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Show ?KB DAILY TliLBTT 'E: SAXT-- LA1IS- our disbelieving that as a principle I do rot think I believe', thatprinciple has we do I do not. been the principle from ancient ages, of course, and it has been the principle revealed to:us, Dut f it is our doty to lay that aside. Q. 1 understand you perfectly, but I am get- Well, la thst tfeclnration, of' course. I expected that the GI1EATE0 FnOFEfiTY. to nicest obey the i:.ws of the land and aisd s 4 i u to carry out Lnlter-DaSaints do the fame, that principle in obevingthe law. whether it was stated or not; that was the ground. Q. Does this declaration anywhere indicate you tt true that ting at this other matter. Isn't f Continued from Page 5. to vour peophr that a failure to follow your adas you people believe just vice would become a hubject of church discipline. understand that vour that It Is a submission to the Jaw o;i Well, it would become so, whether it is doaboutlt, in the enr of vour not at all a change rose to be dealt Ith la that way as they see fit? A. and part, or not. stated j " thoueht A. faith? Mr. President? Probably. your here. ,i. fYe have state Hut does itUo Q. case. A. , Q. (Interrupting) ils there any setting apart A. I don't know that lean say that it does. Q. isn't that the true state of the ' - case. tit anv particular portion of this general fund lot the is I think Y'es; that declaration this coutine to Did intend vt,u ' Q. ' anv particular pcrposer a- Q. And that a true principle does not change? by entersolely to the fonning of new relations i. It is all under the control of the officer i j A. I 1 know 'o, sir: 1 don't think it does. that don't A. new into marriages? ing ' you bsve named? A.; Yes. sir. Q. And never will chanse? A. ;'o. ' understand the question. for promeans as i o. And this is a true principle, bo you people Q. Then there provided O. Did intend to confine your declaration believe? A. Yes, sir; as we believe. , ducing a diseniioati:jii of church literature? A. and adviceyou to the question to the church, solely .. ; IBBCT! IXAMIATIOX. 2n, sir, none orwhatever, of forminz new marriages without reference to t '. pamphlets? A. Jone whatever. Q. Books marriages? r- By Mr. Richard were those the; that plural rsidentiW'dbdruff,vat existing for sales compensation? O. Depend npon the A. The intention of the proclamation was to time this manifesto was presented to the ponfer- A. Yes. sir; we have been exceeding scrupulous ooey the law myself all the laws of the land, ence on the etta of October. lfSX). statethethef which you In resrard to thee ether questions and expecting the church or not it vas there stated by President George Q.s on that subject, been exceedingly scrupuV asked me. We' have same. In the do would the to been I Cannon, and perhaps other! officialsfrem have applied lous aboat ownir means. In your genthen. You Include, mean to Q. been; the; vou had that inspired I church, suppose eral statement, the laws forbidding association while I was ruetnber of Congress, Lord to issue this manifesto, and that it was the by conor hundreds of times. io avert ltUlation new as as in the well forming A, plural marriage, cf the will of God lo the people? means ana we have ' tributing, by spending is in. the law expression i marriages? A.; Whatever there land. ( ' Yes, sir: he stated that. done that., VhU i m ' in Congress we with thfe of tiie not law have that or anot; you regard Q. Well, state whether e never spent a dollar Q. Let me read the language, and you will since, in the publio congregations 6f the people:, 1 ara on) asking about the spending or as inasmuch me understand better, :A. Y'es, sir; that; that?or effect in perhaps that, means in way, getting upstate-inenhave been enacted by Congress forbidding stated V :r - : Is true. tabulated and otherwise, and producing laws did you marriages. I herebv declare," etc.: Q., That vod had been inspired to issue the them IWore the authorities, and employing plural intend by that general statement of Intentiou to manifesto, wll of Uod that and that It was th was i I that asking the thine that .only couno!; make the application to existing conditions, A. Yes.' f S't j should? how far you ascertain ft Ik your vtew.to with h Hit, you where- the, plural iuarrlafies already existed? to the was called Mr Yonr attention: of these fund? t&e went in disposition authority A. ) es. sir. Is sajd in tba manifesto about fact that nothing A. We could havesdone that: but, as I said in Q. As to living In the state of plural mardissolution of the existing s polygamous relathe beginning of thiOVhat you are pleased to riage? or the tions; I want to ask you. President Woodruff, by the law,''A. Yes, sir; that U, to the obeying term the crusade." t&ere was a fund created f nnds, whether in vour advice to the churoh officials cireot contribution'outside of the church Q. In the concluding portion of your stateand you have dvised people of the churohi. and we; liave been! talked to there baa tobeen ment wasr-an- d "I now publicly declare that my themthe thatthe reeay: Latter-Daintentiou that us, adviceyou your mentioned a number of tiroes unfavorably to the Saints is to refrain quirement of the church waa, that the because we called it a defense fund; and from from any marriage forbidden by the polygamous relations already formed before that that fund, by private contribution, a great many law ofcontracting the land." Do you understand that that should that s, there should be not be ff these expense, the most of them, have been language was to be explained and to include the no association continued, wives; in othe words, with plural of living or associating in that unlawful cohabitation, a it is named, and Aided. VoU sy. though at times by. the further statement bv those already in the status? plural marriage of, should also stop,? as well s? future hurck fund? j ij ; A. Yes, sir: I tatended the proclamation to spoken 6ir, that has marriages? A. Yes," didn't sy that. polygamous Mr. Jtiehardt-U- Lt t cover th ground, to keep the law to obey th t : been lutention. the The IVitutaHq, sir: I didn't say that. law myself, and expected the people to' obey the And that has been your views and explanaQ. O.. Didn't you ay. Mr. Cannon, that in some the church authorities did assist in these? law. Well, what law? A. The laws of the tion of it? A. Yes, sir, that has been my; view. have assisted a frreat many of- these ' " ?ases land.--Thereupon an adjournment wasi5 taken r different times. at know, you at 10 o'clock.; until The r law marriage, Q. contracting against ' A. But not Q. Assisted In Jheir defense? A. Y'es, sir: which one to? refer the is you the support of ntldeof that Jfubd, except for ACCIDEHXAZiLT SlXXtlDl contracting marriage, er breaking the law apperf.heir families, etc t to polygamy, plural marriage. O. Outside of their special defense fund? A. tainingWas bethe sole reason of this declaration ' Shot on the Dlvide'Above 1'he special defends fund. thoss laws you speak of. A. Well, if i Barry Franklin in the case of Broadhead cause of Mr. tihards4-Esx. Dry Canypi.(i;:::j-nnd McDonald; he. said that , had come out of might make an explanation M. T. Gisbon came into "town yesterday, ' A. Of tnis matter, I would say y. Certainly. ' a f bit fund.. 