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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1931 I T " J. East Garland - 1 Most of those attending1 Sunday .School Sunday morning remained to witness the ceremony of planting a tree, near the ward house, in honor of Jeorge Washington. This was done after Sunday School and was under the direction of the Relief Society presidency, each officer or their proxy participated in placing a shovel full of earth around the tree, at the same tame expressing some good wish for the future of the tree or repeating lines from famous poems. A signal honor has come to Keith Rhodes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes, for his having won first place in the state, in the F. F. A. oration contest. He will now contest in the interstate meet at Boise, Idaho, in May. If successful there, he will be one of the national contestants at Kan sas City, Congratulations and hopes for ultimate success. Eldr Nielsen, Morte risen, and a Munns, from Elwood, the seventies quorum at sacrament meeting Sunday evening and gave interesting incidents about our church leaders. Mr. Dell Atkinson, of Clarkston vis ited his brother, J. L. Atkinson, on Sunday. Miss Marie Larson came up from "Salt Lake City to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Larson, Saturday afternoon and Sunday, returning early Monday morning. A number enjoyed the band concert at Garland, Monday evening. Expressions of commendation were heard on all sides for the splendid progress made by the young boys and girls. Especially is the Elwood band to be congratulated on its accomplishment in such a short time. Mrs. J. W. Larson and daughter, Clarissa accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Eric Northman, of Garland, to Ogden, Saturday, to do shopping. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen attended the funeral of Mrs. Jesse Mason, at Plymouth, Sunday afternoon. Messrs Arthur and Max Johnson motored to Logan, Sunday afternoon to inspct the new airplane of their uncle's, Lorenzo Hansen, of Logan. Mrs. Meda Gleason, of Salt Lake City has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Oyler Jr. Messrs Dave and Gene Isaacson ias"r.ii.rrhflse1 a laree drv farm at "Pro montory and are busy preparing the ground for future planting. AkT repre-sanO- Honeyville Mr. Lester Harppr, who has been tiar visiting his mother, Mrs. Mantnareturn per, for the past two months, ed to San Francisco, last weeK. Mrs. Than Boothe is visiting rela in fWHpn this week. Mrs. Lewis Boothe and children spent the week end visiting tnend; and relatives in Newton. TWr. ar,A Mrs Ahp Grant were vis in Blue Creek Sunday. relatives iting and Ree Orme spent iGrant Dyantha Thursday in Ogden. The district school boys played ball with the fourth ward 01 ungnam ru a larsre score hv nuite o,r TV,1V wnn .. j i Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Grant had as their Sunday visitors, Mr. and mrs uave uu Floyd Oram, Mr. and Mrs. firant and Mr. and Mrs Ben Grant and daughter, Fawn, all of Ogden. Miss Afton Orme was visiting FARM BUREAU NEWS j Mr. and Mri Rueben Holmgren were called to Salt Lake City Thurs A social and dance was held in the day to the bedside of Mr. Holmgren's Deweyville hall last Wednesday even- - mother, Mrs. Mary Holmgren, who is ng when the champion rat catchers very ill suffering with cancer of tha were entertained by the losing side. stomach. A drive had been recently put on Mrs. SLna Thorsen and Mrs. Andrea j with Peter Barnard and Frank Ger-m- Hansen left Wednesday morning fW as captains. Frank Germer and Los Angeles, California where they his force were the victors. wall visit Mrs. Thorsen's sister, Mrs, The Melody Boys of Brigham City Gwia Christensen and other friends. furnished the music. Mr .and Mrs. Orval Iversen and son The result of the drive was 711 Verl and Mrs. Carl Iversen were shop rats, 3030 squirrels, 131 mice and 360 ping in Tremonton Friday. Dave Petersen and three daughters, sparrows were killed while a great many more were poisoned and not of .Salt Lake City, spent the past week counted. visiting with Mr. Petersen's sister, Last week a rat extermination drive Mrs. Orsen Jensen and family. Mrs. Trena Christensen is visiting was carried on all thru the north end of the county, and Pres. Brough re- in Salt Lake City, the guest of her ports a fine interest and cooperation two sons, George and Orsen Christen sen and family. manifested. Misses Carrie and Wilma Zinck Pres. 0. L. Brough has spent severthe week end in Salt Lake City spent al days this week circulating potato with relatives. contracts and says the outlook is very Mrs. Sarah Chedister and two chi good. dren, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andersen, Club leaders of North Box El- of Salt Lake spent the past week der County will meet in the L. D. S. with relatives City in this city. dining room Thursday, April 16th, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rasmussen and commencing at 10 A. M. and extending daughter of Corinne spent Sunday at until 4 in the afternoon. Those that the home of Mrs. Marie Rasmussen. will participate will be the leaders iii Roy Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Club