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Show October Tage 29, The Kureka (Utah) Reporter Four- ELKEUTA FOR SALK MONARCH RANGE and hot water lank, new grates, new water jacket, 120. Call Provo 1164-- CHIT-CHA- eka stayed the Evelyn iietk. T week-en- d with Miller. The Blat khan v, Mr. and Mra. A. I . Deapain ofIra 'U few in Little a day Mexico Valley and th.- apent the : 'h, were bagged in West Tint'! W. A. Cluff. tama. Hir, honored the' newly weda and rela jMra. of the Payaon Seminary. Dividend On Friday. Mr. and Mr. John 1 Hauer spent the (Jay In Provo and will be given In A cottage meeting wan held last A reception or town on businaai. in the 29, October neighboring on Thursday evening at the home their honor number Elbert a members of the Bon Ton They enjoyed a lovely dinner with A Pace. good church. Jesse ward Mm. Santauin 1st S00 Club, Marguerite Walerbury, Mr. and Mm. E. W. Harding of The newlywed will make their attended the meeting. Vera Whitney, La Bue Bauer, Provo. have Mrs. Wesley Christensen jn Mamniothi Grace Berk, Doris Penrod. Valerbeen confind to their homes Tor Mr and Mra. Jack Taylor of motorWeek-enund Isirin ia Bauer d Foote, visitors at the Kayllhe ,.Veral days suffernig Azuit Christensen Hnd I)aVid cal., Mr. and Mra. Norman M4.lr(1(ie ed to Payaon on Thursday afterhome were Mr. and Mrs. fm'severe caaeii of" the flu. Bellows of to Dividend to came , meet-of Salt Isike pillows and Mary recent noon to attend their regular and Treslan Beek of r. (lllHir Chriswere Spanish Fork join their brother, Wesley Mni fcjr Mn, ing. They were joined at the home ami rehome. Rosner Bellow and Mra. Robert wwen j the dear hunt. They tors at the Sam or the hoHlMM, Agnes Wilson, by f Provo. son Michael of Alameda. Chi.. ami success. jsirt Phylis Ely. and &00 was the diverr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul fames and Nimrods from Dividend report-Malon of the afternoon. Priw win- The Malcolm Jolleys enjoyed a and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Carlson jn tiers were Vera Whitney, Iirie- vullj Foote, and Doris Penrod. A (kill y und daughter Darlene, of cuts of Mrs. Rosner and Mrs. Car and sons of Salt Lake were vialMr and Mrs. Arweek at the Eldon cion luncheon was served to thine the turs during nes. Mr. and Mra. Cal Ellon. The Nelson home. Blaekham and Mr. and Mrs. dell present. in Mr. Htid Mrs. Bill Oram and men folks went deer hunting Glen Patten of Salt Luke City family were in Provo on Thurs-- j the Markers Ranch area. itwllMUl Mr. and Mrs. William Elton and Mrs. I .el tie Patten of Sjsinlsh (j.,y when- - they had dinner with hunt. deer town the tew were for days Fork are guests for a ,a's sister, Mrs. Don fastle- - While inBill hunted, Mrs. Elton vi- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrry ... her parents, Patten. Ia Rue liaurr spenl Sunday vi - sitel In Eureka withHansen. Mrs. r Mrs. Mr. and Roy siting with friends in Eureka while Mr. and Mis. K. W. I larding of jiiisbxnd. Gene tried once again i Elton is the former Mas NormaProvo were Sunday guests at the to find thllt .UHiVe buckskin. .Hansen, Mrs. Rosner is the for'mer Gail Elton and Mrs. Carnes To honie of Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer. will be is-- ter Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jolley of was formerly Miss Maureen Kl- membered as Duisie Osborn. Provo returned to their home on ton. Bill and his dad. Cal Eiton k visit each bagged a deer. Sunday after a Bill and Ilcne Penrod were Sun- with their daughter and son - in The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. day evening luncheon guestsIVn-ro-at law, Mr. snd Mrs. William Penrod. contributing cakes, pics, and coffee, the home of Don Hnd Doris A. Cluff at Dividend was the scene the men contributing the meat for Mr. and Mm. W. E. Wolf of .of a lovely wedding on Oct. 24, barbecuing, and tho beer or ale. Venn Ber Goshen were Friday evening when their daughter, Miss Mary Dm Perrin of Eur- - guests at the home of Mr. and nice Cluff became