'Mi v McDonald were' this: There was no law against this principle-- no R Br6adhead and The H the sad Information of the accibringing law against polygamy or the patriarchal order f, mpioved for the defense of the corporation." -' that was practiced by the Latter- dental shooting of his jxiephew, Harry it In of marriage, Mr. 'Varianput. 4tbyou have expended Saints, , until 1862; the members-- of this Franklin, near the dlvida betweejn Dry t sat way, it wo6ld;bae been withiu the purpose Day law was constituf the original ?cuiribtttions; as I understand it. church did not believe that u and I myself hardly believed I do hardly caOon and Soldier canon, j p Pxu had the discretion? A. Yes, air; but we tional, the outside of few were think but went there but deceased ; very ' at the th It appears Jhould have befttated about using it. church. .vuo were judges, lawyers, rersed in the b a" O,. Yes, that U a? matter of application? A. with beifrjlendsiridj hunting party law and constitution of the country, who t ; si Thei party lieved themselves that that was a constitutional younger brother last Suriay EXAMIXATIOX. i and of course that law remained upon the became separated and aftejr a short tiae the law; Mr. Cannon statute books a dead, letter for many years, I brother of the deceased happened ; to find To Mr. Elchards's question, a don't know how many; and one of our own him shot testified that the defense spoken of waa through the pit of the storaach in conno Lad and people an elder of this church came forward separate anil distinct fund, an lifeless condition and gasping for altnost case: test a as furnished and himself, testimony nection whatever with the funds In the that was Mr. Beynolds.he believing that he would breath. - The only :m thing ha said wasif. to tell Sit A hands! of the receiver; 'and that all thedj be delt leniently with; and until that wusjproved nis orotoer tu run ior. neip, nuicu 410 uiu. counsel fee, except the two above or represented to be a constitutional law there But when help arrived they found blm dead. were paid out of this special defense was nothing against the practice; after that, there It is minutes thought thai nearly; fifteen of coarse, it is known publicly there were fund, t President (Taylor was a strict con- awas, him until be struck bullet the after elapsed more. I might say perhaps was probably structionist and would not permit church thethousand ormen. 13'fv' v to went who of the church leading funds to be 'applied for schools or In the de; whether him. it shot who known not to is and It prison rather than desert their families, fense )f the people. In court; and so this deor course, their faith and their feelings was one of his own party o? some 0119 else. prove, fense f utid was j created for that express with regard to their position that they occupied. Nor is it known whether it was1 a stray bulAnd after doing this, of course this was the posiarpo3e. Other4 of us differed with Presl. or some one mistook him for tt deer and bis power in tion we were in. There were but few of this' let, 'lent Taylor on tfce extent of used then frightened and fled.' liOf- J the gen- church wjio had entered into polygamy, a very ; Thebecame $his regard, and fwould have was about 21 years deceased age & percentage, probably per cent of the peoeral fund for purposes-tha- savedbe would nota small was and 11 steady and industrious boy.' I here whole cover and would the ground, ple We probably tuIgMt have allow.; Tbe boy'a mother is erased with; grief on (ft per cent of the community who occupied this good deal of property It be bad taken a difwith those who had what was called account of tbe sad accident, and.lt i feared position ' fr criminal (they were innocent), were in a position that she may lose her mind. ferent view on tfeat question. ; t:." To another duestion, ( Mr. Cannon said apparently that they would all suffer; the publio as well as the whole s of were owned sentiment the nation, that though the meeting-bouselaws, apparently were against it, and I will say 1 j i ; and controlled br the local associations, tho for ... thoroughly convinced that , called on thismyself, 1 became two iad Union Pacific general authorities are frequently Tbe be changed. After I people say they subject would have to to enlarge or replair them, or help to build was appointed churoh I looked cars ready to couple on to George Washingthe of president new bouses, and this, when granted, comes this question over, and I for a good while was ton Williams's excursion's train funday i . i satisfied in my own mind that this subject would morning, and thus provide his passengers out ofI the general fund. to be changed, that plural marriage would with sufficient seating-roorJ- i, The war President Young became in- have but that Wilto be stopped in this church altogether; it debted to the chkirch was this: "When there have would not them.t take liams They place the a were who was but not ourselves suffering, ' 1 was a surplus not required for the imme-large : on him. blame who bad not the of entirely people jjare-fo- i portion diate demands if the church for the relief entered made-bnand this principle was nton my Into it, tbe f have railroads The of the poor, In cirder that it might not lie mind, and I took no steps after I was made pres- round in Utab for this from alj points trip some or stock In other advocate did was the I not Invented ident of the church prinIdle. If and Thursday, tickets good and this principle was among our people, Wednesday way. so a to Juake It productive.1 'The ciple, waa for return until Friday midnight. Sin acand saw before was it what I me, the for that Theater was aeqMred In this way. and count of the laying of tbe corner atone of upon that ground that 1 issued that manifesto, gas stock and oiher property that waa se- - by viewed it by inspiration; I tbe new Odd Fellows Hall in this city. Big as will I I say, first The cured from bis estate. presidency believed it was my I believed It was ths crowds are coming from Eureka; Park City, f the church halve generally . followed this duty of our people toduty; that law. and to leave obey Sandy. American I Fork. Bingham, events in the hands of God. Now, if the gentle- Ogden,, i practice, and devoted the income ofto the Jl and Provo Nephi is the man can understand my ; views upon it, there charitable and ireUglons 'purposes General Agent Suter of:! the P. fc R. G. '."'' " where I stand. i . ll- church. Q. Well, was the action predicated upon the Express Company is back from a trip down The approprlaMons to the Indians were to fact of this condition of affairs arising out of this the Sevier valley, where lie I found; a good teach f! thenv Industry and Industrial arts. and the enforcement of the lawl A. deal legislation degoing on. The building of the railThe witness her went Into considerable Well, of 'course, as I said before, that had its in road through that section is bringing in was mat tnat course; it grouua upon fluence, oi ISATION. the subject was made manifest and what was be- settlers and galvanizing into life the more i dead than alive towns down" there. Mantl 31 r.t Rawlins proceeded to ask about the fore us. Was the manifesto intended to apply to the is talking up waterworks, everybody y. oun3 Theater investmentiretc., church everywhere? A. Yes, sir. i Brigbam seems is smiling all and