Show office ajr f a 9 to 12 a in 2 ioa lo 10 4 p r m X A he mccurtain McCur arlain MD HA IR 0 PHYSICIAN ANOL SURGEON office palace residence Resi dance I 1 block south first ward I 1 cstreet Ke Ks treet asid e co rt to phone no 45 office no 28 S UTAH drs H J P richards AND I 1 F FW W taylor physicians I 1 fl J surgeons offida at their residence the former er rest residence donee of dr pik I 1 S A GRAH A M G street i atu and etli 1 10 1 tovo CITY rw UV TJ TAH A U F F LESLIE HC D F P F REED BRO A dentist Denti viv have all modern instruments instrument a for or the practice of operative ania ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WO WORK RK A SPECIALTY all work guaranteed guarante aa 10 bank burldine Bai Buil ldina dine provo alf J a dureen S dentist I 1 electric gas administered when do da aired i red teeth extracted by it without pal pain 11 all kinds of antal D antal work in the best and nd latest style ii all work from his date will be guaranteed according to agreement or the money will be refunded rooms no 2 and i 4 bank Boil Buil building diug diu provo city utah I 1 kinli KING WOODS 1 N IA r ollice alln e in national bank of comerce jerove brovo UTAH I 1 A J W N white cot ton R NE N E YA Y A ATLA IF L booma 11 and 14 12 first Nat Bank flank build ing PROVO CITY UTAH I 1 DON C JOHNSON attorney Y AT LAW room boom no 3 bank banac building buil dine aprin sprin vil e VI LH 1 WILLIAM WILLIA t itkina 0 1 H HOUTZ cluni attorney ite y sal s at law I 1 5 and 7 fire national bank building PROVO orry CITY UTAH 4 1 E l booth E A wilson A labooth BOO BOOTH TH WILSON I 1 ATTO AT LAW W and land office agata Ag nta 0 a 23 N J street brovo CITY UTAH 9 attorneys AT LA LAW w bank building arrovo CITY UTAH ebe E attorney at law room koom 9 bauk building amo VO CITY UTAH A AG 6 sutherland attorney at law office in gates snow block opposite court house PROVO PRO VO CITY UTA UTAH 11 A E VEATCH A worney AT LAW criminal il 14 law a room roam 3 union illo billok k provo city utah R G C WATKINS 10 ai architect aul I 1 superintendent I 1 office no 1 U union nion block provo SAM JEPPERSON 1 SON wm I 1 i AND i af aw 7 AN w inga m PAIME PROVO UTA UTAH 11 arar V F a 0 ith streets BUILDER 8 AND congas CONS BAa Af AO a 4 zi we are prepared tot ta oranto i make contracts for buildings of ull ill descriptions estimates furnished famished on application we ye have the facilities tor for hiring the beet beat and most durable qualities of in iny required SURMA 10 co lo 1 I 1 UTA UTAH 11 I 1 THE ENQUIRER fuu SATURDAY 4 1993 0 K ak T honest E cuttit 0 K many of trie me pioneers pione era ot atul ami washington have cheerfully cleer fully fia e 1 1 to tle tl e wonderful curative las of the celebrated eeb rated bregor kidney tea purely vegetable and dleasant olea sant to tie the taste and can an le t e taken by the youngest child or most delicate woman 0 K T is 18 a never failing remedy tor for prina in the back and loins non retention 0 of urine scalding or burning burnine sensation hilo urinating orina ting docous discharges and sill ki 0 11 ey of either aez tl 1 rt at all ai diner st sta liver conill complaint d int the chiet symptoms ot this disease are depression depress on ot oi fiDi points ritS foul coated tongue baa bad tasting mf uth disagreeable breath dry skin ekin with clothes and eruptions orations sallow iorA and yellow eyes tired aching shoulders dull pain in right side faintness dizziness and irregular bowels this complaint in all of its forms forma can be read readily ity cured by dr gunna gunulf improved liver rine pills as directed and a ali lingering fering spell 0 tny 01 sickness ar kness will often be viii warded deT off by their use sold bold at 25 cents a box by b y iane 41 maiben THE MORNING COCKTAIL taken before breakfast create a false injurious appetite A wineglass fill fat of dr henleys Hen leys euclish bandelian Uan delian tonic taken before meals the digestive organs and enables you yon c t relish a hearty meal with 0 J inin irany Y to at 11 lah thu return of