Show ronce rolice COURT hirl ices l fire tho the police court wf WAS mule made interesting te morning by tho the appear afoo of mm miss kato flint there them charged with willi a breach of tho the peace profane iio swearing anti do stio lashing tho the promises of a mrs lire irwin who keeps a house of questionable character in ili it tle ward ilio ovi dinco ihal a maa who used mcl to bo be a it friend of tire tho aforesaid flint and who borro nod money of lar when ito bo was trail hard run nin for I 1 clamps ol amps was lou hound on night at mrs mr armins inini in co company in pany with another fair but bill frail cro attire of tho the female persuasion pc hater learning tho the rin facts started for tho the point of attack and on arrival tho the work of in abo most inert business bub acis liko manner i tho the front I 1 and back windon windo Bt it together etith tho the ildo aide lights of the door acre smashed in in ia 11 double while these girao litile operations biro in grogro a ton gutorm storm raged nith uh intense fury and only when rates boated I 1 birno rai ys VIM tomes hat cooled by the soothing word of uio tire of tho the haftor tho story bad all 11 II beca bato told gold kato wall vu flo 50 for bior ter nights night fl freak cora was TUB present firc acut and put inbur too loo frely to suit tho lio judge was waa compelled to land our filer flo 10 ou on ft a chergo of contempt con COO tempt of court for tire be bell n tilt of tho the city treasury of III g in ill at three the continued me of it tire hie of a 1 saloon in ill tile iho boltl basement WM was it will bo be leni cur that alm x ns as lip oil OH a prem a 11 charge for selling boiling liquor on labit in of the city cily ardi artifice judge mccurdy mccardy for fol tire dc ac fow and labored laiq to ft tho cam cabo tha bifi rods cel on oil the arouni of a 1 lack of proof to sustain the lio charge during his lio to roid WM wall d As a i irgin blind f idol and balding the iho balarik balti ioa in ler her land site paw MW nothing but langol Liang im as tile pr in either cither scale equilibrium of tho the even lelan balance coa and elt noted that that al HM as the iho winning side klc mr Chri clinton tork I 1 caddy a accepted WP 64 tire alio figure g that in thia list ego atre of in ono a sea kilo lo 10 probably about throe 0 ounces luid and 16 ali LIN in tire the other it II nas na easy to MO eve liichi shiell nna nail tile heavier nulo side after diBin the 11 figure and revie ing the facts in uio tire case lio lie said aid that bit would bo cincil loo chich V KM as promptly out |