the bride of ua i0j- - B(J what the purpose is. From where I ait, its this simple Verl Glen Long, son of Mrs. Jewe side of country life In wholesome can on Well, the answer is: any Pace of Dividend. The ceremony its spirit of Performed by G. E. Dunford join who neighborly inclined. The America On Saturday evening. Gene and w makes for tolerance THEATRE that i purpose is limply to enjoy good La Ftue Bauer took the Beehive between understanding better and I conGlrhi and Bill and lads Oram took mr food, good beer and ale, good ' to the Boy Scouts to attend a party neighbors. EUBEKA, UTAH toward, getting vereation- -.il sponsored by the M. I. A', at Eurknow one another better. As I say, Neighbor, any one can eka. They reported a very good one join up! So eome along a week time. Submit news to Mrs. Dorothy Every other Saturday, at FRIDAY and SATURDAY from this Saturday. not Thomas than later is Monday the dug, farm or another, pit October 29-3- 0 After an unsuccessful week-en- d night. And by sunstarted. lira th and on the opening of deer season here Double Feat lire The Gleaner Girls gave a stork down, neighbor! from miles around Floyd Penrod and son and Lyle have tome together the women Deamer of Ogden returned this shower in honor of Verna ThrockHERE COMES last week-en- d as guests of Don morton at the home of Mrs. H. TROUBLE and Doris Penrod to agsin try Obcrg. Games were played and a delicious lunch was served to the Copyright, 1948, United States Bremen Foundation their luck. and following: Nelda Le Baron, Isabel! Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hudaon of Draper, Thelma Nelson, Mary JewWHO KILLED Orem and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Beck ett, Lucille Ewell, Elaine Clark, anil Jimmie tried their hunting Verda Throckmorton, Mra. Z. EwDOC KOBRIN1 luck again on Sunday when they ell, Shirley Jenaen, Letisha Davis, Short drove up to Strawberry. They Lucille Thomas, Donna Davis. didn't see anything to about at, Maurine Davis, Elsie Obcrg, and but did enjoy a beautiful drive. guests from Goshen were Oral Nelson, Mable Lance. Atmctinns Coming Tues. and Sat. Ned Riley of Redding, Califor- Isabelle Millet, Mra. Arch Millet. The honored guest was the renia visited with hio aunt and uncle, Stan and Marguerite Waterbury, cipient of many beautiful and useduring his trip here for the deer ful glfta News Notes Klva Grernhalgh, Reporter j ATTENTION! j I i v sr;r jiey .May We Draw Your to a Few IlemH in our'111! sniHi Department. vi-M- jr WE HAVE AYAlI..njr AT TIIF- - IRKsKNT: J ' Join Want 1 ltUFKIfiKKATOIis COLEMAN OIL HEATERS Joe Marsh Rom where I sit i IHILCO Both of thow u , Our Club? i two-wee- FREI) J. M1LLIMAN ' now if you are in the mai5 for either of these appliance d. Denineratle famlldate for State Senator 13th District Juab and Tooelo Counties. MTPOItTlNG: Repeal of IJen Law; Veterans I legislation, Better Roads and fontlnuanee of H and C Road Monies to Cities and . Counties, and Reiter School. He has served three terms as State Representative from Juab County, named as chairman each time on committees. Candidate for Speaker 1943. Rom in Illinois January 29, 1897. Worked as a miner several years at Park City. Served 4 years in Mexlean and World War I, injured in active service. In business in Mammoth for 18 years, representing Standard Oil in Service Station work. Educated in schools in Illinois, Nebraska and at George Washington University. Member of the American Legion, Elks lodge, and Past President of the Now Eureka Kiwanis club. serving as Secretary-Treasurof the Tintic Wildlife Asocia-tioMarried and residing at Mammoth, Utah. Has two sons who served in World War II, and now attending the University of Utah. Has served the public during the last war as County Chairman of Defense Council, salvage drives. Bond drives and other war activities. Has always worked for the betterment of schools and labor. (See record in Legislature!. If elected will continue as In the past to work for honest legislation nml support those things