Show SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 1893 DIRECTORS john E booth president john henry smith vice president JG T C graham geo sutherland john AV turner 0 D glazier 1 hobbard it BoB bard AND TREASURER J T zd jensen john joha 0 graham Ara manager entered Ea at the Pos Post tollice otrice at provo is as second clas smatter TE TERMS OF subscription SUBSCRIPT rONN BY MAIL POSTAGE rO STACIE daily E Elit letioa ioa ons one ceaf part parn 1 of a year per month bu 80 semiweekly semi wee weekly clyone one yc rin advance ta T t CITY dally daily lalive oli vered rad sunda sr aday v excepted so 0 cants canta par month address TIIE enquirer co provo city utah where deli deliver verv ill ia hr irregular regular ase make complaint at the office or through h telephone no 27 N kept on file a THIS PAPERS 0 dakes A verti ver ins agency A bency atana a anci CS merchants rt ex thang sl iange a san man francisco oal cal where contracts can be ba made cdade tor for it IL tim THE Ex QuinER has a circulation that every week exceeds that of hll all the other newspapers in central cental and southern utah combined in utah onney it haa ha 3 a circulation that ex weds that of all the other territorial papers combined WISDOMS VIOLET CREAM the most exquisite preparation in tho the world for softening and whitening ning the hands and face it is not only a abend au q salute for but bat in every respect super aorta aarto glycerine gly cering cold cream veneline vee eline and like preparations try il it the modern form of football involves involve excite excitements ments of a very dangerous kind the players put into it the utter rell fless ness of soldiers on the battlefield some barbers pack the face after ins ing in towels saturated with hot water and very soothing soot bing and refie refreshing shing it is too it has been discovered that the weight required to crush a square inch of brick varies from 1200 to pounds the physician says brown is the man wild wio tells you that you need alian change 0 O und and then takes all you have 11 A bale bae old man mr ir jas wilson of f allens aliens springs II 11 ill who is over vr GO co years of ag esais says 1 I have in my time tr tried ed a great many medicines some of excellent cel lent quality but never before did I 1 find any that would so completely do all that is claimed for it as chamber 1 lains colic cholera anti and diarrhea diarrhoea remedy it is truly a wood wonderful erful medicine for eale by bv evne malben SIa iben A senator I 1 fall lils to vt vot senator S en W A defter did not vote this Is year while campaigning over the state he forgot to register and hid bis name is Is not on the poll books in the fourth ward of at topeka wacie cheo he be resides cor kansas city times it should B sia civay fivay y house J B clay clat st sharps burg pa he be will nt be without ir dr kings new Disc for constia tion coughs and bolds that it cured hid hia wife who was wag threatened with pneumonia after an attack of la grippe when various other remedies remedes and several physicians had bad done her no good goad robert bother Ifo iber of Cooc Cook sport pa claims dr kings now new discovery has bas dono done him am I 1 mora more good than anything lie he evex used for lung trouble nothing like it try it free trial bottles at iane alaiba mairena Ma ibena s din store laigo attl bottles bt tl 50 acts and SHOULD BS BIE alt the popular demand lie be excessive axce i sivo acle ache dizz n nervous debility dullness Sull nesa confession of mind midd nervous prostration etc they the y should bo be arrested or stopped st 0 P 1 ed before they developed dev elope into a condition conditi that can but bat result fatally for this hia vur purpose no equals dr DrA miles liles restorative res tora tive the disco discovery ye ry of tho ho r enouris d apeci specialist alist choso whoso remedies line sn the lie wonder of the civilized world is sold by kyine Maibec Alai benjon lon a guaran tea ask for foi his hia book iree free 