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Show PAGE TWO j ; BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. APRIL 16. 1931 : . H -- f Bothwell Deweyville Miss Emma Jean Palmer, of Logan, is here visiting a few days with Beatrice Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnes, of Riverside, were Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rudger Fotigren. Mr. Bert Firth was in Ogden on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers and children were in Deweyville Sunday visiting Mrs. Summer s parents, Mr. and Mrs. In. B. Marble. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris. Miss Beth Tollman. Mrs. Alice Leavitt and Mr. Joseph Newman left Sunday morning early, for Salt Lake and at tended sessions ot conierence, reium ing home late Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Christensen, and son, Brigham, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uinstensen jsunaay. Mr and Mrs. H. C. Anderson of Salt Lake and family, were here for a week's visit with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nels Anderson. Dr, and Mrs. Eli Hawkins attended the funeral of a very dear friend Dr. Simmer, of Salt Lake, Thursday. Af ter the funeral they lelt lor Amen can Fork where they visited Mr. Haw kin's father, who is very ill, and whose condition has not improved. They returned home Thursday evening. Mrs. Geo. Stark and son, Joe, were in Willard Sunday visiting with Mrs. Stark's sister, Mrs. C F. Wells and Miss Linda Burton and Mrs. Edwin Kerr and children, of Salt Lake,, and Mrs. Leon Kerr, of Tremonton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dewey, of Washington and Mrs. Susie Dewey are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Barnard and Mrs. John Sptckman were in Ogden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burbank visited relatives in Salt Lake Sunday. Eleven girls and their mothers attended the junior girls social Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr had as their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adams, of Logan, Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Floyd Lish and family visited relatives at Logan and Smithfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Weible and children, of Murray, called on Mr and Mrs. J. E. Dewey of this place, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gittens have returned to their home here after spending a pleasant winter in California. Mrs. Dewey Gardner and little daughter are at their home here. Mrs. Susie Dewewy ,wwho has been visiting relatives in Southern Utah. has returned to. her home here. Mrs. Peter Jensen is wiwth her son Earl, who 13 in the hospital at Ogden. A number of friends and relatives met at the home of Mr .and Mrs. C. P. Jensen and enjoyed a splendid social Wednesday night. Mrs. Thos. Wheat ev entertained the sewing club at her home here Thursday afternoon. A hot plate din ner was served. Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Victor Bur- bask and children and Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and children were din ner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Harrv I "I H would not take $5,000 for the good SARGON has done me!" "Up until the time I started taking Sargon and Sargon Pills, I had trouble with indigestion, constipation and headaches every day, and was so nervous and weak I could hardly work. But this wonderful medicine overcome these troubles almost immediately and I wouldn't swap the good it did me for $5,000." A. E. Barry, Manager Gard ner Payne Co., 128 Produce St., Los Angeles. Sold by .Scott Drug Company, Tre monton, Utah. (Adv.) Thatcher (For Week of April 9) Bp. and Mrs. A. N. Wight attended conference at Salt Lake. ..Mrs. Wight remained at Layton where she will visit for a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Wells. Mrs. John G. Watt, Miss Lola Madsen and Miss Leola Reed J. Wight, of Ogden, attended Seely spent the week end at their to matters of business Monday and n home m Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday. also spent the week end visBrigham Nielsen, of Perry, was the Utah. friends at Draper. iting guest of Mr .and Mrs. E. E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson and chilTuesday. dren left Thursday for Ogden, where Asa Nelson went to Idaho Friday she expects to visit a few days with to purchase a farm. He has sold his her mother. Mrs. Krumerman before home here and expects to move to the returning home. Cook, at Ogden. Blackfoot country to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Neb Anderson and We regret very much to have a famfriends rela and Thursday night Mr .and Mrs. H. C. Anderson were in tives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. who are so helpful in civic and reBlack Pine Monday, visiting Mrs. William Fererson. of this nlace and ily ligious affairs, leave our community. Francis Stokes. a good social party. Games But we wish them success in their enjiyed Mr .and Mrs. Bert Firth and small were piayea ana a tray lunch served. new home. children were in Ogden Sunday visitMr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom have Saturday night a crowd of voune and Mrs Mr. Mrs. Firth's parents, ing married folks met at the home of Mr. as their guests .Sunday, Miss Vau John Childs. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and surpris-- , dess Bergstrom, of Garland, and the Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Iewis, of Port- ed Mrs. Loveland as it was her birth- - ' Misses Anna Miller and Pearl Berg-daland, Oregon and Mrs. Ezra Lewis and Games were played and a dainty strom of Tremonton. Miss Iris Lewis, of Preston, were the lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Adams, Mrs. N. week end visitors of Mr .and Mrs. Members of the Dewey family met C. Nelson and Miss LeOra Nelson Louis Christensen. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph were Brigham visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Andrews and Mrs. L. I. Dewey Sunday afternoon and planFriday evening the Primary offic Famsworth, of Salt Lake, sisters of ned the next family reunion which is ers and teachers entertained at the Louis Christensen, were Sunday vis- to be held 19th, at Deweyville, home of Miss Edith Anderson in honitors and dinner guests of Mr. and in honor of May the 100th birthday anni- or of Miss Lucilla Nelson who will Fred and Mrs. Louis Christensen. of John J. Dewev. All decen-dan- leave Friday to make her home in Roland Christensen who have been versaryare requested to attend this re Idaho. Miss Nelson has been a faith working the past two weeks in Salt union. Committees were annointpd ful teacher in the association for a at also their the spent Lake, day m. an are worKmg to make this re-- 1 number of years. She was presented home. union one to be added to history. with a small f Mrs. Henry Newman and baby were Zade Marble Was visiting rplnt.ivAc licious were served to refreshments Ezra Hams Tuesday. visiting at Ogden Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Evans and Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. William Laslev. of thirteeen. Mr .and Mrs. Rulon Davis and Miss Homer Anderson and baby, were in Honeyville, were visiting Mr. and Mrs Ruth Roghaar. of Ogden, were the Ogden Friday. While there they vis M. A. Lish, of this place, Sunday. ited Mrs. Evans parents, Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Ander Lillie Lish is visiting her John Watson. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish, Mon Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Newman, of parents, afternooa Twin Falls are here for a brief stay day When You Think Mr. and Mrs. Sudsberry and and while here they with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter P. Jensen went to Og HARDWARE Mrs. Earl Newman were dinner guests den to see Earl Jensen who is in the ot Mr, and Mrs. Henry Newman, Sun- hospital recovering very slowly. WILSON day. Mr. John Whitmore was the dinner "Everything To Build Anything" Pleasant Grove Plans underway to guest of N. B. Marble, of Deweyville. replace more than one mile of wooden Phone 11 Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summers were water mains over ' with iron city, pipe. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and daughter, Shirley and Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Anderson, were in Corinne Sun day, visiting Mrs. Andrew Anderson. Mrs. Beth Tollman and Mr. Joseph Newman were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholer, Sunday. Rhea, the small child of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers, who has been ill with pneumonia, the past two weeks is improving rapidly. Mrs. S. L. Hadley and Miss llva Getz were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Pete Nichols Sunday. Miss Gertrude Nichols, who has To been visiting friends in Salt Lake the School past week, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Summers, Mrs. Reginald Summers, LaVera and Norma Summers were in Ogden on business Tuesday. Mr .and Mrs. H. C. Anderson and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson Thursday. Mrs. P. M. Iversen and son, Ivan, of Bear River City, were Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mrs. C. 0. Anderson. Mrs. Francis Stokes and daughter, Rhoda, were visiting Mrs. Nels Anderson, Friday. Mrs. Sophia Anderson, Mrs. John Anderson arl children, visited Mrs. NeU Anderson. Wednesday afternoon. Kass-musse- y. ts THINK son, Monday. Mrs. Evan Bergstrom and little sons Aria and Billie Merle, of Los Angeles are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom. Mr .and Mrs. Nephi Diderickson, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bergstrom and Mr .and Mrs. Albert Johnson