Show AT II I ITO I TO LA A Gentleman from Mississippi which has bas a record of a year fe In New NewYork NewYork York City and six months months In Chicago will be e seen hero for the first time tonight In the Orpheum theater The Tho play pin is a comedy of Washington ton official cial life anti and is i the work of Harrison Rhodes and Thomas A Wise It Is put forward b by William m A Brady and R It Grismer A Gentleman from rum Mississippi tells of the speed education In the devious ways or of and social diplo mac of Senator Bm Langdon an easygoing guileless and honest chap from sent to the senate hy by the Interests In the belief that he will prove pliable through h his Ig Ignorance norance of procedure The Thc role 1010 of the Senator will be pla played ed h by James e A quintet of pretty women will be e seen in the f feminine roles role mIll and th the play pia will He presented with h complete scenic equipments I |