Show RIVERSIDE since the holidays our people have resumed their regular routine of business sleighing has been good and a large arge number are hauling pulp and are busy all the time the farmers are arc preparing to plant a big acreage af beets the coining season ralph C richards was happily surp surprised risea a few days ago when if lie he opened a letter from the utah sugar company containing a check for 35 being the awtry awa rd for the best five acres of beets grown during the 11 year 1905 in the pear bear river valley ralph thinks ghin ks he will try it again the older people of the ward were treated to a genuine old ti time me dance a short time ago quadrilles reels hornpipes horn pipes etc round dancing was barred out the tables were so turned that the young people present had to occupy the place of bf wall flowers instead of the older ones who usually have arave that honor li II 11 kennard a veteran soldier enjoyed the distine distinction tion of being the oldest r nan man present at the dance and he received a blue badge ellza eliza V r ward was the oldest woman present and she also received a blue adge badge president moroni ward in L i cat speech presented the badges besides dancing there were numerous other amusements dated SI |