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Show r BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931 - -- 4- -j EHwood ; J Mrs. Robert Miller and children, of IjOs Angeles, California, came home last week to visit with her parents, i Mr, 4n4 Mrs. J. P. Christensen. Lewis Hunsaker spent Wednesday Thursday and Friday of last week in Logan Temple. Wm. Bronson, of Logan, has spent week at home visiting his sons, a John, Lewis and George. He returned to Salt Lake last Friday in company with his brother, Amos. P. Hansen, who attended to business in Salt Lake They were also accompanied by Mrs.. Orlin Hansen and baby, of Tremonton, whp will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smoot, for a short time. A very interesting home coming en tertainment was given here last Friday in honor of Vernon Hansen, who ' returned from his mission to Germany ' some time ago. Owing to Vernon & attending the U. of U. in Salt Lake it has been postponed. , The hall was beautifully decorated t" and a large crowd enjoyed a program, free dancing and punch and waters, served by the Beehive Girls. Beehive Girls. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker and daughters, Una and Margery went to Howell last Friday evening where they enjoyed an entertainment given by the 'school teachers. They were accompanied back by their daughter, Gladys; who spent the week end at is " and relatives called to see him Sun- day Mrs. Henrietta Woodside, of Salt Lake City, is visiting her mother, Mrs juua Jensen, wno is in very poor health. Mr .and Mrs. Herman Andreasen at tended a funeral of Mrs. Thompson, at Brigham City, last Sunday. Thomas King and Joseph Butler, of liarland rendered the program here Sunday evening. The band met at Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen's home last Wednesday for a rehearsal. The numbers are continually increasing. They now number 25, They also gave a couple of pieces at the band concert in Garland last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker and J. P. Christensen were Logan visitors last Wednesday and Frday. Mrs. J. M. Mortensen and Mrs. J. P. Christensen were guests of Mrs. R. A. Christensen, west of Tremonton, day. The newly organized M M club Mrs. vjuet last Friday at the home of were: i, John Erickson. Special guests Han- "'Mrs. Sylvia Miller, Mrs. Daisy sen and Mrs. Verna Mortensen. The y afternoon was spent in sewing. The ' hostess served dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Manon Miller and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Logan, (Sunday. Their daughter, ' Colleen, stayed to visit her grandmother, for a time. Mrs. Hyrum Christensen spent the week end visiting her daughter. Loa, :, in, Richmond, Cache Valley. "; Howard Andreason has moved to . Taylorsville where he has leased a ' farm. Golden Andreason and Casper An-- I draeson went to Gentile Valley Sunday w w nuu, JWJ i and family. Stake Superintendent of Sunday School, O. L. Brough and Maudell Sea ger visited our Sunday School here last Sunday morning. ! J. M. Mortensen and Leo Petersen went to Blue Creek Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. N. R. Petersen, of Tremonton, called on J. P. Chrjsten-Re- n last .Sunday. Mr. Christensen's health is improving. Other friends vi.-u- u 1 them to Bear River City where she spent the day visiting relatives and ' old friends. Andrew-JensenMr. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunsaker, Mrs. Wm. Larson and Mrs. L. C.? Petersen spent last Friday in Logan Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Andersen attended the funeral of Bishop Wheatley at Honeyville last Sunday after which they visited Mrs. Andersen's Aunt over there. Mrs. Hyrum Christensen went to Cache Valley Friday to visit her daughter. She was accompanied back on Saturday by her daughter, Rhoda, who spent the week end home from North Cache. Elder Barlow, Morgan, Gardner and Stokes of the Tremonton ward furnish ed a very fine program here Sunday evening. Both the talks and the musical numbers were greatly enjoyed. , . 