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Show Till: REPORTER opprviialet your calling in 'neui ilemt to your local correspondent before Tuesday evening 4 YOUR ADVERTISING HITS HOME WHEN ' YOU USE YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER Volume Forty-Eigh- t- Euivka, Utah, October 29, 19 IS Organ Benefit Banquet And Concert Planned committee with L. K, and Norma met at 8:00 o'- Sunday to formulate pinna an organ banquet and con- - n,(. organ for - . The contract has been hiirn.-and preparation ii,A for ear Book ar.- und. r wav im.leV the management ,f r.,.. editor; Bonnie Ityan assistant ed.- -' tor; Wahlquiat and David Houghton' businww manager; '?Prta cdlt"r: Fat Ther-editiIh,n,thy Tl,nn- - literary THE DEER nii !' sale i to be M.im.rial building v. '"J1 .10 P- - m- - to raise fund to htlp finance the year hook. ,'4 Town red JUNIOR CROSS . . . Georg Goerts, 11. from Vienna, Aostria, examinee health and educational supplies being rent to Austrian children by American School children through tho American Junior Red Crosn Each chest contains enough supplies for n school room of M stsdenta. Georg, a student at SidweU Friends School, Washington, D. C, is the son of Wilhelm Goerts, economic advisor to tho Austrian ... Mrs. Nettie Dittmer and Mrs. Ann Morgan were in Salt Lake1 deer hunt last week end, combining business Utah's annual 11-dended Tuesday at dusk, but Tin-- j with pleasure. tie's deer season always runs lon-- i two gtr than that At least for weeks before the season opens, more deer are killed at the mines of this week. ud in Eureka's business houses Miss Marion Nash, student at than sre actually killed in the at wide open spaces. It would be an the BYU spent the week-en- d her home in Eureka. eye opener to listen to some of the tall tales, (and we do mean Mr. and Mrs. Don Ewing and TALL) that are being told by children and Robert Ewing of Ogsome of the Nimrod after returniden. spent the past week visiting ng from the hunt To the list published last week we add some at the home of Mrs. Ewing's more names Frank Peart and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allred. The Ewing brothers hunted in Hop son Ronald and Bob Robinson. Creek and each brought in a each and hunted in Little Valley deer. Mrs. Ewing will be remembagged a deer. bered as Miss Catherine Allred. Robert Franks got his deer on the opening day before eight Dick Buys was up from the "Y" o'clock. He hunted in the Cherry over the week-en- d visiting with Creek area and bagged a big 5 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph pointer. Buys. Robert L. Garrity, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garity, Jr. huntBill Hannifin, who is attending ed in the West Tintic mountains school at Westminster College In and Robert Jr., brought in a deer. Salt Lake, spent the week-en- d Alfred Daniels and son, Eugene, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. hunted in the ML Pleasant area Frank Hannifin. and each succeeded in bagging a deer. Merle Pett, who is employed in Charles Van Wagoner got a Salt Lake, spent the past weekr, nice Frank and Mar- end in Eureka visiting her parvin Bacon got a nice one, Hebe ents. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Pett. s e and Bryce Jones each succeeded in getting one. Mrs. Bert Ferguson was in Salt Carl Fields, and sons Bob and Lake Sunday visiting her husband Hebe. Henry Wall, Gerald Carl- who is confined to the Holy Cross son each bagged a deer in the hospital. Mr. Ferguson received 1 West Tintic mountains. severe burns while working at Hamilton Laird, Ted Colovich. the North Lily Mine several days Tom Maxwell, Woodrow Weitzeil ago. all report success. Enoch Newman has been conMr. and Mrs. George Wunder fined to his home for the past two and children, Billy and Carolyn, weeks suffering from a severe who have been making their home dose of the flu. in Eureka for the past two years, left last week for Tahawus, New York, where Mr. Wunder will be uaociated with National Lead ay ' legation la Washington. With Georg k Naomi roihn, the Junior Red Dm inler-acbocouncil. : j Births j . D. F. EDDY DIES member of home NEW PROGRAM AT Ilds hospital here BRIGHTENS LIVES David Franklin Eddy, 70. resident of Eureka for many years, died Sunday morning at his residence here of causes incident to age. Mrs. Eddy was Imrn March 1. 1878. in Lake Shore. Utah county, a sun of William Thomas and Sarah Jane Eddy. He married Jennie Biggley in Provo in June. 1907. He has resided in Eureka for 25 years. Survivors include a brother, William T. Eddy, Salt Lake City; two William Oakey, San and Francisco, Ship Oakey, Springville. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the Olau-di- n funeral home at Spanish Pork. Burial was in the Evergreen cemetery at Springville. of the mine for half-brother- s. I.inIc No. 2 Al Ucgufar Mi'H Kclx-luil- i No. 2 Columbia Kebekah held their regular meeting at I.OO.F. Hall on Thursday, Oet. At the roncluaion of the ness meeting an evening of cards was enjoyed and delicious refreshments served by the committee for the evening, consisting of Ethel Brenton, Irene Bryson, Nellie Laird and Anna McDonnell. busi- FRACITKES LEG Douglas Smith, 8. son of Mr. and Airs. Ned Smith of Santa-qui- n suffered a broken leg two weeks ago when it was crushed between n tractor and truck. Mrs. Hilda Webb received word this week that her son. Alfred Webb, of Pueblo. Colo., has returned to his home after a three n All ins Inr (lit Iiiiiiiidl 1 l.illowt-YPiirly liavr Imtii ami r iliinj ia set fur ill (liiMrrn of Tintic to w niult'i fill tiin on Satnrtlay evening, nrumling to .l SERVICES HEM) lmc FOR II. R. WILDER FATIIKK Or i n - hlllMA "4Harry Randle, chairman of the Board of Directors of Tintic Teen rn! 7 1ULV IM Herbert R. Wilder, 71. longtime ilUiilAil HIM 111 Mammoth resident, died Friday at an Ogden hospital following a lin- SAI T I AKK I gering Illness. He was bom Feb. 16. 1877. in Salt Lake City, a son of Edward Willard Henry Williaina. 75. and Alary Ann Yenter Wilder. father of Mra. Ruth Wahlquiat of He resided In Mammoth for the this city, died in Salt take Sunpast 59 years, lie followed tlte day at 8 a. m. of a heart ailment. A son of Ellaa W. and Ida Jane occupations of mining and assaying. Baacom Williams, he was born In A member of Lodge 711. B. P. Mona. Juab rounly, Sept. 22, 1875. O. E he had served as a volunteer He was a farmer and ranrher in fireman the past 25 years. Vernal, Uintah county, moat of hia Survivors Include his widow; one life, having entered the Uintah at the age of 12. daughter. Airs. Helen Milliman, Basin On Feb. 1. 1900, he married Tooele; one granddaughter, and a Rone C. Perry in the Salt take sister, Mrs. Daisy Iowse. Church of Jesus Christ of Funeral services were ronduetrd temple. tatter-da- y Saints. She died in Sunday at 2 p. ni. in the Eureka 1946 in ants Monica, Calif. Elks lodge rooms, under direction Air. Williams moved to Santa of the lodge. Monies several yeara ago ami reBurial was in Eureka remetery turned to Salt take after the under the direction of Fairbanks death of hia wife. City of Orem. mortuary He was an elder in Santa Monica L. I). 