prosperity busy V. f . . , as follows:-. iQ. , In every nation and every country? Yes, 'round. a"iH-Y'o- u stated a answer to Mr. sir; as fsr as I bad a knowledge In the matter. By places outside of the United States as Richards that when there was a surplus , that o. o. S.1 asInwithin the United States? A. Yes, sir; v ts cot needed hqre for the nses of the church, Into we was he no when for that are liberties entering given in the days of Br sham Young, The committee on reception will eet this church, it waa customary for anywhere entering into that principle. president of -tothe acbd understand don't But I invested that it might you aa saying that evening at 7:30 in the library Q. such surplna the advice herein contained that aa a failure to follow cumulate. Do yoM mean by that to saywere ' - '',. J'A.TXAKt.tlS .aiUTMT. : r conwould result - in authorized church discipline? to thn Theater, that the church funds A. No; it might not have been stated there: Chevaliers or . uanton uoixar iNo. 1 are verted by Bilgharh Young into the Theater? A--j wa "not hoine when the Theater was built, but still that would be the hereby ordered to assemble" in the fl.' O. O. w here the settlement came with the executors Q. (Interrupting.) Could it be so followed? F. Hall, Union block, in) full uniform at 9 eno. t You don't know as to the fact as to the A. Y'es, sir; it would; it would; any man o'clock a. m. on Thursday. 22nd Instant, for rneans which were used In the Theater, whether tering into that principle without it would be the purpose of recelvlngTCantons 'MOgden"-anlaw was revealed; any the same as before the It was Brighpm Ypung's private means or church ' "Thomas at the Depots. ifVisitlng of of a the into principle plurality person funds? A. ?Wellt I do know that there vwas entering . ? , wires, taking an addition to his family, would chevaliers are cordially invited to join us. treatI deal of it church funda. W. H. Buchkr, Commapdant. Q. It wa acquired and held by Brigham place htm liable to be turned from the church exooramnnicttted from the church. in hi own name, was it? A. .Yes, sir. C. Bcdds. Clork. j J. Young Attest: i Q. Do you understand then that the original Q. i And he died, leaving the title in his estate? is books of as in .. i it ' sir. law, your A.: Yes, authority, appears AxctrsnaasBTs of this use o ehnreh revoked, changed," Anally disposed of by this q. i And on account 5. j H: of church funds invested in declaration? A. I have nothing to say particuae funds, and other Dazzler, an enjoyable lot joff j nonv, the title! to which was held by bins, the larly upon that subject. Of oonrse, it covers the pro pertw"as sense, bad a packed bouse at' the Theater claim ground of our acts and the acts of the people presented by the church against his onr lives. as estate for his executors? A. Yes. . . ; last night. Kate Castleton was obafming ! Q. Would it not of necessity require a declaever. iM ; y.? Yhic!i waajsettled by Corning over various a source as that from which Yiecs of property. Including the Theater? A. ration from as high came Nearly five hundred singers atterided the to revoke or change The church authorities gave us a list of property the original law which they claimed, submitted that list to us as that law governing the principle of plural mar- rehearsal of tbe Choral Society last; eight. Wonderland had a great run .yesterday it would executors, claiming it as church property and riage? A. Yes. sir, I suppose trustee propertvi and we, after examining it, Q. Are you willing to say. Mr. Woodruff, that on the marvelous dancing of Oyrene. ... . i to the chwxh Jrom you now consider, by reason of this act of yours turned over that property ' and your people, in conference asscmpled. that the estate.! j as was at time the held of 6.i But all this property the principle originally plural marriage, Wby the "Wabash" Is th most fdesirable : A. by him. given and subsequently followed and practiced route for all points east. (interrupting) Held , was no law of name. the That i 6j In hi inditidusl Settled, by your people, is longer the 1st You cao purchase through tickets for a to made have A. for claim Ood? I church of r the church understand say nothing t it; ail a grr ts sum rf mbney against the estate, and with regard to the law of God, particularly as I all Eastern points, at any coupon lltjket ofsaid, it against the law of the church, the law of fice in the West, over this line, taking your that claim, was settledA. by turning over various , So. Ciod to us. We are required to abandon that choice of routes to the Missouri j pieces of property? him on account law, that doctrine or tenet of our faith ' in our can You 2nd. Q. And a credit allowed to either the of go 'by Way 'o- The cliuroh did it not? A. ot.ervk5s.m was Omaha or Kansas City, ati your pleasure. claimed certain practice. ATIQ3T. not claim sum if money: tbey IXiSTt 3rd. From eltber of those points you can properties, which j amounted to a certain nam of President Woodruff, in have your choioe of five distinct By Mr. J)ictonQ. routes, as monev; thev claimed certain properties.- and i admitted into this of event Territory being follows as their de- the executors, gave that lut to ns as as the would of the ' the Cnion, you. president t! Via the Haryilbal'Alr Line; h the mand. such circumstances I mean if the i But alj that claim was not allowed, was church, under line to the East. short so was the came that into there Union, Territory made from it? rA. was a deduction Via ct. Louis, where close: connection- - is of punishment under the civil Weil. I think it was all allowed; of course there no longer any fesr marenter with all eastern atid southeastern into made who law of might plural parties was somethina allowed to him for services; that riage would you, under those conditions, as routes. 'formed part of the list. president of the church, -advise, encourage or Via Chicago, the world's ilt city, some- ! RXlhECT coBtenance its practice? times called "the windy citv.? ' ' I ;J so conWe as far this Marshall obiect: Mr. Mr. Blchafda'proceeded to probe Into be Via Toledo, Ohio's great inland cltr. is immairrelevant it and is concerned,various matters above treated of with no troversy ; connecting at that place! with the i Lake terial. Interest. of result 'special Mr. Didctotv1 desire to show. If I can. by the Shore fast trains for tbe East! i answer of this and other witnesses that they ..Via 'Detroit. Michigan's: j and have no hope or belief or expectation of return- most beautiful city, where prettiest 'WiifoTd "Wooiruff. eastern lines if of this under ' the principle any connect closely. practice J j "vViiford Woodruff, examined by ing to conceivable conditions. All of the above named points are reached, J5tv Kir hards, said be was 84 on the 1st of Th4 Matter That is what be said in the first direct, only by the "Wabash' sfnd direct last March; wan bom in Farm Ingham, Conn.; Instance. Mr. liichardt President Woodruff, do you beby no other line running from tbeWest. ba resided in Jtah since 1847; isLatter-Dapresident lieve Ask for your tickets byi ;tbe 4 wiy of thU y that the principle of celestial or plural ef the Church of Jesus Christ ef i marriage was revealed to the church through line, and accept of them by-hotb&r, Saints. He alb gave hi former ofSclal pofrom the