1,11 Silk Dresses Pork produced by feeding chopped alfalfa bay as a supplement reached a good marketable weight folly 17 days before the other pigs and was produced at a saving of 41 cents for each 100 pounds according to a recent report by the South Dakota experiment station. Twenty-fiv- e pounds of chopped alfalfa hay was nsed In a mixture with 50 pounds of tankage and 25 pounds of linseed ollmeal as a supplement to yellow corn. There wag a saving of 16 pounds of feed for each 100 pounds of gain due to the GROUP NO. I One Hundred Dresses 2 alfalfa. for Feed Baby Chicks Soorf After They Are Hatched Experiments at Purdue university this last year have Indicated that baby chicks may be fed early after they come from the incubator, even 'Immediately after removal without ill effects, according to Roy E. Roberts, in charge of the test. The growth of the chicks which were fed early was similar to that of chicks fed at the regular 48 to age. The mortality was no greatchicks. er in the early-feNothing was gained in feeding the chicks before they were 4S hours old. Professor Roberts states, which enables the owner to hold them in the incubator two days aud cuts the brooding period that much. Although strong chicks live long periods without feed it Is wise to feed at least by the limit. $7.90 72-ho- d Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hansen went to Ogden last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Syvel Wright, mother of R. P. Hansen, Mrs. K. S. Hansen accompanied : Chopped Alfalfa Useful Supplemental Hog Feed Since chopping or grinding alfalfa is resorted to where hay is artificially Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zitting and ba cured for feeding to dairy cattle, many bies, of Salt Lake City spent 2 days feel that It should be even more worth last week visiting Mrs. Zitting's par- while to adopt this practice for ail ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Christen- classes of stock where natural curing sen, after which they went to Cache makes it impossible to secure so high grade a product- Valley to visit her other sister. t t and Sunday. Just in time for Summerl - , last Monday. Mrs. Annie Goates, of Lehi, Mrs. Annie Munns, Mrs. Grace Haws and Mrs. Fred Nye were 'dinner guests of Mrs. V. L; Hansen last Thursday. Mrs. Goates is an aunt of Mrs, Hansen. Mr. and. Mrs. Jess .Earl are the 5 home. Mrs. Annie Munns and Mrs. Fred proud parents of a son, born on March Nye were Friday evening guests of 20th. Mother and babe are doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen went to V Mr;' and Mrs. Lewis Dodd, of Harp- Ogden on business last Friday. er, were guests of Mrs. Amos HanMr Mrs. .and Wilford Nielsen and sen Saturday. Mr. Harlow Hoopes, of Rupert, and L. C. Petersen enjoyed the big celebraGentile Val-- 'l tion given at the Poultry Association , son Leanard Hoops, of ley, called on friends here Saturday plant at Salt Lake City, last WednesS Keith Freeman of Brigham City, was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Andersen. . .. yj Jg 48-ho- Feed Consumed by Cows of Average Production A cow will consume about 3.7 pounds of silage a day and 13 pounds of bay. If her annual yield is 210 pounds of butterfat and her milk averages 3.5 per cent of fat, her milk yield will average G,0(K) pounds for I'OO days a year, leaving her 05 days for a dry period. This means that her average production would be only -- 0 pounds of milk a day. Such a cow will not need a heavy grain ration. If she is fed two pounds of gram a day of a mixture composed of 400 pounds each of ground barley and oats and 100 pounds of linseed meal she should do very well From now on through the Summer no woman can Have too many dresses. Here's a remarkable opportunity for supplying your requirements for the season. They are 2 for $7.90 . . . when you see them you will want to boy half a dozen. These dresses are all dever, new styles. See them in our show windows see them in our Dress Department . . , and don't wait too long! GROUP NO. 2 They Have Everything! 