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Show OITT, .IT our fiEieaeOiis. hv;s of : that he did as he had teen drinking and had, so it is stated, recently lost heavil,-a- t i J I r ji cn tha to Cs Resumed, Dnr- - BI3 rEHTEEFnISE. DITCH v struction. i jkeadrille Lad trettes DriTe will be of Incalculable benefit to Belnj? Smngsled which Missoula. The contract calls for a ditch to be constructed which is to be n,r the'tine on Puet Sound. thirteen and one-hafeet at the top, i six and one-hafeet at the bottom, lf three and feet deep and seven . and one-haiDAilO I miies in length. The di tch is started about one mi!e above tho ten more foot Blackfoot river and is reTt is clilnieo that wheii the tn fKa Tla T.nmop mill j quired to carry 4.100 inches of water, It twill be enabled. Thetconstruction will entail an expendi-tur- e M of about S30.000, and work is to be T ki- of ofa'that lt does begun November. 1st and the ditch amount .thi OOaujf I i- . turned over to the company by the conBOW. , .i- of tractors May 1, 1892. .fir..!!. , Times? Mai"" tjj.r. Hiilev a r about claim, is developing MISCELLANEOUS MITES. P!t0rnPS1frniIhiSiraucb, which is i a a. p.. uuuaiuo. to trov d The son of W. D. V4 jfatnous IlUb miue, and of was ( kicked on the oVef if Similar character and Or., Burnap Elgin, rriM last forehead., ' hich ton. Mr. Wednesday evening and worth about $3Q per probably fatal Injury. He IskWubt tate etc.. preparatory received came up slyly behind' the horse land lots. Wippifei! H3!10? tn farload struck him sharply with his hat, with of Felleviik fWej'rtJd: 3. j U Baxter ', :: the above result. ,j o'dicr Am & tbQ XWi Ust; week M. E. Wisdom and J. W, Bailey of eshibitMaisay retijrns from a . lot Portland have purchased the Point ore the Prairie from pduidk if Breeze stock farm in Baker county. Or. was SoUi f which Mr, Sell rail fntar are There about fifty fine brood mares V"V " J., campled ax ifey' on the place, and the celebrated stalirnId.tS4.50 in in ...i it to ' bo' free lion Challenger Is at the head of the stud. rent siiiektM le cla mfe al mill .eonld be The price paid was 5150,000. ,4 A Lower. the the company, says Calif prairie saia to pajjlargely has been formed in Guaymas to I i ! Eines. navigate the Yaqui river, and two J.caltncfi: The drift Silver steamers have been ordered from San CenIllinois tlio 3 frora tnnriel So. onj s Francisco. new They will open up tral vein iustopenea ipv a '"gB ybu. source of be which will a "trade, profita111' LliC Uiw "J ble one as well as a means for the 'farmiv mo ntuk h&vM I it nronounco come to get their, crops, to market, with ers s4en from fever est ore thtjl bave less expense than at present. new ore j . the iniBOfiMniraiwiu Tnis at ; afternoon Portland suran electhe Friday aaepiuju w jk from on car the tric .The Metropolitan Eiilway fice nd 3L0 ioet lelowthe tancel. action iroai other parts of the Company's line jumped a trestle and was a distance of; thirty feeu Poormaa f roup-- isiuis. n creased from precipitated car .The contained thirteen passengers, can De M da fast to put stopps dir eleven of whom were InjUred. Mrs. W. f . . Olds was the most seriously Injured, but a fatal result is not feared. The others WYpMlXG - W.ISPS. i i, ij. j recsived'but slight injuries. The tresboy has been tle' was located at a curve in the track. 'Swce jrajer c'ounty teat to thel reform schdol at Golden, A smugglers headquarters has been Cola, for ifivej jreafs for fcprse stealing. discovered on Lopez island, a small unThe trial: of Sitchmin Murray for inhabited, Island, in Pu get Sound. ' A the murdtrjof p- darly Cat Rawlins vessel recently landed fifty Chinamen on progress at the Island. From there they I were eighteen months ago, is : that place: j taken to the United States by twos and , ' Freight tatcs from Cheyenne to Doug- threes in small boats, being put ashore lass have fceen! jfroni 20 to 30 in the woods and guided in by j white of the Union men undercover of darkness. From ?5Q b wiihdraal the jf per ceai Pacific serf ice! frOm Or(n Junction to to $100 is paid for each Chinaman ,v: I successf ully landed.) Douglas, j Laramie! Sentinel: S&p Parker, who came down; fiom the La Plata mines vithaloa4' e? ore, ha4 a row with Eenry Dahlfiat khe Gm City Hotel ; one-ha- IXKt-IXGS- lf to-b- e of-th- ' Ss -- -I. I ahu - j V T W an f , . f Sis twelve-year-ol- 5 - or-nia-nt mi A A V I sr-oa- i 1 1 Penetrating PLAb Lrt is lCK. Qthei in - or QUICSv ; 3 ? iit Ql AND THE Cre. E2l FrMidetv -- Vuth L km - p -- -- Tuesday night ver and took ii I 7tb. 4 W mit it to ui w Cu ; ti Ihw'xn in ad Bun? an4 whipped out a revol- shot at iiis tormentor, as read before the Recen hira ahd liidsrinirk XJ tk-ula- attention to th r - -- tad CROWN work, and al! of BRIDGE prrrtin eft fM natural Bg-aTr-Tr.TS' on west of Gillettf. This is very heavy work and will require a arge .force of men nearly widter. As there ns can be no increase in local business te ill re-julli- this new work,, it is, rumored that the Burlington has decided National Park tocass through to and a connections with the Northern Pacific as fasti aa possible and this heavy work is to be eoi out ef the way to ' prepara for a grand ruh next spring frotd ' and summer.; t xEVAii.. Nojrcs. Tuscarora Times Review: .Grain Isbc- - Mlcrobi can be forced out through the skin, and it is in this way that C! G C2 relieves the system of poison. MING SUFFERED much from Conta-gions Blood Poison, after using halfiI was restqra dozen bottles of j r. ED TO PETEFZCT YtSlA HEALTH, and all eruptive sores oisappeared. You are at liberty to make any use of my statement that you' wish. J. Ceosbt Braou, 203 r Third Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, - H Jtl t -- - tons) wis 52016 per ton. Bullion stipped to fcarson Mini, assay "value (3S0 aboat 513,3St.45. J Pioche Recotdti Chloriders ng the old IluhnSfc Hunit-anground of, the Pio ic Con'4 S j . d are workiDeerfoot Compauy. icd are making r 'gular5 though small, shipments of ore f 10 the! j furnace. The, ore is of good quality aid the chances or finding it are said by the plfentybf .lesseeto befgood. : A dispatchf froni Uobart, Lake Tahoe, annoucies the news of a terrible ac-c:d- ent at that place by the faliipj cfhappened a trce. Fiora the meager which! Adolph t NelsonlearnedJborgthatwere wa Anderson aqd A en-l&?- ?d ia felllaga hiuge pihe tree. Owing to the prevaJling iigh vind they mls-,-J?the' our3e of this falling tree, ?d were caught under It; the weight . Sluing both outright. ed !. . 