Show AI 1872 A bill from the ilia operations of tho the act state izmir once companies alost winch which bankruptcy proceedings aro are in tho the state courts on motion of FaimA worth a resolution vaa rag adopted that a select Mo bilier committed commit tco enquire if fees were acra paid call Us conn solon or whether the koneya paid or solicit solicitor od from I 1 tho a union bacillo or Mo billor win to Is blit in t tho ho election of the L appropriation I 1 bin bill was va up dp and amendment upon tile tho pos poat t unice appropriation eill BW was reported and mado the Fi facciol lecial order it affo n y i tao 0 i 1 h 0 ami 1 l wit hall of which i c h ai rii x sn aqil 1 t li aco q u a r k r ru illi one comes from ilia ilia balance ironi tho the DIKS halt a mil litin for increased compensation to railroads giving tile tho pohl camter general auth authority onty to aap reap a just attar Ador some somo unimportant a adubato dl bate was opened on tho the ili for tho adut bation of Cu lorado as ft a buto tho the at tho ilia expiration of the morning boor the bill went ocr without nit hout action tito tho holsia went into commino of tile tho whole on the abo consular DID billj junk abo be committee roso rose and the hausa pro ro corded to tho the consideration of t ito A abalama hp Us territory bill bc hixt tile committee on have wine anio luty or additional vl it ijes in rt gard to allcon in ili thu abu caldell C cart cario to lo senator fc boino roy ray file of tho Is on oil I 1 iylah oi at mation swin report to tio day dav on tho cho for tho N i itina crins exposition ind iro iwo it 11 13 thought ft a ficat fur tho purpose of ft a aira dillay ol of product lous slid and ull expenses tho banate ta jl in ampro a three alldred thousand dollars fur for ilah LE I 1 is mitto it tito tho IN audon Lldon til locial CommiL teo be examination of dusan t today to day ou on motion of nyu nye tho hill bill paced fixing alkin tho creation and enli of bc of iani curia committing commit tins 0 of f aa to to idill of r COln Etee r taj the hoage bill rot for illation zi ol 01 aello aliu L m nitch imah ill alio copria liou lion fruin from oita to it arev sq lindred any appropriation lic ijo cachu d di I 1 that t ailia aanon I 1 mild ablit ling in buch had their lit lot is al 1 I opria ted by forel mrs ba to bovid ov to malo bialo tho the amount colic bull en kod lifty oil dollars dol lr t A clone li audr thousand dollars bolt lit alio of makin niu lilu the three tarco thousand do 1 I HU A as adopted Ciri Carl wetter maid laid lie bo lad bad voted to inc the amount because it i the was to bo 60 mado made at all aas on ou C 11 at bob a t so BU loo bag ad i abu be gion um still BUU in its ili pres clit mid and dilapidated condition a shame and to catry avi ry american idil and lit in if alio its ot EPA every laikus it alio a land I 1 lio to buu hould lioce oto auy eum bum to bo be sunk budkin ilk show ili LUCCA ln roi he ol 01 01 fond ail nt lit ILI chico hon dead thousand dollars lit 11 of if tile toa went I 1 J billat illat before the vitina it WILS fada fad A it CONI tilt alln katimi oin million of dollar at it lh i 1 ol 01 I tit nii ili 11 in in ill ill I 1 fiill ill went M SI klamian n e ia up the hill in 1 I 7 I 1 f fur r t the it n t turn to n alg and the abo son ali it t ilc j C crice r cil that alist tile tho nt of IVAN aa demanded by r allo aith and indi 1 al T policy 1 1 17 ami tile spirit of our laws 1 liard 1 ship was wit not ft a sufficient roton reason borlo for or of publia pub 10 faith md and disregard of geatrell ge atrall artl in wroot or policy of cf the iho whole country cm itry tito of CIA was waa greatly atly injure 1 noc has alion that depreciated money is most cue in to labonna produces ft standard of tattle the effect oi which Is in not liy by a laboring nian inan or by bv a trader or fal T hantover han toven upon burret current it and tile tho im armit r NR t effect of a mcclo will birdy mr it I 1 a for A nominal IOA and will wil iw be and dondell during ft a gradual radial elation of pit paper money the feirt ln mil fall upon diata running a la ions period of time anno M lipon cipun corporation all A and AA A to chose in fx cum cuco tho the iad legal tinder teddor act took mitt effect it is hat but tl ailt alicy 01 bo be phloe ili 1 contracted binco havo awn in no expectancy pec aa tancy n 7 0 of 1 accio C ad payments pay menta before this thih time 3 morion 1 0 cam a resolution instructing mati the th committed commit Conini tito teo on oil and to impero w lit r iff a legal beato govern lit in louici Lou imi and if so by cc lie ho paid mild lie ww authorized by a majority of the committed to a clean giitl Adopt il on motion ov I 1 vreta rv of tho the Trea treasury mury WK was iest colto lafonn tile senat 0 r allio 11 0 ajo U umon n bac iacino ind S lino hao complied campbell ak tilt nh tit tho act of july 6 1862 huml aftuk alio of their rondii divio fcc tent of tile lu at I 1 i earnings shall rhall bo be applied to of ofilio iha ineat suil and of iho t to a principal 31 of their bonds and in cv or of chen reasons atoll be yen thre for adjourned Adjourn rl |