8. ward. He fulfilled a IMPROVED mission to the northwestern states H. E. Jones, depot agent at the from 1913 to 1915. D. A R. G. Railroad coniany. sufFuneral services were held Monfered a severe nose hemorrhage day at the Sunset tawn mortuIsst SundHy and was taken to the ary. Burial was in Santa Monica, Iaysnn hospital for medical treat- Calif. ment. He returned to his home Frienda of Mra. Vahlquiat are the following day and is reported extending sincere sympathy In the loaa of her father. improved. CT three-year-ol- Santaquin News Briefs ter-m-la- Old-Ag- Whi-eloo- 1 t'l-.i- . oM-ratio- ir-le- i i v s Re-Por- ts i- ; r" (silica), LARGE CROWD AT Town David chairman of the young folks party announcea that the party will start at 6 p.m. and continue until 8:30 p.m. All children from 1 to 13 will be admitted. This party will fea ture costume and the following committee haa been appointed to act aa judge: Valene Livingston, Gloria Gear, Anna Franks, Norma Jameson, Berniece Milliman, and IVggy Sheldon. The teachers of Eureka Public School have made all arrangements for the party and will act aa Chaperons; however any children muat be accompanied by parents. The second party for the older children will commence at 9 p.m. and will feature dancing. To gain admission to this party all student muat enter the dixir between the gymnaum ' and the high echool dene room building. Here they muat go thru a Spook limine that haa been prepared by Mra Evelyn Williams and Mra. Genevieve Ekloff, assisted by two from each class in high school. At 10:30 p.m. an intermlaalon will bo held and hot doge with sweet cider will be served to all. The refreshments will be served by the following citizens: Mayor Wilford K. Redmond, Rt. Rev. Magr. A. F. Giovan-non- l, Harry Randle, IVggy Sheldon, A. M. Ross, Hiahnp A. Sand-troRalph Whitehead, and Joseph Cherry. Mrs. Lillian Buy a Sadie Mitchell and Irene Finch will cook the hot doge, tarry Walker will provide tlie music for the dancing, and the citizens, along with fraternal and civic organizations have provided the money for pre-scho- ol this community affair. ACCEPTS CALL TO CALIF. MISSION SANTAQUIN-Eld- er Fr STAKE SCHEDULE . . . Nov. 11 -- Stake family meeting, 8taka house 7:30. Nov. 12 and 13 Homecoming (Goshen Ward t. Nov. 12 Eureka Ward Relief Society bazaar. Nov. 15 M. I. A. taadershlpa Elherta 7:30. Nov. 16 - Gleaner Gaylia stake house. Nov. IK -- Organ lianquet Eureka ward. Nov. 19 - Ward auction Elberta Branrh. M. I. A. PROGRAM Nov. 20 Elberta H s j 'i S.l-di- Ib-tt- la-so- i Stake harvest ball Nov. 27 - Stake Primary union special Hallowe'en program meeting - Eureka. was held Tuelay evening in connection with the regular aeion of the MIA. The program waa friniiiry Olfirfr a follow: Vocal solo. Itonalie Al Monllily McNeil, accompanied by Karen Archer: piano solo, Colleen Mor-duSANTAQUIN- - Primary officers and teachers of lat ward held One-ac- t Selina Goes play, I'kviIiic.'' waa given, with Hie fol- their monthly meeting Thursday Oct. 21at at the home of lowing girl taking iart: Beverley night, Mra. Mcva Hnrrorka. Business lb'll. Ni'l'la Child Peggy Pax-ma- matter were and pot Adelza Dean. Marilnu refrehmenta were served to Edna Webb, and Margene luck the hiMdcH, Kxtella ITterwm, MatluiHon. Community singing wa led liy Kenneth Spurrier, wilh lihodn Hudson. Katherine Goody, Betty Ijou Gordon, Helen Gordon. Norma Janiewin at the piano. A. M. Bo wa presented a gift JohamiMh Borgraon, Fru-dSadie DcGraffcnrold, Georgia from the officers and teachers of the Eureka wan! in appreciation leler"ii. Jeanette Lcliaron, Alice Hughes and tarllle Wall. of the fine job he ha done aa of the wan) Y. M M. CARD PARTY I A. Punch and doughnuts were Tlie Columbia Kebekah lxige served to approximately one hun- will hold a card party in the dred ten who were in attendance I OOF. Hall on Nov. 5. Worthwhile prize will be given and Wayne Beck, who la enrolled at refreshment will be nerved. Don't the