Show herbert adams adam of odar city ap spent ent yesterday working on the bank building doing some since dressing so BO that the tiling on om the am 1 floor may be laid miss janet rollo of cedar city has been ab assisting treasurer L J adams in gatting out the delinquent tax list the past three days daya miss lillian orton is as assisting Trea stuer L J adams in getting the delinquent tax list ready for the printer the new bank building is rapidly nearing completion and will soon be ready for occupancy the painting us 19 practically completed and tire the tiling fling and fixtures on the ground and ready fur for installing there will in all probability be more news to publish as soon in as the influenza epidemic ha haa abated but at present it 1 is hard to rind find enough news of interest to ill fill the columns ot of the times time somehow a few of the boys are able to get liquor and have a blowout only the other night several of them seemed beamed to be unduly jolly and we are informed it was waa caused by drinking liquor that came from by way of modena officers of the town and county had better belter ge t busy and show what they can do in tire the way of apprehending boot bootleggers leggere the editor saw the other day a bottle containing liquor of some sort only a couple of swallows of it however that had a smokey color to it t indicating that it was waa home made and resembled the old time that used to be so BO largely after in dixie a few years ago wonder if there is so an illicit still in operation hereabouts mr and mrs H L fox wish to thank the people of parowan carowan who so HO willingly and constantly attended mrs F fox and children during their reenie rec nt sickness if you on want t to get a neat xmas prea present cut to give I 1 tor ta to frend or loved one n why I 1 not otI go to john InT T mitchell Milchel lj and is it tre select ae at a piece of jewelry order your butter wi appers pow now |