Show Family doctors doctor's laxative instead of harsh purges trial bottle Free Old Dr prescription cannot fo the cathartic habit It can be given to the child whose tongue is coated or whose breath is fe fetid d or has a little fever Or to old older r people wb whose se bowels are clogged Its ingredients stimulate muscular action Ins and thus aid the bowels to m more mere e normal functioning The pure senna and laxative herbs in Dr Caldwell's Caidwell's Syrup Pepsin are good for the system So do not hesitate to use it when theres there's biliousness headaches CI or any sign of constipation Your druggist has this world famous prescription in big bottles Or write 1 Dr Caidwell's Syrup Pe Pepsin sin Monticello Ill III and wd a afree afree afree free trial rial bottle will win be sent to 10 you postpaid I T ti S 'S I I t I An Ailing H CHILD I Are re you prepared to render rener I first Erst aid and quick comfort the moment your youngster has an upset of any sort Could you do dothe dothe the right thing thing immediately immediately though the emergency came without without without with with- out warning warning perhaps perhaps tonight Castoria is a mothers mother's standby at harmless as the recipe on tEe such times There is nothing like wrapper reads If you see Chas it in emergencies and md nothing H. H Fletchers Fletcher's signature it is better for everyday use For a genuine Castoria It is harmless sudden attack of colic or the to the smallest infant doctors gentle relief of constipation to will tell you so 50 allay a feverish condition or to You can tell from the recipe on I soothe a fretful baby that cant can't the wrapper how mild it is and sleep This pure vegetable preparation prepa prepa- how good for little systems But ration is always ready to case ease an continue with Castoria until a achild ailing youn youngster ster It is just as child is grown f r II Take Tako fR NATURES NATURE'S REMEDY I tonight Your eliminative A h organs will bo functioning properly prop erly by morning and your cond constipation con con- d will end with a 4 bowel action as ns f roo and easy as us nature na nn ture at her best positively best positively no DO pain no griping Try it 1 M Mud Mild U safe tafe purely purel vegetable feat fe- fe at cIt ordy only FEEL EL LIKE f A MILLION TA TAKE Surety DAN removes auto grease paint I ink grime etc from hands hanch AG AGENTS WANTED West 2nd So Salt Lake City Ity Utah I I ii iV II in this yellow II Moths Z Ki PF JU can t s I FH black band or They Will ViII Cost You Money Get Your Flit and The Special Flit Sprayer Today pray I S clean smelling k I t 1 e ts i S oest t Selling Insect c UIO |