Show I 1 GENERAL EPISTLE E of f atas fhe presidency of the church of jim jesus I 1 of latter day saints from great salt lake valley to the saints scattered throughout the earth GREETING BELOVED fage Shie ethe the dwite of our last epistle of sept many things have transpired to cheer our hearts and encourage the labors of the faithful and we improve the present moment in presenting our annual salutations to you that you may be conversant with the welfare of zion and rejoice in in all tier her rejoicings rejo icings the hie past winter has been one of erf unusual mildness in valleys insomuch that our flocks and herds so far as they have been free to range have bave fed sumptuously needing no hay bay much wheat has been sown and at an earlier date than is common in this country and armany namy buildings have been erected or finished since ethe the usual time of closing fall business the first Bent of our new tabernacle was raised edon on the 2 ast 1st of nov and the whole shingled and enclosed january feet in lena length fh and 64 in breadth with 3 foot feet walls the whole in one entire ach sprung from the base the pulpit is situated pear near the centre of the west wall to be entered by an anti cowl court or vestry the slips are ascending on truee sides from the pulpit so that the prospect for all is equal and about 2200 can be pleasantly accommodated the whole completed and dedicated on the ath I 1 dinst it being the opening of the general conference and never were the saints of latter days so conveniently I 1 and numerously assembled on any previous occasion A considerable portion of the earth has been excavated ready for the reception of the ax wall all around the term temple V e block and many stone are on the ground the ethren brethren generally have ave been prompt in paying librie uiese tenth according to their vote of last sept conference and and never before has the store house been so well supplied with wheat meat bu tte r eggs vegetables v eatables and other useful articles and his pasture with wi 19 cattle as at the pres ent nt time ti ime there has been very little cash in circulation among us taw past year it having been previously vended bended I 1 in foreign goods 91 which was necessary for our bur com coin sort fort but of 11 late the want of casato cash to par purchase chase imbor tation sj lias has dudu induced ced the iche people to enter into domestic as fasts fast as possible A small v woollen factory in this mf valley illey commenced last year is ex p k e to geiste alid ito 0 operation orl about midsummer and another in ill utah valley will be ready for this years wool many hand band wheels and looms have been in opa operation L ti on in 64 several thousand yards of bave been manufactured beside carpets mits stockings n ac beside the deseret pottery in this city another is ami it provo in utah cp co and another is expected jo to commence comme Bce this summer at fillmore in millard co A machine for manufacturing combs is nearly ready for operation there is a nail factory in on iii 10 ron iron county another in san baia peta aebi ind and another building in this city bairdi building h has b been materially serially teri ally hindered for want of nails gilerto hiler hitherto to which we vre trust will soon be prevented by the use of domestic e machinery ch anery most of the principal settlements are eom coin fort ably supplied with flouring floering flou ring mills and where e there is 9 4 deficiency cleacy nulls mills are building the number of saw mills the country is supplied with wooden bowls from a factory at provo canneries tanneries Tann Twine eries riep have been commenced at most of the principal settlements and at some two or three and after another season for peeling bark the prospect will be good for a supply of domestic leather the iron fin ore at coal creek in iron county has seen been tested jested aud ad proved to be of an excellent quality though but little has been done for want of coal coa an ail abundance of which is on the mountain beai near by but macie inaccessible sible to teams until a road can be made for which there have been some public ap appropriations propria i ti ions the deseret news which was suspended for lack of paper commenced commenced its ad vol nov 15 14 on an enlarged ence im ged sheet and has exerted a salutary influence influent ce on the subject 1 of dora domestic estic manufactures and there is is a general exertion among the people to produce the various articles needed for their consumption and chairs chah tables stands pails tubs barrels parr els knives and many maily other useful articles are becoming more I 1 com PD in our markets I 1 the territorial prial legislature assembled in this th cl city af sep an dafter after a short session session having v n WA located a ib the e seat tj 4 awe iii nent at fillmore Fi llnore city C I 1 in in millard county and ap appointing poin biting commis commissioners signers to select e abe be site for the capitol capital ac adjourned to the first monday in january la nuary wb enthey assembled reassembled re wd after 1 1 enacting many general laws for the benefit of the I 1 I 1 territory which are now in preys press and in ing Con congress greis for appropriations for fhe construction wa of a national roid road railway and telegraph