work. Lewis of this city and Miss Lilly Sa cooking and serving of Mrs. N. Peter Marble, chairman of vana, of Leslie, Idaho, were married the Home Community Section of the March 17th at Idaho. They will make Farm Bureau, Mrs. P. E. Ault, Coun- their home in Leslie, Idaho. club leader, Mrs. J. O. ty Ralph Jensen Jr., who is attending County Home Management Lead school at t'ia U. of U., spent the week er and Miss Jennie Marble, attended a meeting of the Ladies Farm Bureau end vis:t:n-- his parents, Mr. and Mrs in Beaver Dam on Tuesday. The lo- Ralph Jensen. Ouile a number from this ward en cal was reorganized with Mrs. Monroe Horsley as president, Mrs. W. F. jcved a trip to the mountains on East Bowen, Vice president; Mrs. Ro "da er Sunday. All taking their lunch and pnd Mrs. spent a very pleasant day. Fryer, Iva Thompson, and Mrs. Gertrude Miss Gayle Holmgren, who is attend Simmons, as directors. Miss Izola Jen school in Salt Lake spent the past ing sen, Home Demonstration Agent was week visiting her parents, Mr. and also present. Mrs. Hadfield gave a O. Holmgren. R. Mrs. lesson on helps for cleaning, talk on Mrs. Albert Thorsen, of Brigham curtains by Miss Jensen, and Mrs. Ault spoke on the club work. De- City is staying at the home of Mr3 licious refreshments were served to Sina Thorsen during her absence to California. thirty members and guests. An important meeting was held at The Easter dance which was given the Hotel Midland Parlors on Mon- Thursday evening by the Sunday day afternoon with Mrs. A. M. Reed-e- r School for the children was very well and Mrs. Christensen, of Brigham attended, each child present had a bas City, Mrs. Pearl Hunsaker, of Honey- ket of lunch, and a good time was en ville, Mrs. Oluf Jensen of Bear River all. by joyed Mrs. N. Peter Marble of DeweyCity, ville and Mrs. P. E. Ault of Tremon- Sunday evening, March 12th, a wel ton in attendance. Many items of in- come home testimonial or program terest to both divisions of the Home will be given in our meeting house and Community sections of the Farm for our two returned missionaries, El Bureau were discussed, and it was der Vernon Johnson and Heber Bott agreed to hold the refreshment stand A good turn out is desired. at the Co. Fair again this year, the Rodney Ipson, of Ogden, spent the proceeds going to the fund already on hand for building a Women's Rest week end with relatives in this city. Miss Gwen Archibald was taken to Room. A County extension class, at which the Dee hospital in Ogden, Monday af the various presidents of the Home trrnoon, whT" 'he will go under an and Community section of the North operation Tuesday morning for stom Boy Elder County Farm Bureau at- ach trouble. tended was held at Tremonton the Mr. and Mr?. Oliver Hansen and latter part of last week. Mrs. J. O. family of Brigham City spent Satur Hadfield, county home manager leadat the home of Mrs. Em day visiting er, gave the lesson of the meeting. Miss Izola Jensen, district extension ma Ohman. Mrs. Emma Ohman spent Easter agent, gave demonstrations and suggestions on choice of pictures and Sunday visiting in Elwood with her their arrangements. This class was daughter, Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker and well attended. family. - . , I er I ! 4-- H 4-- H 4-- H Had-fiel- d, 7 Secretary-Treasure- r; 4-- H PlymouthWork on - H. G. Scott Drug Co. Tremonton and m 19-2- Mr. Leon and Jean Hunsaker were In Ogden Saturday. Mr- orxi Mrs Tra Neelev and cnil at dren, of Salt Lake, were visitingnun the home of Mr. and Mrs. james Mr. Leo Madsen was in Brigham Saturday. Miss Cloe Hunsaker, of Ogden was visiting at the home of her parents TVIr. and Mrs. Isaac Hunsaker. Miss Norma Wheatley returned home Sunday from Tremonton where she has been visiting. Mr .and Mrs. Israel Hunsaker of Tremonton were visiting at the home T. Hunsaker. VA Mf illl. ar,A Afr Mrs. Evelyn Avis left last week to make her home m Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Byington and Mrs. Raymond Byington and family, of Preston were last week end guests of Mrs. Dyantha Grant. Mrs TTVnnk Hunsaker and son. Bil- lie were visiting at the home of Mrs. amuel Tayne, in Hrigham naay. A nrivaU eurimminor nartv was held at the Crystal springs by a number of the married people. The girls of the Honeyville district school played ball with the high school girls Friday. The district girls won "by a score of 10 to 28. Miss Katheryn Maughn spent the week end visiting her parents in Hon-cwill- e. ' Mr .and Mrs. Austin Tolman, who Tiave been in Ogden for some time have returned home. Messrs A. C. Wade, Royal Grant and J. M. Grant were in Ogden on business Monday, Mrs. Evelyn Avis left last week to mnke her home in Salt Lake. Mr. Kenneth hunsaker left Tues- day morning for San Francisco. Oka Rassmussen and family of Bear River City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Hunsaker, Sunday. Mrs. repairing Price Work started Gorden Creek bridge north of Blue Cut. inaintenanre. Fillmore Progress. Cedar City New cement tennis Check That ... I I 1 COLD "party of Lincoln" below the Mason and Dixon line and therefore to weed out the undesirable elements as well as some of guiding spirits at Washington. He hopes to send a band of delegates to