Show DAILY JOHS joha 0 GRAHAM manages gar ab M telephone number is ia 27 local mention in this column 30 cents line each insertion per advertisements and changes ila anat be sen t to THE E u office not later ihan 10 a m to secure inser on same dav SATURDAY 4 14 february 4 1893 provo mail bervice MAILS LEAVE U V P ba rait like lake clo ed potier a in u P going south aw ft 0 i W going east i a M W norths north a in arto it q going coing U ia P goll going north 1 in salina anti and ogden kast cast 1020 PM salina balina and ogden west PM MAILS U r P broa ailt lake 9 M tile tha west 9 a in B G W the kast east a m 1 II 11 0 0 W sall nill nl i ogden from west to 44 an swi balna na and og uden ien irom from east 3 20 P blied from salt lake aake P M U v I 1 mill bini south 4 ja v rn OFFICE HOURS the general del delivery ivory stamp andreg and registry batir w windows open at 8 a m and close at p TO the oney money order window opens at 9 i EI tad and closes at 4 p in on oa sunday tha tho general delivery and stamp windows are open amas 12 asto i p m postmaster U R PRICE S aft baki 9 po un e r 1 ile only pure cream of tartar powder Pow derNo ammonia no alu alms al used in Af millions illious of homes 40 40 years taie standard ch church it ach Servi caa s tomorrow at the congreve lional church pr proctor 0 actor academy at 11 am them rhems 0 aa A vision of strength Ch Chia istRin tain endeavor society at p in m at p m there will be a special bettice for children A candle talk illustrated by lighted candles eRl idles of different colors all are welcome wel comp 8 roar pastor children ch ildren cry for pitchers castoria when baby was tick we gave her casto castoria aa when she was waa ii a child she cried for castoria when she became miss hiss she clung clone to castoria when she had children she gave them castoria A thoughtful person consult his best interests hv by having a box of ITIC ADACHE CAPSULES at band taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of beada headache ehe no matter what the ransa cause in tact fact if your skull was cracked it would prevent pain the frequency 0 of the file attacks will diminish dimini and by taking the cap capsules Bules at the ibe ap of a headache you von will never have another bic kerbox per per box for sale by smoot drug co ballards biow this liniment is ia different dil in i a compo com pol tion from any other liniment on the market it is a scientific discovery which results in its being the penetrating liniment ever known know n there are numerous white imitations which may y be recommended because they vay tat tk seller a greater grea ter profit beware bew are of these and demand ballards snow liniment it positively ively cures R bell mati Neura ligia cuts anta sprains bruises wounds sciatic and rheumatism burns scalds sore ri t contracted muscle stiff joints old sores fain in back ba barb rb wire cuts cut 8 boie soie soi a chest or throat and is especially beneficial in paralysis sold by smoot drug co 2 w ANTED pushing canvasser Cany aseer of good address Liberal salary and and expenses paid weekly permanent position BROWN BROS co nurserymen nurseryman Nursery men portland oregon t alra for sale rev and mrs IT B turner offer for sale all lot ot their household and kitchen furniture bugy b aggy anti and harness and two horses ete etc these can be been at their thair home east ath street adv time during daring the day from 9 a in to 3 30 p m iw hood the tha pleasing opera P red led riding hood will be given at the provo opera house friday evening eve ning F eb 10 1892 by the best musical talent of provo city venice pike and fred graham are in the leading role sun oun ported by mav ida jonea emma johnwill john will roberts roberta and a chorus of seventy five voices among the attractions of red rid ing hood is the appearance of a real wolf skin ekin expressed especial iv from denver for this noted nott d oc cadon on twenty five little girls between 0 and 0 9 will dance danca in the blue bine bell chorus borus which will he a sight alone worth the price of admission miss amy pike in lord fontleroy costume will ride lids a handsome little pony which ralph irvine has kindly offered to lend the overa opera is under the management of mrs H 3 turner and miss edith beek beck proceeds Pr deeds will go toward paying for the baptist organ admission Admies ien 25 cents and 50 cents Chi children laren in first circle 10 rents ar ay iy CLOTH JER aja 0 ao C L HIER teatter 1 aft i si 41 4 ca 0 41 i a a Q sl s 1 it we want the e public e to know K w that we mue s in a position n to buy cheaper M and under ex ek an i U KT K T 0 fi T a f t 3 7 s is to J hiis aire stances stance sui ive ve you y the benefit eu HI W 1 6 VP W Z Z 4 substantiate 0 t our claim clai come and get our o Z prices pric es will W il I 1 sell goods from now n 8 U til e tj J march 11 ib j at JL 65 e cents e s ow on aw th ane gets ea Jj ollar 1 l B t bw 4 A a fc AT f fc al 1 l allt 3 S 4 aff Z FABE c 4 aa 6 fa t j s A CL opil 1 11 HATTER 4 F 0 I 1 CL THIER tia TT 0 OUTFITTED k rt 3 L cripple creck i ucles the success of crippa k as ag a great gold fold mining district is ii now hassur assured beyond question the ded work has been done on a large 9 claims and many mines are on pay ore travel into the camp continues ed an average of 50 people going in daily the colorado midland liaf ila bic e men employed in completing comple tini the exten eeleni sion eion into the camp and as soon boon as tite the branch line is in operation a lie new w imp anif tris will be given to tile 1 lp tie TI e rovie into cripple creer creek is via 1111 1 Mill hillI railway to divide station anti ani alleice ice by line into Fre niort the afie center ef the dit thia i is j tua tile only quick and fea feasible kible ro te so 0 o rah ra r arh h crispie cri opie creek |