2 Style Jacket Dresses, Two Piece Effects, Sleeves and Sleeveless Graceful Flaring Skirts 4 SsMfy . ' Km enpge end re good painter. New Prints, Glowing Plain Shades, Black and Navy With Fine Fabrics Sherwin-William- s ;'" 3 . SffiMD-MJSTrn&I- E. Values The Greatest You Have Ever Seen re ll sheen, easily and is strictly sanitary. Drying with an finish for woodwork as well as tor is a popular walls where an economical job is needed. spreads hides old finish brush the it without solidly and marks, easily egg-she- Semi-Lust- re Semi-Lust- re its durability makes it a truly economical finish. Comes in 12 C0lMS- - (ft Per Gallon 3.50 'I.: Commencing Friday Morning April 17th .rfV), DPAttTU SHERWIN-WltLIAM- S ENAMELOID real decorative. home me. Ideal rnid-ir;in- g t Sm Riverside T floor Tarnish made to walk on. WiD net discolor lightest woods or printed linoleum. Per quart. SWP v. . Sherwin-William- Per gala ' .,.,.., s jont Rapid Drying enamel finish for wood, con A beautiful Suguiar Colors. Miss Edith Olsen spent the ptiH at Brisrham. Joe Forsberjr, returned from a trip to Tooele and Salt Lake Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield and Arlf.ru and Mrs. E. W. Ward accompanied by John W. Smith, of FLOOR ENAMEL Tbo world's greatest houso paint Tirue. Covers mora surface per gallon. Cesti lest on your houte. Wean loafer than cheaper Q 7C OtIO creto or linoleum floors. Withstands scrubbing and tramping beets. Per quart.. Quality ' EVERYTHING ff l.UU WTUE REAM MrTD TEltPHOttX w'vauir Centerdale, went to Draper Sunday to attend the funeral of Charles J. Peter- 1 1BlrV 17 son. Mrs. Lena Tubbs Service FORTNEFACM -- A-1 1 week g 1.50 HOUSE PAINT OT O nj& TREMONTON, UTAH ! Fast-D- ri waler-realttin- i ' kwin-Wilua- MAR-NO- k 1 I 7fi Pec quart IW i'rnititfe,toT,etc. V. iler;ife ei charming cobra. W Enamel for fr woodwork, .i E EAST MAIN ST. Rapid Drying ; W4 Flat Crepe, Canton Crepe, and Georgette Walls in the bathroom, kiichen and laundry receiye onnsnally is recommended here because it has a hard wear. hard, tight snrface which dirt cannot penetrate. It washes Semi-Lust- $15 Smart Colors Washable and Attractive Walls A Shorwin-Wi- J. Semi-Ltut- for was visiting in Salt Lake recently with her son, Norman and daughter, Roma. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker were here over the week end. They left Monday for Rexburg, Idaho. Edward Tubbs and son, Blaine, of Osrden. visited with Mrs. Francis Tubbs Saturday and Sunday. The Relief .Society held a social and work meeting Tuesday at the Fors berg home with Mrs. Tracy Welling and Mrs. Earl Hales as hostesses. A large crowd was in attendance. Mrs. Mabel Hadfield accompanied Mrs. N. P .Marble, .Mtf." P E.'.Ault and Miss Jennie Marble to Beaver Dam Tuesday to attend a Farm Bureau meeting. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udymade a busi ness trip to Salt Lake Tuesday. Louis Keller, of Ogden. was here on business Saturday. Many from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Mason at Plymouth, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsberg and Mrs. Forsberg were Salt Lake visitors, Sunday. The family of Ora Hyer, of Logan, is visiting at the J. H. Ward home this - ner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs J. O. Garfield. Mrs. George Abbott and daughte ae, attended club meeting Brigham City, Wednesday. Miss Ra-- i assisted giving 1st year foods work to the ladies of So. Box Elder P 4-- H 4-- H clubs. Mrs. P. E. Ault visited in Beaver Dam on Thursday. Mrs. Sam Kay and baby went to Morgan. Tuesday, to attend a funeral of her uncle. Dave Peterson, of Salt Lake City was a dinner guest of Mr .and Mrs. week. Ault on Monday. Miss Izola Jensen was here on busiMrs. A. M. Byron and son. Roger, ness Thursday of last week. spent the week end with N. W. Olsen Mr And Mrs. William C. Parke and and family. A delightful Wiener roast was given two sons, of Ogden, were visiting with friends and relatives at Riverside, Sun by Mrs. Ray York last Saturday in honor of her little son, Gordon, who day. ' I East Tremonton Mr .and Mrs. Bab Bradley, Mrs. Hyrum Tibbetts and Emerson Abbott of Ixffan were Sunday uruests of Geo. Abbott and family. Heber Garfield and son, John, and Miss Christensen of Draper, were din celebrated his sixth birthday. Ten of his little friends were present and Mrs Sam Kay and baby, Mrs. Albert Thomp son and Mrs. Vernon Moodruff. Harvey Ault was an Ogden visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. Ira Fridal had as Sunday guests, her parents. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Merrill of Brigham City. , Mrs. Ira Fridal attended a meeting of the Ladies of the American' Legion in Bngham City Monday evening. |