beom fi om missouri river to the desern coast a road to run ran from north to lo south through the territory for a hospital aos tid penitentiary for for establishing establishing i a mail route from to san diego a weekly mail to the th e states a ds distributing post office and other great public im prove mno adjourned on the of feb orson hyde left this city for kanes kanesville V ville ill P on the sept ei ezra ra T benson followed the next day for the lie same place pace accompanied by elder J M grant for washington and samuel W richards and others mentioned in our last for england germany ac sept 1500 lbs ibs of sugar beet seed was received from elder taylor in france and we learn that the machinery for and woollen factories before referred to are at kanesville Kanes ville and will be here this season elder orson pratt prat arrived on the ath of oct from england Ep gland bringing with him an excellent telescope microscope globes chemical tests and mineralogical specimens all of which are ar most valuable re acquisitions c I 1 in promoting scientific ifie research the li books bolcs of the utah library have been unpacked and found in vod order great variety and of a choice selection the he se september condei conference ence which was adjourned to the sixth of october wis was held and closed on that day the commissioners appointed by the legislature to locate the capitol capital at fillmore left this city ost get 21 accompanied bv brothers young Km ball band and of others i who visited villmore fillmore manti nephi erojo and other th places and returned nov 7 the legiel legislature accepted the report of tile the commissioners confirmed alft location of the site for the public buildings at fillmore 38 deg N L feet altitude and men are engaged for their erection the legislature will continue to io meet at this city till the new capitol capital is prepared for their reception having purchased the council house for that purpose the last company of the emi emigrating grafin saints arrived oct the mountains arid and table lands were covered with snow for tile the first time last fall nov 10 followed the next day by the severest gale of wind ever known in our valley where but little snow lias has faller during the winter and that remained but a short time sch schools have been common in the various various wards and districts and well attended the parent school has been continued under the tuition of chancellor spencer and others professor asor pratt has given a course of lec lectures on astronomy and every exertion possible has been made for I 1 the p promotion emotion of the arts and sciences but one mail has been received from oregon since last fall and that on the dinst the november mail f om sacramento was cut off and lost and the carr carriers i ers doubtless killed by the indans of marys river though the body of mr woodward has haq been baen found 30 miles beyond bear R arver ver no mail had been received from the states since the one which left independence on the 1st ast of december until the 1 ad dinst consequently consequent iX we have been poorly oo 00 ly advised of the state offo of fo eign missions from art last accounts we may reasonably suppose that elders john tayloe and F D b richards are on their way horn hom elder vastus erastus snow in denmark and elder lorenz S slow siow is at calcutta where missions have been established the past year expecting to return by the pacific the work was prospering in france england switzer I 1 ind denmark germany and all places around so far as the gospel had been preached and in many places great opposition has been man test fest which proves that satan is not bound boi ind and the book of mormon had bad been translated in welsh french danish and probably before this into german swiss and italian and is acquiring a general argeneral circulation T the fie only intelligence from the west of late was by the sacramento sacrament mail of february containing but little information of any kind yet we were pleased to learn leam that elder P P pratt ar ived chil in Nov accompanied by elder elde r rufus All enthat he had comme commenced need forming acquaintance andaas and was ing to proe proclaim laim the gospel it was reposed that elders hawkins cannon and farrar far had baptized upwards of at the sandwich island islando 3 previous to the 20 h of november elder woodbury was at the fiands at that time and several elders had calfred there on their way to the S society biety isles we have not heard f bom oin elder addison pratt since se sept t 13 elders A lyman and C C rich were on ie the western coast havin having established a settlement at san ban ber nardin gardioo nardi oo 0 los angelos county california but we have fe few particulars concerning them or their settlement t their heir principal letters having miscarried d or not arrived elde L ide s john murdoch and charles W wandell are supposed ta be at S sdney adney new south wales wale shenew The i new year the first of january 1852 was ushered in as a day of humiliation praise and thanksgiving by proclamation of gov young and thus far the I 1 year has never ben been equalled equal led by the saints in their willin willingness gIess to pay y their tit tithing hiag and alia to do as they are coun counseller counselled S selled e lied aatlo and