BYH waa a week-envisitor forget the date, Nov. 3. Come at hia parent home, Mr. and Mra. out and have an enjoyable Wayne Beck. Mel c. n. dim-uiiae- Me-Ne- d. Mc-Ke- ll, d addition baa liccn made to the SantaTintic District Scout Organization !nn Thompson ha been apminted Commissioner of Senior Scouting and will work with Ik K. Spurrier, commissioner of Junior An quin s S;-ir- -- o'clock. A r e Leon White ha received hia call for an LD8 nilMlon in California. He will leave sometime in December for the mission home. He is the son of Mrs. Sam White. rej-or- ' ip Teachers and Committee Members Join With Other Citizens To (live Young People Social Featuring Costumes, Refreshments Paragraphs Of Interest... 21. the present. -- Hoys Anil (lirls ()( till (oinpli-tci- l hospital. The little youngster received a reka. having spent the greater Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jark of Halt welcome from hi parents part of his life in this city. His Van Wagoner Mrs. Martha town last week visiMrs. Mary A. Stack. Mrs. ClAre royal d many friends will lie pleased to spent Friday in Richfield, attend- take were in his little and the home of Mr. Jack'a at Larson. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Harris ting know he is recovering. ing s Nurses Staff Conference. were Provo visitors on Tuesday. brother. Theodore llsynes. Mra. ia a Stale Representative Jack Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wheelock snd is Dorwain Ray running again this year on Wahlqulst and Monof were and family Santaquin the Democratic ticket. She has were in Salt Lake j Cotovich Sunday visitors at the home of been an ardent worker for all j day. on business in connection Mr. WheeliH-k'brother and aia-- j labor bills brought the with the Tintic school year high Mr. and Mrs. E. R. e house, and also for the book. a Drn-returned Peterson Mrs , left Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roper pension. She v a former resident home Monday after a stay in of Eureka and will la remembered Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Phtlpy of Friday for California to get their with her daughter in Mrs. Soda Mitchell and William who has completed Washing!' Mmj( N1 ,Uylll.H Long Beach have spent the past sun Glen Roper R'owm m s.il' take Saturday the LDS AiZ'-lia- . week at the home of Mr. and Mr. a two year mission for Mis Rrown. who is still labored in the Calif. Franks. .1 year old son uf ; Maynard Cronin. Mrs. Philpy i church. Ib to i he Holy Crow hospi- MrLobby Ir held confine Lamb Mrs. Florewv Mrs. Itola-i- t Frank is and aiater of Mrs. Cronin. On Tucv mission. at her home Thurs- tal She is i iited to he iinprov-I- ! home again after n several day I.UCI.II V lay the Fhilpys in company with g el eadlly Hansen of day night (ht. 21st. A delightful stay at the Paysai li'ispitnl. where Mn. Cronin mndc a ti'iiik iv vn-trip to Provo. was v presented he underwent an H for Francis Mr. ' Philpy was the Navy Recruit Santaquin 2r.d ward. lion and Manson Mr and M:s Heart Ifc'ima Butt titled. Friemls of the liltle South IS of sometime in Provo for Jhntiwn, of Ohio were Throbs f the West, by Kate II. baby Agent of S;inngVllle were week youngster an- - happy to know he "1 also managed the Provo Ball and Pcnna Kirtland in Santaquin Carter. Those enjoying the re- end gues's at the home of Mr. is recovering nicely. sm during his residence there. principle sneakers -Mr snd Mrs Sun-daview a:id light refreshments were M ir on's so 1st ward sacraim-n- t services n.eivle-re- ; Edith Tisehiier, Lucy A D M ii. Mr ami Mra Rex H Kkman and Friends of Mrs. Wm. Treloar night. Alice Klliia Fowkes. Jane and Kenneth of Roswell. 