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Show WOMA N ?S EX PONE NT. 16 at' the; end of two years, he found. that his thoughts no longer interested his wife; he tried to teH'her i)f the inanjr experiences he had, the momentous questions 'which had been before him, and the cares which had weighed upon hia niind; but she could not be interested; her thoughts were narrowed down to the home, while his encompassed the events of the world. It grieved him to find that they were no speaking of it to longer companions; and iir ' her, he said hf had made the mistake of hia JifeJn not taking hh wife with him. ... . .. We can take this incident and many, that we. see around us, and shape our lives accordingly. There is- a new" era dawning for women all" over the world; and it behooves us, here in Utah, where we have been disfranchised, to be up and doinir: and be 'prepared for the better dav, which ii not far distant. - TO MU3. ZINA D. H. YOUJiCU .Dear Sistlu: '.- r : democratic idea otwnat American socieuy should be. When he spoke ofone of hU antagonists as ''that man Fish" he gave, unconscious-lyo- r not, a striking example of the strength and vigor of the English language; and when .he spoke of the "men and women'' chosen for the centennial quadrille, he jumped at once into a popularity which was perhaps a3 unexpected as it was unfamiliar to him. We are reminded every day bf the effeminate" deterioration of the mother, tongue in the use of less healthy words for the plain old lan-ag- e which has beoome so dear. It is .now of- - the "gen tleman" for- every h u man beinr male persusasion; "Jady'V for every, daughter of Eve beyond the: agejof pinaforesxnd. these , two in all sort3 of absurd combinations, which only add useless syllables in order to make the term3 more ridiculous. If an editor and Ids wife take a little trip hi3 brother journalists say he is accompanied by "his lady." If the editor happens to be a woman and she is escorted by her less prominent husband, the notice would probably read, "Mrs. and her gentleman." If the papers are to be believed," men have ceased to travel with -- to learn; longest life will always have much and the wisest and best, much tp improve. : Shaftesbury ,v Mrs. Fry, in -- responding to the address of coa. welcome at theTexa StateWA-Ct.T.JIention recently, said: "Men and women must stand side by side in the home, in the church; in the schools, the colleges, in all: trades, pro- fessions, business and in the government. The in a thou- cry of help, help! is going up to God sand differen- t- pleas." Oppressed women, drun kardsSvives; women in houses of: illfauie, Deeming it of sufficient importance that I should tfive a short synopsis, of our labors in the Relief Society on the Sandwich Islands, I submit the following. At a generalr conference of the Church on these. Islands held in October 1888, T was callwHo je3heJorltheV Kelief Society of the Hawaiian Mission , with Sisters S. Y. Gates, Nellie Ceesley and Libby Noall as Co u nselors, since which time we have done alH At. our late conference held April Oth, a general conference of all the Societies were So-and-S- their wives o, ve We have a race of gentlemen aud ladies, some of whom perch on the highest roost'of societyTwhileSM the boots and scrub the steps. If there 13 any virtue in anniversaries, we ouht to be reminded in this centennial year, c&Ued.,Xiieiewith enclose a.sti4U4iiulr that was good enough pure old Anglo-Saxofinancial report in which it will be seen that branches now organized. for the patriots and i8stili betterjanany out of the twenty-seve- n cou nterfeitTAfeacrTthis respect would we have seventeen only reported. We have word in be a forward.' If there is organized three more branches during the last our step nobler than "man" it any is "woman;" language six months. and nothing can be better than these two unless Representatives from the different branches it is husbtnd'Hnd "wife'- made favorable report Showing that most of the members were active and attended their MISCELLANEOUS. all the meetings. JVere it possib branches on the Islands tie could do much good. Forget mistakes; organize victory out of misWe, have been enabled to. visit the sisters : on this Island, with good . results; teaching takes. RoherUon. '. .... .' : thera habits of industry; many of whom show Tears are often the telescope by which- - men an aptitude, and "are quite expert in braiding see far into heaven. H. iVi Beecher. . and making xhats, piecing, iquiltinglknitting I God jdways has an angel of help zJbr