the nominating convention next year that will "stop Hoover," as the political phrase goes. This in itself would be more amusing than important were it not for the fact that other forces from the wet regions and Insurgent territory might be persuaded to connive with the Colonel with consequent peril to the otherwise secure Herbert. At any rate, Postmaster General Brown has just paid a visit to Southern strongholds with the idea of patch ing up matters, if possible. The Wash ington G. O. P. is also flirting with Lady Democracy in the .South in the hope that its unprecedented success of 1928 might be repeated. Most people think it a vain hope. The waning pow er of Hoovercracy, as illustrated by the defeat of Senator Furnifold Simmons of North Carolina, and gubernatorial election in Virginia, is a bad omen, so far as the Elephant's chances are concerned. Southerners who consented to be taken for a ride on that steed three years ago will likely balk at the idea next year. It will take a lot more than a panic of the "Rome, rum, and ruin" variety to frighten the solid South out of its traditional political habits again. anti-Hoov- ' er . - a Mm iiifM- 1 n- ""f Y")6 nose running sneezing and Eyes coughing scattering germs you may pick them up in any street car, bus, theatre, church, store. A Cold weakens resistance and gives Flu, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis and other diseases of the nose, throat and lungs a splendid chance to develop. To break up o Cold To case pain and reduce tern perature in Colds take Dr. Miles' Ai a precaution against Colds --gargle twice a day with Dr. Miles' Aspir-Mi- nt You will find these modern tablets good for Headache, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Periodic Pains, as well as for Colds. At your Drug Store 15 cents and 25 cents. Emic. TREMONTON, UTAH GARLAND, UTAH GROCERIES MEATS Specials for Saturday, Apr, CRYSTAL WHITE or A. B. SOAP 5 for (Free Baloons) MOTHERS OATS PER PKG (Aluminum) HONEY GAL. CANS OC7 CdJK SYRUP RQff yJJK COFFEE QO WALNUTS 1 Vl F. S 8 . . 1 5c EqT ,JUP OQ. GAL CANS A. JJ' 3 FOR KODAK ",. PERSONALITIES TOMATOES NOW ON SALE Honeyville had a very good attendance at .Stake conference in Bngham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowcutt and "Mr. John Bowcutt were vismng reia tives here Saturday. Mr. Heber Hunsaker was an Og Utah court constructed here.,, . Salt Lake City Work started ot construction of $1,350,000 post office addition. Utah Sand and Gravel Products Cor poration to furnish 200,000 tons of gravel, for reballasting 27 miles ef railroad between Delle and Knolls. Ogden Site being sought for $300- ,000 forest service building. d Plymouth-Ma-la- Highway started. Ogden Plans progressing for construction of bridges over Ogden River at Lincoln and Grant avenues. Price Work started on manufactur ing dry ice at new plant of Carbon DiNot in a great number of years has oxide and Chemical Company of Farn-haDixie occupied the political stage as Dome, 15 miles from here. prominently as now. Her present imSum of $5,000 set aside for improve portance is due to two factors; the 8 ment of old State capitol and $1,800 election which split the "solid South" into two camps, and the present activities of Colonel Horace Mann who has taken it upon himself to mold Southern Republicanism according to his own ideas. The latter development is the more interesting because of its timeliness. Colonel Mann, who has borne a grudge against Hoover Republicanism ever since he realized that he was not to receive the reward he thought due him for services in the 1928 campaign, has organized a group under the name of "The Southern Republican League." His ostensible purpose is to purify the rela Inst Friday. Miss lone Myers spent the week end her parents, m ungnam. visiting A Mv C Wade,' who ha 1111. tW" Mre business been on a trip through New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming are Plaiting at the home 01 ivir. ana mrs XM. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Grant were vis on Bear River City I j. i LB OO lb .... fc'Jv BUTTER Pound P. BUTTER 23f MALT SYRUP 49 BLUEING IQw X cV KRAUT Ofi. CJ 22c No. 2 98c only Mennens Shaving: Cream Mennens Talcum Powder 60c Value Special Price 35c 25c 47c Join The Silvertown Safety League LARGE BOTTLE BROOMS 5 lV ducing the mounting toll of automobile fatalities... join the Silvertown Safety League tomorrow. There is no cost or obligation nor will you be asked to buy. ... TREMONTON Blue Light Gas and Oil Station No. 9 ERV "BILL" CANS JAM LB. CAN PEAS AtLfi TUNA FISH fiCw JJK SALMON TTCV TIE or 2 2 TALL CANS Can BEANS CATSUP P3:,7w 2 NO. 2V2 CANS S. 1 Crf Q JV . . OC, ... 10c PINEAPPLE Bits or Crushed s 55c QQ QJK MED. SIZE CANS family. Join the crusade against the carelessness and recklessness that took 33,000 lives last year. If you are for safe highways, safe cars, safe tires and brakes ... if you are in favor of re- 2'j SUGAR - 10 lb. Cloth Bag 3 Read the story of the Silvertown Safety League and what it means to you and your 2 NO. for Ofk MEAT DEPARTMENT OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST THAT CAN BE PURCHASED (U. S. Inspected) BACON HAMS LUNCH MEATS Sugar Cured Picnic Assorted 23c 17c 25c |