Almighty? A. I do. we run tne finest trains on eart&.y A bold sitions in the ehurch. lie recognized the JosephDoSmith, believe the that has you Almighty me for manifesto lssufd by blni on September 25, revealed to the church, through you. that this assertion, but a cold f acw j Wrltfi. i r Is to be discontinued and abandoned? A. 1 do. rates,! maps, etc 1SJ0, nd It wajs made exhibit A. . C L. Aixkn. . "Woodruff then recited the adoption of the G'ji. PSOIT,. Q. You believe that? A. Yes, sir. .Traveling Agent.' . GeDer Agent manifesto by tiie twelve, by the Conference, i . , 1227 Seventeenth Street; De and stated its iffect, as given in ' Mr. Dick-eon-i 's Now, Mr. Woodruff, if that is By Mr. Varia jve Cola; the case, why did yon not declare thia to your paper, above recited. ' . !l BY KB. "VARIAX. church aa a revelationinstead of by way of vour aispie:.Sp. to!I jiabso-Al and counsel? We advloe mea our ' Well, be personal guarantee Maple Bap i re'Woodruff stated that the manifesto the to with of differ revelation lutely.pure. and will forfeit' $lf)0 If our' regard ferred to was the only one be had Issued. The in that respect. My viewprinciple is that inspiration is statement found untrueU ilt is bnade di- -i church derlvesi Its doctrine from the Bible, revelation. It is from the same 1source. A man reetly fromisthe sap, and Is far superior to to .CoveDoctrine and is not of say, always required think, "Thus Siormon, the Book made from syrup on tuaplo sugar. the the matters counseling Lord,"' that nants, and the'revelatlons of Almighty God; ssith he gives. o or celestial the principle plural was ram marriage U The Leading Gjlocers, Q. Did you indicate, or did you intend to inrevelations. adopted by the; church thenf dicate, in any Inway, to your membership that 45 East 1st South St . " proceeded! was said this The s revelation what you particular been any principle of faith or changing the divine law as it had stood with Q. Had there! Hall's Canker & Diphtheria .Kemedy for1 ever I A. ears? to intended cfcurch y in its lor incorporated fcenetef your you give, as I said sale by all : j ; . to druggists. vote A. of members? with the the the there, regard J"o, stopping crft'd, timmph practice of W Roberts iu not.l the the church 1 holesale, think Words Nelijex. marriage patriarchal sir: A. ("Interrupted; always- may not have been used, and there msy not q. i!a it nottM"iil of been as many words used perhaps in the have course, I the, principle say, TPmrs and ana fatent Aiedielaea. At. y further. to the matter as some might suppose ought to have cf iV.ltii of the church has btfn presented best assorted stock The ta toe; West lit Robert 1 as a reception been, but what I said to the people, what I said church ami voted ujvm by them AKeidens. . I have been our said to vote. church. aa those by hy inspiration, principles, I view it, to r;eMve ' or : tenet divine will vt and its Lord. the the having by "., liu any principle Just Arrived, - j ' subrnitied to the Q. "Did yod inteud to convey to them as a fact foundation in revelation been new stock of arMy fall goods- has just rnpra&ership of the church, with a view to their that it was a revelation changing the religious vote A. Yes, sir: law in relation, to plural marriages? A. . I inrived, and consists of tho r.obblst'ichevrejeotins itwebyhive received have tended to give them to understand that we lot and worsted suitings 'ever brought to I thi'uk ail revelations vote. should stop the practice of that law; that was this city. The overcoats! and votings are b"U scertherebyever been an instance of one" the nhieet.lias of the newest shades. Please call!;and allow a as seneral Q. iieca use of the misery and trouble arising me to show you .t. ?otever been an principle. ;,: j throngh. lusfance of from its practice, owing to these laws against it tL "Well; ha Sherc ' ' Jam? M. MauLa.v. one't-einrejected stall where it purported to wasn't that it? A. Well, yes, it was that of Merchant Tailor. channels from the course, m connection wua invoivins the affliceorrse throu2!t the proper Progress Building. Mariis Schmidt. Cutter and Fitter., tion of hundreds aud thousands of fci her power? A. 2o. bit. that ple of l lit-- taa principle plural marriage were wot in the same position. ti.at had aot a tnet of tfcefaithrif yourchureb? A. Yes; obeyed the same law with us. 1 considered my. Salt Lake City Brewing Company. ij in the principle. self that t was involving thousands, and mauv I iv.j.ve the church believes We have made a great ; study o manubo to have not it ,. thousands, of people that were not account-H- i chnpet itbyis the facture a beer that will take .the place of i r ausi authority from which as dt it might be said, of the same thines ::'' po guilty A. Ye, sir.- I would re we were accounted so, by the law, or by and have .overcome all obany imported, that rived, a apnunir'-ethe stacles that a prisciple may be believed in bv the- Natlou. the by great; enlargement of our Q. Isn't it true that vour neonlerewire.i if t ,.v,,r,.h a rue priricipi, and stilly not t pra.;manufactory and storage capacity, and by ths t tense, and that alone, and, as you stated be- - skilled t labor. We are the tmly brewery la then, that the peo-r.- ', me Yci dftrr utiierisnJ. m tne truta of the principle the west who are iudic.-itebv a;ccptin2 vour ns a divine n has not derartetl f c'jti-at all A Weil the famous Pllscner manufacturing beer by views or beliefs upou tho 1 U1 say this, 1 am sutUfiad, myself .,:.:.-.r- ,. tteir beer we process. the Lo-- d , i iiiv.:!-are now placiug on the market,Tl(ts nl all cban'J, but only d iu many times,' His peo-p.- e has and we can and reuir-t v v. e n. v u'.ine to follow yf ;,r advice in t. a work which thev cocld not per- truthfully say there is none to equal it for t that confronted form. perform Where undertook to they purity and tine quality. Special InduceperVt , sir; view la st to be about the ' form a work.. .uder. ..certain circuru-si.net- ., ments In car lots. Write for prices. were hindered from it and they Jacob Moritz. General ?ianager. or intend to were-.' no vlan-they rnvey to' do .reqain--t :i ! !! T'- ,Shut tr,, that u : it is ' that . upon -lf Idaufca groundis a blood resuiator! be lean T nre ,r tj that I view the portion that we are v. as to ourcfeuyiti w bat Is in th l:fcie la r?rencr & Lynch are c.-lu- g Li! iout their likewise ? i fif .i i! Vis K.in low-cbhcrts at cost a eLoxj time.;y ftlm ' - : I -- " tmf l. s , - - u, - ' " - " ? ,,-,- - -- ; y . V - ; ' " ' . . ' "v- ' to-d- ay ! - j pt ;"-- '' , i i ;- ! - -- RI-DIBP- -- nien-tione- i foand.'::-----;:vrv.'':-:"-v-J:-- '.- ! t . : 7 -- ;y:':.:--,;;.;v.:y-.l-ll- - J.---;- ! - r L A- -- ; ( . f 1 - f- ? . , - '. ! . ir. i ,!,.) , l r. . 1 J , ? -- . 1 or ;'- -- jhj cxxti fj 1 "The - s -- ! j 1 1 1 , - ; ; i . , . " f - I KATE A class t. rnriTs and tlowers. Lars Jensen. Mill Creek, finest quality apples musical fa, tlO; JosephVadiev, Pleasant Grove, second,van-etyesterday afternoon, and a cheery, largestsecond-82.5Joseph Wadley, Pleasant Grove, voice. "Come in." apples, 15; Lars Jensen, Mill Creek, The visitor was a Tribcse reporter, and James King. East Mill Creek, finest quality the owner of the voice was Miss Kate Field, $10. Bast, Terry & Woodrulf, special, peaches, n of Kate editor and lecturer the 110; W. Wright Centerville. second, Field's Washington, also one who has done James JKing, East Mill Creek, largest variety 45; W. Wright. Centervillc, secouu, so much lo enlighten tbe Eastern people on peaches, '.' 2.E0.. the situation In Utah.' M. Cbristopherson, city, finest quality pears. H0; Wadley, Pleasant Grove, second, As the reporter entered, a bright, ani- H. Joseph O. Heath, city, largest variety pears. So; mated face with sparkling eyes below a James King, fcast Mill Creek, second, f W. Horsiey A Son. Brigham City, finest qualwealth of iron-gra- y hair, looked up from grapes, 110; William Wadley, Pleasant Grove, where the distinguished ity the center-tabl- e second, fo. woman was writing. She was neatly attired M. J. McSiel, Bountiful, largest variety fc Sons, Brigham City, grapes, 15: W. Horsiey in a dark olive-gree- n traveling dress, and second. $2.M. to sit visitor as she cleared the sofa for the Joseph Wadley, Pleasant Grove, finest quality down it was easy to see that she waa animaplums, 10; James Klng.East Mill Creek, second, tion itself. In fact, no one ever accused Jameskingi East Mill Creek, largest variety sec- Miss Field of being sluggish physically or In$5; Joseph Wadley, Pleasant Grove, plums, tellectually. She is a good conversationalist j1iinesling, East Mill Creek, best collection She talks straight to the point, doesn't mince things at all, knows what she wants aprieots, $3. William Wsdley, Pleasant Grove, best collecto say and says It and can, when occasion tion quinces, 13. requires, hit straight from tbe shoulder with James King, East Mill Creek, jxst collection our her tongue. This latter in particular, 10. small fruits, beloved "friends the Lord's anointed have variety Mrs. C. H. Koberts, Bountiful, finest discovered to their dismay; and when the and quality fruits, to. William Templeman. Mill Creek, finest variety distinguished writer dips her pen in gall to and jbo truthfully depict the utter loveliness of quality evaporated fruits, 15. Lars Jensen. Mill Creek, best twenty-fiv- e Mormon pretensions, well. Gall Hamilton apples, 85. pounds had better take a back seat Mill Creek, best twenty-fiv- e f .W.Templeraan. Miss Field was 'pleased to see any one from pounds evaporated apples, 65. ' e The Tribune, the paper that had stood up C. U. Koberts, Bountiful, best twenty-fiv85. so bravely and in the face of such odds in pounds peaches, e C. II. Koberts, Bountiful, best twenty-fivInfluences tbe past against tbe , $5. peeled peaches. far 'pounds prevailing in Utah. She bad comeofascona. H. Roberts, Bountiful, best twenty-fiv- e west as Sioux City, where the idea d plums, $5. to her, pounds best quality and va rletv tinuing across tbe continent occurred Kuth McKean, city, west sbe came. Miss canned fruits, gold medal and 10; Katie McAland straightway medal and 5. Field - stopped at Omaha to speak be- -, lister, city, second,-ilve- r Ruth McKean, city, finest quality and variety fore the Art Association, and re$5; C. D. Lewis second, 2.50. mained a few days at Cheyenne to jams and Jellies, A Keenan McCready, city, rbest collection would else Mrs. Senator Warren, visit with 13. ' for catsup, pickles, have been in Zion earlier.. She will remain William Wadley, Pleasant Grove, finest quality W. at the Walker for a week to study the and variety of fruits, gold medal and $10; II. one and Lawrence special, f 15; Durst special, "changed condition of affairs," as wise West $5. chest teat Joseph Wadlejrtsecond, politicians like Brothers pickles, Ruth McKean, city, best home-mad- e and Judd call it In fact, to become more y lamp. hanging special, of of a student in this peculiar phase politiWilliam Wadley, Pleasant Grove, best colleo- cal science was the main incentive to tbe transcontinental trip. Miss Field was special, stove valued at 188.50; Joseph Wadley . ' siove vaiuou .1 ,1, rn chagrined at the attempts and by Gen- secona, M. Christopherson, city, largest variety fruit tiles,, too to disrupt tbe Liberal party by H. Denhalter special, 5. "; this 'alleged division on party lines. She trees, Smith Brothers. Centreville, best quality fruit took no stock in it at all, good Liberal that trees, Denhalter special, $10. sbe is. and deeply regretted that men owing A. J. Pendleton, city, best peach orchard, F. allegiance to this country should think of Anerbach special, 110. such a thing.' tier pen has punctured many Louis Tagnle, Mill Creek, second crop strawa Latter-Da- y ,; balloon, and she realizes what berries. Coy special, 15. W. P. Woodruff, city, display packed fruit to. division in the face of such an enemy as tbe WOODBOBI. JOHIfH. Mormon Church means. As to probabilities ' ' JTiOWEBS. of Statehood this session. Miss Eield said M. not city, best collection flowshe could not tell, because Congress had Christopherson, special. plants In bloom. 8a0, and Lawrence met and no one could know therefore, any- ering 115; best collection begonias. 3; chrysantheWashIn as to intention. its People cut thing mums, $3; roses, 18: second best collection col-, ington, and down East generally, knew flowers, 85; John Reading, city, second best A knock at room 22 of the Walker House y . ,- ! - ' - -.: . - I i i Iesient . r - j - 1 ? ! " . . ! , ? CBOSS-ExjAMIX- . . "7 EI ; lur I . ; I j . . on cross-exatjiinatl- . i , i 1 ; a . t. I td t. . '! . " :. i :' - . - r " a ? r-i- rk rl. I ir-a- i : t'-.'- .i .r . 1 . or '". d ' t"-- !; t'-- ua 1 ut fr ' - . New York, per " LEAD. 1 A. . ( 35.. JILVER. X ' oua:e London, per ounce . ...."-- 8 .41 . . Special to TEravNB.1 2.T0 700 10CX) 200 100 300 Point., Jacket Belcher Kentuck 2 55 4 .V) 2 oi) 115 1 15 Alpha Teerless I C... 200 G. & X) B. A B.... 705 C. C. & Va 530 Savacre . .. 50 400 300 a 100 100 Belcher i sun-drie- 50 450 300 . 350 910 100 210 3M 300 100 C-- B. : .... : . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing; Syrup and for over fifty years has been used by millions of mothers for their children while cutting teeth with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the reduces inflammation, allays all pain,'curesgums, wind colic, is very pleasant to tbe taste, aud is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world.. Price twenty-liv- e cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind, as mothers will find it the best medicine to use dur tg the teething period. ' is an old and well tried remedy, Saturday, Oct. 17th, Our Saturday sales exceeded anything of the kind ever beard of In Salt Lake City, t . Uartxt 121 ,W. W. & Main Co.. street . . ? to I at 121 Main. " ' .;-'- Notice of Bar Meeting. the members of the Bar of Salt Lake City, at the solicitation of several members of the bar. .is herebv called for 8 Tuesday evening. October 20," 1891, at o'clock, at the Federal Courtroom. " Tbe business to be considered is of importance to the members of the profession, and a general attendaoee is desired. II. G. McMillan, . Secretary of Bar Association. Auction! Auction! At 50 West Second South street, on Wednesday, the 21st, at 2 p. m., pne lot of household goods consisting of one Grand f A meeting of piano, bed lounge, cheffonier, bed set extension tables, refrigerators, tables, chairs, safes," heating stoves, sofa, mirrors, etc. Colton & Mick. Auctioneers. gs, ... - Special Meeting. The Women's Relief Corps of the J. B. Post bold a special meeting in G. A. E. Hall (Wednesday) at 2 p. m., when a full attendance is particularly re. ,Mc-Ke- an to-mor- quested. I would inform my old patrons that respectfully I am again in business at 45 Commercial street, and Interested with Mr. S. A. Miller. I simply want my old mining friends to call and see me, as heretofore, and guarantee them tbe same courtesy as in the past. We handle only first-clagoods, and it will always be a pleasure to see my old friends. Eemember the" number, 45 Commercial ' street TnrwHEixA & Miller. . ss Eye A Kar, Dr. Lyons. building, 49 S. Main ICRS! , aTCKSt ....'