1 iwomen bimnd otver to the District Court ai Lamir on ii charge of killing cattle bejonglnk to the Fred Harvey 1 ranch a Adank ; ; - t suspicion of . Caited Stites Distrlbullng Fish is 3a Leadvllle. Ue will 100,0001 trout from! the hatchery ,ke rere and distribute from the Sierra TiTl& east to Wyoming and PENNYROYAL' :rA tatoXewpiibo. a young unmarried aaa about ehtoa, twentfrsix yfears old, eom-- f SuJ?Me atlTriniaad on Friday 5 P'5011- - l1 wiis a nephew of FT a bromlneat cattleman, uLeightpn, causa fortaking his flife was a love ItV'u :1IeiF&d 34st returned from a ? j A. a . . t t ! - 10 ' C'.-.- r '" . ';v n-t- 1 at Stenhi-ns- . Tha price waa 22 per minitsg rysvi;:?, sLc himsdf in the a sbct pua in that' town 73v-- t: ' m fesrti : Tjith fatal efTect. iioi h5 lntcnii to .3 c: ret, tut it is rarzaic-t' well-Hcnow- n 3 TIEIS TABLE,. n COiTPAN Y. m ) In Effiact PXTaOR, i r i i " : - Box-lUO- - - Comfortiiisr. : . ft ill s.n ei 'a a , ; - h t-- '" a.. t Co.. I2etrcit iUorelia Cesaaeal ' A. C, Su. - i . utu-iglits- ;1 eJ ; -- bit Lak r? O is acSnotrled?? the leacin? remedy tot Tee enly r ai..rir-1tot JLt o rr k waor W L : t ci fe:-I rrescrita itac eafa ia rerinc-D.dicsi- l 1 fc'-c-r It;!fr's Ajreat. t 2ttar fur-U- , W. ScT.-- l jai ' wxoxatsAXB COPFJS C53 S. way Company will sell at publio auction to the bidder for cash on the 10th day of Octohighest ber, 1881. at 8 o'clock p. m., a tits freight yard, in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, the following property, or so much of each class; as may be necessary to pay freight and reasonable compensation for storage and care of each class of prop erty, and costs of sale, tons of steel One thousand one and one-harailroad rails, weight 40 pounds to the yard, and consigned by the New York Equipment from ;Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Company J. V. Young, at Salt Lake City. Utah; also f L3A1IJ Lai. Cty, Oct. ht COMPAS. V. t-- 18,11. .t oung.- ., " f W. II. II. SPAFFORD, ' W. L. PICKARD, O. II. HARDY, r.. w. RAILWAY J. IT. BENNETT, General Freight and Passenger Agent J. R. RILEY, Local Freight Agent. By STRFXTe days taurine tbe usual business hours), commencing on Thursday, October 27, 1S91, and endon Saturday, Oc tober St, 1801. ing During, the said time the said assessment will be open to public inspection, and any llt person or persons feelintr themselves aggrieved, may 'haveliearing before said Board, and said Board shall have authority to make corrections of any tax deemed by them uBlust. Ca!t narrow-gaug- e railroad freight eighty-eigcars consigned by the New! York Equipment Company from Canton, Ohio, to J, W. ouug, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Said property has been held at the place to which lt was consigned and transported by said Railroad Compauy for over six months, and has not been accepted or taken away by the consignoe, and will be sold to satisfy tbe carrier's lien. The rails will be sold by the ton to an amount sufficient to pay freifcLt and charges for Storage and care to the amount of $!9,63u.S2 besides cost of sale. A sufficient number of cars will be sold to pay storage and care to the freight anq1 charos for amount of 15,2591.37 besides cost of sale. Dated September 8th, 1801. THE RIO GRANDE WESTERN XTOTICF. IS 1IEUEBV GIVEN TO TIIB Xi" owners of property abutting on both sides of Fifth East street frora Sooth Temple street to First South street (in fcidewalk district No, IS) In Salt Lake City: That the undersiened were duly on appointed by the City Council of Salt Lake ttie jstn aayor wotorjer, a. li. lavi. as a City Board of Equalization and Review, to hear and conaider objections, if any, to the assessment and levy of a special tax for constructing side, wiiiks on the streets hereinbefore named. Said as.essment list is completed, and said Board of Eqoalization and Review will be in session at the City Hall for five (5) consecutive -::J,j v ' WOCS SUEEX-IBO- X T. T ' siauu ra ajtb sxtajx. ; t-- Go. CtasdlJrctlrcaEaiijes, AND A. . A. 6:.w 8Kam 4:09 - STOEI: 4 orer-exertio- g i fran-cisc- o, . at Sleeve P. E. SohoppB ;' A. '.j- - Ad- isAS years in thousands of cases. ? a ,j Spermatorrhea. Kervoxtt 4 "Cure Weakness mitsto ImpcUney .. ScJ v V.was and all diseases caused bv abuts.-.n. indiscretion, or fnxroasj ea Guaranteed to GVr whenaUrims other for Tke raat uh DrugjUt Jail. A.k your take no nubtitnte. One pac"' rcaMvtis. 3 f 1. Six t3, bT mail. VTrite for Pampfc't. Arif-;-i 'r? . r ke-;U- ; OF UNDELIVERED NOTICE OF SALE The Rio Grande Western Rail- lf :33a.ra l I '4 Enrllali Irscrtptfon :e Great uied oter successful Medicine : '. PARK CITY. t treaji-me- nt a Cat a . ; iEtablishnl tor the A lt communications entirely confidential Sua dress UK. J. GIliBON, ap-OA- -ir San Street, 62p o a, p'-- 1S54, ti:0p.m - p.m 4 office and Depot ceraer Eighth South aad Sliin btraet T J VAf!TrTKT03n. Ceal. Frt and Pass. Aceafc . fiKo. - - thoroush kowlre of natar&l laws ana n a which govern optrmou 01 t jenioa a carelul ef taa fine triuon, andoftywell eeleoted Cocoa, Mr. Erps has properties our breatft tables wit-- a docately prorided L,nwa berera?, wM;a ray saTe us msar heaTy doctors t:;.a. It U ty Vie ludicious use of such ariicJis of diet tSra a constitution may be nnul stror-- CRtreh to re? isi jratiualiy bolH up to disuse, iiueird of sebt!e tendency eery arov.iti re.'.!y t attach maladies are wherever there is a weak pnint. Ave may ecape ourselves well man a fatal shaft by uoarUhed v.ith rure Liood properly . "Civil .E;crv:c(j " ". With b'.,-- r. u cr mtti. Soil aj L'.beii ttiusj ia Lali-- jf . Iin rraln S1 arrive Park City - of Sexual arid Seminal Diseasas sucji as Gonorrhcea, Gleet. Stricture, Syphilis, in all its forms. Seminal. ' Weakness and Imp-Miinhood tency. Loss ofcured. The "permanently . . sick ana .nni-ir, eauup not fail to call upon hi ri. ""...j" Europe, Tbe Doctor has visited l ofhospitaiuf, valuable lnfonni. and obtAtned a preat del imnartto thoe he is compe-utttion, which will mae mneed of hi service. tU&. aGIBBON cure. Tbe Doctor he effects nocbarJticHss cures when others fail.! Try him. Persous cumd at home. Chars reHonWe.., Cail or write. m -- to-w- it: GTBUON'S mi. Dispensary, 'v : RAXiT LAKE CITY. St S:00 a ai leave ...... EightbSouth and 4:00 p.m 3 w South- and Mala St, 10:30 a.n 2 arrive 1 4 i VI Ct.F03TU.mtE. - - . Vrdln . amho4 iBitartS. Fartocalarpcd. Ib we fouudaasftaiawltanrc. lwillriadlyt to an ufferr. tba raelpa (sealed) PU It ii a rUabl and latincora. Addrrfv la 11 April 1st, 18is. raasencer Train, will run daily between SH. T Lake Cay and Park City " as -fohows: , REMEDY FREEL Kearny Frant-isco- . Tt'a rpmarkabla EDcdSo action upon tho affected parts gives it supremo control over itZes, however severe Abo for Burns, Scalds, Eruptions, Salt JRheum d'C Testimonials from all classes vrnva ltd off?;trV TVfrrt Fi0f sent bv mail nlkTVrurrftii hv - nr"' kv awj Put of cn receipt price. up only by :.. . C Smith Jt Co., Dniejlsts, Aen Salt Lake s n L.iLiiJ n. .. 