Show J PIONEER WOMAN DIES AFTER LONG USEFUL LIFE r- r Funeral services over the r re remains remains re- re mains of ot Sarah Elizabeth Kiesel were held In the South Ward Vard Chapel Chap Chap- el at 1 o'clock Tuesday Mrs Keiso Keisel died May 3 after a lingering lingering lingering linger linger- ing illness at the home of George C. C Kiesel Klesel where she has resided the tho past ten years Although her ther suffering was hard to endure she was pleasant to the last Mrs 1 Kiesel was born in Missouri January 13 1848 1818 She crossed the plains with her parents when but four y years aTS o of age Having joined the L L. L D. D S. S Church early in life she was an active cheerful worker WONer as long as her health would permit She went through the many hardships known only to the pioneers Only two of her large family survive her They are George C. C Kiesel of Mantl and Mrs A. A V. V Hicks of Salt Lake City There are surviving however 26 grand children and 16 great grand grand- children The speakers at the funeral services services services ser ser- vices were Ernest Munk i J. J B. B Jacobson G. G W. W Sidwell and Bishop Bishop Bis Bis- hop Ernest Madsen All spoke of her goodness The choir sang Oh My Father Shall We Meet 1 and Abide With Me 1 Mrs Ellis Moffitt and Peter sang God Bless that Dear Old Mother of Mine Invocation was pronounced pronounced pronounced pro pro- by Edward Carlson and the benediction by A. A P. P Madsen l The grave In Inthe the Manti 1 cemetery was dedicated by J. J R. R WItbeck CARD OF OP THANKS We Ye tal take e this means of expressing our sincere thanks to our many friends who have shown their kindness kindness kindness kind kind- ness during the Illness and death of our beloved mother and grandmother grandmother grandmother grand grand- mother and also for the many beautiful floral offerings Mr and Mrs George Kles Kiesel J and family |