Show CONVERT 1 ELLS HIS STORY Arthur Christner a convert from the Hindu Religion to tells an interesting stor story He was born in inthe inthe the lowest of Castes and therefore had no educational opportunity and had visited every point In the when he landed In San Francisco Cal a week borore the earthquake Thence he fled fied to Los Angeles all these in had carried his stone God lInt But in Los Angeles at al one of the tho parl parks s a little Christian girl e to lo him of Jesus but it Il was to hIm so lie did nol hc heed d the message LatOr LatOra a missionary passed him on the saw that he was a native of India and began to alIt talle to him and told him bini of So little by little the light dawned in his heart an and Ito ho Then Ito he throw threw his stone God Gel to lie pavement and broko It III pIeces He Is now getting an education so as to togo go 0 lack back to his people and tell the story addresses In the Methodist church were greatly apprecIated lie He tolls something worth listening to and God has added to hIs natural abilities In a very remarkable way |