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Show X WOMAN'S EXPONENT. SUFFRAGE. WOMAN'S ' We're a band of valiant wo men, In a cause both true and just; . Have started on a mission, And in God we put our" trust. We aim not, at pomp and grandeur, Dut ours is the call for right And it has a beacon burning v..- 1. JTo cheer us with its light. 11 And tell of the great exaltation They may by obedience jeach. The Sabbath School children are formiug In classes to learn, sing and pray. "give heed "to our warning; The Gospel accepjjand obey; That you may arise in the morning, Of the first insurrection day.' It seems even now, we hear blending The .yokes of Saints singing praise; -To Father in heaven," for sending The Gospel, in these latter days. Arid when you are humbly addressing ' The throne of our Father Dear friends, you must ask for a blessing For those who are ar,- far . away--;-.e earnestly pray and petition, , The Lord to direct and sustain The Saints in position, Christ'comesm Till glory to reign. . . .We, tell them, , : . We teach them true faith in the' Father, Qreator of all that we seer " J And also in Jesus our Savior,' Who says,. ' Believe., alio in me." --- to-da- y', " - 'Tls the ry from far off countries, .llTis-tli- e wail of womankind To aid in gaining knowledge, To strengthen and tobind; ,To comfort and encourage, To raise the fallen heart, To lighten heavy burdens, And of justice grant a part. - -- "For through Him you'll gain eternal, If you but obey His commandf : Partake. oL the blessings surwrnal, It reigning with Ilii righteous band." ,' -- That they with an honest desire, Should turn from transgression and sin; And make their aim brighter and higher, Determined life's battle to win. . " ; Our duties here, as mothers, Give license for our needs; Simply asking right of franchise, The power the ballot, feeds. We claim no greater liberty, Than intelligence will gain; No surer wealth of purpose I han our minds can now maintain. - " And when you have laid th foundation, Go on to perfection's bright shore. That you may enjoy the relation Of Christ with llis Saints evermore. !'tV-day.-": -- -We'll not falter inururpbse,-- -7 No difference what people say; Ours is a glorious object, O'er which the future sheds its ray; Tho ridicule and ignoranee May scorn, and scoff at pleasure, Undaunted we will meet them, And deal them out full measure. ' IT" Vile jeerings, and vituperation, Mob violencev scoffing-an- d scorn; A flood of misrepresentation, A child of gross ignorance born. v . Our motto and our watchword, Shall be principle and truth For our home and for our country, . God grant us help for both. ' J. P. M. Farnsworth. ' Remember, the word that is spoken, etvahrfiiStfeateTrtHan Lord, 4f you amreledftis'aftqlsen That you are obeying his word. -- A MISSIONARY. How shall we express the great pleasure We take in now writing to friends? 0 truly! No mortal canieasuxe- The blessings, which Our Father sends. Rejoice ye in your, persecution! This, Saints, shall your heritage be; One year and a half since we parted From friends, with the shake of the hand; 'Tis just the same time since we started, From mountains and valleys so grand. Don't think all is stormy and cloudy," That nothingrnrttroubles appear;, We often meet those who are friendly, Who's kindnesses comfort and cheer. Though in a strange land now we "wander, As young missionaries we roam; . We're growing the fonder, and fonder Of friends in our dear Mountain Home, For, oft, as a sweet fragrant flower, Is found by a rank noxious weed, So some, will do all intheirpower Providing the things that we need. Duty called for a time, separation From those who are dear to our heart; ;: From Sunday School, friends and relations, From all duty called jus to part. Who giveth a cup of cold water, In no wise shall lose his. reward. "Who gives us food',' raiment and shelter, Shall surely be blessed of tthe Lord, And thus will they do unto thee. . . , The call was-to-go urr ar misstoa,and doubt;. with error To battle AndrorercomeT To truth the' w orld soon shall find out. --y--- We went, ah yes, 'twas our duty To go and proclaim to the world, The glory arid transcendent beauty. Of Zion's white bamierjinfurled. To warn men of all ranks and stations, To show them the Gospel we teach;-- " of Utah, is one of the happiest in all the year. It comes when nature is at hex beat and alLthe (lowers are gorgeo us with their wealth of col or and weighted with their rich perfume. It falls between the season of uncertain and change-ablspring, and that of heated and oppressive summer. In