spent Sunday at the Johnson ranch, at Prom ontory Miss Ruby Bergstrom, of Tremonton visited with relatives and friends here, Monday. Saturday evening a number of friends and relatives of Mrs. Margret Johnson called on her and spent the evening. The occasion was the birthSocial chat day of Mrs. Johnson. formed the diversion of the evening. Delicious refrshments were served. One of the most pleasant and elab orate affairs of the season was a so cial at the home of Mrs. James Peter- son, in honor of Mrs. Mary L. Nelson who is moving to Idaho. At 2 o'clock P. M. a delicious hot chicken dinner was served at one long table which was beautifully decorated in keeping with Easter, the favor being Easter candies. Mrs. Nelson has served for many years as a counselor in the Relief Society, first as a counselor to Sister Elizabeth Y. Wight and now as first counselor to Pres. Ida Peterson. At the close of the social Sister Nelson was presented with a beautiful set of silver, which bespeak the love and esteem of the 24 sisters who were present. dAMy THE WORLD OVER AS THE WASHIER WITH THE CAST ALUMINUM TUD j I t - CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our relatives and friends who in any way assisted during the illness and death of our son and brother, also for the beautiful flowers and words of consolation. Mr. and Mrs. John Bronsen. and Family. Ogden Work progressing on storm d sewer. Price Construction started on hothouse for Price City Park. Kanab State Road Commission let contracts for construction in Kane County to cost $106,000. Bids opened in near future for erection of school building to cost approximately $35,000. Farmington &7.000 reservoir being erected here. Cedar City Post office site deeded to Government. Salt Lake Citv Plans progressing for $400,000 Veternas' Hospital. Utah Construction Company award ed $180,000 contract for construction and miles of Castlerate- Kolapp road in Carbon County. WASHER tub as thick as the of a man's shoe; neat, tub holding four compact a gallons more than ordinary washers. Originated by Maytag; moulded to the scientifically designed shape that creates the most effective water action. sole g, one-pie- six-roo- m The world's finest washer has the finest tub . . . the cast aluminum tub with handy hinged lid, counter-sun- k gyratator, and sediment zone which keeps the water clean. The New Maytag Table Ironer Use it wherever there is an electric wall plug. The only ironer with Alakrome Thermo-Plat- e that assures faster, more even heat distribution. two-tent- THE MAYTAG COMPANY NEWTON F"M 1W IOWA Wilkinson & Son that they are home and ready to do your Phone FREE! to breeding, feeding, culling, diseases, etc. of poultry, gained thru years of ..experience and scientific tests. This service is given to promote ..the poultry industry. Do not fail to ask the representative when he calls upon you for any information you may require in regard to your flock. This information does not place you under and obligation. Utah State Representative, 6:00 P. C. T. msktrt art amSabU Mtytaf USEFUL GIFT car-own- er tomorrow. NO OBLIGATION TO BUY A THING 1 E1E TTfflES 3-Min- D ute Demonstration It proves why more people ride on Goodyear Tires and why it pays to say: "I will buy only THE leading make of tire.1" MJJE onty Goodyear offers. New Improved 1931 POULTRY RAISERS Superior to the high-price- Quality 'Way Up H 1.1. n EII.HIIE 2 add to your comfort. An elecrant line to choose from. Prices were never lower on high grade furniture than now. It is your opportunity to turn your house into a home. TUNE in Enjoy the Maytaj Radio Hour over N.B.C Caa to Coast Blue Network Every Monday 9:00 P. M.. E. S. Tw M. T. 8:00 C.S.I.-J- HO To every who Hop here and tees Ihi interesting "2 Reasons" demonstration NOTICE TO regard keep it. Divided payments you'll never miss. 3.a-- 3 Secure Big Horn for District Band to receive vicinity, valuable information in home. If the Maytag doesn't sell itself, don't AUTO C AMP Saturday, 18th w PHONE fora trial washing or ironing in your at GARLAND . Let new furniture brighten your home and 7 Maytag Shop Phone 1 5 Papering Painting Tinting Etc. Lions Dance The Standard Chemical Pro ducts Co. P. 0. Box 1764, Denver, Colo., takes pleasure in announcing a free advisory service, making it possible for poultry raisers of this y 9 4 BALLOONS $4.98 4.40-2- 1 (29x4.40) i 4.75-1- 9 I. (28x4.73) 6.65 6.9S 5.00-1- 9 ftjltilnder tiret of many manufacture Prices 'Way Down Big Savings! d (29x5.00) BIG OVEBSIZB COBDS 30x3. 30x3., Ovrrsiie 32x4 8.30 (30x5.23) 11.65 6.00-2- 1 (33x6.00) HEAVY 448 . 798 8.95 33x4 5.25-2- 0 $4.39 .. DITY TBl'CK TIMES 30x3 32x6 ALL SIZES LOW PRICED Big Savingt, too, oh Coodyear Tubes $17.95 29.75 a' 4J0-2- 1 EXTRA SAVINGS if you BUY IN PAIRS! Fronk Chevrolet Company C. R. PORTER, located 733 Washington Ave., Ogden. 0 Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah |