Show br holly and the Sentinel Extracts from atom the guardian in Re response spouse lo 10 the Ie delicate licate matters at the great salt Lake valley alluded to by the savannah sentinel we have not been employed as an attorney in the I 1 case to prosecute or defend and it be becomes jecories the profession to look a little after the fee before we volunteer our services so far as to answer to the plea of guilty or not guilty our legal qualifications cost ns some money and we do not like to be too lavish with rith our opinions and pleas without respect to an adequate compensation feeling that we are rather a privileged character having a v th the e pedal grant and permission to travel or live e an in an any y state of the union with all the wives wives we have i in n the world without even the fear of fines or i imprisonments i ts we think that we owe a lasting gratitude to the powers that be tor for directing ia the course of legislation to suit to so exactly our c circumstances ire um stances a and na c condition andi 60 it brivil privileged ed th thus as we are we would ask brother holly a pr plain ain strai straight forward question fuestion ue stion we do oot noi w ewh is h the i reading e a ding public to regard this as 11 solid lid matter but liberally spaced and leaded or in in other words that kind of gas that editors sometimes inhale and bl blow off at one other who shows the lowest and most cowardly disposition the man who in in the dark sec secretly assassinates his neighbor or oi ii he who belia believing he b has a I 1 justifiable I 1 I 1 cause openly and in bro broad day y liht bia shoots V t 1 him down in in the street before the eyes of all the former shows acknowledged led d guilt perfidy and cowardice the latter may te be mistaken and may not be in the can cause or provocation but he shows honor sincerity and a degree of high mindedness that commands at least a measure of respect though he mav or may not be justifiable in committing the deed dead if the statements concerning gov youngs sixteen wives and fourteen young children be true he walks or rides in in broad day light with them is is not ashamed of them but honors and respects them contrast this conduct with that of some other men even men in high places who are looked up to as honorable men even statesmen and philosophers la and I 1 some speak it learned divines not elc excepted p who ma may V have many women and keep them in a secret and dishonorable way in anis we may be mistaken for by what we hwe have heard it is is considered rather honorable and am gallant the indians indian are taught that it is is no crime to steab steal but if they are caught at it they are criminal indeed but white folks who are honest attach the same criminality to that offence offense whether toe the per perpetrator pe be discovered or not this latter principle is a fair illustration of the former he that boeth good cometh to the light and walseth therein but he that boeth evil prefers the dark because he is a child of darkness sure suppose bro holly that you take the place of your evil devil evi and you know that law lawyers and editors sometimes act in in that capa capacity city and in dipping up the ink distributing distribute distri buti I 1 it ia and nd rolling ro ifeng i it over the forms you von accidentally and unknowingly get a little daubed upon upon your face ayva by you look into the mirror or gle glass ass and see yourself just fust as you are you feel fed a lit ue ashamed or of your appearance rance and resolve to wash it at once well now row how do yo you know hat but that davd has raised up brigham young foung as a a great mir mirl 4 to reflect the dark and and secret characters W an conduct of thousands who affect outwardly to despise such things hut but secretly practice all and more than they accuse him of thea if this be so may not the cause of virtue and righteousness receive liberal contributions and heavy accessions ces by the alleged vices and corruption corruptions corrupt ions iou of gov young inducing many to look at elvea sense their own depraved condition and resolve to re forta forts we cannot see why he may not be as successful a preacher of righteousness in this mis way as paul paol was waa in mother another whop he said IM I M ff the truth of god abound through my tic lie unto his glory glary why am I 1 thought an D evil doer ent perhaps the gentleman gendeman does not bet believe seve that a a au things wor work for or good and his taste may lead him to prefer re er the I 1 light i of the 0 picture without I 1 the s shade de to increase its beauty ty if the nerves of our brother editor tor were e so shocked as to cause him to drop bis pen and turn away in disgust when thinking about gov youn youngs 0 sixteen wives and fourteen children what wha t must ha do 40 when thinking about wiser and better men having a i thou thoa sand wives per hap and children accordingly judging by the rule oi of proportion we should suppose that he would not