our altitude it is in every respect far more suitable for tho annual spring festival of the children than the conventional Mayday it eacryear more ana more completely reserves unto itself. : As the birthday of Brigham Young, the day deserves all the honor which it receives. A personal remembrance of that great man is held 4 Indulging in musing reflections, Familiar home duties oft pass; And foremost of these retrospections;'": Arescenei.of the Sunday School class. When just before ten Sunday morning Return of another Lord's day e res as grows-wis-er the-ye- ars' move on. Petty enmities fade away . a3 the cycles sweep around, and those who judged blessed with heatedly yesterday are y calmer vision. Fresh eyes, too,-anminds untainted by passion, have come to- see and appreciate what to us is - an old theme. Under theseLconditiona the --worfc-tf UtahcWderlsH ' understood. better, Brigham Younc: is not now as a greedy zealot, an fanatic a stigmatized ignorant autocrat. Al en ot sense and breadth. judging hi rnjby- - his works, speak of him as i possessed ot transcendant powersr They admit that he was mighty in character, and must have been filled with- - true statesmanships 7 TheYi recognize in theUtah of to tlay a never dying . testimony of his greatness; aud, however muchr itheyrrmayrdinfwitliT litscree-theoriot- " withhold their tribute to his nobility .of mind. As the record of his life shall be more widely . readjdjettOMeritoodadmiration will To give a complete explanation, " June 1st, "Primary Day" among the children , (But first we just thought "we would mention Our labors, and what they attend.) Of'scenes and experiences tod, I'll wait for the realization Of once again meeting with you. THE FIRST OF JUNE. - To brothers and SundaySchoplfriends;- - This labor and duty devolving On m to perform for the Lord 7J" We left our home firmly resolving, To trust in his promising word. , s. d At last, we will turn our attention - . to-da- : - ' ; . IIappiJy..tha world, thtrtrntorthVlfophets," Fori-thi3rdid their-trying- -- his "anniversary. The younger portion know him only for the deeds and words which he has left behind. As they grow in years and understanding they will become better able i nthe-recor-d "whichhe" pxeciateJiU - wortb.-an- d made they will find, as their elders do, ever more to commemorate and admire. It? is said , that cotemporary history is never just; .what is praiseworthy is smothered with adulation, what is faulty is distorted by prejudice. During the life of the man whose natal day the children yesterday- observed, his works seldom received a word- of praise. He was slandered, caricatured, and contemned, and most bitterly, strange to say, whero his achiev ments wTere apparent every day. If he wa3 credited at alt with" the magnificent acquire-,- , ments"which"are a paWdnUtaFs history," those who were bold enough to recognize them came in themselves for a share of the abuse heaped upon. him. They drive us from city to city, Yet, we must forgive and forbear; They yet will come pleading for pity, In tears of remorse and dispair. , . " o utlyvbfdgriQt;.yfitfeel' m an Jy yaj.hey themselves too old to share in the iestivitics of In leaving our home fpr this object, To travel without purse or scrip, ". The Elders are, oftentimes subject To insults, the scourge an d the whip. . "We'll stand, with fearless character, And lend a helping hand To every call that's honest. Of whatever creed or clan. When "peace on the earth' will be sounded' jM3ood will to all men" be the cry, Your joy will be surely unbounded Singing praise to Jehovah on high. ' We - wnose-pleasu- Above, is the message we're preaching, Tis Jesus, and Hirrrrnicified; His goodness and mercjrwe're'teaching," ' How, for us, He suffered and died. - - - Be born of, the. water and- spirit, Receive a remission of sins"; Obey the .Still Voice when you hear it, " Instructing your spirit within. For woman's worth is growing; In timej 'twill force its way , Thro' darkness, and thro prejudice, Mew!sregfSfcrgHrt Therefore, we'll work in earnest, And calmly bide our time -To enjoy jwoman's right of( suffrage,-- ; In this our Utah's clime. - life - 4 of-h- is increase with all who are able character to approximately measure men by the divine standard: "By their works ye shall know them." Who knows but what on some fu ture" occasion when the children following their beautiful custom are celebrating, his anniver-- . sary,a thought of regret may enter the hearts of some who lately deemed Brigham Young's name unworthy of being'borneby streets The Standards 1 Ogden City! .f |