Show s DROWNED I 1 0 D OUT U T T THE H E W WHISTLE H bandmaster saw but one cne way to achieve victory sousa was once conducting a concert and was so er engrossed grossed in extracting from ills his organization the sweet soft notes of an oriental love song A loud and prolonged blast came from a steamboat oat on the alic hany river instantly the directors laton aton l was directed toward the disturbing whistle as thought he would have a more dulcet tone from the offender instead lie he received a more deafen deafening ng response from the huge steam whistle wils tle tho disgusted conductor now turned toward his musicians and with a violent waving of 0 his aras brought forth such a roar from the drums and brasses that it if there was any further demonstration on tho the part ol of the steamboat it was not heard in the music hall at the conclusion of the concert sausa said to one of 0 the directors the only way to overcome that steamboats blow is to meet it with a more powerful one |