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Show Wftlil'S . r .1 - .. . - PI ........ The Rights of the Women - - 11 ... .. : . F 1LJ i all-Nation- - aW i Jl - ' 0 -- s. .' : , -- -- ; " . i ; V. of Zion, and the Rights of the , Women of ....... Vol. 18, i JO ; 1 A SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, JUNE 15, 1889. l ' No. 2. .- .- ' CONTENTS. get all these varied thoughts Into a creditable -- Then surely, dear sisters, we are .not was ting: article, I might remember. you much ofteDer; our time-an- d' our struggles to overcome the M. L S. Hephzibah From a Far when and make to can mind even iot ! weaknesses of the flesh, and to make each ud - A Story. The First of June The Standard. - down - a- "small lines, I feet that while re-- " '"day's work "as perfect as possible.. And few "EdTtorialT This and That. The Exponent's sisters, that they too remembering though we may ..not now, understand, we may Birthday Augusta Joyce Crochcron. Primary at member me;myidear reis and be comforted bythesc beautiful words of the my spiritual strength, '"". .. ..; Mill Creek. ' nejyedjjiiyjdutie3.pointed- out more plainly. poet: g Sericulture" So if one seems to write for others, it is reallv M. A. Till. Words to Mothers A Mother. sen 'J'hen we reach the shining strand and one s own weaknesses that suggest . - Off-Siste- -- mr r ' - J-'--' - . Er-Pinjr- ee. Suflrage-Meetin- . .. , Envy Miss Aggie Campbell.- Relief Society St. Joseph W. jfeast MeetAdings at Fillmore M. A. Y. Greenhalgh. dress toJBishop Atwood Dr. E. S'. Barney. Mrs. Alder's Address. Sandwich Island Letter Lucy M. King. A Progression Backwards The Standard. Miscellaneous. Obituary. Poetry: June H. F. Thomas. Woman's P M. Farnsworth. A Missionary-S- . Suffrage--- J. now-a-day- . -b- eas-cruel-as -- Thou hastjcalled back the birds wtth their music, Arrajracfiold forest anewp - Bronght back a new pleasure in living, r ' The richness of life, a.nd the bliss; And yet amid all the glad beauty, C . ITjere is still something; something we rnissJ y '.. There are chords we miss out of the music, There is something gone out of the hours; A brightness wejniss from the sunshine, A fragrance we miss from the flowers. Farewell, sweetest month of the Summer, Bright gem in the swift passing years; We are glad for thy coming and going, Though gladness is mingled with tears . For we know there will come a glad summer And a June that is fairer than this. Where the "lost chords'' will swell the glad music. hUi, Mrs. II. F. Thomas. -- Hearth ond Hall. " . -- thisztraitorrtongue-would-lea- one to suppose, yet, certain it seems to me, that if every evil and unholy thought is cast out, our words and conversation must soon be that or abaint; and such that the unseen angels might be ready to listen to, instead of being driven irom our presence. Our lives are ours to make or to mar. We- have the right a salvation in the be of doomed to eternal or God. Kingdom sorrow in the great hereafter, as we choose for ourselves. Shall we throw to the winds all prospect of heavenly joy, for the sake of Bciiiau w uiuia ueiuj graiiutu uuring OUTjearmiy life? No! a thousand times no. Ve are only here on earth to prepare for an eternal existence - beyond the "grave," and "why" dowe"Tet selfishness and avarice blind our eyes that we so often lose sight of the coal we so much "d&. sire tq Eain; We know that the only safe- guara is prayer; ana we are sure ot Mis protecting influence while wo humbly sue for it; but if left alone we ma v stu mble and fnlh and it may be SO" low we can never" rise again. Many of us say, how thankful we are for every trial rwe have been called upon to pas3 through, and especially for the privilege of having lived in the "Celestial order of Marriage." But were we willing that each member be considered equ al with ou rselves? Were we really converted to the fact that this sacred principle was revealed by God for our tem- purai as wcix as jspiniuai saivauonf to.