Show tx AN ACT regulating ELL IN THE TERRI TERRITORY TOILY of UTAH skit SALT lite crry CITY jan 13 1873 editor salt lake irit tribune knowing as I 1 do that the mist man of 0 wo p rio flo plo of tado territory and elsewhere tro aro i not 10 lo L a rather with the provisions ot of ill alio llio a act regula mills elections in this territory I 1 present the law verion wrt Hilim timi as it reads fur for their careful consideration lad and also 10 lo members of contress CoDr cM who ought to shudder at the tha idea of such lucu i a flagrant outrage being upon amerlean american on american soil tho act reads As follows fol lowi sec 1 do bo it nuclei enacted LT by the governor and nil of alio territory of utah 3 bat Lonu ally on oil ilia lint monday of august thore there shall iball bo be a general olec election tion hold in cacti product in the sty cral counties cou aUca tor for choosing ill all not otherwise provided for or bw ben 21 2 the county clerk shall it a nolice of tho the timo time and aad place aud and the number and lind of to boue be choln to be put up la in two tiro pabco in ili etch acieh proc tut at six ix ass d before uio tho timo time of election cle cUon bic so 3 no senior justice of tile icaco bhail be the judge of elections in his lil tr precinct pro t c alid hull appoint ono one clarh and furma i the my stationary led and a ballot box toil add in 10 tile A blazon of lit of abe be peace tile ali clet il toys tori first on OB the tb lay day of election to the clamber of may nifty may yeat some suitable pcr kr son bon to bat as julo judge 0 ol 01 aut I 1 CILc tion bit bee 1 4 ilia clec tiou atall be had from one no hour idour flir A kulil alad 1 no ib tur tor shall dball lotu lu in tiny ny lio lie hue 5 friall pron fro fromin MiJ ido hime telf IN sib itu a vele containing contain mif the asters of ilia bu clicked abo bo 0 uld buo them to 0 o till 1111 and it ducally to tho the juda of election ebo and li it la in the billot ballot box ilia clerk shall abill then tit tile name of thoc abo lector maid trite it the ibo number of his big loir etc otc bac c 0 at the close clone of ilia election ilia jil je c shall bill uil u up tho the billot ballot too box anil and the lul CIA ol 01 11 ibo abu names or of mo abo electors lectors lec tors and nil thu balue palue without delay deity to tho the county cler k bec 7 laj diun n the abo 0 doctoral loc toral returns of any precinct tile condly clink ail ail I 1 probate judge or in his absence ab of tile at I 1 shall newel tile ht wild and ballot box enot count and cowlam cowl co uini am tile tolan voit 11 ibo he lit he at nt and a inet its tractor of tile olin offic 9 bud belanic 4 A fur and tile lio number or of votes calli iron tre trenched ched the ibo balat coo box Is shall altu b lou krutul md slid aud tile acs otes ics an aal I 1 lint fur for I 1 in case the election lct liou of nf any bo cop cn lotcia bw beof 8 till all alio acht to ro made lule tile clrk cir it shall fortl Itil analo O 1 a I gentral abstract had ekl it up 11 in liu hoo onita oil ic c and an it forward to the been tary ot of tho I 1 a eclov if ilia sla ulies of ilia per tunis voted f fr fir r still nd the of OUM ewh cook has bum rece received ired fur colleen cai and mil each irell ilia highest I 1 1 I ni ld r for fit anil A lt ft crt lii balc calc fe of but ila 01 c clion so ko oon not i all 11 II the are tl it a lu in tile primi o of ilia lour gover nor haal anneal and them nil urn 11 to each cach CIA having ing ill atio hi highest att number of vole is ara fur any r 7 territorial 0 oneco a of lir ills election soc see 10 if ilia iho rett irris are arc not rondo made within a resso nabla time tile iho secretary or county cark calrk as ac tit ur caw case may boo bo in q coiry u 1 ry w which m u m mant v 1 t b bo e promptly responded to i baj ln L i k s n new ow a ti tr a c t ft irnis bed if bec tecc wary omary ikc a 11 any to content an election dilall lus los intentions poc ill cully 1 knowd iowa in to ilia county clerk within result malt of tile ho Is in known in inn aich cue the bo clerk shall ahill rotain iho cho voted foloi slid listi lista until alic context is 0 lio to shall destroy them when ties occur if for fora a territorial officer the beert tary shall ball determine ilia bloc tion lion I 1 iy ay lot in tho the pres crice of ilia iho anor au noa 1 I 1 if for or ft a coulty or r precinct officio c cin it shall in I 1 liko ito manner imi bo do t tor mined by the iho county cli it in ID thu the presence of ilia aprobato mildge afka I 1 J any ally iknou conte ting tile the election 4 of a o aunly or oacar shell proceed therein Ift ioro tile tho county court vo hu shall hill toi tho fall of chich shall rhall bo W buoo do di liy by S it when A me its in governor rial cloture onica uio the cruor blizil order a special ichton tOn to fill bacil vacancy boil dould a 4 vacancy accor ina or to lo 10 filled pr eloris to ilia iho general tho the county court ahall till lill such by appointment 0 tc ace IS 15 A all T I 1 office oili erid iv acting in clenti oil nil bo be allowed a reasonable contro coro pain fur for services and shall be punished d with willi a amount of tine fido fraud or by auy court bavine j ju ti approved january ad tle alio lt is I a into cola chiy of of tile election law lar of utah ulah and add now I 1 ul uli call au tho cho 0 IMO o ale iluff of the ibo stated blamo the iho non moro mor won of this territory for earnestly amling congress M for A of alio ria riall I 1 laws law 2 cuu a roti |