the majority of the people want. (Paid Political Adv.) er n. Our Stoek RECORDS VICTOR AND UOLI'MRl.i IS GOOD ip STAR ' Genola lSeiVS Come in and look them PAY LESS AT LEES j, out-of-to- IIICiII SEAS THE FOXES OF HARROW BAMHI SLAVE (TIBL LIFE WITH FATHER fortify years Dexter been my pride. Let my experience Be your qm'de. TIIRHIi,SSS,2lwJ5, ONIONS 123 MEAT SPECIALS hunt. Mrs. Fred Davis spent Monday Gene and Lorie Foote were in Salt Lake combining business hosts at a dinner party on Fri- and pleasure. day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Jones, and for Mr. and Billy Milner of Salt Lake visitMrs. Bob Jones of Inn Angeles. ed with his aunt, Mra. Howard The latter were here for just a Thomas over the week-enshort visit with their folks. Genola citizens participating in Remember to reserve the evening of November 19, Tor the par- the deer hunt were Mr. and Mra. ty sponsored by the Branch M. H. Obcrg. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen, I. A. at Elbrrta. There will be an Mr. and Mrs. Sid Throckmorton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thimad, Mr. k auction of farm produce and and a sale of food stuffs. and Mra. Howard Thomas, Mr. and Here will be your opportunity to Mrs. Vern Smith, Bryon Thomas. pickup your winter spuds and ap- LaVon York, the Fred Davis famples or a nice plump stewing hen ily. Myron Christensen, Grant Larand have a lot of fun while doing son, Andy Larson, and Dutch Drait. There will be a fine program per. All report fair success. from Payxon and all proceeds of The Genola atore has changed the evening will go towards the purchase of a phonograph and re- hands. Mr. Delbert Jensen bought the business from the former owncords for the use of the Branch. er. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jensen, who have moved to California to FOR SALE make their home. ONE Eureka Heatrola coal atove. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jarvia of $20.00. Call Mra. Robert Gillia-piPhone 177. Springville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas on MonLARGE Frigidaire good condi- day of this week. tion. Call 126-R-- 3 Dividend. Leola Christensen. LOST d. live-stne- OCT. 1948 29-3- 0, D9C Mb. Pkgs Morrells 1-l- b. SAUSAGE ROLLS lb. Assorted LUNCH MEATS lb. e BEEF CEi 99C AH C ewsM TAMALES L forfclC PLUMP STEW HENS Association A Grade lb. 11 C m O Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit, 70 size.. a Morrells Sliced BACON over. 5 CABBME ROMANCE ON THE of iior HUBBARD SQUASH Whole Piece 97 dL JtM C Pound Pound PUMPKINS for Pies or Jack o Lanterns Pound, RED . TOKAY GRAPES .... u9 lbs 9E Ld Large Stocks CELERY Stock -p Meets tie text -p Wrtb speed and ease ft washes best s . NEW Nydare Gun Sight reasonably priced. Glen Knotts, Phone 237. v WRIST Watch Friday evening. Return to Carlene Jasper, phone 67 -p SSf -p A FIGHTER FOR YOU! Through more than a half century of w thing America! clothe, the Dexter Twin Tub triumpha ai the time-trie- d way to ihorfru waah day. becocart awii hour when you uie a day Dexter Twin. It waihe, riaira, and wring! all at the lame time even dirticat clothe miraculoaily become iparhling bright and white, ready for the line in hoIf tie time. Yi David J. Wilson has a great purpose in seeking support lor his election to Congress. That purpose hi to give you a fighting, an able representative in the House el Representatives. You know this man. He knows you and he knows your problems. For your problems are those with which he has worked during his entire adult Ufa. David J. Wilson is a man of ability and couragw. Ha has tha technical training ior tho Congressional he seeks. I K Dewey will be our next Trerier Our State can gain most through election ol a c.blo Conjr man oi the majority party. -- )Q)js)nnsioi WAIHI1 ClIANiH 9VICKIII DAVID J. WILSON lASIIt. Candidate for Congress First Utah District IDIXOOAYLOOUSSEL'LICO! I sunt -wav-fisvJsrSlra'S istes:sas.SwC rwa; asDneiia - Jt. M. CLOUD, Owner pi 6c e, Ob yes!My Dexter at g. goshi: llT.H T Dm |