2 gyp tor for infants and anci children hildren 10 aeu adapted to children that C torineea colic r recommend it as 03 superior to ary any prescription sour bour stomach eructation ua mown to me IL A II 11 D bivs worms gives sleep and proK ioU ill III so bo oxford osford sta sac brooklyn N X y T without injurious a the uso of castoria I 1 is so universal mf for beneral yeara yeam I 1 have haic recommend rec ommen s merits so well known that it seems a wap v yourl castona I 1 and shall aldaya 0 supererogation to endorse it few are t it do so ast as it baa lb illy produced bee be e i I 1 families who do not kaei keei casaw results easy reach DWI X F ST IL D DD new york ci city ty ah bia winthrop lath street and ath ar arc late pastor bloomingdale kormod Beform od buum new york cita ame azy us comus 77 7 SM 7 naw yom L 50 ik cabb capitel ra ZIONS SAVINGS A BATIK BANK AND TRUST CO C salt t also it 7 IU attah ta el WILFORD WOODRUFF GEORGE Q CANNON re aident vice GEORGE at CANNON cashier zor 0 U Ivi willord llord woodruff lorenzo snow langst and oldest george Q cannon franc 31 lyman bank in utah joseph F smith haher 1 grant we desire your accounts acco unta anthou 11 Lun dundan dAngus iiii al cannon W wo py pay 5 p per r cent inte interest coall T G wevner aeb 11 II B clawson on deposit 3 laev jack george ranolda Ry R nolda write for pirtie awa lan T G hedv elv sarsaparilla has no equal stands alone ga as the C R E T 3 LO 0 0 P IJ R I 1 F I 1 E R and cura t tire for rheumatism YO KO sarsaparilla S now sold is so ao fully en by physicians Physic ans and druggists complete formula printed on each bottle ask fo for r BROWNS BROWNS sarsaparilla ind use boother no other TS off S blackberry AND ANG GINGER 61 E Is i aged to be e the best beat fremed r or diarrhoea dissenters Dissen tery and ali ah bowel complaint it contains the ketive medicinal virtues of jamaica Gin gerand crand blackberry roots combined with Aro aromatics matics making it an agreeable safe and effectual reni remedy edv sold by all druggists N ac A 0 we will sell all of oar DRY DR Y GOODS at half balf of the marked prices until all are sold eold call early before 1 I took i is brok broken en NOTHING BUT CASH WILL BE TAKEN A E biduck 9 uty s in a pa joi 4 blooms blo 4 ar file fie insurance rame life dusenberry KNOWLDEN accident lt plate glass AGENTS live stock it mo to joaan rubber stamps and ar seals collections made alade PROVO U UTAH FAB mr albert favorite of Arkan rag 3 oily city kan wishes to rive give our readers the benefit of his experience with colds i lie ile says 1 I contracted a cold early last epting that settled on my mv lungs lunge and had hardly recovered from it when I 1 caught another which hung on all eum summer and left me with a hacking backing cough which I 1 thought I 1 never would get rill rid of f I 1 had used chamberlains remedy some fourteen tour teen years ao ago with much success and anc to try it when I 1 had bad got through with ore one bottle triv mv cough had bail left me and I 1 have not with a chueh or cold sine I 1 have recommended it to ethers at and d ill all i peak well of it 50 cent bottles lor for ealo by bv evne maiben THIS IS THE TIME OF YEA YEAR R WHEN alen N ien and women JIMMIE chilled by cold cold weakened weak ened by the he weather herlin and run d down W n generally few people understand chy hy lii lih if so or atiat liay body tho ait e m mant nt stather and wind sit alback tick first Letu let us stell lall you rou it h k tile bilney kil klinc ney v liver in or or urinary organs ali alic v are 0 first parts B that the alli r affects 11 1 disease d tile hill drevs revs bakke c the irea is not thrown brown I 1 off eff but I 1 ailt SPI la for fon oil 0 back upon the innes and pi results ent ill it was callsen ly 1 11 we ahneS ss of t the there is only one way known to medicine or men fo for kid hadt ney troubles and rest resti i atia these great organs organs to bal h and ami and nd that is liy by UK tile use uge of warners fare cure it