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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1949 GRAND lflEW Mr. Calvin Cordner 048-J4 The Sweetheart Ball, presented present-ed by the Junior girls and .Senior .Sen-ior Scouts, was a most enjoyable affair The floorshow, under the direction of Marvel and Mary Ellen Harward commenced with the entranced the queen, Jean-ine Jean-ine Dean and her attendants, Marilyn Buckner and Glenna tvie. Leading the procession were little Elaine Morgan, flow- f girl, and Bryan McKinnon, i 'rown bearer. The queen was '"rowned by John Adams, MIA president. Maxine Harward and Mignon Sheerif sang the theme song, "I have but One Heart", i Dancers in the special floorshow ' number were Wally Harding, : Devina Day, Art Day, Mignon Sheerif, Lowell Baum, Maxine i Harward, LeOre Griffiths, S Jackie Dean, Connie Swenson, I David Gill, Norman Eatough, Patsy Welch, Bert Taylor and I Fay Brown. The group was occ-; occ-; ompanied by Mrs. Roma Vine- yard- The decorations of red i and white hearts were put up ! by the Scouts and Juniors of I Hill Crest. I The Primary preparation meeting for February was held at the home of Mrs. Donna Boy-ack. Boy-ack. Mrs. Ina Buckner took charge of the meeting and plans for Primary spring conference were discussed. Mrs. Laurel Gibson gave the scripture reading read-ing and Mrs. Maurita Carter and Mrs. Helen Rhodes read their favorite poems. Luncheon was served to the 16 members present. Mrs. Blanche Wilde and Mrs. La Von Williams assisted assist-ed the hostess. The Blazers class had a sledding sled-ding party last week. After a good time on Dean's hill, the group returned to the home of Mrs- Ina Buckner where a chili supper was served by Mrs-Maurita Mrs-Maurita Carter, class leader and Mrs. Buckner. The boys enjoying enjoy-ing the afternoon were Robert Carter, Ronald McKinnon, Arlo Maag, Vaughn Riggs, Teddy Barney, Michael Jones, Joy McDonald Mc-Donald and Glen Christian. A group of 13 youngsters enjoyed en-joyed a birthday party honoring honor-ing Thell Day. Games were played play-ed and refreshments served. Tickets can now be purchased purchas-ed from all Grand View ward choir members for the Minstrel Show to be presented by the choir on Friday, March 4 at 8:15 directed by Mrs. Inez Tracy. MRS. NNEY. ) ARE. UP ANv AT tT m . . BRIGHT AN EAkci' 5 1 v. " 'i ) x : . A' 1 - .V., . r - .4 1 ... i H:. 3 . j : A. ..i' .. 'i v s ;. . s 3&---'u-'m n -"n ii iii im i mi i Ml t ruriBinm iin-Am- r r --trf Ar " DEFROSTED SIDEWALK . . . Heated eofls of wrought Iron embedded in the pavement keep this 100-foot-long sidewalk In front of New York's famous 21 Club warm enough to melt the snow as It falls and prevent ice from forming. A pomp forces hot water through the coils. Anti-freeze in the water prevents f reeling when system is not in use. A flick of a switch toes the trick. J I t PO A JOS WHEN IT AEBPS 1 I POlNO. MRS.AR.NE-Y! I l - VWl - l how )roe - ..." ..e HILL CREST The admission price is 25 cents. The guests are promised an en- joy able evening and an oppor- tuniey to help raise funds fori Vaneese Woffinden 0553-R1 the purchase of new hymn books . for the ward. Refreshments J Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ashdown will be sold between the acts of and children, formerly of Las the minstrel show. The Relief Society lesson next week will be the Theology lesson, less-on, given by Mrs. Lucy Clyde. The meeting will start at 2 p.m. No sacrament meeting will be held in the ward because of the stake conference. Buy in Orem UV snmre s "IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU" FEATURIN G Steak and Chicken Dinners CATERING TO BANQUETS AND PARTIES OUR SPECIALTY PAOK'G CAFE State Street and Canyon Road Phone 0568 Jl HYDRAULIC BRAKES RELINED ADJUSTED MM (All light cars) HALL'S MOTOR SERVICE UNREALITY OF DARKNESS EMPHASIZED IN SERMON The Golden Text for the Lesson-Sermon "Christ Jesus" at all authorized Christian Science churches on Sunday, February 27, is from Isaiah. It reads, "There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots." Another significant Biblical citation reads, "Then spake Jesus Jes-us again unto them, saying, I Vegas, Nevada, had their recom mends read in the ward on Cun-day. Cun-day. Kay Crockett has become a member of the ward. She Is from Hawaii and is here attend ing the BYU. Choir practice is not being held this week as the men and boys of the two wards are get ting the chapel ready for paint ing and renovation. Dr. and Mrs. George E. Har ris and family from Ogden visit ed here ith his mother, Lexia Harris on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashton (entertained the Aaronic priest- ' hood group at their home on , Sunday evening when they held their regular cottage meeting. Josephine Wagstaff was host ess to the Gleaners and M Men at. a firpsirle chat Claud Westen am the light of the world: he skow was the speaker. He show- that followeth me shall not walk ed pictures of Hawaii and told in darkness, but shall have the 'of his mission experiences while light of life (John 8:12). j on the islands. I Mary Baker Eddy writes in The Relief Society Singing Science and Health with Key to j mothers are meeting tonight, the Scriptures, that, "We are Thursday, at the home of Rosa- sometimes led to believe mat j