those and crocheting, injvhich they Jake more than in housekeeping, though we have who are willing to do their duty. DrCuyler. shown thera, inasmuch as circumstance would Each feels himself happiest where he can use this. the Heretofore of the innecessity permit, Iiushands and fathers have done the most of signed him by God. K, V. Gerok. tljje cooking, but foreign customs, habits, and - Reason cannot show itself more reasonable industries, leave no time for the exercise of" former vocations; hence the necessity of Ha-- . than to cease reasoning on things that are waiian women learning kitchen duties. I have above reasoning. Sir. Philip Sidney. beec very much pleased and gratified because it is thine, To maintain an with the success that has attended our labors; and not because it opinion i34rueT4i4ormaintain-t- h there i3 a marked improvement both spiritual the not truth, and so to prefer thyself and temporal among our Hawaiianjsisteri. i--abo ve the tru ing? The returnee fislersGateiTeesley and In all things throughout the world the men Noall, whom you will likely have the who look for the crooked will see the crooked privilege of meeting will give you more particulars concerning the progress of the good work and the jnen. wlio look for the straight will see . than it will be possible for me to write. With the straight. kind regards I subscribe myself,, 'Resolve to edge in alittle reading every day, Yourister-mJkeif itn.i you gain fifteen rmnnteOT Laie, V"' of the jQ2iTfforaee Mann almost" ceased to exist." -- n JL-. -- " hiseialifWamiir - - - i BACICWARD7 Ward McAllister, the famous at the Four Hundred, though he. succeeded in bringing himself and his following into merited disfavor by his and their social flunkeyism befield-marsh- -.- ns Dear Sister. It becomes my painful duty to request you to publish the death of - our esteemed sister, Anna Jenkins. She left her native country, Cownbuck Aberdare South Wales; and arrived in' Salt Lake City, August 20, 863; she moved "with her family to Cache Valley; afterwards removed to this place. She died May 13, 1889. She was treasurer in the Relief " Society here "ever since our first organization, and was a very active member, a- - true Latter-da- y Saint-,- alwayson hand to do good; was" highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. The members f funeratr which was largelyj attended, formed a procession in advance of the remains from the house, to the meeting house, a block long. Appropriate remarks were made' by the brethren. She leaves three nsrltoa,datt to mourn her loss. R eapectf ally; M. D. Davis, President R. S. " Samaria, Idaho. May, 27, 1889.- al fore the centennial inauguration ceremonies, deserves more than passing commendation forJiis blunt use of the terms "men" and "women." w EMPORI SALT LAKE CITYr -- The Leading Retail E;J.THOMAS elf, butmgleeehclf JNQneuire-saJbnd.)- not mean f 10 - secret as do sucn Keep tnem; persons covet secrets, argpendthTifts those-wh- Sp ecial to the Ladies. EL'S Will 'be found tr latest styles and pi oductions r"'r" in '" -- - . LACES, RUCHES, JMBBONS DRY - EMBRODERIES, liFANS,GLQYES PARASOI, COLLARS, - TIES - Q-OOD- S: Specialdepartment for Ladies' Misses and o purpose of circulation. Colldn.l A white garment appears worse with soiling than colored garments do when much soiled; so a little fault in a gtfod man attracts more attention than great offenses in bad men. The most knowing man in the course of the - House Oasla Sandwich-IsIaHdApnI'"ll)tbI88'D."' A PROGRESSION . -- OBITUARY, thTnn - the-chai- EAGLE tlie-eallii- igs- y-s- -- v : " - . sewing-women- , -- :in-tere- st . -v- the prisoners, of slaves in vice, aro all bound by b broken by sin and shame, which can only honest and the energy and zeal of true men women. " We wan t men and women to stan d Tins is sound side by side for good." doctrine, and seems to have been well received. Ex. , The far South is awaking.. the poor, starving - . - -- ' " ' - SANDWICH ISLAND LETTER." - but agree to follow his If the'eountry "fashion in this sensible particular, there are few who how despise his haughty exclusiveness uho .will riot be temnted to cranfhim generous pardon for all past ofTences against the popular will : ; Shoes. T 112, 114, ZDuTTXlD 11G, R Ib--fan- t's " ll& Eaxt Temple Street TMBS ATE & STE T INNERS CAS f VV 1 2c AM CO.. FITTERS Agent for RUitSEY'S celebrated LIFT and FORCE PUMPS. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders from the country promptly responded to. l"AfcMt. PAVO liU3t.Sos 338. SALT LAKE CVH.r ' 'Z ' |