. Noble, Wood Si Co., C2W. Second South st. Sealskin made toorder, Redylng, repairing, garments and lining a specialty, r All kinds refitting of furs for sale. Hooper-Eldred- ge ' 100 300 10 210 00 200 100 200 10 60 3 JO - : i " MBS. L. E. liOLDEX. Will He Given Away. . ts Koberts Write f orpnees or send a trial order Keldea. Wholesale Druggists. - 4 1 A r5 Prize....... 10 f i i i trade excedj lsst year's cotslderably, aai V briili at CI:ci;.r.ti. especially In dry goods At Chicago tbe clothing and dry goods t'ra' fire active, and the movement of "farm prodiu ! large, though receipts of cattle fall below is active E" year's. At Detroit manufacturing factories running full time. ' At Milwaukee' j. Vaul, Minneapolis. Omaha and Kansas Citv'buv' iness is very active, especially in lumber Minneapolis, with advance In prices, while tu is 15,000 barrel per we.t output of against 151,000 last year. At St. Louis trade i, unusually strong; ut Louisville. Nashville ttJ Mono........ Peer... 40 30 45 Exchequer. Overman... Justice..... Union...... i 5 35 30 40 20 Caledonia.. Challenge,. Alta Scorpion.... 10 10 15 Hill Wash... 200 New 25 s 55 95 45 York.. cents. .....8 45 45 40 25 35 ... ; 63 Slate St.. BOSTON. AND STOCKS. York, Oct. ;xw Utah 19, 1S91. BAB SILVER. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL 8J6 Silver....,.'.... ....y...L..... eOVXRTTllEKT BOIfDS. U. K. KibUMrANIr.S(lC, Correspondence solicited. 7Q KEW YOSK MUXES To'Almm, 0( CITIES. COUNTIES. SCHOOU niSTPICTC w.. UJlTr. I m U.V.EiARRIS & COMPAIlY.BanVers, 163-1Dearborn Street. CHICACO. 19 Wall Street, NEW YORK. 25 20 20 .... 9li CuMrAKIbSi 10 .. Li. t INSTITUTE 4..11(5 regular.. ..116i (U.S. 4s, coupon...111 bid U. S. 2s, regular.100 bid 1 Paclflo 6s. S. 4s, FOB RAILROAD SIOCKSCLOSISO qUOTATIOKS. 43 Atchison . .1 .". Oregon Navigation. 75 Canadian Pacifio .. 88 Pacifio Mail Canadian Southern 59 Reading............ 40?, 82 V4 Central Pacifio..... 33 Rock .. 9S St. Paul Burlington. West'n.l427 St. Paul Ac Omaha. 33 U Lackaw'na Bio Grande pret.,.. 47H Texas Pacific..... 14 THE CUEE Island....... .. ... Erie.... ...t. Lake Shore; . . .... 30J, Union Pacific Kansas A Texas..:.. 1? U. S. . . : . . 123H Louisv'Ktashv'l. 7? 100 Michigan Central. . Missouri Pacifio J.. '"A 52 138 Express..... Western Union... Am. Cotton Oil.... 244 ...... Terminal SJ8"i Oregon Short Line. 7894 Lead Trust ........ 63 S 12 23 Northern Pacific... 1 ao prererred. . , .1 lb Rio Grande West'n 40 Northwestern. 73 do do preferred.l37V preferred. . 76 J , do New York ficn tral. 1 1 1 firsts Ore. Improvement , -- 40X Fargo Express.... -- WANTED 45 Utah....... 50 Andes; ' 10 Utah.. .....8 Bullion..... e never-theles- W 30 40 .. Bodie. at Montgormrv4 Improving; very Inrge. and business is growing, and at the largest orange crop ever grown promises improvement in trade. Speculation has not been very honeh corn and oats are sustained in tbeheavy,' face of grV crops and wheat is a shade, higher. Cotton i quartersolower, with sales of 7'7.0tX bales, receipt beinc hevy that short crop theories are credited, whila Southern prices are relatively too high for Liverpool. Pork and produce are unchanged and oil half a cent low Foreign trade, though smaller than a yesr apn when the movement was extraordinaryii s larger than in previous years, and tL heavy exports of breadstuffs promise further of gold from Europe. The business failures during tbe last seve Ana for Dumucriur lur tjnibeu niHwn uaB Canada S'i, or a total of 359, aa compared with a total of 20 for last week and 230 the wm previous to the last. For the correspoadlrv week of last year the figures were &J7. represent. ing 183 failures in the United States and 31 In tba Dominion bf Canada. Bradstrtet'n weekly review has the followicp-Exportof wheat for this week have about held their own (including flour), amounting to 4.0&3,. 447 bushels from both coasts of the United States. This is far above the average iu like weeks for four preceding years. For sixteen weeks of the. new crop year the total of wheat and flour as' wheat exported from both coasts of the United. States, as specially reported to BratUtrttft i 60.673.000 bushels as against 28,989,000 bushels is slxteeu weeks of 1890. 31.121.000 bushels in a like! portion of 1890, 25.952.000 bushels In 1838 and 53,828.000 bushels In 1SS7. lower-coffe- IS h. Wash.... STREETS iAFTER 2:30 T. W. 100 Aloha. .8 1 35 300 Alta i'5 Savage 150 W G. A C....'. 100 Caledonia.. 50 B. A B 200 Iowa , 50 C. C. Ya.. 100 Bodie....... P5 Union 100 Julia 20 Mex..L.. .. 50 N. Coram 60 Ophir;...... 403 Queen 40 .. Point 200 Kew York.. 6.) Jacket...... or au-- chronic, NERVOUS, BLOOD - . AND PEIVATE DISEASES. STOCKS. .,..8 Aspen.......v... Best A Belcher. Adams Con Alice Chollar.,..: Crown Point.i .. Eureka ConT, Horn Silver.... 60 3 60 3 45 Ontario......... Ophir Plymouth...... 1 ll4 a&Va...... Deadwood C. Momestake..,.. .110 60 1 40 Iron Silver..... , 1 40 2 10 Mexican.. 1 1 50 1 Gould A Curry.. Hale A Xorcross 1 1 ! , . 60 11 . , ; KOXET H ARRET. New York, Oct (li Money on call, easy; at ' close offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 5S(36J per cent Sterling exchange, quiet and firm; sixty-dabills, 84.80; demand; $1.83. - I y - All male and female sexual OKNRAI.i REVIEW. New Yorr. Oct. 1. The stock market opened dull and steady; very; little business was transacted in the laet bour. A few specialties showed great flucteatlons. Among these was a drop of 3 per cent In Pullmans, and tbe reports of an issue of bonds by Pacifio Mall knocked that stock down l per cent. :of which only a small portion was recovered. The market closed barely stead slight fractional losses from Saturday's close. Union Pacific is down Hi percent Government bonds were steady. Petroleum closed at fi0?c- v-- eases cured; we warrant art absolute cure of organic stricture removal complete witnout danger or detention from business; lost mannocd restored; cross eyes straightened in one minute; piles and fissure cured witb.. one treatment; tbe eye, ear, nose, throat and rectum' successfully treated. Consultation . and examination . free. We furnish our own medi-cines.' A.; friendly talk costs nothing. " . , WE WILL REMOVE TO 64 MAIN ST. To more retired and commodious rooms. i The Metals.. ; . 1& Nominal: lake, ' Copper i . straltn. 8'JO.Oi. Lead Dull and easier; domestic, 812!4. Tln-Ste- adr; i Laugbing'Idauha for an appetite. English. Honey and Stocks. Losdoic. Oct. 19. Consols, money, 85 New AilUiaery K- far ') Mrs. Christy bas received her hew felts forU.account, S. 4's, 120; U. S. 4J4's, 1023. . for the winter, at 31 W. First South. , Bar silver, 44 Moneyi 34 per cent.! La Mode is open and ready for business. 