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Show ' BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER,' THURSDAY, ?APRIL' fij 193? i CAGE POUR CSAB KIYEB VALLEY Entered at the Postofficc at Tre- aaontoo, Utah, as Second Class Mat ter. This Week Jjr . -.- James Walton. Editor and Jublisher Published at Tremor. ton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates One Year, in advance. Bix Months, in advance (Three months, in advance Arthur Brisbane Big News For 'Many. Two Fighting Machines. Take Coif Lessons? Love? Yes. Cash? No. Here is some news important to Billions of Americans, including those whose business is selling electric powr to the public. 52.00 Development of the Diesel engine $1.00 will pro- .50 jrosresses rapidly. Engines on a or otner, electric iuce power, icale big or little, that will compete with Dower companies, as automobiles ind motor trucks now compete with railroads To Your Town When England was in financial as well as to your Country PATRONIZE YOUR IQQAL MERCHANTS rliHtllflimtHWfH Free to Public J & U. 5. wbara catalog Hi Tb only pUoe Sn d Wwfcart or product out be ofataaiad ft i tka Amrieaa Industrial Lbrmrf. OWplni Mattar AoSwrtuins Writ, lor Bummm wiU a? w)wl mi mi dig- ress one hundred years ago Macaulay isked what people would say "it we rere to prophesy that in the year 1930. machines, constructed on prin- ;lples yet undiscovered, will be in very house;.. that there will be no raveling but by steam," etc. Ha HtMn dreamed that the "machines n every house" would include tele phones carrying the voice across the jcean, lights, washing machines, fans ind cook stoves run by electricity. And. foreseeing and end of stage loach travel, he could not guess that railroads would come only to be dispossessed, in their turn, by travel through the air and by explosive gas sngines in automobiles. baproaapaytarwafoaa. IMEllCAIIIBISTtlULlBlAiT The Diesel' engine threatens power sompanies, promises a solution of ths ilr problem, and a new, better, cheap- ir automobile engine, with an electric lenition. It will give to the distant 'armer and the little householder cheap electricity for light and power, with no two and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Matesen for running power lines long payment children returned home Monday even- iistances. ing after visiting relatives in Salt Diesel engines, while waiting for Lake City over the week end. iomething better to be invented, will ' Mr. and Mrs. Golden Petersen and take oassengers through the air to two children, of Snowville, spent the Europe or across the continent for $23 week end in this city with Mrs. Peter iach. or less. They may gladden the leart of the oil industry, creating such en's mother, Mrs. P. M. Iversen. market for oil as will make the pres- Loren Hansen and our post master nt gasoline market seem trivial. Hansen made a business BauUavUBiMUa. CkUM,nilol Bear River City . Hyrum J. trip to Snowville Tuesday. Roy Thorsen made a business trip to Brigham City on Monday. ' Miss Dayle Holmgren, who is at tending school in Salt Lake City, is home' for a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Holmgren, and family. f Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hailing had as their guests on Sunday afternoon, Mr! and Mrs. C. O. Andersen and children, of Bothwell; Mr. and Mrs. Golden Petersen and children, of Snowville; Mrs Augusta Iversen, Mr. and Mrs,.Clif Matson and two children and Mrs. Hilda Iversen, of this city, ;Mr. Frantz L. Nelsen has returned home after spending three weeks in Centerville, California, with tfhe daughter, Mrs. Dean Leak, also at Jy, .Nevada, with her son, Carl Nel- -. sen and family. and t Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen, sort, Calvin, motored to Malad, Idaho, Sunday, where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Budge, and family. j Quite a number of the children are confined to their homes with mumps. ! Mr. and Mrs. George Christensen and two sons, of Salt Lake, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. Christenses's mother, Mrs. Trena Christensen. Thor, Christ Hoist and Mrs. Albert sen of Brigham City were visiting Mrs vis-'$Hij- g. ; SLna Thorsen Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rasmussen are the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born March 25th. Mrs. Rasmussen was formerly Miss Elverda Simensen. Mark Simensen is visiting in Seattle Washington with his daughetrs, Mrs. Jennie S. Jensen, and family and Miss Verna Simensen. Mrs. Golden Anderson and children, of iEIwood, spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Karen M. Weid-man. Ben Mortensen is having the city water put in their home this week. d, jtfr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods, of Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hold-waj- y and children, of Tremonton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rast on Sunday. Mrs.. Minnie H. Jensen, of Brigham Pe-tess- en City, is visiting with relatives in this city. Sunday, President Norman S. Lee. of the Box Elder Stake was present at our Sacrament meeting and released, Edwin O. Stenquist and Leslie H. Jensen, first and second counselors to Bishop Osey Jensen. Arnold Nelson was put is as first counselor and Lumberg as second counselor1 to fill the places of those released. C. L. Horsley and Herman Bunderson of the Box Elder stake, of Brigham City, were also present at our meeting. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Andersen and children, of Bothwell, were calling on relatives in this city Sunday. Mo-To- ni Uncle Sam is building two air planes that will hr'p us to realize the uaelessness of marching troops in fu- ure wars. Each of the planes, called ," will carry five ma chine guns, to "spray" marching soldiers with bullets, while flying fifty !eet above ground. In addition to machine guns, each plane will carry five hundred pounds of bombs. Imagine the sensations of marching troops, crawling at snail's pace, with planes, flying two hundred miles an hour dropping bombs and shooting them down. . hedge-hoppers- ' De weyville Plymouth Wednesday night, the dance sponsor ed by the 'M' Men was enjoyed by a good crowd from our ward and out of town. The basket ball game between Deweyville and Mendon was in favor of the visiting team. Saturday night the welcome home party yiven for Elder Glen Marble was very successful, the program was splendid. Our home and out of town talent are to be commended. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gardner were visiting relatives in Idaho Sunday. Mrs. Peter Jensen and son, Earl, returned to their home here after spending a few days at Ogden where Earl was under the doctor's care. They were at the home of their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. O. G. Harwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans and little daughter of Payson, ' Utah were visiting their parents, Mr .and Mrs. D. B. Marble the week end; Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank, of Brigham City attended the welcome-hom- e party of Glen Marble, their grandson, Saturday nipht. 'Mrs. Victor Burgank and son, Parley, visited relatives in Ogden last Mr. Olean Josephson has a gang of men working on the springs in water Honeyviile LEAD in moving the fences and : getting ready for the work on the proposed state highway from town to the Idaho-statline, which when completed will be a big improvement between here and Malad City. Portage Mutual players presented their play entitled "Dixy Rose," which was enjoyed by all those present. On account of the stormy weather and much sickness in our ward there was not a very large turn out There seems to be an outbreak of the flu in our town which is getting hold of both young and old. The Bishopric met the Genealogical workers of the ward Sunday afternoon to discuss plans to follow during the summer to put over the genealogical work in the lesser priesthood. e Miss Veressa Hunsaker of the A- - C in Logan spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hunsaker. Mr .and Mrs. Burton Anderson, of Bear River were visiting here Sunday. Mrs. Than Boothe spent last week visiting friends and relatives in Og- den. Miss Carmen Boothe spent last week end in Newton. Mrs. Frank Hunsaker and son Bil-ii- e were visiting relatives in Brigham Tuesday. The Honeyvlle dramatic company presented their play in Mantua and Bothwell last week. The Glenn Family of Brigham City, presented a program in Mutual, Tues day evening. After Mutual they play ed for one hour of dancing. Mrs. Eli Anderson, of Bothwell, was visiting at the home of Mrs. Enoch Hunsaker Sunday. Lynn Hodges, of Logan, was visit ing friends in this city Sunday. The bridge club enjoyed a show at the Elberta, in Brigham, Saturday night after which supper was served and dancing was enjoyed by forty six people. Sunday evening the Primary chil dren presented the program in, church The program wag to show the signi ficance of the penny fund in the Pri . mary. Mrs. Pearl Hall, from Kansas City, Mo., who is visiting her mother in IOgan, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Grant. Messrs. Ken Hartman, and LeGrand Hunsaker left last week for Chicago with a load of sheep. Miss Leora Hunsaker, who has been visiting her parents here, returned back to Ogden, where she is working. Several of the young people attend ed the Mutual dance in the Bluebird Hall in Brigham Saturday night. Mr. Bub Orme, of Salt Lake, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Orme. t Jack and Erma Harper, of Salt Laka were visiting friends and relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harper, of Brig ham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tolman, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Tolman, who have been in Ogden for some time, re turned home last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Olsen and fam ily, of BrighamJ were .Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. . M, Boothe. week. Mr. and Mrs. LaRain Marble and children, of Logan, were visiting relatives here Saturday and also attended the party given for Elder Glen Mar ble. Lettie and Martillo Burbank and a . r girl friend from Mapleton, Idaho, were among the many friends and relatives at the party given for Elder Marble here Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs. Arlen Dewey and children, of Ogden, are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. I. Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Burbank had as their guest their daughter, from Salt Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jensen, who have bten visiting their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Harwood, at Ogden, returned here to the home oi, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen, Monday. Mrs. C. J. Dewey and daughter, Vir ginia were in Dewey Sunday. Elain Hansen is visiting her parents here for a few days. Mr .and Mrs. M. A. Lish were din ner guests of their son, Lloyd, Sun- canyon north of Town, as they were completely buried up with rock and debris last fall when a severe storm and cloudburst in the canyon doing many dollars worth of damage to the , springs and ditch, which supplies the water for the town. VTie winter wheat in this locality looks very promising this spring and will yield the farmers a good crop . this fall. A real get together social was given in honor of Elder Wayne Mason, who recently returned from a mission to the Eastern states. Most all in the neighborhood turned out. Many from River Side and Fielding were in attendance. The entertainment was spon sored by the Community activity committee of the Plymouth Ward and conDramatics Takes High StandV sisted of a very entertaining program Ward Thatcher ward unveiled some reat in which Elder Mason gave an interdramatics during the past esting talk, followed by a dance that talent in and it has been entertained thru year, was enjoyed by all present. season with interesting show the out Bishop R. T. Nish was transacting and very outstanding performances " business in Brigham City Thursday. from the ward's dramatic "stars" Mr. R. L. Mason and Mr. Clea Lamb which turned out to be many. were transacting business in Brigham Besides many one-aplays City Friday afternoon. dramatic group presented . com dramatic our Thursday evening the comedy-dram- a "Eyes of Love'? pany presented the comedy play en- which received the compliments of all titled "The Fight in the Dark" to peothat saw it ple of the town of Pleasantview, Idaho The cast, besides displaying ability ' Much activity is made manifest before the footlights, show to among the farmers north of town here ed perform a variety of costumes which met alL given in honor of Mrs. Peter Jensen at the approval and admiration of ward in the Other her home in Logan. plays presented Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brough and was the M. I. A. comedy, "The Rug of little daughter visited their parentsJ Truth". The girls vaudeville, "No Men Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble of this Admitted" and the school opera, "Polished Pebbles." place, Saturday. j Thatcher ct '. and STARTED CHICKS FROM STATE ACCREDITED FLOCKS ORDERS TAKEN NOW WE HAVE JUST A LIMITED AMOUNT New Low Prices for Baby Chicks Any Variety day. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and family enjoyed a birthday dinner Herman Landvatter The Gleaner girls and 'M' Men enjoyed a wiener roast up on the moun- Agent for Ogxien Poultry Farm and Hatchery com Are you taking golf lessons? Paying some professional to tell you what to FOR SALE Used John do with your head, arms, wrists, feet, Deere disc plow. Call 46.0-River " ' side. knees, eyes and club?- Learn that you may have to take Slow PIANO FOR BALANCE Good buy' those lessons all over again. m beautiiul bungalow piano and motion "movjes" of the great Bobby bench for balance of contract, sold Jones and the beautiful Joyce Witherfor $450.00. Substantial amount has ed in action show that these great been paid Will transfer contract do on not their "break wrists golfers for small monthly payments. Write '.he back Bwing" until very late in the Credit Department, Carnes Music hesithe And Bwing. Jones, great, Co., Ogden, Utah. tates at the top of his swing, shifts bis body and gets planted before he brings FOR RENT OR SALE House for the club-hea- d down. rent or sale. See Z. V. White. V Theory and practice are far apart in golf, and in all education. SEE Our new wall paper samples. Save one third on your paper hangThe Government is anxiously seekpainting, and tinting. ..Wilkining, ing $100,000,000 to pay the veterans' son & Son, Phone 3.a-bonus. It is always hard to find money for veterans, when the fighting is over. Perhaps We make up for it PIANO AT SACRIFICE We have on by loving them violently, as they hand in the vicinity of Tremonton, march away to war. one of our very best pianos. Rather This country found ten thousand than pay storage or reship this in to to million dollars lend Europe. Since strument to Ogden, we will sell it to the war it has lent more than ten a responsible party at a special thousand millions more to Europeans. But when it comes to "digging up" price, on easy terms. Or, we will rent the piano with the privilege of one hundred million for our men who went to war, that is a sad story. buying later and apply rent on purchase price. In answering, please War and worse trouble is feared In give full reference in first letter. Palestine with the approach of April 5, Glen Bros-Mus- ic Address Co.," Ogwhen the Arabs celebrate the festival Utah. den, of Nebi Musa, Christians celebrate r PULLETS tains last Tuesday night Mrs. Tearl Grant and Mrs. Flora J Grant were Ogden visitors on Tuesday Miss Annie Grant was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Bryon Monday NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN The An? night. derson Bros. Shearing .Corral is opened for custom work, at Blind Springs. ..want ;? Phone Tremonton 7-0- -1 4. 4-- PIP mm 3. Easter and the Jews Passover. On that day Christians and Jews will flock ROSE BUSHES, 3 for $1.00 Trees, vines, Plants, shade trees, everto Jerusalem, and the Arabs who celegreens, shrubs of all the best sorts. brate in their own way will gather See our agent Lewis Brenkman, c from native towns, "dancing, singing call at our warehouse in Brigham, and brandishing their swords" in Jerunext to I. C. Depot Anderson' Pro salem on the way to Nebi Musa, supduce Co., Phone. 606. - ... posed burial place of the prophet Moses. The Arabs by order of Mohammed take that great prophet as FOR SALE Russet seed potatoes. one of their own, which causes indigCall Ed Holmgren, Garland. nation that you can readily understand. FOR SALE Seed grain, Decklow and Matters ar complicated by the fact Federation wheat, - certified last that Rabbi Chaim Sonnenfeld, head of year - Brewer Barley, German an extreme' orthodox Jewish organizaOrland Hess, select Call 43.0-1-tion, opposes political Zionism and . 28tf. Utah. Fielding, the efforts of Dr. Chaim Welzmann. Good Milch Cow, just Comment recently published in this FOR SALE Fhone fresh. 28, Tremonton. 27tf. column was intended to arouse interest in Mexico, the wonderful land and FOR RENT Furnished rooms, See people south of us. DRESSES At Two Low Prices $4 90 tf. 5, , The next paragraph really will Adams and Miss lone arouse interest. Conger spent the week end in Salt "Northeast of City with the Misses Elsie and can State of Mazatlan, in the MexiSlnaloa, gold has been Esther Schmied. discovered in abnormal Quantities." Two, men have brought out 1,200 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller and of gold. Some pounds family spent Sunday in Salt Lake with have collected as much as prospectors five pounds Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Schmied and fam- ell gold In a day, worth close to $2,000! ily: And veins are said to be so rich in some places that "ths precious metal Irs. Loren Miller returned Sundav is cut off in hunks with a hunting frori Los Angeles, California, where knifs." ah has spent the past three months; Exaggeration always comes with a Mrav Robert Mller and children, Hone, gold rush. But hundreds have startwent Bobby, Jr. accompanied Mrs. Mil- ed en this rush, 1.600 claims have bees led hm$. .HataL E3t and Lula, mo- filed. Nothing attracts, like bU, tored to Ogden Sunday to meet them. IB, ItM, tr Uas Mm W4mm laaj Mr. Lisle e 4 G. V. Allen. 27tf. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Reverse call Cows and horses. t.f4l Brigham 493J2 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1200 capaci ty Buckeye oil Brooder, new last year. Will take wheat or heifer. 25tf. Phone 7.y.4. Good building lime FOR SALE o Sagar $12.00 per ton. i Utah-Idah" 18tfd Co.. Garland, Utah WE PAY Highest Cash Prices for Hide Pelt, and ' Furs. Garland Hide hoaae, J. W. Oarrott, mgr. Bell Dhoaa. 1M atid 2f: VaUaf fthsoa SI. and $90 UJ Cleverly designed models sponsored by renouned couturiers They're vivacious new members of the smart set because they're so charming and withal, so adaptable to the many spring social occasions. For their fashioning, they endorse prints, and soft crepes in every fashionable color. I ISMBURM 4. JM |