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Show f BEAR. RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 161931 4 -w Tremonton Society The Tremnntnn-flarlAj- club met - This Week by T,itrnrw wl at the Arthur Brisbane - home of Mrs. Henry Broun, Wednesday, April 8. Mrs. H. When Our Eyes Open L. Moore gave the book review. It was on poetry, written by Rupert Brooks Job, Ford and Valentino and John Macefield. The hostess serv- Dinutron and Penetrometer ed a dainty luncheon to regular mem- pers and Mrs. Inez Brown, of Ogden; Campbell of Montana Mrs. Leda Austin, Mrs. J. M. Gaddie Earl Musselman, 22, student of the and Mrs. Rowane Mulliner, who were Institute for the Blind, of Pennsylvania the hostess. special guests and blind from birth, can now see, Edna Worthington was hostess to thanks to surgery, and has taken his the S. 0. D. H. club which met at the first look at the world. Midland Hotel Dining Room, WednesBright flowers delight him and he fnr a hridr dayj mnmincr "at- o finds intense pleasure in studying breakfast. A few hands of bridge faces of companions whom he knew were played following the delicious only by their voices. breakfast, high score going to Pearl The young man says: Bergstrom and low to Lela Jensen. to day. I Tremonton Locals j Mr. - j . Gloria Nicols of Bothwell Easter with Ilva Getz. spent Burt Burgess and Mrs. Ben Burgess went to Salt Lake Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen and and returned Monday bringing Mrs. Clara Crockett with them. She left her family spent the week end in Salt son, Junior, in the hospital in Salt Lake. Lake where he is receiving treatment Mrs. Mattie Stone spent Saturday Tuesday evening thirteen members and Sunday with her daughter in Salt of the Boys chorus, and members of the Epworth League Cabinet of the Lake. STethodist Church put on a program at the mission of the Volunteers of AmMrs. S. N. Cole, Mrs. T. A. Supan erica, in Ogden. The Boys chorus is and Mrs. N. E. Shaw attended the buunder the direction of Mrs. Edgar rial services of Mrs. Mary Crossman Winchester, with Miss Mary Burns, at Brigham City Saturday. The serPiano accompanist. vices were conducted by the Easter Mr. and Mrs. David Holmgren, Mrs. Star chapter. Rev. J. E. Carver of Sarah Hadley and Mrs. D. W. Jenkins Ogden delivered the sermon. spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Calderwood Lake. spent the week end in Salt Lake, reMr. and Mrs. R. A. Christensen, turning Monday. daughter, lone, and Mr. G. H. GardMr .and Mrs. Robert Allen, and Mr. ner attended the North Western Mrs. Quentin Allen attended con and States Missionary reunion Saturday ference Sunday. in Lake Salt night City.' "I won't have guess at things more." any The, Big 4 Club met with Mr. and Perhaps we shall all say that, when Mcp erman Landvatter Sunday a wait e on the other side of the wc o'clock 4 At a hot dinner served to all the members and grave and our eyes are opened. Let us hope so. This period of Mrs. Eli Winzeler, who was special rr- tr; worry would hardly be worth while, guest. ,. i If it were all. 0. Mrs. Frank Gibbs and Mrs. John Rauber entertained- - Saturday after- ;.; A rwonaan writer, who understands Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Winzeler fpent " noon at the Gibbs house on honorof men ' and woman, answers the ques- Monday in Salt Lake. : their little daughters, Florence and tion Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Capener cf "What kind of husband do women Norma, it being their birthdays. The guests numbered twelve in all. The want?" thus: "A woman's Ideal hus- Salt Lake spent Sunday at the J. H. afternoon was spent in games and band would show a composite picture Keller home. music, after which dainty refresh- of Valentino, Henry Ford and Job." A. N, Fishburn and Russel Waldron ments were served carrying out the .8he suggests Valentino's beauty; Ford's money, and Job's patience in a were in Salt Lake on business Mon-Easter Idea. husband. But Henry Ford, with his high foreMrs. J. W. McDowell and Mrs. John They might learn ffonaT Thomas D. head, is, for an