croquet is predicted cred and willbe will io a welcome word to many whose affection for that delig delightful hatful if exasperating game has never been quito supplanted by tennis archery bowling go golf if 0 or uny of its substitutes joseph I 1 h V dir y ito of wa warsaw 11 re aw ill waa troubled with rheumatism and tried a rumber cumber of different remedies but says rone of them seemed to do him any good but finally he got hold of one that cured him he was much pleased with it and felt sure that olbers similarly av afflicted would like to know anat the remedy was that cured him he states for the benefit of the public that it is called chambe r il ains pain balm for sale hv fina maiben A sound bound liver makes a well man are you yon bilious constipated or troubled alf d with jaundice sick headache in the mouth month foul breath dyspepsia indigestion lot hot dry div skin pin P tin in in the back and between the fhe shoulders ahon chills and fever ac it if you have any of these your liver is out ont of order and ami yc ir r blood is ia slowly bein poisoned d because your liver li v er does d oes not so act t ine will cure coro any disorder of the liver stomach or bowels it has no equal as a liver medicine price 75 cents sold by smoot droe dr z co agi miles nerve and liver fills act on a now new principle princ ipie regulating regul atma the liver stomach and bowels through I 1 he nerves A anew new discovery arz mil ebal pills pilla cure billious ness bad teate torpid liver piles constipation unequaled for men women children chi luren smallest mildest I 1 50 doses 25 2 rents samples said DIOS prep pipat atene evne santa clara S dak noy 25 91 NORMAN LIGHTY des moines iowa DEAR SIB sia while in denver last fall I 1 bought a box of Krau krausel Kr auses headache capsules Ca paulea which did me much good I 1 am subject to bilious headaches I 1 can find none in the drug stores here what will you send me half a dozen dozea boxes for yours youra truly J if STETCHER ea for sale by smoot drug drue co A hare bore cure torrilee Tor riles itching piles are known by moisture like perspiration causing intense itching when warm this form as well as blind bleeding Ble edins and protruding yield at once to dr Bosan koa kos pile file romed remedy which acts directly on tho ai p erts effertz effected absorbs tumors allavi allays itching and effects a permanent cure dr druggists or mail maiT V circulars ir cir a free dr bosanko arch arz st sold by ine Y maiben mr C P F lavia day editor of the liloon field loya iova F farmer 10 lo er eapp at 11 1 I can recommend chamberlains chamberlain coul remedy to all su with colds and croup I 1 have used it in my family for the past t two wo years and haro found it the best I 1 aver ever ned or he for which it is is intended 50 cent bottles for sale by evne machi iaia n A g freight car what is claimed to be the largest freight car ever built was turned out a at t altoona pa a few days apo ago it is to carry the one hundt hun jt 14 nd twenty four ton cannon cannoa ap ji for exhibition hibi tion n at chic U acl 0 S from Bait baltimore imore to chicago the car ar is practically two cars with el hi pairs of wheels each jointed together and made into one by an iron bridge another car of almost equal siye size is blui building to transport two sixty five ton guns and a big piece of armor plate aver over the same route 1 FAIR WOMEN all briant beautiful and facin women are made more charming by the the artistic USO use of wisdoms famo famous u S robertine Rob ertme it enliven a the most moat re regular beauty by adding fr freshness ealine s purity and brilliancy to the complexion 4 aek FACE HICK HEU FORTUNE e L commonly said of camous beauties ties Stew S I 1 e who honses ages with artistic W aia is airna famous robertine has fortune in the possession of a comp complexion complesi lexi on to which nothing but bat the blush of the rose roae or the of the lily lila can be compared this preparation is ia just what it is claimed to ba b the most moat delightful toilet