1 ' paxlicul r maiiei in si atop. 91.0V jier box. Ad tress, EU&tKA CHKJUCViL 1? m" rtwt-m- Rfnni 00 ii CHiS. K. OAUS, Sox 86, ManhaQ, Kicaf EPrO'S COCOA: Fori Maglnnis sold pbescf eWCS to JrUonH r. Lc?aa- oh the 6th. The price ' P?r ceaJ. Oa thij same Joe day stifled, a band- of Sf.O . Utah Central Railwas ! TO THE lOXTAXAi .MATTERS. Oicir St . - , a SI i . - thorn with our vifruatnr? !rtw t ri"' ' only face of iu.bL Avoid mi butu tea. beaitd POND'S EXTRACT CO.,765th AvetJfi.Y. 5 V a. MEM KV.'A!r cf Imposition. Take POND'S EXTRACT on bdf wrapper. Sea landscapo trade-ma- rk SoU tniy la our own tonics. Ail ingtfsiu HopaytUeard-i;i.J.3IraiJi.itoajiaa.- t-- . . '.1 r. Vice-Pras- t. TT by i proach. Once used, will om irain.' - t-t- f. George' and James .iamvwho work together In No.' 3 f.:M a Ql Creek had ai narrow escape death; Thursday-- ! About 5:30 li.p' m tney touched o2 two shots Nki acquitting work. One hung Gratefula J approached !lt and then . ' Koth men werli badly bruised. i bro-Jhers,- ' aad rvgruiaie. too wan. puuss iroc,mein-iruioj.wiq on p a:schrsi.MowHonwnl or'ptuns over .),0iM MUita. a con-sumpti- on - wafer$. restore lto )producl;c au ! For tickets, sleeping car reservations, and &Q information, apply at any.oflice, or o. General Agent, Sal. tt. I STANNAIiD, ' Lake City. Traveling- Freieht and Paa ii. H. MEATtS, Agent, Salt Lake City. senier v VV. 11. NJiWMAA', Third il JI. WUITMAN, General JTanager. V. A. TUBAL!, General Passenger and ' Ticket A (rent. specifle monthly mdiclne for ladtra On Com-f-ssjooer-E- Two 1 r f. f ! - Thronxh Sleepers to St. Paul and Minneapolis, direct connections for poinls ii. Iowa, Min nesota and Dakota. 'i -- il iritb COLORADO. DENVER. nf Iammatiori I e AND ALL 'f ; THE SAHDEH ELECTRIC C0 j SSH1NIR BLOC3 uurs; Piles Female Complaints Rheumatism o Leadivllle is 15 years rott aI rlan4 I ITa Uma Kaam j to kill his! iparcnts lately ui Price. $5X)0; and: t7p ... 1 . ". i 1. n rr llr i 15-Jl- 5 e h t SALE OF REAL ESTATE. GUARDHN'S hereby given that pursuant to am order of the lrobate Court of Utah county, Ter-Octobe-r- of Utah, made on the 3rd day of ritory A. 1)." lhal, in the matter of the estate and guardianship of Llewellyn P. Thomas and John A. Thomas, minors, aDd of the estate of Annie. E. Thomas'. Snell, the undersigned guardian of the prsons snd estste of said minors, and of the estate of said Annie E. Thomas Snell, will sell at public sale, to the bidder for cash, and subject to confirmahighest tion bv said Probate Court, on Saturday, the 14th day of November, A. 1). 1891. at S o'clock p. ro., at the front door of the city hall, in Salt Lake City, county of Salt Lake, and Territory of Utah, all tbe right, title and interest of said minors and of said Annie E. Thomas Snell In and to said premises, paid Interest being the title in fee to said property, the following described lot, piecs or par eel of liind, to wit.: Commencing four and a half of the northwest corner of lot sir (44) rods east (42). plat "B," Salt Lake City (6), block forty-twsurvey of building lots in Salt Lake county. lfTerof Utah, thence east seven and one-haritory (7! j ) rods, thence south ten (10) rods, thence west seven aiid one-ha(?4) rods, thence north tem (10) rods to the place of beginning, area seventy-fiv- e rods. square Terms, cash on confirmation of sale by tha said court Deed at expense of purchaser. EDWARD P. THOMAS, Guardian of the persons and estate of said minora and of the estate of said Annie E. Thomas SnelL BOOTH A WILSON, j kl74 Attorneys for Guardian. . o lf - - J . TTi Savnden'a Kleotrlo Belt n4 Sospei. to ear when all else has aory la warranted failed. It is the only, remedy made which. Ia) a certain cure for these ailments, as hundreds jot testimonials from all over the country will aho. Bend 4 cents for our new 180 page book; full jo! Information and testimonials from grateful pa. observation. IttjiTM prioa tlents. Eeakd from ' .! s; i list. Address ; e nirnuc notices. n MEETING OF THE NOTICE OF of the Niagara Mining and Smelt, for the of purpose ing Company amending its articles of incorporation by increasing tbe of su.il stock Notice ia company. capital a stockthe that hereby given meeting of holders of " the ' company ia called and will be held at the office of the company, No. 218 (office of W. C. 11 all) South East Temple street, in the city of Salt Lake. Utah Teron Wednesday, the 11th day of November, ritory, 1891. at 2 o'clock p.m., for tho purpose of inthe stock of said company from creasing two hundredcapital thousand shares to one million shares, at the par value of ten dollars per share, by the sale of more shares. P. A. II. FRANKLIN, . President of thai Board of Directors of tho Niagara Mining and Smelting Company. Dated Salt Luke City, Oct, 14, 18VL k.133 above-name- - r- Ka The above sale, at the requestor the consignee, is adjourned until November 12th, 1SJ1, at the same hour and place. ' Dated October fta. 1891. THE RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. V J. n. BENNETT. By ' General Freight and Passenger Agent ' . J. Ii. RILEY, Local Freight Agent k33 - NO. 1153. FOR PUBLICATION Land Offloe at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oc Srd, 1891. Notice Is hereby given tnat tne 101. lowing-camesettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, snd that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Cilice at Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 16th, 1891, vti: John Haweroft, for tho y.Y SWJ4 and NWf SEi Sec. 34, Tp. 2 S., R. I E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ephraim Grtf'th. David Nichols, August Eteiceeuber. David Nichols, Jr. all of Union rcrt, tsit L&ie county, utsa. FRANK I). IICL", 3. Resliter. E. W. genior and L. V. 1, Attsrttya TVTOTICE 1I brj d t-:- cs, on , Attest: J. ) Usitkb Statis or America, ' Tkbbitobt of Utah,; i Lake Citt. ) I, J. F. Jack! Recorder of Salt Lake City, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full. true and correct copy of "a resolution relating to the ; t to-w- it, collection, suspension, and refunding certain sidewalk taxes in Salt Lake City." passed bv tbe l of Salt Lake City, September 22nd, A. D. 1891, as appears of record In my office. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Corporate Seal of Salt Lake this 24th day of September, A; D. 1891. City, 151 SeaL J. F. JACK, City Recorder, b.772 City-Counci- FOB SALE. ONE PROVO CITYand BONDS twenty thousand dollars ASSESSMENT. KING OF THB NOTICE OF Mining Company. Location of its of seven (7) per cent municipal bonds for sale. The undersigned, In pursuance of an order of the City Council ofProvo City, hereby advertises that bids will be received at his office in Provo City, Utah, at any 'time frora the data hereof until the hour of 12! o'clock noon on the 14th day of November, A. D., 1891, for the purchase of the. bonds hereinafter mentioned, namely: One hundred and twenty bonds, each ' of the denomination of one thousand dollars, of tha engraved, negotiable, coupon bonds of Provo City, bearing seven perHoentum interest per on tbe first days of annum, payable April and October of each year, at the First National Bank ;of Provoi Provo City, or the Chemical. National Lank; of New ork. New York City, at the option of the purchaser of said bonds. Said bonds are dated October 1st, A. D., 1891, and bear interest from that date. The principal of said bonds is payable ia gold coin of the United States within twenty years frem the date of their issue, but redeemable at the pleasure of Provo City after ten; years from date. Provision is made in tbe ordinance authorizing the issue of said bonds, that at the expiration of ten years from tbe date ef said bonds, there shall be set apart and appropriated out of the general funds in the City Treasury of said city, annually, the sum of $12,500, to be placed by the Treasurer of said oity In a fund to be known as the Fund" for the redemption of said bonds. It is further provided that whenever the after expiration of ten; years from the date of issuance of said bonds, there is available in the said "Redemption Fund" the sum of Lil2.5u0. or more. It shall be the duty lot said Treasurer to advertise the amount of money in said Fund, and the number of bonds, numbering' them in the order of their Issue, commencing at the highest number then outstanding, which said. Fund is set apart to pay and discharge, and the date when they will sbe paid, And if such bonds so numbered in such advertisement shall not be presented for payment aid cancellation at the expiration of the date mentioned la such advertisement, then puoa fund shall remain in the City Treasury ti discharge suctt bond whenever presented for payment, i but such bond shall draw no interest after the date mentioned in such publication. The bitts will ba opened at 13 o'clock noon, November 14th, 1891, at the office of the undersigned,! at PrqvoClty, Utah, but before any sale and award is made security may bo bidder for compliance required of theuccessfu with the terras of his bid, and the said Provo City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids may be for all or any part of said bonds. The bonds offered are issued to construct a system of waterworks for domestic and municipal purposes, and in pursuance of ah act of the Legislative Assembly of Utah. Territory, entitled, "An act provtding for the incorporation of cities," approved March ISth, 18SS, ami of an ordinance of Provo City, entitled, "An ordinance providing for the issuing and disposing of municlr-a- l bonds." passed 8th, A. D. 1K1I. The City has no debt, bonded or otherwise; Is restricted to creating any bonded' debtedness, except for the construction of waterworks and other municipal purposes, and is limited in its power to create Indebtedness for any purpose exceeding 4 per cent of its taxable valuation, as shown by the last assessment of its taxsble property for Territorial and county purposes. Any indebtedness attempted to be created in excess thereof is declared void. These bonds are exempt from municipal taxation. JAMES E. DANIELS. Treasurer of Provo City. klC3 'I Provo City, Ootober 12th, 1S51. semi-annuall- y ; "Re-demoti- . "1 d THE MAMMOTH ASSESSMENT NOTICE. A Milling Company. Loca--ti. of mine, Tintio mining district,' Utah. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tbe board of directors of said company held as the office of Jennings xCalne, Hooper building, on the 25th day of September, 1891, an assessment. (No. 1) of 14 cents per share was levied on all tho subscribed stock, 150,003 shares of tho capital stock of said company, payable immediately to the secretary at the office of Jennings A Caine, room 3, second 'floor of the 11 coper build ing. Salt Lake City, Utah, Any stock upoa which this assessment shall remain unpaid oa the 10th day of November, 1891, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at publio auction, and unless paid before will be sold on Thursday, the 10th day of December, l&L at the office of secretary, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the coat of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the board of directors. ISAAC JENNINGS. Secretary, Room 8, k&S Hooper Building, Salt Lake City. Utah. i Vss.-Sai- OFFICE OF THE DALY Salt LaWfe City. Utah Ter October 15th. 1891. The Board of Direcritory, tors have declared a dividend for September. 1831, of thirty-sevethousand five hundred dollars ($37,500), the same being twenty-fiv- e cents, per share upon the rapital stock of the comOotober 1S91, at pany, 31st, payable the office of the company. No. lii South Main street (upstairs), bait Lake City, Utatt Territory, and at the office of the treasurer, J. B. Hsggin, Mm Francisco, CaL. and at the offioe of the transfer agents, Messrs. Lounsbery & Co.. Mills building. No; 15 Broad street. New YorlC City. Transfers to close October 26th, 1831. R. C CHAMBERS. President k;i3 GEO. M. SCOTT, Mayor. F. JACK, City Recorder. Seal. NO. 56. DIVIDEND - N ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE USE of furnaces and chimneys in Salt Lake City. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, that the proprietor, lessee or occupant, engineer or fireman of any building in I which a boiler Is or may be used for generating i Bieain or electricity wno snail permit or allow dense amoke to issue or be emitted from the chimney or chimneys of such buildinsr, used in connection with such boiler, within- tbe corporate limits of Salt Lake City, shall be sruilty of a. misdemeanor, and shall upon con viotlon for every such offense be fined In a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars; and each day in which suoh smoke is so permitted or allowed to Issue or be emitted shall constitute a separate offense, Provided, however, that the in any penalty herein provided shall not oase where the fireman, engineer, apply owner, leasee or occupant has supplied such building with and shall have In use a sufficient device for the or prevention of smoke. And provided further that this ordinance shall be held to apply only to such buildings in which may be used or operated a boiler or boilers which either singly or in batteries are of the capacity of fifty horsepower or over. Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect six (6) months from and after its passage. Passed aud approved September 22nd, 1891. Seal GEO. M. SCOTT. Mayor Attest: J. F. JACK, City Recorder. United States or America Tkbritobt or Utah, Sait Lake Citt. f BB I, J. F. Jack, Recorder of Salt Lake City, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a full, true and correct copy of "an ordinance relating to the use of furnaces and chimneys in Salt Lake City," passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City A. D. 1881, as appears of. record September 22nd, . in my office. : In witness whereof. I have hereunto set ray band and affixed the Corporate Seal of Salt Lake City, this 24th day of September, A. D. 18L; SeaL ol50 J. F. JACK. City Recorder. h771 Sleeper I 1. alf - A Bans Fast Vestibule Trains with Through and Dining Cars, connectina; with for llllwaukee Madisoa and Tbiougn Trains all points in Wisconsin and Michigan. i Bru Mc(rall gillie tnd A Hits ( - n. alf I AKD AI.X. FOISTS KA3T. Sciatica, fepermatosrhcpa. Female Wealcnesa, Loe of Vital Powaf. dr, Rheomatlxm. Varicocele, or aay $wHllng hi Sprain of the Muacles or Nervea of the Body, .ijlt irirea a ateady, aoothing current of electricity tkm to direct o all weakened organs, reatorjng health and vigorous strength. Thii t?1 the only genuine Electrio Belt sold in TJUh. giving currents that are Inatantlv 5eH by o the wearer, or ya fo? t?e will forfeit tl0.00ai Warranted-tyjf- t : -- "to-wi- t: one-fourt- re-mo- re (HIGAGQ ,"7 Will ear n Nerrona CoTfiT!dBtatrafc KW-nLame Back, Sexual Debility.! Pyipersla, Inflammation of Blad Sore Throat Lameness mm I7x trn Sorenasc COLOTtADp CUliLIXCS..-t-er- -- IT- ? ) '. , -- TO- 4 ' . pr Yreatiae on Slood and Stem diseases milled free CO 6W1T SPECIFIC Draw? l, Atlanta, Ga. iaa of slJ - , offered down for 52.15 per hundred. The Con. Cfd. & Va., mine last week ptodnced 953:tons 170 pounds 01 ore. vhich was sapped! to thdr Morgan mill. The average ssay value iXDf ail the are worked at that mill during the week M. H ELECTRIC BELTvM"; I alley paniajc tgcome mi fromi Ruby and other sections. IiaHey, rolled, is at 2c,wheat at 2U.and oats at lit' cents peHpouna. Fltour can bo laid fiERTODS WEAK, ' i - I - j 1 It I Mi-cro- bi i. - ' ii i r r 0:t. t : -- Mi!-, ;!r; puL-lcatic- V mm t.eC--6''-- voa.r.ers witl;;:5 s.rv I??'-'- " 1 en j ail c-- 1 . - ...rs , i "XTOTICE OF SALM Or KTIAL Notice is herebv f.ivc-r- t ,i,t i r - 1 L cft'-C rfx rt an order of the Probst Like, Territory cf Uta a. r ! j 2Vt : 1. la tLa t t! a day of ST-- ember. i. t ' estate of WiiUam C Jollier, signed, the executrix cf ti.J s If-- ' its, v . I r t l! f ' 1, at private sale to tbe t lawful currency of the Uni J Sut' ard il u t to confirmation b14 1'robate Court, t on tv r t. '.intall 29th day of October. V. i..!aui C. J u r a erest and estate of the, en 1 the t.. ri"Lt. tbe time of his dcatli, and all interest that the said estate has. by e;era. jrt 'cf law or otherwise, acquire.J other than or lia. to that of the said William C. Killer at tbe time of his death in and to ail that certain Jot, or parcel of land situate, lyicg ar.l tele piece in the City cf fait Lake, County ef fciit LVe, as Territory of Ctsh. and bounded aaud described Be inuing at point forty-cufollows, and (41W) feet East from Northwest corner of Lot 6. in lilockia. Plat A, Salt Lake Citv Survey; running thence East two and one-htea (10) rods; (2'i) rods; thenca South(2'A) rods: thence thence West two and one-bNorth ten (10) rods, to place of beglnnieg. square rods of ground, contsining twenty-livtogether with a perpetual right of way upon and! over a strip of ground eight (8) feet wide East and West adjolnins same on the East for tho who!c length thereof. Terms and condition of sale, cash5, lawful our rencv of the United States, ten per cent of the purchase money to accompany price bid on the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sIe by said Probate Court, deed atexpne of purchaser. Bids will be received by said executrix at the office of W. C. Hall, attorney at law. 218 South East Temple street, Silt Lake City, Utah. MARTHA MILLETt, Eiecutrixof the last will of William C. ililler, deceased. k!23 Dated October 13th, 1831. . . . i hb. BWI b7 U t.. Cum, U. bIcwlliMblood. experiments bullet in the last Congress of Surgeons at Berlin, leave thijth of Jaldftfellennanj VThe jwound no doubt that the true wav to CLILAlt ia serious but'not angerpus. THE SYSTEM OF MICRO HI is A XewcasVfi dispatch tb the Cheyenne through the pores of the skin. It has been Sun says tMiKHputrick liros., & Collins found that a remedy which kills the will also destroy the life of the orders tofgrade twentyr have recejv seven miles of; road bed fpr the Burlingtpatisnt; bet it has also been found that the BissiDR dckK&M d iocj-ease- Crst ' 1. -- ' : X . CT-- t! : 1: : ihij.; '. ( tir' t v 1 15. A'. : ''W a! to the TiS, "i1; ' . i'i n iralt Luke Cn. ti,e County of 15. Lake. W. ANI;,;i.Yv Aetniratrut..r1 cf deceived. estate cf I..:..': ' .1 I in-.'' h :..r--- i r tenths : All Irne;l8ta. t::; I;: tt - ciit i .. :l 1 T ef-suc- bv i U.V'--:- "HUT I'.f m. FEUX GOURAini'S ORIENT C1UA1 Oli MAU1CAL BBAC riFIKU. if 1 oa-titu- te WOOD'S PLASTER. It Penetrates,i j ' or elo'1 UXiAD. If aeffericeitry Mev A. 1 Ci-1- - e are comDarison r i' O AM! Xlv a resolution rcrau:.? to t f.: cvalk taxvs pension and refuntluti of cert: ia Sit Lake City. Section 1. Be and it Is horctn- revolted by th-City Council of S.Ut Lake City, that section i2 cf a resolution relatiE;; to tte cc.i''t:o!i, Bui'tii-iotaud refunding of certain sidewalk taxes ia Sait Lake City, be and the same is arr.jcdcd to tend as follows: Section 2. That tha Assessor aud Collector, be aud he is hereby directed to transmit to the City Council, a completed, the list cf the tax payer, with t!ie amounts of taxes levied and assessed, and collected, or only levied and be from tune assessed and which may hereaXt-to time levied aud assessed and collected cr only levied and assessed, aud