lias sooil the MI f daae it hns bus aravni ftc il tho thousands or lives it has liaa resumed binl lions of PutT eiers to health 1 Ittia t glone it 07 e xv 11 A t w was m brewr detle never at t e lormore lor fore itras anada mai nicu nic u anti and healthier it ank 1 made bioti bight and happler happier it artand lane in kl 11 I 1 as do 1 3 on oil not aln it would be wise for you to use il and alius avaid the dangers of the season inest upon having it A HANDSOME OFFER A popular illustrated biome una ana womans comans publication offered free to our subscribers Subscribe ra tim THE has perfected arrange menta by which we offer FREE to our readers a years to wo MA MANKIND the popular mouth ly journal published at Spring il I 01 olibo io we will OIYE give a years y ears subscription to WOMANKIND to each of our leaders paying a years yeara subscription to TUB tim in advance and to all new subscribers paying in advance WOMANKIND will find a joyous welcome in every lome home it is bright sparkling and interesting interest inz its household hints and are invaluable and it also contains a large lar io amount of news about women in yc ge ueral its fabion fa bion department is comp complete lefe and profusely illustrated it lips lias a bright slid entertaining corps of contributors at and the i is s edited with caro care and ability its t ball hildrena department makes WOMANKIND a favorite with the young and in net it contains much uli which will interest every member of every household in its ita sixteen n largo handsomely illustrated panes paes do not way delav in sc this his hoffr it will COST yo YOU U mothie 3 to get a fill ill ears subscription to WOMANKIND 6 Bi mules can be seen at I 1 office d daa ui PROVO CITY UTAI UTAH i paid in capital 00 surplus i A t 9 8 JONES S PRESIDENT if H OLUFF CLUFF JOHN 0 GRAHAM VIV it J JPE P R JOHNSON GEORGE TAYLOR IV ff dusenberry life liale dap isit vaults absolutely fire l arc proof rents 3 to 15 per Y yar ar receives deposits payable on demand collections sent bent us na receive Dr vroni oBi 41 attention and remitted ii at lo 10 lowest aloa cit CORI respondents new york national park bank san francisco pacific Bank Salt alakl lake city deseret national bank R 0 L ai F ab MUL of O va Jt sali dealer in 5 louir 1 cir and and peed wee d babli 1 air FOR FOJ a we vr no orca manager U utah itah county savings cianic ink ahe attention of those desiring to ao open aings amounts ie ia called cotee to the utan bounty 7 oun t v savings s bank which allows interest 1 e yest on deposits at the rate at 5 pr per ent per annum confounded con can pounded quarterly lonay to loar loan on oil rea estate estale security A ota 1 1 R E 1 1 1 Z it 0 SMOOT SHOOT itt P B birnirt Birn irN N V i 1 c OKA GRA 1 UI w n kyn v j 1 ali is w lt L i 1 CI a tit h r r PROVO SHAMBLE T TIM SUCCESSOR TO FARRER BROS sa M ua tT SE E fin feS t U KAST EAST OF POST postoffice OFFICE FICI gash cash paid for fat fal calves E EXCELSIOR A C E L BAKERY f FRE frech sia BREAD CAKES P IF IES S ETC 1 FINE LOT or CAKE AKE ORNAMENTS OR AT PRICES arit 0 A AMI sl HP cit CI chitte ITtE ii iii o jiin nur ur amei we baa a alc aply t at II 11 1 akis I it i tn fann fre fresh sit ays oysters 1 and porte house hoube ahwai a wais son on hand band A FINE PLACE FOR lauie LADI F Oo city ii E 0 30 oh nh D N A 1 1 nils I ROO ana kt etude mirk i stead ister fd and an 1 aai al oin i batem cu ain s in the mt mi mice beton before the courts promptly pron aptly I 1 CAre lull pod re receipt 11 taipi u f ibl spir r of ct in aul wul I 1 L nake ciri and ari ad as to catlie irta tr ot u charge vill 1 u tu hi y 3 across irom ron ro n the hit ani 1 belaz lo in per personae sonai attend atten crane ADf lereita lere it is apparent parent ar that thail I 1 have hate superior sup eror IA t falusi fA luei ret mailing pi ampt preliminary reh I 1 for me e mori anil and successful of fer paten tand lr l r attending to all business ert to my y rare in the harlest possible time reut feu w aiani frit