61 East First South. NewiTork Msrkett New York, Oct jli Hops Firm and un Dr. Why took, tho .dentist has returned from Wood River, and can be 'found at his changed, Coffee Options closed steady. Sales, 44.000 office in the Baybould block. 8ll.40cail.45: No bags; including October 10. 70W10.SO: vember. 8l0.8511.00: December. Brick! Krlekt Brlekl 810.70; February and March, 1 10.60a January, Contractors and builders can be supplied 10.75. ',,.;i Spot Rio quiet and steady; No. 7, 124123io. with tbe best band-mad- e brick on the marDull; refined, quiet aud lower. Sugar ket by the Prospect Park Brick Company. 66 East Second South street Office, j Chicago Market i. rOREKOOS JBOABO. : Removal. Steady; cash, 9iXc; Chicago, Oct. 19. Wheat Stephens & Schroeder have removed from December. 96?c; May. 81.03"". 41 House the Opera blocs to the Commercia Corn Firm: cash. 534ot " -- dis- i 38 00 . 2 73 . 2 50 . . 2 30 Savage 1 80 Sierra Nevada . Union Con..,.. . 2 00 1 50 ellow Jacket. 0 1 New York, Octj October. $12.00. UaAre Mover Undersold 4t) 40 Andes...... n.AS... Ujl- Our enterprising druggists, Roberts & Nelden, who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving away a large number of trial bottles " of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is' universally satisfactory.; They also guarantee Dr. Miles New Heart Care in all oases of nervous or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc.: Fine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases? free. 05 & S. 100 L. 75 1 r f5 1 200S. Belcher.. ..-- Ut. MONDAY, OCTOBER r Kestdoorto State Hunk of Utah. DR. E. II. LAHSIHG, PRES. DR. CHARLES 0. SAMEORIJ, SEC. - d; i 1 . f d. i I ; SEi;D IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. - " TRIEUJIEn TEE WEEKLY 5 I . block. r Blood regulator and tonic Idanha. - May. So Oats Stead v: cash, 273c: May, 3Jo. i Barley 60Q.61c.h Pork Firm: cash, IS.'K': January, 811.35. Lard Steady; casb,;o.&2V4; January, lo.42. - Notice. Cat prices on Furniture i t this week at Barratt Bros. Lynch, an old resident of this who carried tbe U. S. mail and express city, on horseback from this city to Idaho and Moptan a before there was even a bridle trail,- often fighting his way through Indians and- froor - such conflicts carries wounds, also suffering Intense cold, says: I am wearing 4 set of teeth that I had made by the Expert Dental Co. I am perfectly satisfied and recommend these dentists to. all needing work of this kind. Their work is first-claand exceedingly cheap. Their ad. can be seen on another page. . .x There is no substitute for Idanha, , Sealed" proposals will be received by the Board of Education of the City of Salt Lake at its rooms. 45 East First South street until Tuesday noon, 20th insu, to furnish & school site in tbe Sixth ward, or contiguous thereto, but said site must be about 10x20 rods, and on streets running east and west to avoid proximity to steam railroad tracks, payment therefor to be made in school bonds at par. ',') CoMMiTTir on Sites asd Buildings. Whiskej-i-fl.18Shoulders-6.10g.f.2- ss . . . . October 15, 1S91. Ten Per Cent Cash Is all that is necessary as a first payment to secure diamonds, watches, clocks and silver- -' ware on tho weekly 10 per cent, installment plan at L. Hollander's, the Main street jeweler. Call at store, 148 Main street tor explanation of plan . . Auction! Auction! At 50 West Second South street one lot of household goods, consisting of one grand square piano, bed lounge, cheffoniers, bed sets. mattress, springs, extension tables, refrigerators, tables, chairs, No. 6 heating stove, sofa, mirrors, etc. - . ' ' n- , . 87.00(?i7.05. Short ribs 86.25o.5a ; "I Chleago Live StocV. Chicago Oct:'!l0, Cattle Receipts. 19.000: steers, f2.006.00: cinners, 81.15O1.S0; stockers, "'-J- j . 82.102.85.s Hogs Receipts, 23.000; market lower; packers and shippers. t3.904.47H; prime heavy and butchers' weights. skips and selected light 83.23(34.65. 3000; market a shade Sheep Receipts, stronger: westerns and mixed, 84.504.75; Texans, 84.25 ? ill 4,50; lambs, 83.50&5.10. , Tne Wheat Market I Chicago; Oct I9ii Wheat was lower. The to c lower than opening was about) Saturday's closing, became weak and declined for December and c for Wav; then rallied Vic, again weakened off, prices declining He: ruled irregular, and the closing was lo lower for December and fgo lower for May than the closing figures of Saturday, i Receipts, 1,940,000 bushels; shipments, 785,000 bushels. the-sam- ! .; PAGES. Tkb VTmsxt TitrBtnrz commenced lti . Issue of January 1st, 1891, with twel-- e columns, and will conpages, arfnety-si- x tinue daring the yer with at least that Bcmbcr. It will ecMtain the emoi of.all tbe tnattrr pvbLLibed :1a the daily, local. Territorial. Intermountaln and National. The beat editorials of the daily and these are admitted to be a. strong an broad and brilliant as cao be fcoind ii' in ' newspaper will be a f st .re of i sr .edition. The Imports nt daily telcgra, u.c dispatches, which will comprise an epitome of the world's doiacs. will b incluinteresta mt Utah and ded. The miainar the surrounding-- country will have careful representation; tbe progress of mining, every achievement, either in the discovery, opening er reduction of ores, will be faltb-fall- y recorded. The material progress and development of Utah and its resources will be truthfully .. portrayed. News concerning the neighboring; States and Territories, regarding their progress and prosperity, will appear in each issue,; making the weekly a faithful reflect of the wonderful resources of this great region, and placing Ths of the beat American in the weekly newspapers. ? -- 1 ? j inter-mounta- . in Tbi-bci- s fore-fro- nt PRICE, POSTAGS PAID I e ll$o j ENLARGED TO TWELVE . 0. Short clear : I i . . . AFTXRVOON BOARD. 8Sc. Rye Quiet; Barley Quiet; 603,lo. i Flax seed. 98c. , Mr. William 1 " Hotels, clubs, restaurants and liquor dealers buy tbe famous "Manitou" table water and all agree that it is the best Hofhelmer & Gold water, sole agents for .. . , Utah. The sensation created at the Buckeye quitting sale is wonderful and far exceeds the expectations of tbe proprietors. It won't take long to clean out their Immense stock of clothing and shoes. The Buckeye 70 45 45 5 25 Nev..... . - 250 1 . . . lilom-'sterber- g, i Jck-8onvill- ' so 1 and cared still less. But when Congress assembles and Gentile Democrats come there and ask for Statehood for Utah, why, what is the average Democratic Congress to think? Isn't it reasonable for him to think that Impediments to Statehood are removed and that the time has come to admit Utah as a Democratic State? At this point the speaker displayed - considerable ; nervous energy, though in a quiet way, and declared it was high time the Liberal party; sent a .thoroughly organized committee to Washto checkmate the movements of tbe ington Mormon Church. "Nothing but the grace of God has in the past saved this Territory from Mormon Statehood,": exclaimed tbe fair patriot "The Gentiles didn't do it" At every move made at Washington tbe Saints have bad tbe best organization, the most money and the most skill. But Miss Field had hopes for the best and was pleased to find that so able a man as Judge Powers was chairman here of the Liberal foroes. She will give Elder West's "changed conditions" a careful scrutinizing, and it is safe to say that for the next few weeks Kate Fieid't Washington wllTbe mighty entertaining reading. It was told Miss Field that certain of tbe noble ladies of our .holy churoh bad stated to a prominent woman correspondent from the East that she (Kate. Field) had on the occasion of a former visit Insinuated her way into tbe confidence of these noble Mormon dames, and abused the same to pick up material wherewith to attack tbe Mormons. Miss Field Immediately became indignant and declared that these Mormon ladles were liars. All sbe owed to anybody in tbe way of courtesy was to Etniline B. 