a description of tl;e divers pieces of property ass;ssed respectively to said tax paer, in Sidewalk Districts ol salt Lake City: and upon the receipt of sueii lists, the City Auditor is hereby directed to take such lists, and also ttie divers contracts for the construction and laying, sidewalks, aud compare the respective lists with the respective contracts, tbe one with another, nud report to the City Council the difference between the amount of taxes levied and assessed and collected, or only levied aud assessed, and tue cost of construction, grtdins and collection ef the taxes inclusive, having reference to the amount of taxes levied aud assessed and collected, or only levied and assessed, and the cost of construction, and report to the Council the excess of taxes collected by the Assessor and Collector, and also the excess of taxes levied and assessed beyond the cost of construction, and if upon report it should appear that the taxes collected or only levied and assessed, should ba in excess of the cost of construction, the City Recorder shall so inform the Assessor and Collector, and in all cases wherein he has not collected the taxes ao levied and assessed, he is directed to collect only the amount so reported by such Auditor as payable by such tax payers, covering only the actual costs of construction of the sidewalk abutting upon the respective pieces of property against which such respective taxes may have been levied and assessed, and in cases where t he Assesorand Collector has collected such taxes, the Council will by proper order direct the Auditor to draw warrants upon the City Treasurer iu favor of such tax payers respectively, refunding to them such excess of taxes, and the said Treasurer ii hereby directed to Vy uch warrants. And the Assessor aud Collector is further directed not to collect taxes so levied and assessed by Lira until after the Auditor has reported as hereiutefore provided, and notice of such reports given hira, and to collect sucji taxes as directed by the Council upon such reports of said Auditor. The intention hereof being that only aouiuch of the taxes levied and assessed shall bo collected as are necessary to cover the actual cost of construction, and to release the tax payers from the lSt. WOODS' fc oy United States or Axzaica, I TiRBiTOETor Utah, Vgj.: Salt Laki City.' I I. J. F. Jack. Recorder of Sl t T.aVw nt d hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true " f, . Tcr the and correct copy of "An ordinance levj'ing the tax and for the assessmant of on both sides ef Fifth East street, fromproperty South Temple -street to First South street, in Sidewalk District No. 18 of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sidewalks thereon," passed by he City excess." Council of Salt Lake City. October oth, A. D. Sec 2. This resolution to be in force from and 1831, as appears of record in my office,, j In witness whereof I have hereunto set my after its passage. Passed and approved October 13, 1S01. hand and affixed the corporate seal of Salt Lake VV. L. PICK AKD, Acting Mayor. Attest: City, this 17th day of October, A. D. 1891. Recorder. J. F. JACK., City Seat Q163 J. F, JACK. City Recorder. 306 Seal 1 United States or Amekica, Effect Hatarday, Angnst 1. ? aa. TssBiTosr or Utah. A N ORDINANCE CREATING SEWER DIS-x-x Lake Citt.) Salt Mo. 8 in Salt Lake City, and defining trict EACTBOtTKO do r'o I, J. F. Jack, Kecorder of bait Lake City, Jkathe boundaries thereof. l,at ijTBAisa. Section 1. Be it and It Is hereby ordained by hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution amending secthe City Council of Salt Lake City, that the fol5:0U p. to. e:MVk m. b;U)p. va Lv Dgdou... 2 of a resolution relating to the collection, tion described said in e shall 12 : n ra. lowing territory city ?:40 re Ai Salt Lake. . 6: p. m. 9:40a. and refunding of certain sidcwslU 2io. 5 suspension Sewer viz: 2, District Lv8altLake .f 6:22 p. m. C:50a. ra. fi:55p. m.. Lake City." passed by the City 11:35 p. ra. H:03 pi m. 11:)8-Commencing at the center of the Intersection taxes in Salt Ar Provo South Temple street of said Councilof Salt Lake City October 13, 1831, as Lv Provo. . . .... 8:03 p. Ta. II :0 a. m. 11 :40 o. m. of State street with thence east on and with the center of said appears of record in my oilice. ArThiatle... . 8:50 p. ro. 12:33 p. ra. lg:3da m. oity. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my South. Temple street to a point 105 feet east from hand v. ...-- '. the southwest Ar Mantb...... and affixed tbe Corporate Seal of Salt Lake &:10p.ini. of lot 2, in block S of plat corner 6:30 p.TB. ArSlinA.......t to the center of eaid block 6, Citv. this 15th day of October. A. t). 1591. thence north "D; 1 O130 J. F. 6:S5 p. nv 5:40 a. m. thence west through the center of blocks Nos. 5. Seal Ar Green River ; - JACK, City Recorder. k305 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of said plat "D.' Lt Green Eiver. ........... 6:53p.m. 5:45a.m. 6,and7, block No. 1 of plat F of said city, and to Ar Grand J una 9:30p.ia. f:30a.m. 10:00a.m.' the center of said State street, and thenoe south A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE COL-XLvGrandJunc ........... 9:50p.m. 1 :07 a. ai. 1 :25 p nv vv to the place of beginning. At Glenwood. lection, suspension, and refunding certain , 6:55a. m. 7:20 p. ra.Section 2. . This ordinance shall be ia force sidewalk taxes in Salt Lake City. Ai LeadviUe Ar Pueblo.. .;. 12:40p.m. 8:20a.m.; from its passage. Section 1. Be and It is herebv resolved by the Passed and approved Sept 29, 1891. At Colo Sp'gs.. 3:40p.m. 4:2o.m. Cltv Council of Salt Lake City, that whenever in 7:S0a.m. ........... M. GEO. At Denver...... :b0p.m. SCOTT, Mayor. tbe opinion of the Board of Publio Works of said Seal. Attest: J. F.JACK, City Recorder. that the construction of any. City, it is desirable W sTBOtnro TJsiTen ) or & , No. &. t. States Axkbica, So. of any sidewalk pavement now ordered part ' ... .' Kt Tkaixs. which or Txrkitobt or Utah, - Vss.: made, may hereafter be ordered made Lake Cittv should be delayed in its construction, by reason Sa.t 7:00 p. m.1 0:00 a m. Lv Denver I. J. F. Jack. Recorder of Salt Lake City, do of the erection of buildings or other improve9:45p. m. 11:55a.m. AtColo Sp'gs.. hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true ments being made, or that the pavements now In 11:15 p. m. 1:40p. m. Lv Pueblo. and correct copy of an ordinance creating Sewer use are temporarily good, aud the same shall be LvtetdTdle... ........... 5:Da.m, 9:00p.m. District No. It In Salt Lake City, and defining the reported by said Board to the City Council, and m. 1:30a. 10:18a.m. . Lt Glenwood boundaries thereof, passed by the City Council upon the adoption of such report by the Council m. 4:30. ........... 1:10p.m. At Grand Juno. of Salt Lake City, Sept. 29, 1S91. or parts of said the construction of such Lv Grand June. ........... 1 :0 p. m. 4:40 a. nu witness whereof. I have hereunto set ray sidewalk shall be delayed part Ia and the collection of 4:47 p, m. 8:95a.m. At Green River. affixed hand and tbe Corporate Seal of Salt Lake such taxes as shall have been levied aud assessed LvGreen River. ........... fi:07 p. m. 8:45 a.m. City, this 2nd day of Oct., A. IX 1891. shall be suspended until the further order or I 7:5 a. m. . Lv Salina J Seal J. F, JACK. City Recorder. ol5fl resolution of tbe Council, of which tbe City 9:15 a. m. Lv jManti. Assessor and Collector shall from time to time bo A N ORDINANCE REQUIRING Lv thistle..... 7:00a,. m. 10:13 p. m. 2:ip. m. OWNERS, given due notice. 7:45a.' pa- - lu:55a. ro, :50p. m. Sec. 9. That the Assessor and Collector, be and occupants or agents of real property to reAi Provo..... move the weeds on sidewalks in front of their he is hereby directed to transmit to tbe City 1:4 a. m. lOitA a. m. S;10 p. ro, Lv Prove. .. Council the lists of the tax payers with tha 4:35p.m. premises. ArSaltLako... 8:13 a. m. 12:20 a, m. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council amounts of taxes levied and assessed, and colLV Rait Lake... 9:22a. m. 12:)a. m. 4:4ap,m. of ArOgden, .... 10:35a. m. 1:30a.m. 6:00p.m. or Salt Lake City: That every owner, occupant lected and which may hereafter be from time to agent of any real property in Salt Lake City, time levied and assessed, and collected, and a LOCAL SERVICfi. who shall neglect to out and remove the weeds of tbe divers pieces of property where the same have become obnoxious on the deacription assessed respectively to said tax payers, in the lntfil IS. sidewalk in sidenalkor his front of premises, sidewalk districts of Salt Lake City; and upon Xave Salt Lake 8:00 a. m. Returnlnx arrive after vuree days' notice by the Street Supervisor receipt of such lists, tbe City Auditor is to remove cut 6ha.ll on and the same, conviction directed to take such list,: and also tbe hereby divers Gen. Frt. & Pass. Aet J. II. BENN-ETTsum be fined thereof in; not of such contracts and for construction the any exceeding laying A.E. WRLBY, P. C DODGK. dollars. twenty-fiv- e sidewalks and the same, one with tbe i Sunt Gen. Manager. Sec 2. This ordinance to be In force ten days other, and reportcompare to the Council the difference beafter its passage. tween tbe amount of taxes collected and tbe cost ' Passed and approved Sept. 29, 1891. JlaaeaaL!.' of construction having reference to the amount SeaL of taxes collected from each tax payer, and the GEO. M. SCOTT, Mayor. .a. neat: v. r . actual cost of constructing the sidewalk in front jack,; viity necoruer. of the tax payers abutting property, reporting Ukitko States or America, tbe excess collected beyond the cost of construcTxbbitoat or Utah. tion. And if upon sucn report it should appear Lake Citt. Salt I. J. F.Jack. Recorder of Salt Lake City, do that the taxes collected are in excess of the costs and collection of such taxes, the hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true of constructionwill by proper order, direct the and correct copy of an ordinance requiring own City Council draw1 warrants upon the City TreasAuditor to ers, occupants or agents of real property to the weeds on sidewalks in front of their ure ia favor of such tax payers respectively repremises, passed by the City Council of Salt funding to them such excess of taxes, and the to pay such Lake City Sept. 29. 1891. City Treasurer is hereby; directed 4 In witness whereof, lhave hereunto set my warrants. Sec 3. This resolution shall be In foroe from band and affixed the Corporate Seal of Salt :;' Lake City, this and day of Oct.. A. D., 189L and after its passage. Passed and approved SeaL 154 y, 22nd, A. D September J. F. JACK. City Recorder. ' THEoDIHEGT THHQUSn LHIE 1891. i : " ' - j f V. - j I I - . i hereby-authorize- MKi-ttiw- . HE. ' a--t . eiPOa. m. Fcr all Enstern point... tFor Butte. PortUnil and Cacl;? Valley.10.a5 a. m, ForCacke Valley, Park City and Sau ......... Francisco.. Fcr.all Entm points... .......... .... 6:00p.m. . 7;'Oa. ra. For and Euretca. .. .. . ..... Mi.'rord and Intermediate points. 4:CK.) p. ra. t ForJnb V : 10 A. ra For Terminus nd Tooele.....'...; "iJallv. Sundays xc.pted. . tTraihs between Juab and Milford do not run - -- 1 FcIUtts: Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-- ; tion have cured thousands, f Sundays. tTrains leavlnsr Salt Lake at 10:25 a. m. and They say " for a weak sys- arrlrintr Salt Lake 7:."0 p. nu do not run between tem there's nothing better! thin Cache Junction and Preston Sundays. XOl XIaIn etreet. Ottice Ticket City " the Discovery," and that tne D. E. BCRLEY. Genl. Apt. Passgr. Xept. Favorite Prescription f is the; S. IT. E. L. Loxix, , CtARK, C S. Genl. Mm. G. Traftlfi Mur.- U. P. & T. Astt hope of debilitated,! J feeble women who need l rfestbia- GRANDE IIO tive tonic and bracbsc nervmei ' Rio v.': .,,-- ' And here's the proof WESTERN Try one or both! If they don't help you, tell the World's RAI LWAY-- i Medical Associa Dispensary bTAIJDAED tion so, ana you get yo !r CUERENT TIME TABLE. money back again.; ; 1 at AF.niVK :00 a. ra. From all Eastern points From Uutte, Portland, Logan, Park City m. ..10:45a. San Francucu and 1 :3i p. m. From all Eastern points tFrom Cache Valley, Ocden and inter.. 