only drop his pen but paper hat and press and fly from christianity with that rapidity that would leave his shadow so fir far in the rear as to lose loge his track I 1 atit and be found enquiring the way to its ita owner why is it thought strange that we should be a mormon we are not the author of mormonism we have not borne the root but the root us to in our early childhood we were left an orphan if we possess talent energy and a well balanced mind according to the complimentary notice which bro roll holly lias has generously given us mormonism has bequeathal beque bequeathed atha to us that I 1 legacy y it found us at the toot foot of the bill hilly and if we r have e ascended at all that is the car in 91 which we have rode if therefore mormonism has taken us from nothing and elevated us in the scale of intelligence to the height represented by the editor of the sentinel sentil what would it do for him if it should take him at the heidht to which b he has ahida already ascended on the wings wags of faith he might soon find himself soaring above the fog fog and mists of mw above the elo clouds ds of gloom aa and darkness defying the mountains of agnora ignorance nee of this world to c cast ast their shadow athwart his celestial orbit and proudly might he float on a sea of light to the haven of immortality if abraham was guilty of polygamy we are none the less anxious to be accounted his son that we kiy be an heir according to the promise it if david a man after gods own heart had wives and concubines without number we offer offar it as no apology for rejecting his psalms his root or his offspring or the bright and morning star if solomon followed in the footsteps or of his father david in this respect we are not disposed to deride him or to reject his wisdom the queen of the south was attracted by his greatness ee atness and his posterity wa was i greatly bo honored nored by being the channel through which a sav savior bior was given even christ the lord the name and mem memory orv or of this truly wise K n of israel will be cherished while rhile there is a f foundation to lay or a cap stone to be brought baroug glit forth if in christ himself were fulfilled the words of isaiah he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord shall shag prosper in his hands 1 11 the christian world are not mistaken in their opinion but how were they fulfilled if at the marriage of cana of galilee jesus was the bridegroom and took unto him mary martha and the other mary whom jesus loved it shocks our nerves bro holly if there was not a familiarity and an aar attachment betwee i the savior and these women highly improper only in the relation of husband and wife then we have no sense 0 of f prop propriety ri T or of the characteristics of good and refined society wisely was it then concealed conceal d but when the savior sailor out his bis soul unto death when nailed to the cross he saw his seed or children but who shall declare his generation no one 1 if he had none to be declared notwithstanding this which to many inary is a new and strange strang e fea feature tu re in christianity we are not di disposed Is ed to mock a at it neither neithal to reject salvation through the V rin son oh fools and slow of heart to believe all things that are written in the prophets and in n the psalms concerning christl christ but again if all we sear hear about some of our lawmakers our wise statesmen and politicians about having laving many women and livin with them in corruption i on and even in unbelief of tle the correctness of their r doings be true we accept it as no apology for re rejecting act or respecting disrespect di ire the government aud at w of 1 th A aw att states es we shaw never dam to tic tar by to the charge of some great men what we have hed beard then them charge one another with and if brigham young has sixteen wives wives and fourteen infant children we accept it as no apology for rejecting mo mormonism we propose making a bargain with bro holly our propositions are these if he be will show us good reasons for rejecting abraham abraha david da id and solomon and their writings crying saying noling nothing of christ bis beino being a case not so generally established or admitted on account of their having more than one wife without rejecting christianity wholly or if he wilt show one good reason why we should reject the govern goern kimt ard and laws of the united states because it if is so ao often admitted if not known that some of our great geat statesmen are not the most scrupulous or constien conscientious in these matter then we will reject anh brigham am yoong and his writings it if he be really has sween sixteen wives or if he has more than one but it if he fails to produce to ui these reason then he most come and be be a mormon along with ws us but but if he can do neither then let him confess and acknowledge the corn com ana A say that mormon folly fohy and weakness are too potent tor for liis his wisdom and strength |