en to patent be amess I 1 and special references reference sent on reque t J R LIT IT ELL ei wl 4 and nd afla m t it 04 ai tt ifft IT inn 1 I ri r i now mom uhl NOW OPENED centre street between E and Fet F reits choice meats alway on hand band baull PJ I 1 j 0 0 aj 0 1 1 IN A no extortionate Extor tiona e prices we asah to live and let live free delivery to all parts of the city N NC C RA prop HOME canler street between G gand aej 11 street prices wadim living S sj JE R w washing hil gland and ironing from 40 acts to CO 60 eta per dozen families will save money by sending pending their washing to the he rome home laundry GOODS CALLED FOR AND AN AEL LI I 1 TERI fD MRS HART URAM GRAM THE krieley i st itule of salt lake city at eGardo th house housa As a matter if iti justice stice to ourselves and to the reputation of D dr leslie E Kee leys world famed remedies Hem edies for liquor opium aud and tobacco we warn the public that these remedies are used by no ina institution 1 tit ution of any kind inne in the territory of utah C geelt ing only the keeley eley institute of salt lake 79 city all others claiming to use dr Kee leys remedies or formulae are frauds and im impostors posters since january last we have made nearly cures cure 3 und and these men inen are among the people of utah today loday as living evidences of the unspeakable value of this treatment we guarantee the genuine keeley treatment as administered at this institute to be perfectly harmless armless li arrangements for treatment may be made with our representative air C A IVINS or with ORRIS manager gardo H bobae OU e ni anu ilk VO tit L AN 1 I mu MI 7 1 OF sash doors X Moul dings frames aall all kinds of building materia a finishing work a sv specialty I 1 EJ rv the she popular tailor Is making suits to order clie cheaper than ever UNION BLOCK PROVO W claf manufacturers ot of and dealean Dea leasin in hums SHOW RN bluso furnishings ROBES WHIPS F URS CHAPS 11 8 0 0 TO 50 5 0 fine buggy harness a specialty specially Stock mens saddles F ALL ALI KINDS RE REPAIRING PAIRING DONE ON SHORT argest stock south of salt lake adare bv mail attended to SIAR SCAR MEAT MARKET E a s B UT C no keens or on clarg M THE rne BEST goof mutton men pork M asi ani ulm AND PORK SAUSAGE vat fat calves and dressed hogs wanted free delivery to any part of the city J E cheever prop IB A T 4 STORES main alain street sat lake lahe city cily Constant constantly lv arriving ar WINTER amone which are blankets from 0 upwards mens suits from froin to 2000 mens alens overcoats from froin 8 too to 2000 jamens underwear bottom prices felt boots shoes etc ladies plush coats from 1200 11 to 2000 ladies New markets from froin SP 00 to 1000 ladies underwear from 25 acts to CAT r aru I 1 HB ass ia a H fa S aj 2 i I 1 B LO avny send kast east tor your fruita Fruit aid iii ornaments Orn amenta enfa brhen andl T when ten you can get them here at nearly hall half of agents prices a aad ud better stok stock guaranteed L LD va D SCAFE DUN DON after rny any plan also plans adf and esti mates mane maae and stock furnished a reasonable figures Fi 1200 ever greens on haud hand of different sizes 1000 roses 47 kinds orders how ever small let me price them the in for you funeral designs of every description made on shor notice everything in the florist line cau call and see west ad street address addre s P 0 box 39 provo N N N H headquarters POR FOR jedof JOWO r watches iv A hi hu wn all corkil the largest and best provo diamonds set and loose to select from repairing in all its branches first F arst class julius jensen THE egeit 1 prova fall eit all lins t I 1 P ah 8 P L S T ETC MU AT PA JE rp aal abro 4 0 go 0 j WARD ap STORE cairies a full stock of fancy and staple C f 1 R 0 C E R I 1 E S gash cash paid for fat calves WALTER i COX HOLDAWAY BLOCK PROVO OHIO line of the RV orld THE n DEWER AND la RIO GRANDE RAILROAD THE ONLY CHIY UNE LIRE PAS PASSING SAMUT mi CITY TO FROM THE COAST THE POPULAR TO LEADVILLE SPRINGS AND LITEN |