joy y of heart through a greater low flow i of the good spirit unto them has been made mad manifest in a manner not to be mistaken that when the children of the kingdom do their duty gad J is ready to fulfil fulfill his promise promises unto them and pour them out blessings till there here is no room to receive notwithstanding the spacious tabernacle we occupied at conference many hundreds waiting without could gain no admission and all felt the necessity of a larger bui building iding yet all was peace union love arid and the holy ghost ipp appeared eared to have the presidency in in every heart brigham young was sustained by the unanimous unanimous vote of the conference as the president prophet seer and revelator of the church of jesus christ of litter latter day saints in all the earth and heber C kimball and willard richards as his coun I 1 and the authorities of the church generally as hit hitherto hert organized were sustained in like manner conference continued until sunday I 1 alth I 1 th dinst and much of the time was spent in teaching and re roveal veal ing things new and old and the hearts of the saints were filled wath joy praise and thanksgiving the report of the Fi financial nacial affairs of the church by the trustee in trust showed that from the commencement of tithing in the valley on the ath of NOV 1848 to march 27 1852 there had been received at the office on tithing mostly in property i J valued at 03 received in loans and from other sources 78 total 81 expended during the lite same time on council house store house stores rented old bowery blacksmith mith carpenters I 1 and paint shops chereb barn tabernacle bathhouse bath house bouse trach trench round temple lot railroad rail road farms city lots paper factory pottery water ditche the poor bouses for for elders on missions superintendents clerks public labors labor grain hay provis fons ron ai assisting emigrant cattle lost by indians and wolves stationery ac 40 I 1 ac I 1 I 1 1765 69 I 1 12 now on hand band in HI grain vegetables me chandeze chan dize cut stone lumber lumbar shingles gl printing press obligations obligation horses mu mules les and stock of various kin kinds s 50 from which take 12 19 leaves a credit of 38 profits to the church in the management of the funds ds it appeared also ahat that the trustee in trust was re 8 tor some cash liabilities for glass nails clothing clothing and various articles of merchandize merchandise dize which were necessary y to rear the public buildings and sustain the public hands which cost cash that little h had ad been received in ca cash A and though there was abundance of property on hand to pay all the debts leaving a handsome surplus yet that property could not be immediately converted into cash and as the merchants were wishing stock to drive to california it was proposed that those having extra oxen horses or mules should bring them to the tithing office to help liquidate the cash debts of the trustee the proposition met with a warm response from the conference and many cattle have already been received and if others do as some have done which we doubt not ilot old debts will be cancelled and a handsome sum slim will remain in the hands of the trustee to pros prosecute ecate the public works this season it is contemplated tem plated that we shall be ready to commence the tem temple ale next spring and that fonts and other preparations will be n made ready the present season on the temple block but cash will be wanted from all who have to purchase such arti articles cleg as demand ca cash h and such as cannot be produced in the valley we hear bear a good account f aiom oln tha saints in england and trust they will continue in good works and others follow fellow their r example the subject of the saints walking over the prairies with hand carts and wheelbarrows was presented to the conference when 93 brethren volunteered to go with teams and provisions to meet them and assist them on their journey as a free donation to the kingdom of god 1 1 jt it was voted that thomas margetts Marget ls and acted alted alaj ed smith take a inis mission sion to italy william fotheringham to calcutta Calci itte john C A ns ms trong edward binler Bi inter david B dille bille simuel glasgow T B brodeak Bro derk john dalling john barker and george fenn on OH foreign r missions probably to or trough th ough england I 1 I 1 edward hunter was ordained presiding Bishop Bisho pot of the whole church who proposed brigham young wd 3 I 1 heber C kimball as his counsellors coun with the entre entire approbation of conference seth taft i david Abr abraham abarr hoaglard hoaglan Hoa glaid david fulem Fi illmer er and daniel spencer were ly iv chosen assistant presiding pi bishops bishes A few ane weri di and 67 ordained to the priesthood I 1 the last day of the conference sunday pm was de i voted to administering the sacrament of th the e lom supper and social observations by the assembly af ter which a contribution was called c led for ahe the purpose of procuring the furniture for the communion communion service I 1 in the tabernacle when was presented in silver sillier I 1 coin beside several pounds of watch cases caresy sp spool lings ains and other silver ornaments Confer conference ew adjourned to oth of oct next also a special condei |