Intelligent woman, Miller were hostesses to the P. N. G. of Hardin, Mont, a farmer Campbell Valentino than club at the home of Mrs. McDowell much better looking on a scale, cultivating 800,000 big ever was, and he has more patience acres producing hundreds of thousMonday afternoon. Bridge was play- than Job , who down and sat only ed, Mrs. D. Holmgren won high score ands of bushels of wheat a year. Ford works. and Mrs. Herman Landvatter consola- complained. Mr. Campbell has directed, for Rus.A'- woman wants a husband "who tion. Refreshments were served. sia's government, the development of can make love with one hand and a farm that really is a farm. He has the the with other," says Mrs. L. L. Mann entertained her money under his direction 30,000,000 acres writer. bridge club Saturday afternoon. Lunch That is part of clever writing. The that would make a strip fifteen miles wide from San Francisco to New York, eon was served at one o'clock, after reality is that a good woman wants a And Mr. Campbell says: which bridge was played. Mrs. Etta husband that she can one respect, "The biggest market today for AmStanfil won high score and Mrs. S. B. able to provide for his children, and erican goods is Russia. And this Watland low. too not is of That loyalty. possessed do more to Russian would business much to ask. relieve our industrial depression than The L. O. H. club met Wednesday, any other single factor. If we take April 8, at the home of Mrs. D. B. Prof. Carl Stejskal of Vienna disThe afternoon was spent in covers a food paste that can be rubbed it now, we shall have it for the next 1 Mg "500" after which a delicious into the skin, keeping a man alive fifty years. It is the only foreign busil..,.V, ness available for any manufacturing Indefinitely without swallowing food. Favors were won by Mrs. W. Of the new food, called "dinutron," country today." Mrs. Vern Hess, Mrs. Kendall It is not wise for ounces rubbed into the skin is six Burnham. Mrs. Hepler was a special or Rumanians Wall enough for one day. And you can take Street men to underestimate Russia. guest. a bath thirty minutes after the ruby The Rumanians might lose thefr Mrs. Guy Ballard entertained at a bing without losing its nourishing and Wall Street men might lose effects. on of bridge party last Saturday, week. Her special miests were Mrs. This will discourage hunger strikes their change to make money. Con Steffen, Mrs. Wm. Nelson, Mrs. in prisons, make possible the feeding Mothers, nurses, read and rememHomer Barnard and Mrs. A. Hassel of insane patients who refuse to eat, ' ber. Mrs. Homer Barnard received high and will be of value in certain great Doctor score and Mrs. Parley Archibald, low. whose Jackson, specialty is surgical operations, when food cannot removing foreign bodies from human i be administered. Mrs. D. W. Jenkins and Mrs. Sarah It is believed that dinutron will also air and food passages, says babies hostesses to were the Ladies Hadley be highly valuable in treatment of swallow pins because their mothers ' " set the example. Aid Tuesday afternoon, at the home diabetic cases. r When the a mother baby, of Mrs. Jenkins. The spirit of April changing Different from Vienna's "dinutron holds safety pins in her mouth. The Fool prevailed in games and luncheon, which German is baby, learning by imitation, as al the and a very pleasant time ensued. "penerometer," enables policemen and customs of- young animals must, puts safety pins to look into packages and see in its mouth. ficials The Tremonton-Garlan- d Literary Don't hold pins in your mouth in the club met at the home of Mrs. Wilma everything they contain. It is a specof babies or young children disto presence ial machine, planned Anderson, March 2g. A book report of "On the Up and Up", by Bruce courage the business of "nazis," and William Wrigley, an able business Barton, was given by Mrs. Lucy White Communists sending bombs to each man in a dozen different directions to and outsiders. other Wal-The Special guests were Mrs. James will buy up to 100,000,000 pounds oi hostess served a delicious lunch, Rumania's government forbids pass- cotton in the 'next eight months, if ton, Mrs. Clifford Beard, Mrs. Dan age of Soviet cargoes up the' Danube the price does not rise above 12 cents Hickman and Mrs. Eli Anderson. Russia protests to Britain, France and a pound. At that price Mr. Wrigley will ace and Holland objects to the' Mrs. F""sbr "at hostess to Italy, well pleased to have cept cotton in payment for all of his blockade, the V. G F. club members and their Russian goods "dumped' 'if they are shipments to the South. iyhusbands Wednesday evenirir. April 1. cheap enough. Mr. Wrigley says cotton is a good ' vA three course luncheon, suggestive Kumauia, living in. the shadow of investment at 12 cents and is willing of Easter, was served. Games were Russia, may be inviting serious trouble to lock up twelve million dollars worth played, Mr. Leland Hansen winning In imitiating our boyish financiers of his company's resources In it and first prize and Mrs. ' James Walton who underestimate Russia's power. hold it indefinitely. Cotton keeps. second. The date was ample reason for cotton raspberries in the jello; wood, soap etc furnishing the centers and bitter alois the. flavoring for the home made candies. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. Lavon Stokes is a new member of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen were special guests of the Our second car of lumber within a month has put hostess. af-AJ-- n- J j . 4 Lose Fait Rexburg, Idaho, visited her brother, H. D. Thomas, at the Leader office on Mon-- . j day, for a short time. Miss Thomas had been to Sat Lake attending conKruschen Salts (a perfecimbv ference and was returning to nation of the six mineral salts your, w here she is teaching school. body should have to function properly.; purify your blood of harmful acids, and bowels to Mrs. Kendall Bumham and two and aid the kidneys throw off waste material the continsons, Grant and Boyd, were Salt Lake ual formation of which is probably; : visitors from Friday until Sunday. Mr. the cause of your fat. Bumham went to ,Salt Lake Sunday of it's In this modern age living, morning where he attended conference impossible to get these salts from the fancy foods you eat but don't 'worry They all returned Sunday evening. just as long as you have Kruschen ; ' Salts. . Farm Bureau Ladies to Meet Take a half teaspoon every mora- - ' Friday April The 24th ing before breakfast in a glass of hot4 The ladies section of the local Farm water little by little that ugly fat Bureau will meet at Mrs. John Thom- disappears, you'll feel better than gver. : as Friday, April 24 at 2 P. M. The before years younger, more energy, j project will be curtains and draperies. You'll soon possess that enviable beau, ty .clear skin, sparkling eyes, superb J figure which only perfect health can1, Helium Unique impart. if$?'$ fleliura is an inert gas discovered An 85c bottle (lasts 4 weeks) at f astronomers and by physicians in the Wallace Drug Co., Tremonton, Utah, sun more than twenty-fivyears be- or any progressive druggist In Ameri-- ; fore it was Isolated in the earth's at- ca. Money back if Kruschen doesn't convince you that it is the sales, mosphere. It is very light and is continually escaping from the earth's quickest, easiest way to lose fat , A Hartford woman writes, 'I'll tell gravitational field. It is world Kruschen Salts is wondtur-- ; the and Four part to reduce." An Ohio woman t ful stuff in each million of the atmosphere urp lost 10 pounds with one bottle:' helium. Helium and will not combine with any other them tFouTTTitvn if the RetTCfra leal element "even at extremely liljrh had not beptjhappened able. to respond.' ia wide temperatures. It Is the product of the ly scattered points, from leading cit disintegration ."of ftuliuni, and Is found lenn. came h answer that ondoubtd! j In many rocks and minerals In small ly there wonid l ave been many deaths Is an As it element it can Quantities. dlrec-lfrom starvation. with : not be made from any other com demies preyine upon the nndernevr- - Safely and Quickly Rex-bur- g, ,'!:' e Because of an exchange of proper-ti- o between Mr. Victor Smith and Mr. FettTMeister Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shu-raare moving into the Meister home and Meisters will occupy the Smith . 