Show I I SALT LAKE AND STATE NEWS NEWSWOMAN WOMAN LEAVES NOTE TELLING OF SUICIDE Mise Caroline N A Hassard rd Says There Is 15 No Rest This Side o othe of the Grave Salt Lake Nov Noy do not wish to be for fOl what I 1 am amI about to do 10 so 50 write these few lines I tm am tired so tired an and see no rest iest this side of the grave I have suit I have nothing to look for forward forwand ward wand to 10 nothing to k upon iy Is there for mo moL moI L I thank who has boon beon kind to 0 mo mc anti and hope mr Ill folks will vili forgive nic me but I cannot stand It an any longer longerI I am taking tho right luf and enough of It Signed N A HASSARD P p E V Senior Judge bUilding and there mere is it a letter also for him Im on toll 01 of my pasteboard box at Mrs Irs T P J No 1 Lam Lain herts berts court Aften wrIting the lie above aboc lette Cavo Cao linc N A Has rd is 18 supposed to have tak taken n some drug diug with tile the ov dent intention of killing herself Sun Sunday Sum day afternoon Flue dru drug instead or of causing death caused a bail barl state of hysteria anui ting rhe IllO young oung was In an condItion at her hei home Roosevelt avenue by br W V Cobb who gave hl ills address to the tho police at Lambert court BURGLARS RANSACK DR KERRS RESIDENCE Pry Window Open In F Ab Absence sence noel and Secure Loot at Snit Salt TAke Lake No Nov enter entered ed the homo home of Dr Dl A eL A Kerr Sun Sunar day ar night between the houns of G C Gand Cand and S and stole jewelry sil silverware and clothing valued at 00 The rhe burglars left no 10 clew by which lie llie police could trace them While the family was clown tOwn dining lUnIng the burglars who wore el denthy well acquaInted In the noigh pried plied up flip tIme the wIndow on tIle the east cast side or of the lie climbed in inand and anni w vent nt to work wall at their From the dining room ther tile tool all au of ol the silverware The They then broke into the closets and stole a number of ur dresses belonging to Mis Kerr and also a o Of pieces of jewelry Gathering up tine the loot they went we up upstairs stairs to one of the gIrls bedrooms md and opening tine the window n the east cast eastside side or of the house tossed tho th loot out into lie tho yard from rom it was gathered up mm carrIed out the th back backway way va to the he alley aller That this was done cione Is shown by time the fact that a groen Jacket mh mIssIng from Crom the was found in the yard ard |