-ea- There's a silence we long to have broken, "A stillness amid all the song; . A voiceless something reminding Of days that forever are gone. will make up th FROM A FAR OFF SISTER. -- rn WenannoiimtiFvBnalsfroff . i our aaugnters, out mucti may be done to soften their trials by their being, taught im plicit confidence in God and never doubting his justice and mercy. We are satisfied. Our Father is more merciful - than we as mortals . i . .. . ..ean be, yet wemust also see that to obtain-likbe in the same state of blessings,-all-m- ust preparation; if not by performing the identi--ca- l labor, placing ourselves ashumble and willing instruments in His hands, and if there is any law we have not accepted truly and in our hearts we have yet to do so sincerely before we may hope to live up to the requirements of the Gospel, or be near that state of happiness and perfection we hope to find after tor if dropped laying down our evervso suddenlyyit cannot be received in such an unfinished state, bu must be gathered up and begun at. the very point it was left. e Dear-Editor-Exponent: Once more I find myself attempting the task of penning a few-o- f my random thoughts.' It now the loveliest spring weather, and the gay little birds are '.daily serinading us with their sweet melodies; but soothing as music i3 I am weary of too great a variety of it tonight, yet,at last the little ones are asleep, and baby has forgotten her tiny teeth; yes, and the notes ot the violin have ceased in the so I suppose, for at least a few adjoining room, moments. I may write without interruption. ; if tnis Pen would only go to work and : 13 -- - '. . life-wor- k, " In "the fullness deep and wide, Weary souls by sorrow tried, Knowing, shall be satisfied In His rest. Finding in the perfect sweetness " Of an infinite completeness That God's way is always best." ''' - ' -- l'."."."'" "'"";t i: M. L. S. . j d - O June, witll thy garland of roses", We bid thee farewell without pain, J. For thou bringest not back. the glad hours, The heart thrills we long for in vain. An4Jh'BL!!inlsgDg. " s, 1 Thou art here with thy garland of roses; .Thou art thy. song; hast brought back the blue sky andsunshine The days so exquisite and long. : d, -in JUNE. Hast brought back the lingering twilight, Begemmed the sweet l morning with dew '"Where the waiting angels stand, " In the far off father-lanWe shall know; , In the happiness unending Of a blissful comprehending, below. What our " 7" much, that is given. If there is a sister in Zion who does not think and that too, strongly, she must .sensibility- How many pure and elevating thoughts rise in the mind, while 1 n f il ..'Ml wna ana unpromaDie are also me torcea in lDy the wily tempter; and how' often I ask, how much am I learning to control these same thoughts? For I realize I must do so ere I hope to successfully -- control my every word and make it echo the sentiments of a true and honest heart. How often We can see even those we love the best, in sore distress bv un kind words: and although o the heart mavnot .: HEPHZIBAH. "Truth u stranger HiFlbve I than fiction"- - was like that of the knights of olden time, who were ever readv to brent a lance in love's defense; and often when beside the hearth-ston- e of the wide, old fireplace, on night, he ,would sit by her as she dallied with her kniuing.for womans' hands are gearce ever quiet, and as he would recount over and gain-the chapter of incidents nporf the battlefield how he had suffered with his comrades Jn. arms and how. many had died of the wounds received from the enemy, his blood would rise to. fever heal, .as he seemed to see the dreadful .tragedies enacted over agaiu and starting to " his feet with clenched hands and eye3 of fire, vow eternal enmity to the foe; but his eye chancing to rest upon hi3 fair, young wife, and remembering she had made for him, all the anger would die out of his face, and a change such a3 an angel's presence might bring where discord reigned, would be swift aa transition, and dropping low hi3 eye3uffused with tears, hi3 passionate voice changed to low and tremulous tones, he would exclaim entreat-ingl"forgive me darling, for dear sake I will refrain from recrimination,your your father was a brave and valiant, soldier, though-h- e fyuglrtjmjhe hejvas the soul ot nonor; and though it wounded his pride to see you marry one he considered inferior, one of the rebels, he had been sent across the sea to subdue, yet he loved his child too well to wreck her happiness, and recognized that love conquers, when the sword has failed." a-wi- ntry -a- -- he-wou- ld the-sacrifi- ces y, wrdeiimt i , This-was-near- ly a hundred'FOonowV" and both are lying in the old church yard under tbe mos3y sods, with: to in the sleepy overgrown with tangled whose church steeples can yet be seen town, from the village, where life was The died in the full bloom of spent. lady motherhood, many years before her "lord," and left him lonely "and sorrowful, in the prime of his life at the old manor house. Long years after, a change had been wrought in all that pertained to the village and its inhabitants. The home of the Major and" his once young and beautiful wife, had grown rose-vin- es their-wedd- ed - |