artiel article e and only perfect beautifier known read tha testimonials fro from in amous arti artists stig celebrated chemists and prominent physicians undisputed disputed Uti authority the united states V says ays that onions are a stimulant diuretic and expectorant they increase the appetite and promote digestion the juice jaice made into syrup has a specific action on abo tb 9 throat I 1 lungs and air passages it not only cures coughs colds croup and consumption cori but its stimulating effect strengthens and builds up the system afterward As a tonic and restorative it has no equal we ve solicit a trial in the most chronic and stubborn cases price 50 cents sold by pyne maiben I 1 sa oo 00 I 1 R 0 I 1 lem I 1 C A new ana complete treatment consisting con sistine ot of ointment in ca capsule i alto adso la in box bos and pills a positive cure for external internal blind or bleeding ditc itc Itch hanz lne chronic Ci onte recent or hereditary illes and many other diseases and female weaknesses it Is always a great benefit to the beneral beneral health rhe first discovery ofa of a medical cure ran manderine derine an operation wilh the knife unnecessary necess iary hereafter this remedy has never been daen known to tail lail I 1 I 1 per box bor 6 lor for 85 5 se sent n b bymal why bufter from this terrible di disease a whan a written guaran Is positively 6 boxes t to 0 refund the money if 11 not curea send stamp tor for tree free sample gus r anlee ill issued issue dby byA A 0 smitha co wholesale esai a and retail druggists sole Utah Salt gait lake lak liv ds daab w NOW THAT STOCK f is IN G we of Cle clearing arino td out ont certain classes of goods in our dry goo goods ds department to make room for our spring stock combination suits and ladies and childrens underwear selling out at reduced prices I 1 CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND places it will pay you yon to do so I 1 1 1 I 1 ITS in i N jn 13 ai ell 1 GO TO THE 11 LJ M RA in 21 a empl A I 1 C autv N I 1 an 11 NEI 1 VF proad PRO vve Av where liquori OPIUM TOBACCO and COCAINE HABITS are permanently cured b by y t h b new improved and V ti ABLE M 1 IX MI BRALS DE 2 perfect restoration to health assured the remedy 0 O being tri entirely Tege vegetable table it possesses dec decided ded advantages over any other treatment the institute is a lim branch n eh of the american co aj i I 1 e a recently I 1 I 1 incorporated company with a C capital stock of reed smoot president W H dusenberry vice president john 0 Gr graham allam secretary john R S T wolves Treas treasurer dr F 11 II simmons L 1 aj U ring kinc find and L Ebl brook directors 1 k 8 and 4 EXCELSIOR BLOCK PROTO CITY UTAH 1 f PR DR I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 CK I 1 01 I 1 A daj j t J director Directo rw I 1 i 1 4 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 it I 1 t Y I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 T C I 1 4 I 1 M 1 J t 4 you can run through 0 the papers papera from the first column of the first page to the last column of the last and you can search for the handsomest offers that ever er found their way into print but have a hard time matching our line of Furnis furnishing goods lotions Kot Notions ions linens hoseay and household novelties also in matching 0 conr prices Nobody can blame you for being za a trifle suspicious when you come across the word bargain in an advertisement charity covers a multitude of sins and Barou bargains g ins are more than apt to toco cover vcr a multitude of frauds but these 0 goods roods we are offering are bargains C just the same a g genuine enuine legitimate C out and out bar bargain gain of the most inoa unquestionable kind run eun through 0 the papers then coyne come and see our goas go as ids and prices and you will find you can not equal them for trade lie sa olst et M ARKET centre street 1 provo with a full supply of FRESH SMOKED AND SALT MEATS SAUSAGE AND LARD free delivery to all par parts ts of the city THE CASH MARKET ARKET first class in bvm every y respect res hect cash P paid aid for beef mutton pork and calves philip Speck aft prop prope CENTRE ST PROVO GRAND OPENING of our fall and winter stock of win lii I 1 CHI reals aits nits a 1 MS foults all of which will be eold cheap for cash we carry the largest and most moat I 1 complete stock of goods to select from call early and make your selections remember the place cornor corner of aib H streets MM H W DAVIS FRENCH FEMALE PILLS I 1 C nIn ay cotton root and pennyroyal 0 THI the test a tal a zint rel amil la tta tor i Res mins french female 11 pills have been a 00 sold eold tor for over twenty yeara years and stid used candit ot of ladi badiea e a who ho r tave bave given text testimonials i m on that they are unexcelled ma BB a specific monthly ined ne dicino idne tor immediate te I 1 relief ot of painful ul anc li gular menses female male weakness etc FA ance 0 2 03 a boswith box with full d directions ions TA ape irle ya 1 0 ct OR SPURIOUS imitations bvm CIT C IT co decorr MICH for sale bv smoot drue co wl RA il nal mitia ia antin U i L I 1 I 1 hi 11 P 1 rr I 1 advertisement n ih a ci lumny L m it I 1 ce cant rt per word esch da dai ia v tse the moni it per line except marriane mar e mw birth notices 1 0 3 cants cin ts in faits iree free c i meis U W cems ct rits per lino line no edve yd verie r ie taken fut foi less thab 25 es cents ants ANI miscellaneous 1 S C E L LA NEO U S 2 4 E url ni G S I 1 the tie astri div 0 er soup ol 01 america r 5 nuke hii et f e T ar alit those desir ing to j he 1 orda onit r i please dease make maka to any tzi taher of the order cy CF prat arc nonn no iv i the lumber company ansil S sell 11 ther entila provo stock of lumber and d oilier od er building bui Mins material within the next sixty days without Nil hout regard to prices bowis now is conr V opportunity to pet get the best barg bargains aids in lumber r ever obtained in provo W B KINS kina receiver II 11 11 II BE beix ay iy local agent pa bet 22 1882 lost or stolen large black thoroughbred newfoundland ll 11 d dog Aa answers to the name of clovis wears an extra heavy collar with padlock the owner john M wilson will handsomely reward any one returning re the dog do rr gi citing ing information as to lis his whereabouts f War wanted kled WANTED to ex lange a modern ren re N i dence and corner lot in salt palt lake city for provo property apply at office 4 it dark clark will loan ioan you money atio at 10 percent per cent pr annani or will burnish lurnis li you vou an abstract of title to your farm ct or home on shortest notice office e in first national bank building provo provo utah 4 you a title to your homo home so se curs cure an abstract from havercamp cl dark ark without delay for delays are dangerous and learn the condition of your title office first national bank avo utah da ivor for sile sale acres city property situated between first and second streets et county road with one four roomed and one 2 roomed houses will sell gell for cash carh or exchange for good farming land south apply to J B love provo city d a 8 w for sule sale cheap for cash live five acres of ver very y land in balk or in lots located in the east fields i under union ditch A good chance for working men to get a home at bed rock prices for further particulars enquire of E M dusdale 0 E R J Da dugdale gdale provo city da swam m scientific american I 1 I 1 agency for left ff 1 I 1 I 1 q 1 ii IP J II 11 V CAVEATS TRADE MARKS PATENTS PATENT COPY copyrights ett etca J information ana 4 free handbook write walte to m u N A CO wa BROADWAY ay NEW YORM ol 01 oldest de s bureau for cecur securing t p patents ta s in america eve arery patent amt taken ou ont bg by us is 1 r abt before abe 0 e public i c by a notice wen given tree free of charge ut IB the amm L lareese Lar Eesi circulation of ma any pat in the corid rt I 1 y ill no ao ID telore n num nt t should hould be witha without ut il it weekly 43 30 00 a year six months audress MUNN 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