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Show Tip wkfttt 'NMH to have fairly sefc citls feifMM. Tke dark days of dreary 94 Diuari sc are at haad,4 aad the osm- Ma RM HtWI I MKT W6 W6 to 8ped x wsrl wfv cob $6 aaWoaate Kwba&d asd kiftd ro fitter m smj8 Jted real, wbg.aatial mail Ttopatfeef sua liuW eat, aad th wkl liMat k-efct fkair bkhIkt, are fort Tir rwf kg MiMie ia m mm. Bt day .: wVid to move ta other on gKS day the tkM t tito home-hearth. Soekty on Bfl J A ktcM of mb- ink kMtvCM)i feeUaga, asd each ene diet W ritjn m Mutate hk wire. C iI,P. fceloiig PP? i waa H "W. tig" wwt vMy-toddy; o?ra WMMf ad thoatm, have all their plai ' f4 m4 tvotl pAtrow, wke make afk according to theft varied can f a, d .aft joined ty fride of km .jhfakdp0 i99tt$ltpMNst$ f OJt We prefer differ eat order of bow Akf frr present winter atoutbs. and TM'Mrlr Wrterj of ike majority of adol ' smb. i Utah present a mcli Me of alwt eentifHHil pilgriaagee; old iWtowlt ef wjikfe.iwjjee.a that cdu- tke eta ww of aeeeaejty left oat of the 5Tt qvielios. Kow, there is no longer an fere mm tot Its. egl$ct. The obeerva- of o ?." tiN WMMt aad most philo- not.i fWirv4-, wholiaye msi Utah bloc ' Mll ia Uietf raiaVIes, have been com- ep ylilaeatary to tlie kaina of the yoong fmt : ' Terrjtoiy, Why, then, to, 1 .5 ; , sfcwW their, ed14eatiop .be longer ne- faok .;. t ., flMjtod?. Aaeag the first families of at 1 M$ ;,ftewiwe find joung taen who intci ivii talent to fit thorn to bo to w ?S Bta yet thoy lackJ"a talci .?k" .ff.kowledgei.f their own native 6rr tho, Aegra4y., These are abuses of tim'o bur 'i lf OHportJiaitief, aad we propose "a "that -'T WBed-eattkgla generally com- devo -,- )! ebe aUncecstebiish- an ed system of evoaing schools and that : i lettb Territorial library be of. t ikwRw epea all the irae, and enlarged". 3? AM ifproprialwa of ten thousand dol- But V;. Mt' wdargemcnt would be publ ''l'-'-t4k9iaek of land l sfceefMpairs ' thit 'lfCflW-.teor it' pay! Vf w -educaied professorin Utah wW ' :Mfef ., torn. i ywe,haye proident8'w 6fV-iave 6fV-iave woa: laurels, in London, j;din;: cifi? ;iandJDulU f'froa Uie. varicdTcii- Our aM Esaiaaux andvHhdoi alph . , :taMse,Why ahwdd;We not -hayelthe Befite 3f their experience, ndskm to a SW frecf.TiTcilas duct '4y;f w owa .orgaiziOeB Vi ;B Ir iejtiiow ' IittJe ' do we kaoW c . if-wrselresj It ay not have on'l . ' forcibly Vged itself upon tho minds of wb aaithas upok ours, that io aiang;deficlency in our mei Tenitorx k lb knowledge,, -'if? the thol eK)f jhysiologyi ? It is . . all. huml kvs iVgtlwie idea jhat lobe V wiUspta ?S5 lurakea leg,r, .catnip oxact ;a bullet MtJ v otewedicinesmy bo good The V ttfitejlace. But we "do noli-employ hart Alacksmith to splilpo.'a .tablejeg, .nor then f- A.wr toeld aokeni aije. rw v 'Each to his,'.own pro If essipa tie or, h' r laowSgafnrrgg pr 5Q; Acquiring aall,it . w6rth:acquiring. thca f,. v wUiand fadlj. ;.Q'uackcry has'ddno its whic ?!c Jble fork, ,in 'tho world." " lis so K ;',1?,?f? .?,!n imping on crutches, pure 1 , ;ofrJipX-8o sorrowful corner in shoii agrayey 1. ThenitereaBmaay another 'soioncc, cust AheAtelyiwhich would he aot only true P iB4erestg to the aiudontj but f .gonu- and - '"V . , S!