7:30a. m. mediate points tFrom Mlliord ar.d Intermediate points J:i0a. m. Frem Juab and Eureka ...... .4:u0 p. m. From Terminus ui! Tooelft "They say" that Dr. Pierces " i s 4, E.TuT. Colly - L ad Trains Irrivc . lf 1 EFFECTIVE C3TC3E.1 , lf ! dliilmJi Because one remedy, pro fesses to do what it never was adapted to do, are all : remedies worthless? Because one doctor lets his patient die, are all humbugs ? It requires a fine eye and a finer brain to disenminate to draw the differential lirie. to-da- Tah0e4Cbneae i- - r e rivers ! . lulled at Lake tract for the construction of a ditch lBStneLTwo Men 2. tii - cf property oa both illzs of Fifth East street, from South Temple street to First South street, in sidewalk district Ko. li in Salt Lake City, for the purpose cf constructing sidowaiks tberon. Section 1. J:e it cra!r.ed by tb city council cf Salt Lake City that said council doth hereby levy the tax and for ths assessment cf property upon the lots and jarcel-- of land hereinafter described, abutting upon Fifth East street, from the south line of South Teraple street to the north line of Fir.t South street, in sidewalk district No. IS of Salt Lake C:ty. This tax is levied to defray the expense cf construction of siJewalks on "said street, wit-i- n said district, opposite said lots and parcels of land to be especially affected or benefitted by said improvements, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that the same ivill be especially benefitted by said improvements, and said land, lots and parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear feet frontaire on both sides of said Fifth East street, in said sidewalk district which sidewalks are to be constructed. Theupon total cost and expense of constructing the sidewalks on said Fifth East street in said district is estimated at f 15G3, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed on said lots and parcels of land is 81,15 per foot front abutting upon both sides of said Fifth East street, within aid sidewalk dls, trict to be affected or benefitted by said improvements, t And the city assessor and collector is and directed to assess la accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and for the therein-- mentioned, lots 4 and 5 in blockpurposes 61, lota 1. , 7 and 8 in block 6& all in plat "B," Salt Lake City survey. This levy of tax upon said lots end parcels of land on both sides of said Fifth Eaat street abutting in said sidewalk district, is made upon the same as the linear foot frontage of said lots and parcels of land appear and are shown upon the official plat or map of said cltv. Section 2. Said sidewalk district No. IS Is bounded as follows: Both sides of Fifth East street from the south ' line of Sooth Temple street tc the north line of First South street. Sec. 3. This ordinance .shall take effect from and after ita passage. Passed and approved October 6th, A. D. 1891. W. L. PICKARD, Mayor pro tern. Attest: uocoruer. iseai.j j. . jAvtt, -- Missoula dispatch, 17th; The Canyon Ditch Company y awarded the con- : i i ; permit of ' railroad V 8 a l impression would rate doYm all as worthless because c:za is unworthy. As if there were no motes in, sunbeams ! Or comets amoncr stars! camp the greatest mineral producing district In the world, is Congressional Or cataracts in peace ul action that will con- J i. iSSC'JLA'S The brusque, and fussy impulse of these days cf false gambling. Worthy McKee returned to Livingston Monday evening rrcm a trip to Cooke. lie reports that the mines of that district are showing ud in good shape as a result cf more than the usual amount of well directed development work during the season, and that now the only thingpast required to make the ! 1 principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah; location of its mining property. Little Smoky Mining District, Alturus Co., Idaho. ' Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tho Board of Directors, held on Saturday, October; 10, 18tfl, assessment No. 4 of ten (10) cetvts pee share was levied npon the capital stock of their payable to Mylan C. Fox, secrecorporation, tary, No. 11 East First Booth street. Salt Lake City. Utah. upon which this assessment shall bo Any stock on Tuesday, the 10th day of November. unpaid 1801. will be delinquent and advertised for sale at publio auction, and nnless payment Is made before, enough of each parcel of stock will be soil on Monday, the 20th day of November, 1231, to. pay said assessment, with oast of advertising sad. expense of sale. MOYL AN C. FOX, Secretary, King of the West Mining Compear. Salt Lake City. Utah, Oot 10, 1891. k51 FOB PATENT NOTICII APPLICATION United States Land Office. Salt Lake City, Utah, October 10, UAL Notice is hereby given that the Sells Lime. Cement and Rock Company, a corporation of Utah, and secby Charles W. Lyman, its retary and attorney in fact, whose residence and postoffice address la Salt City, Utah, baa made application for a United States patent, for the Sells Cement and Limestone Placer Mining claim,- - situated upon the publio surveyed land of the United States of and within tho Hot Springs Mining District, Salt Lake county, Utah Terrltory.and consisting of forty acres.descrlbed as follows, The northwest quarter of tbe northeast of section 11, township 1 south of range quarter 1 east of Salt Lake meridian. The said mining claim betngof record in the office of the recorder of said mining district at Salt Lake City. Utah. There are no known locations in the vicinity of said claim. ; 1 direct this notice to be published lo Taa Sat,t Lake TniBtJNB.a daily newspaper published in Salt Lake Cij;y, Utah, and nearest said mining claim, (or a period of sixty days. FRANK Bv HOBB3. Register and Bradley, attorneysfor Bennett, Marshall applicant. Date of 'first publication. October 11, 1891. - . M - t ' li f .3t 4- t ' ' to-w- it: r.- , TVJOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. OFFICE OF 1 the Board of Publio Works, 161 South Main street.Octoberiath. 1891. Sealed proposals will be received, addressed as below, until 2 o'clock p. ra. of November 2nd, 1391. for furnishing all labor and materials to grade, curb and gutter, and to pave with aspualtum and stone blocks. State street, from the south line of South Temple street to the north line of Fourth South street, in Paving District No. 1, of Salt Lake City, according to plans and specilicattons on file ia the Cltv Engineer's office, room No. 23, Deeret National Ban building. Bids will be received only for the whole of the work, and no bid w ill be considered unless made on forms furnished by the undriignl and accompanied by a certified check of I100Q.CO. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Address, Board of Public Works, C. L. iiatnes chairman, 161 South Main street. Salt Lake City, Utah. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. By C. L. Haikes, Chainsaai A. F. Doremus. City Engineer. MEETINGS THE ANNUAL ANNUAL the Utah M131an4 liailwav Company n for the election of Directors aed fcr the tiau of such other business ts may be trorrr.t before will be held at the Walker IToup, . iat , U city of Salt Lake, in the Territory ef L't-o'clock noon on Monday, the Sad dsv cf ? A. D. 1 ..1. The stock transfer books w!'.! o ciock p. ra.cn th 9 t 1 sisy i j ' c d :i t hree sU j 8 ii;-- r t and w-tio- " . '. vice-preside- nt lt i . r-- " 1 adjeurtn. Z ". C:t h V-- : K . f ' -- |