'Wells, and that courtesy had been returned.' Mrs. Wells had been amply repaid for all favors extended to deponent The visitor was surprised at the changes in Salt Lake City. It is about four and a half years since sbe was here before, and tben the city's population was only 25,000. She was highly pleased at seeing the great buildings and other material evidences of local progress. (Ogden, too, was a surprise. The new Union passenger station, the Eeed Hotel and other buildings there surprised her, and altogether she was highly gratified with what sbe saw. As. for Salt Lake, there is no reason why it should not in the near future become a great ctty. Tbe fair tourist remains at tbe Walker, where she will be pleased to see her friends. 200 40 J 400 10 f lection flowering plants in bloom, tlOt - ; 13." John Reading, city, best exhibit of smilax, John Reading, city; best exhibitof fuschlas, 3. John Beading, city best exhibit of callas. 83. C H.Blomsterberg, Provo, best collection of foliage plants, gold medal and to; C H. Provo, best collection oj foliage plants. If. U. Lawrence special, 810. C. H. Blomsterberg, Provo, best collection of collection palms, 83; C. Cramer, city, second best ' of foliage plants, 6. C. Cramer, city, best collection of geraniums, '; 13. Xi ? C. Cramer, city, best collection of ferns. 83.-- ; C. Cramer, city, best collection of oleanders, 83. C Cramer, city, best.colleclioa of carnations, 83. " collection James King, East Mill Creek, best v . of ent flowers, 81O. James King, -East Mill Creek, best design of ,. out flowers, 83. James King, East Mill Creek, best collection of .1 pansies, 3. Q. G. Peery, city, special mention for preserved flowers. M. Christopherson, city, collection of dahlias, K. S. Kichabdsok, silver medaL 1 S. B. Isle.....' 250 N. Common 1U0 8d Occidental assessed; - IW 8 80 3 00 1 1 1 1 Confidence 300 S. sun-drie- d 500 n ... . Potos.1 H. N... Alpha.. SM 2 j;5 4 2 10 Cbollar Jacket 35 7J 45 25c. im Ophir.... ..8 Mexican. .. 3(W Bullion..... 8 3-- assessment, delinquent 2:30 pi, x. Boinu. 10c S 203 1 1 50 3 4b 1 80 Confidence. r- sun-drie- d PRECIOUS LITTLE ABOUT UTAH l r ,nri5 l. Charleston anl Kavaunah receipts of cotton 19, 1801. Belcher.. 100 Overman... iiOJ Justice m Alta .. ... 100 Caledonia.. 9X1 Challenge.. 250 Occidental..'.' ... 15)5 SNev...... 250 Uteh.i.... Mono asnsed 2r a 2 tf) ,1 6 SO Savage 300 Chollar..... 100 H. 3t N..... 3tX) 200 8 2 00 Ophir 400 Mexican.,. 50 G. A C B 150 It. 900 C. C Va..,. : , "' r .ev Orleans, ... San Francisco. Oct 9:30 a. x HOARD. j . " 1.. tr-.. n-- .MIXING STOCKS. J SAX FltANCISC sun-drie- d Little-Round- s. " lbs... 103 Kow York. Der I Cx) & (lorrcztsJ ly Wei'., Fzrjo - ng t r '. . i . n nu for i3t i.o.u j '' active struct ural la r bf.t demand. Trade n i Kiioes is us and the movem-- t Wool ts TU ana wooj.-rooui are d"'i e pKtibiirj: t! duir.snd for r..anufaotvred U arid especially for structural form, is infrev-!!,- ' but tiie coal strike continue. At C:cv' LSAD. BULLION" AND - i i k. x Salt Lake Citt. - far-seei- t" i. pru-e- I Orrrrs o? tsk Daily Tfubt--id. Oct. S- -. sun-drie- d ; 1 ' 5W - tr:n j Irot-au- well-know- - here .1. 0. 1 It-t- f . . Oees the Xdsfht.J is as follows: - ; last t p ..' During tbe recent Territorial Fair there was much dissatisfaction because the award of tbe judges on fruits and flowers bad been srjusglcd away, and nobody could find who had It, or why It was taken from the grounds. It turns up at last, however, and tion of the New City. - ( I.on- -- AL-JLEO- ED Iler Surprise That Gentiles Should tTant Admiraj to Break Up the Liberal Tarty 1 C( HO, AUISUS. crt Helic of tie S.at Tair at IRITIS?" AJTD XI3T7SI5 FIELD IH THE CUT. SHE WIL.I. LOOK 1KTO TITOSE "CHANGED CONDITIONS." fler. ' CJTT; "UTAH, TU2SBAT HOniOlCG, OCTOBER - One Tear.. Six Months aa.i.' ............ s.nrt S 1.50 BXotttna..r...... TUs-- m Cts ' ' Liverpool Grain. Liverpool, Oct 19. Wheat Unchanged. Corn Demand has fallen for futures and is poor for spot; spot, 5s 9d and steady; October. 5s fcd and steady; November, 5s SJdand steady; December, 5s 81 and steady. B. G. PUN 4B CO.'S WBEKLt ItEVI EW. General Improvement la Trade in Nearly All Sections of. the Country. New York, Oct 16. -- B. G. Dun A Co.'s weekly SAM LBYY. i h"l$$Zd a:d other brakds. 5d , , reviewof trade will say: Business; thougbout the West and South is improving. At Eastera centers there is less satisfaction and the expected results from the harvesting of large crops ire more slowly realized. Yet the volume of all trade, as shown by payments through clearing houses outside New Cotton & MrcK, Auctioneers. York, is as large as it ever has been and for October may even surpass the unprecedented recMr. J. A. Smith of Coalville and corresord of last year. pondent of the Park City Miner says about The output of furnaces In blast October 1st was the Eipert Dental Company that the teeth 181.615 to.ns weekly, against 170.843 Seotember Is'., he had made were satisfactory in every parand 177,2(33 a year airo. The largest output ot iron ticular and just S25 less than other den-tis- te ever reported was 183.810 December 1, 18'J0. Yet would do the same work for. See price this enormous production is marvelouslv absorbed, for stoeks of coke iron, are not larger list on other page of this paper. than a month agond of anthracite and char& Lynch- are closing out their coal are a little smaller. Spencer The wool manufacture is short of orders in the low-cshoes at cost for a short time. men's wear department, though Chicago clothiers are buying freely, but on the whole Better than stimulants Idanha. clothiers have not taken nearly their usual supof goods, and of the mills are clos , Mrs. M. A.' Bruce of 76 .T street says I ply Tho demand formany dress goods is strong aud Went without teeth for many years until a ing. superior qualities are offered, while knit few days ago I saw the extremely low price muny goods are dull, as well as carpets. The cotton list of the Expert Dental Car advertised on manufacture ia active and without change in ; i another page of this paper. I went to them prices. The demand for copper is large, but a rumor and got a full set of teeth that I can use as resumption by the Anaconda put down the prh e welJLas my natural ones, and I can reoom-meii- d of lake to l'J.15 cents and tin Is weak at 20. W tbe Expert Dental Company to all who with lead at 4.4r. The market for anthracite first-claneed dentistry at very low prices. coal is better, but circular trices are not realized. The from other cities are almost un V Invigorating, regulating. Drink Idanha. formly report At Boston the boot and encouragicj. ' MixuricTCRix or f THE FAMOUS,0 Satesraoa, 171 asd 173 S. Eaifl ' ti SALT LATCE CITY. - I , i : - - ut " JJ . ss 7 . A- iSAX.3" & 0t lba UiiwwHtl U Lia-- S CIX"Jj list! I5p iA-- S .. |