lie Nielson to practice for the; darkness is as real as light; but Relief Society conference to be Science affirms darkness to be held on Sunday, March 6. only a mortal sense of the ab- j The Sunday School faculty sense of light, at the coming of . meeting was held on MonJay which darkness loses the appear-: evening at the home of Shirley ance of reality. So sin ana sor-; Rowland. row, disease and death, are the The M Men and Gleaners held suppositional absense of Life, a candy pull at the home of Hel-God, Hel-God, and flee as phantoms of en Woffinden on Tuesday even-error even-error before truth and love" ing. Those present were lone (p. 215). Draper, C',Ueon Crisp. Josenii- "God's Vision" is the topic of ine and Kate Wagstaff, Phyllis the Sunday broadcast at 9:45 a. Williamson, June Lloyd, Mona Their Success is Your Success THESE OREM MERCHANTS ARE IMPROVING THEIR STOCKS IMPROVING THEIR SERVICES OFFERING COMPETITIVE PRICES IN ORDER TO INDUCE YOU TO SHOP AT HOME The Orem Jaycees BELIEVE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY TIME PATIENCE - BY SHOPPING IN OREM CHECK THE ADDS ON THESE TWO PAGES BEFORE DOING YOUR BUYING WE SPECIALIZE IN AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL REPAIRS STARTERS - LIGHTING SYSTEMS - GENERATORS This is your factory authorized Delco-Remy and Auto-Lite Service Station. OREM AUTO ELECTRIC 6th North and State Orem-Geneva, Utah Phone 0652 Rl HAVE YOUR DRY CLEANING DONE At Orcm's only Home-owned cleaning plant HAND FINISHING FASHION CLEANERS Pick-up and Delivery Phone 0632 J3 Orem-Geneva, Utah OUR SPECIALS Jersey Maid Milk Products MILK Qt, .16 Butter lb. 77c Ice Cream qt. .65 Ice Cream bricks .55 Soft Sundae .15 Malt Banana Split .20 WE SELL SPUDNUTS! BUNNY'S CORNER 8th South and State Orem FOR A GOOD GAME OF BILLIARDS AND A REFRESHING GLASS OF BEER Drop in at CS BILLIARDS Mooney West, Proprieter m. over Station KOVO. Honesty is one part of eloquence. eloqu-ence. We persuade others by being be-ing in earnest ourselves. Hazlitt Rolfe, Jean Lobon, Shirley Row. land, Dale Bown. Gynn Christ-man, Christ-man, Russell Miller, Bob Benson, Ben-son, George and Arthur Woffinden, Woffin-den, Mrs- Laird Billings and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woffinden. NO PICTURE IS COMPLETE 1805 South State Phone 021 R3 WITHOUT FLOWERS ROHBOCK'S SONS' t WH1HILTOS k HIUS SYTOICMI THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA MAKING A GABLE OUT OF TWE OLD DOS HOUSE." Mm ..I YT M ,Vi I OREM wZozasi SHOP Orem, Utah PHONE 116- FREE DELIVERY GENEVA Beth Moon 058 1-R1 Mrs. Martha Pyne left Saturday Satur-day morning for Pheonix but received word in Las Vegas of the death of her grand daughter and returned Sunday evening. Bob and Erma Nielson Olsen are the parents of a baby girl born at the Utah Valley hospital hospit-al on Saturday morning. The Acel Nielsens have been presented present-ed with two grandchildren this month. The genealogical society announces ann-ounces a temple excursion planned plan-ned for March 1. Chester Graff made a trip to Enterprise last weekend. He brought Mrs- Graff and her mother, Mrs- Luther Terry, back with him. Relief Society meeting was not held last Wednesday. The Theology lesson will be given by Melba Lunceford at next Wednesday's meeting. Bishop Wilbur Sowards of Provo was the visiting speaker at sacrament meeting on Sunday. Sun-day. Marjorie Tolman and Diane Adams gave talks, representing repres-enting the LDS girls. ' Harold Baker is able to be A: THIS NEW 6 E WASHER-IROIIER COMBINATION 2.35 A WEEK General Electric Washer. $159.95 G-E Portable Ironer ...... 49.95 $209.90 BOTH FOR 0109.CD GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER 3 lb. capacity, Activator Action Adjustable Wringer Permadrive Mechanism ReversibIe Balloon Rolls Self Tilting Drain Board FulI-length Skirt Quick emptying) pump One year written Guarantee. GE PORTABLE IRONER 110 Square Inches of Ironing-shoe sur-face sur-face 22 Inch Roll Open end for easy ironing Left or Right Hand Control Thermostat to Control Temperatures Permanently lubricated lubric-ated Mechanism Only 33 pounds One Year Written, Guarantee. j See This Money-Saving Combination at A. L. DUCKETT SALES & SERVICE "YOUR COMPLETE ONE-STOP Next Door to Utah Power SERVICE Orem out again, after being confined to his home with a leg injury. The MIA ertends an invitation invitat-ion to the entire community to attend its Gold and Green ball on Monday, February 28. The queen and her court will be pre-ented pre-ented at 8:15. A special floor show will Include dance numbers num-bers prepared by LaVon and Weston Farley, dance directors. The theme of the ball is "Star Dust". Dancing will follow the floor show at 8:45. David Eager was called from his school in Eureka last week because of the illness of Mrs. Eager. The withholding of truth is sometimes worse deception than a direct misstatement. Lord Napier Sulfur In lamb rations has betn proved effective in protecting lambs against enterotexemia, an affliction also known as "overeating "overeat-ing disease." Various amounts of sulfur wert fed to three lots of lambs. Death losses from entero-toxemia entero-toxemia ranged from less than 1 per cent in the group receiving the heaviest dose, to approximately 6.8 per cent In the lot receiving the lightest dose. |