa- i.f j.'A'nd-whicBWvaydboSJ Gjihton ay. v-tvr;'i.v iably q ;-"Wliielh;i3rihat rictly ; MIEypii' fe'fand atr?houppc)rf7 e'di ?runs';6buthV-.8i.r!i i lEtfe loweitcndiruns k t '' "Ien'ybiiVmban isayifnms vand" souih?:t h, J :y?M tesrslrrPvidc atorj wiy,6twcpn'tind "rii from "Andhaistfieiwid hits BbQilrMirZOajtoi lantls! . .j('Krpm,.sidQ 4thoyl v. Yc3;;whatjVho?wd' arker 'Vide?'' " -i"ftb 'Wpll, as eai?1; '& iin it-is. just the distance f rott?ottpmi ibout to: the, otheri It may.ic,;b'ut?l ypuld. iakpby.Biblp oath; of jt.... earlth ?..5W'Hh ?whbm ??do ??y6uresii times fQjDaily?.! ",Arr , jVittUWhQ;Ul;hptefA mifes. S:;iDodttkvnbwM abbut ;0m butcher? earth, iiavn't that,honor; ?i'v iburs, VXheri1 ', how; can ybknbw t itho boafd?with?,'?:v t?r -Jiobh "Bbou.moaniojay.you.boa Kit '-nAhV(-I didnshoultiT fsizbi hi3Hwifb.'twb..db Bide riightparri,n!;thP 'lait'ioao?! 'ufn3 1 Tho ,;:MagUtratP(j round .OJpailoyrthatih'a might leave the |