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Show Page Two ishi:i) vi:i:ki.y at iuukka. utaii Printed by matter Fdirunry 10, "Entered an wihuiI-cIiunder the Act of March poxt office at Eureka, Utah, Her it 1048, 3, 1870." the ...Harrison Conover Mks. HmJJS Coffey ' ASSOCIATION SEATTLE Nltf TOM San flANCIXO Sl.iLe Sponsors I l.illowc'cn !'(.! Cl.il) !i00 Just-a-Me- at . . PER DAY WAGE INCREASE DEMAND Stake Halloween purty waa held at Eureka, Saturday, Oct. 23, under the direction of Mra. Pearl Forsey and K. A large crowd of L. Spurrier. 1116-- 1 live Girls and Scouta club met at the home of Mra. Allicne Farren on Tuesday evening. 500" furnished the evening's diversion snd prize were won by Mra Esther Nielson, high score, Mrs. Sadie Warr, 2nd high and t. Mra Grace Chatwin. Taaty refreshments were served to those mentioned and Mrs. Maxine Schnw, Mra. Faye Wall, Mrs. Valene Livingston, Mrs. Delores Robinson, Mra Madge Burraslon, Mra Donna Iaxman, Mrs. Neva Naef, Mrs. Marcella Chambers and the special gueat, Mrs. Anna The The re Santaquin-Tintl- c BY BROTHERHOOD A program was given consisting of community singing led bv ncth Spurrier; Trombone1 solo, Benton Patton, accompanied by Gene Oborn; One act play, Selma Goes Psychic" Eureka Ward. Ganica, relays and dances were enjoyed by all. Prizes for beat all-cu- BRINGS STRIKE TO KENNECOTT costume were awarded to Marguerite Sandstrom, Johnir Robin- Franks. son and Tom Eastwood. Doughnuts, punch and Hallowe'en candy waa served At I).U.I ir Meet The DU.P. held their regular meeting Thursday, Oct. 21, at the home of Mra. Martha Durfce. An interesting lesson on Utah Pioneers and their first experiences" waa given by Mra. Lucy HOW ABOUT THIS, BRACK t You have made repeated assertions that .you Intend to save the state a lot of money, but you have never aahl whieh services you would rurtall except to discontinue the enforcement division of the IJqiior Control commission. What's hack of that, Mr. lee? Would you spend less on roads, and lose federal grants? Would you reduce the already . Johnaon. Tasty refreshments were served to Mrs. Katie Towers. Mra. Ada Thompson. Mrs. Rose Phipps, Mra. Ruth Wahlquist, Mra. Ituie Barrett, and Mra. Lucy Johnaon. Kntre Nous pitifully small contributions to Cliili I'.nlerttiiiiii! the needy and aged people? Would you reduce the salarF.ntre Nous club membera were ies of the school teachers? Yntertalned at the home of Mra. exThese three departments Emily Andrew on last Wednesday of nil the money expend 86 evening. pended by the stale. Mra. Belle Coffey reviewed The Administration of state afBishop's Mantle" by Agnes Sligh of salaries the fairs, Including Turnbull. stale officers, takes only 2.48 Mra. Andrew served delicious reof the money rxpendid liy the freshments to the following memslate. You could close up the Mra. Elaine Archer, Mra state capltnl, do away with all bers: Mae Cronin. Mra. Elva Cullen, elective officers. Including the Mra. Ethel Donnelly, Mra. Stella governor, and still save less Donnelly, Mra. Itasalie Dunn, Mra. than three cents on the dollar. Elizabeth Fraukc. Mra. Ruby What are you going to do, Myrtle Theriault. Mra. .Mr. Ire-- In a superman and Shaw, Mrs. Virginia Randle, Mra. Ellen Rancreate something tail of nothdle and Mrs. Orlcnc Sunthcrland. ing? The next nireting will be held Milton Paid political a! L, the home of Mra Ellen Ferguat Weilcnmann-S- alt Lake Citvi 3. To Kennccott Employees and Neighbors: Last Sunday afternoon, 311 employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen went on strike and left their jobs in mine haulage at Kennecotts action Bingham Canyon Mine. As a result of this strike of the employees, operations have been forced to by 7 shut down. Strikes are mighty serious affairs, because they hurt all of us; therefore, you are entitled to know the facts about the strike and the situation which was responsible for it. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine-me-n represents 311 mine employees of the mine haulage system. Negotiations have been in process between the Brotherhood and the company since early in August. Kenne-cot- t offered these employees a wage increase of 96c per day. accident and sickness insurance to its group life insurance program. After brief consideration the Brotherhood also rejected this offer. The Conciliators finally suggested further conferences to be held in Washington. D. C The company stated it was .greeable, but the Brotherhood rejected the Conciliators suggestion. The Brotherhood then set a new strike date for rh .sterday, October As of today, over 4500 Kennecott employees are out t work. They are losing income in wages at the rate of $1,375,000 per month. There will also be a reduction in 2-- a Voice money spent in Utah of approximately $2,300,000 per month for normal expenditures for supplies, freight, taxes, etc. The detrimental effects of this shutdown will reach out in many directions throughout the state. in Congress Government of the people . . ." is more to you than a catch phrase. It is a phrase which has been given life anJ meaning by the able service of William A. Dawson aa your Representative in Congress from the Second District. ... memories sometimes be a bit short helped vote the income tai cut (three times vetoed by President Truman). His voice was heard in the $390,000,000 reclamation program of the 80th Congress the greatest in history. Your voice in Washington is that of William A. Dawson. He is part of the team a team which will be strengthened by the election of Thomas E Dewey. ... GIVE HIM YOUR VOTE OF CONFIDENCE! Re-Ele- WILLIAM A. DAWSON Incumbent Republican Congressmen from Utah's Second District. by Ray W. Siiawm. layVnn, Utak the Brotherhood deferred its strike. Conferences with this con- ofr-the-j- Entitled to Under the Constitution you are entitled to a voice in Congress You are entitled to choose a representative who, through ability in Congress and knowledge of the district he represents, protects your special needs and interests. That voice is pvm you by Congressman Dawson. It is a voice and a power which have secured a financing plan by which the Provo River Project will be completed a power that has 'aunched (with cooperation of Senator Watkins) measures for the great Central Utah Project. Congressman Dawson lest our Conciliation Service then requested both parties to meet with a panel of one Utah and three Federal Conciliators in an attempt to reach a settlement. This proposal was accepted and At this time, the company made an additional offer to these mine haulage employees, volunteering to add son nn Nov. 4 You're The company also agreed to make this increase effective as of July 1, 1948. This is the identical wage increase that was accepted by all Utah Copper Divisions 4200 other employees. The Brotherhood rejected this offer, and demanded an increase of $2.71 per day. In other words, members of the Brotherhood have demanded an increase of $1.75 per day more than the daily increase accepted by their fellow workers. The Brotherhood and the company having been unable to reach an agreement on the amount of a wage increase, the Brotherhood set a strike for Friday, October 1 5th. The U. S. ciliation panel started last Monday and were carried on daily until Friday when negotiations again became deadlocked. I M PJskal AJvtitbraiml I SILVER CLUB OllCACO IValiircs k d. ct NATIONAL EDITORIA- L- re (.luMren -p nationai aovcitisino iiriiUNTAtivi Jusl-A-Mo- r i iiitiry , i Year, $:i.00; Per Copy, 10c Editor and Manager Reporter Society 194$ 2. ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Si'Rinuville, Utah Subscription In Advance, 29 - THE EUREKA REPORTER mi OctolK-- r Mrs. Clara Lemenar spent Oct. to i Oct. 20th visiting with 13th Mri. Arllmr Snilli SANTAQULY NEWS . i I.iHiiwi-'I ii P.irly Mm. Joseph Newton at Salt take. DKLICIOUS, Jonutli Al I Ifiius ( lull She attended to some business Beauty apples, ivk 1)13 J A HUDSON. goblins. it's cheaper. AppiV?' fPoka, SANTAQUIN matters and was impressed with The W.ii.r.S. met at the home other ready Bring y,mr Negroes, witches, and many her visit to Memory Grove which of Mra. Arthur Smith on taut ers. Orders taken, tmLk?S Hallowe'en characters made the I lulliiwcMi Piirly afternoon. after-niii,-ii she declared was a beautiful night. Thursday held ed. Mt. Nebo Fox Farm rl Tuesday Primary Iparty of the biiHinewi ( mm-i- i llv M.I.A. At the Utf&h. A. Z. Unljliinij. at o'clock one of the high-- I I'hr,. 5 wan luncheon a WANTED taaty K-The party meeting a of the season. ght Mra Mra. Win. served to ('lark, mtereatiiifr ivaa held in the lat Ward AmuseSANTAyflN LIMITED Number of boardim. jjanDY Hot poitllJitr'-'- 2 A. K. Stokea, Mra. Veru in the ment hall with President Kstella held was Hallowe'en party Mm. Albert Curlaon, Miaa Kdith Khodu Counselor Call Mrs. W. D. Mathie, Plume wringer. Also hmiuII rec?? H Peterson and I'l iidray, Mra. Win. Vivian, Mra. 1st Ward Amusement hull Tueaday or. Call 124-nr in Hudson charge. Win. Itate and Mra. Jack N'llaon. Mutual .... evening ut fi o'clock. The wen All primary children came In in officera and teachcra costume and prizes were awarded Carnes charge of the entertainment. A for the best costumes. Mrs. MiDuniii-l- l wa one-aHallowe'en play and a pumpkin-face- d were played I .rileiluins W.H.A. s direcwaa Eddie SylveatiT ENJOY YOURSELF and apple were given to all tor and membera of the cant in- cookie Harbara Deuel, Karen present. The W.H.A. met at the home cluded: The 2nd ward held their Primary Claudia Itobinaon, of Mra Anna MiDonm-I-I on ?uoa-da- y Chriatenaen, WHERE FRIENDS MEET on Mon. at 4 o'clock. Prizes and Ferre party Beverly Taylor, Carl costumes beat for eveninjr. awarded a were Duane Guudy. After the play were served. Following the bualncaa the march of all thoae in cos- and refreshments waa grand hoat-eain charge a earda were enjoyed and the Pres. Blanche York tume took place. nerved a delicioua luncheon. were awarded, two for j of arrangement Six Prizes were won by Mra. Mar- beauty,prizes two for the ugliest and Four new members, Mra Erma garet Kreethy, high score. Mra. two fur the apookieat. Candy Ada Handle, houae prize and Mra. popcorn, punch and chili were sold Kyte, Mra. Pauline Christensen, Fern Hannah Johnnon, consolation. Dancing by music from the phono- Mrs. Lois Clark and Mrs The next meeting will be held graph supplied the reat of the Johnson have joined the Ladlea at the home of Mra. Nellie laird, diversion for the evening. Literary Club. 1 ii - The Eureka (Utah) Reporter We have sincerely tried to avoid a work stoppage. We regret the Brotherhood has called the strike. To submit to the Brotherhood s demand would discriminate against all other Kennccott employees. It would start a fourth round wage increase which would launch a new inflationary spiral. Sincerely, Ararat hcmM y IMS daily way accrptod by d aaiap mf Hi Hi 100 lacriai Daily a 4 by Fteyra HataM nnpl (hra la Tba h iaerraw tfi daily daiaandad I I I I I Iw ki rambw. wag by )ii I). I). Aiui-hAT-, Vice President. UTAH COPPER DIVISION KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION ! I |