Show SILO SOLVES FEED PROBLEM dairy cattle can be kept in condition of health common to animals on good past pasture or i t prepares B d ty by the d flatea I 1 department eat of 1 1 with will silage a la in the ration dairy cattle U can co be ba kept I 1 in the condition of health common m 0 to animals on pasture the th digestive ve system of a cow I 1 ia well suited tor far the utilization of large quan titles of cicen grasses and other coarse succulent material silage is 18 palate palata lit hie and ad no an other food feed will combine so well vell with dry hay and a btttle e grain to produce maximum economical i 1 re on suits the preservation of the mature corn crop or the saving of a one which for far any reason must be bur harvested vested before maturity at ty by placing it in silos Is 13 de cle edly berverly Berv atre edly increasing in popularity about 40 per cent of tile the total food material I 1 in the corn col plant ia I 1 in the stalks 1 and leaves leave IN ft hen he only the ears are har ber vested veste d nearly one halt half of the emp crop Is lost on the other hand when the crop se 47 4 1 7 I 1 I 1 4 4 L 1 MN st t silo helpa help solve witter winter feed fd problem I 1 on this thia dairy farm far Is put into the silo ello the losses are very email all tt IN hen drought front or c insects sort attack a field of corn before it I 1 to Is ripe tile the entire crop way may be lost unless a silo la Is at hand in which to preserve it 0 NO o f led crops can be so buce successfully faull 1 atad under widely parsing condl funis as aa those that are put into the silo only in case of drought or frost la Is it II to rush mh the filling falling of the silo ile rain or dew on the forage does doe not injure billion the lifrage |