1 ' s" home. Miss Lizzie Thomas, of I j T Salt Lake. e. - e, Bishop and Mrs. James Walton and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Muir and Dana spent the week end in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Muir attended the missionary reunion Saturday evening. I- Sa-mo- an ,: y Mrs. Beth Tolman spent Sunday in Mnatlon of gases. Ished.- -. .:, , .gp STORE OPEN ..Ft - . . g YOUR I . jn. ,San-dnl- l, high-spirit- low-spirit- teri-tor- , I " ,'"... TKK a Win .11 II ill It" X-r- ay SATURDAY 1 What Are Your A young Mexican genius, Augusto Novaro, musician and mathematician, has discovered a new harmony, based an mathematics. His method is com plicated, but simpler than Einstein. More Important, to the world and tc Mexico, Is the fact of the Mexican gov-- SNOWVILLE LAND AND WATER COMPANY Notice ifl 'hereby given that at a Principle Place of BusineM, meeting of the directors held on the 23rd day of March, 1931, an assessment of twenty-eigper cent was levied on the cap'ttai stock of tbA corporation, payable on; the 23rd day of March 1931, to Moroni Arbon, the treasurer of the company at his residence at Snowville, Utah, Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 27th day of April, 1931 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Saturday the 16th day of May, 1931, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of the sale. Wm. Hurd, Secretary. Snowville, Utah (28) ht 6 our yard in a position to safely figure your estimates and supply every builder's demand. QUEEN " Monel Metal Washer With An Amazing Guarantee Easy Terms MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Plume 24 Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah UTAH - i Saturday The last day will be the best of all So drop everything and Come To end in a blaze of glory we are giving you the opportunity to buy' all the 4nev sale our . greatest . . II 0 117 , or arrivals quality ai lowest saie prices we inanx you au ior your iioenu pairim-spring Come all times Early age and assure you the best values at lowes t prices at M At 1 1 1 A FREE SATURDAY SALE . m w v w m w m w r m. Last Day of BANANAS 4 Special Large Package Promptly ' at 3 p. m. we are going to place on sale hundreds of valuable articles, many worth up to $2.00, to be sold, while they last, . CRACKERS QUEEN'S TASTE Spaghetti, pkg. RIB BOILING EAT 10a.m.to;( 7p.m.: 29c 5c SODA3 tMrkk. :.:.;?... Macaroni, SALE 19c 10c Pounds CORNFLAKES t; 10c Pound for only 25c. Remem- ber this will be an exciting sale so be on time when the bell rings and the whistle blows, AT 3 A " P. M. SATURDAY S3 Saturday OLD MILL Mayonnaise or Relish Spread (made in Utah) Lg. size, choice 37c 1 rJ 25c I "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" - - Buy Before The Fina3 Hour Saturday-'3P.M- " SPEED - TRADE EXPANSION SALE A tool for every requirement can be found in our complete line of J. I. Case farm machinery. YOU MUST SEE OUR D 1 TREMONTON of field and garden seeds. WE ARE THE LARGEST HARDWARE STORE IN NORTHERN UTAH APRIL 18th - (SEPH AWE We have a large assortment and a ccn;Icl2 ziozli Farmers' Cash Union tv7:iim Tremonton, Utah Needs? wm I The Last Day - The EecS C?T Dan-ub- E-!''- II M H. . r T OLD MILL BRAND 1 Jw V m 1 We are going serve free lunch, co- coa and coffee, to our customers. No matter where - yon live it rwill pay yoa to come. Meet your friends at Gepharts, enjoy our free lunch, cocoa and coffee and be here for the 1 hour 25c sale which starts at 3 p. m Saturday. E Saturday Mavnnnaise. Relish Soread ThouB and Island Dressing and Walnut I I Spread used in Gephart's Free Lunch. Saturday They may be One pound Chase and Sanpurchased at low sale prices t Coffee and one dozen born's TREMONTON BAKERY Tremonton Bakery DOUGHNUTS Doughnuts. Raked in Tremonton Will be used n Gephart's Free Lunch Saturday. Patronize home Industrie and keep your money at home. SPECIAL 49c: b tr I |