-y1Pfe!lK many worli ; Jou?g,,men .and .wqmen.there .are. in enga Cteh wao.haVojgrownupin.the Terri- ahan y ' ory, fromchildhood to maturity and and 'fe h know littlo Tea i'ttlo of tho history gooi k the Mpf;kt)rysi. tJtak M ialerea-t the md. Mtl tpe? And. ee ber geology ai kkVfiwottreesi t; f'ew of Mr soi ad taghten it w wM , I.. 1 do Mi liy,k, e. wiM. wwM, . I who kay tite advaatages that the ' f Utah have to acaire ami eap knowledge. Sailors over eyery h toafeTers ojer.eyj; coatiaeBt, lorers of every island, the world tains Bothkr 4 wl" tkcyVhave aees Asd why should thoy re- i idle at.hefM. ' . re wggest that the evesings of oar n( er m eceapied by iMerestkg and m aotive lectwing history on Mon- H t geography M Tuesday, anatomy " Wedsesday, chesafctry -on Thars- t astronomy on Fr,iday,..agricuTlxie. J Saterday, aad so on, tilt the Ws th mation that, can, be collected is ' cibted abroad.. lair pahlic schools. What shall we, t eas' we say about them? Iii oar war4 we have, were wo to talk 81 aly, been fairly disgusted. Tax ' T tax has .been Jevied, and. , all we p see as the results are' two con- pttble sheds that mfght bo trans- ' aed ipt0 half-way decent, cow"- in kb Enough has boon assessed P paid to build, a good'acadeatyi but w iee were perm'ittod to moulder arid u' ; down by tho "thousand, and the WJ sheds still stand a monumenj of inbecility of schooi-committcos, si there may bo an, apology to be of-. cr d. In the thickly settled localities l ur city ono ward, schOol-housa is sufficient Let each tier of three ni ks proyidq and furnish a room, and ra loy a teacher. . Lot caclj. pho. who hi lishes a scholar not M , compelied vj ut generously pay tho'" tutor. ; In lot cvorybody encourage education pp omoi !Mako our, winter evenings osting..,'Encourago;ourrypungon q, ad, to study, and dovolopo, their its..'. Iia ; already a1 public wonder f0 ffprfa that are madefby;Bomo of. nv0 Wo'nis; 'tbo "most ; pjEscnte,. jerhaps, live in1 the Territory:;, Ye . wish .to C0 cocburagcqieiit'W iiW4Avts jiio lopo: tho genius of tho mountains, sjhow to tho world, by and byo, tj-Utah tj-Utah canvcompotp'wi.tho, best. pr Sent iii, science. . t, 1 " - ( su ablio" schools may bovery 'good., we have heard so mncli talk about -j' ic uniy.crsitiosi and largo jractis, of '.t. .appropriated for .their benefit v we are TslighUy scrupulous .jibou xi$ 'any 'sttcnUoix o-AtiomKVti Er d proferi infimtcjprpferj tosoo; 'priyatf ,jia.msx!ix dr tkCwing.nds" pltfoiayoimg -1 sms A,Wehave:yetUo!scb-, ftcsul g( pwnv'cldrto ifticir & aeiand?Bpelling in.iprivato semfr IS vHonco;wp shall pncourago;,w.hat fr r and oar littlo bos bayo been pro- iye of tho most good. Bl ' " J wl EFRraENsus.Of tcki-timos arc the ' Ironbf 'the QJesOrt .'BCOK'switli agri- '; 'and-mcch'anical'. Jimpicmonts, ? :caled.:ncr4 e)rrlqtrikpt, ,oV ijiitf our-midh theyoffcr for ofl i.Howicamo thoy ;-by those. imph. ol te? Ask'any onp; acquainted twith di rclracterf and:thpirahiwor would 5j xlbybcj '"thatthoy; stpfo jtbemV fa ot this, knomi to alwhohayo 'dwelt te iesQuntainSi:ioreven' pnorycar)' p braditiPW;pf ! theitf fathers thoy Oh '-not-transcended. These ;teach i. to-Bteairhf)ft with, ihem is- no , jg 'Thoy' aclTipwIedgo no other 1 - ighcrlaw. They recognize neiflicr or OjgtTndrfixamplOitaught opficrod us lby.tbo "paleface.?' Neither of $ h to thorn can appear consistent, 't ' ihg'Wthoy findamong'thof whites, to, hascrs for their stolen good?. We pr Id ho glad it wo could confine our a? remark, alone, to tip poorlndion's e nmors. Not so, if the reports are that reach' our ears, whito men, 8p they tod men "who would hyo the he: I. believe them honprablo men, are ini ged in thejiefarious traffic. Let !" tr ;burn uppa tho 4brow f Bucb, wjj the righteous indignation of all sei L men Bpeedily fall upon them, of 1 iMti Caa otiBdtni& exMM xik i&tt or repehtM&o. accepted iMil 0 fMalty of the kw is paid, aad the msM of jaatice satisfied. - ;! ; Sastmm Mak. Out rcakpara (a doomed to be deprived of any !Wa by he Eastern Mail, in cOnsc-wsce, cOnsc-wsce, of a change in the schedulo me of startirigi it is said,. , How 16ng U we be ssfeject to such disappoint-eate? disappoint-eate? 4ThS ktcrrogajsory-j hap been ropokaded to us at various times" for lelast two orthrco years? but wofcanf it vehtare to promise parsefves, a ro cdy for this great, evil, until tho prc-Ht prc-Ht carriers of tho Utah Mail, arp dls-iseed. dls-iseed. The cause of tho present: con-actors con-actors being, apparently, tho favored its of tho.pstal department, is simply lisr--Tho: contract was let privately, 1 a time, and tinder circumstances, tat public competition was. not Solicited: id cowpetiton been solicited, we doubt st, but there "would have been respon-blo respon-blo men who would havo contracted, ; rates much less than at present paid f tho departmprit, and who, would haye slivered par mails,, as pgularly as did ittle and l)cckcr, at a cost not excecd-i excecd-i onabalf'of whaVis oiiowed .tqi.thfe resent contractorst flow, long shall s hayoVtosuffer througlthE ! hcglect.of ipririciplcd speculator.s? JIow long ill.it bocford the postal 'department rants; us tho",boOn ,of 'scfeiingrcspoii-blo 'scfeiingrcspoii-blo contractors,' whO will-Cnabio tts to yoy tho prlvilcgoof a'prompt dcliyery; ; mail matter? ' .v 'v Taxes. Taxes are levied, and an-wily an-wily collected for public improvc-chts improvc-chts pn buildings, roads, bridges, &c; it for, the soul of. us,; pur micrpsdopip; ow has, only enabled us, to see ono ot uppri wbicU:ta beon(fcx' fnded, that tho ' ubHo'magazjj iion id bo, satisfied, yi?.,4hp Court ilousc; urrpads arc sticli tfiaCjer4pas. terlabout-thoOtli of Ipptli.wS-hayo. und . it impSssSblo, raycl Hhc1p fttrsttth)!at an oxpenso'less thanf i 'produce or vopd, that Hvo . were mpolled toihauloyprithosp miseablo gbway;; VUy;ifthis?; iapui: .own macular, wo ndidly; acknpwicitgtf at 'tho County ,CVurt; liaS bailed; to ovido tho pnblicwitii a, proper road ipervi'sori 'Wliat shy,yp'uf fnend 'Lias. |