'ihildien, wHl be i is pleased to know that she Mis Wat'-- hrarike ia vacation- jrilVll were Sunday dinner gis-stKstclln Nelson. J'"-p- i:' of Armstrong. Smith Hot Mr. anil Mrs. again after spending several heriHt th. (lf Mr. Hiekmaii'a Crook. Genevieve Wall. Zel- - ing in Sa-- i Francisco visiting An-1 y at the Ml. Pleasant. Utah were in el - ma Hall. Madge Dunn. Melba Op- - mother nml s.Mter. and hi Mr. a ml Mrs Ned Hick Payson hospital. parents. i m.l are that she is recuperating Sunday visiting fro: and i man. enshiiw Lillis Olson tad Crosby gvleji vis.t g her daughter nicely, Mr. and Mrs lives. Rudy and the hostess Pariser.tli Mr. and Mrs. C V. Harris of f Mrs. Sam Colovich Mon-?- y Mra. Margery Wort'ien atNotus, spent Ongon sre visdmg at the Mrs. home Mr an'l Weshy Roper in Salt Lake Mr and Mrs. George W i Judd I home of Mi Village. Utah was at Harris' mother and attending to of their the tended christening her parents. with .d week ii.-wn. George, recently sister, Mra Mary A. Slack and "inres matters. Mans-ithe past W-Lake Sait Gile-- m at giaudson l:ttv to Eureka after spending Mrs. Clare tar son Mr. and Mr Stanley (ht 13th The child is a son of th .:ist two years in Florida. At Ground Beef Duane An Rojvr. Mr. France Roper of Iss with Mr and Mis. pres nt they f'lan to again make iirfr Mon 1 Punl of lean ground week Karl ISrHiidl of ta Angides whs , visited last Calif home in Eureka. It ia always their gelea, with finely grated onion, salt t Hallowe'en Si li"'l Dante and nice to Eureka peo in town for a shyrt wlule Sat unlay about Mrs. W. P. !1' and Mr. wi pepper and a tablespoon or so brotht r ri!n tefiniing. Mra rather than going visiting with his mother. Frances party Will he held Friday n.ght tomato julep or AH milk. Shspe family. ni the Jr. High gymnasium elsewhere to make their home Nellie Brandt While in Utah he D. R1T. LlRt cake and broil un-- ! W. til junior high students are to comvj the tn.e being they are at did a bit of hunting and bagged a none; turn with two :it"rl iv r." I in masquerade Prizes will Is giv- the h 'V.e "f Mr. Manson'a parents. deer in the Hcta-- mountains. pancake Jarvis Theora Mrs. unieri If desired. Dust with pap-- ; en f..r the brat cst 'lines of the Neigh -r- h-l Mr and Mis A D. Manson. J1,l dry mustard and dot members Mrs Fra-iiKeen of Provo, Afternoon. huttcr or margarine before Club ThursdayPresent we o Mra Leslie Rand'e and formerly Mr (Tisrh-M- -s Taylor snd Gem Drav returned Iasi yr at her home. Me. a a ten diy aiay with .., h'.-r- . Marjory Lynn, spent resident of Eureka for many or k fi-- m Helen Gordon. Mrs. Wal . N. phi as guests of Mra. years. Mr and Mra firton Mel-druV M's. Thuyas Hmy of ; M rocks. Mrs. Lm iHe Air Force P1" to I'.ert also or Provo. Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Mrs. P.ar.dli-Twers Ka"r, Mrs parents. and V,. Hansen. ppr::gvi"e tJr? "erve and Hr guard of- - Melba y. Brazil of Groat Falla. Geo W Jarvis. A (ieorge Vance Mrs. and Minay. was in ,h' Mont . wen- - guests of Mr. and lunch was send and sewtrg -n Mr ai d Mrs. Iean Henrold of Mr. Ilutiert I. Garrity during the Si ho"! offa'cis aid he diversion of the af.rnA will tie resocial was Provo, wen- in town last week week, Mrs. and Ti.eet.r.g Franhlln was the printer Mr tee awl at the home of Mr membered as Msa Dorothy Tayvisi'ed Jacohs-.r,d 7:3 at 2fi!h Km.l t O' Mrs. Wednesday Boston Gazette, second lor, and Mi Brazil as Mias June Henrrids sister and brolher-in-- l of Miss ,n America, started In J. K. Wyatt of I'rovof p !1i. H :he home Mrs. Rowe. lTjainrr and John Mr Taylor. laa. home tilllam Bronker was the ed- - day at the M O c Hudson and Mrs. ; Forty-fou- r Ilu Priiviileil Fur The Primary Children's hospital of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints has begun its winter program of activity and the hospital children are just as excited about it as other children their age are about getting started in school. Kline D. Davis, occupational therapist for the hospital, has just returned from Knickerbocker hospital. New York City, where she devoted two months to special study in the poliomyelitis division. She spends mornings with children under six years of age and afternoons with those six and over. Basically the program is one of NOTICE keeping the patients busily occupied. In most cases, the children Sunday services will are permited to select their own ducted at the activity, but in certain rases Miss at 11 p. m. New resilient pastor. Rev. W. M. Davis suggest an activity which Tintic District Ladies Auxiliary will help the patient. Wilton, will conduct the services. No. 23 met in regular sraaion at Miners' Union hall on Wednesday. Oet. 20. Election of officers for the ensuing year was held, with the folEdith lowing officers elected. A group of friends called at the O'Rourke, president ; Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Whrekn-Alliene entertained at dinner on Saturday home of Mrs. Margaret Drew last Whitehead, Farren. taVem Bauer, din-chaplain: a Guests biildcn to ! the and spent evening. Saturday evening ner were Mr. and Mm. W. K. pleasant time playing cards. Dell- - financial secretary; Norma Bate, Margaret (Buil) Painter of Provo, Mr. and ekius refreshments were served to recording secretary; warden; Elva Webb, conMrs. Orson Billings and Mrs. Ada Mrs. Mae Iannell, Mr. Matilda Sheldon, Blanche Beck, trustee. Brady. Mra. Lillian Buys, Mrs. ductor; McIntyre of Eureka. The new officers will be inat oiled Mr. and Mni. Painter were Aitie Pett and Mra. Carrie Dun-l- a at the next meeting which will be week-en- d guests at the home of vey. held Wednesday, Nov. 3. the E. R. Wheelocks. Tasty refreshments were served Dorick and Mis. Mr. John and Robert taii-d- , Sr., who haa spent children, Linda and Johnny, of by the hostesses for the evening the past two months in California, Salt take were visitors at the Valene Livingston and Margaret returned to hia home in Eureka Robert I. Garrity home during the Sheldon. on Friday. Mr. Laird has been week. feeling rather under the weather Ore Shipments For and it ia honed that hia vacation is confined Week Mrs. Vern Never hsa helped him ronaiderably. Ending Oct. 22 to the LDS hoipital at Salt Lake. She underwent a major operation Chief Consolidated. 32 cars; Mrs. Ell Amos and Mr. and on Monday morning. Her many Eagle Bluebell, Mrs. Meredith Amos of Paysun friends 3; Eureka Lilly, are wishing her a apeedy 5; North Lily, 1; It. L. Garity, were Sunday dinner guests at the and complete recovery 1. home of Mrs. Hannah Thurmond. Company. During his residence here, Mr. Wunder was superintendent of the BABY TAIJt Eagle and Blue Bell Mining Com- -' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Drussel are year stay at a veteran's hospital. En-! Pny. Philip Simmons of the Mr. Webb contracted TB while the proud parents of a baby gineering Department of the U. S. October 21. at the Pay son serving in the armed forces in the Mines, will take over management Pacific. He is well known in Euboy-bor- 17, ol Msiaswavs'AT , Number j Round-n-Abou- t: HUNT GOES ON . hunters. n' .A le u. Urn-wai- n trith local talent. Gene Halliday, eminent organiat and a member of the KSL Radio Station staff will be at the con-jo- ? of the organ the evening Further details M the banquet ,nii be announced at a later date. ())K - copy- - PHEASANT SEASON season will Utah' pheasant open Saturday at noon. The mam hunt will give more hunt era a chance and will be a break for the will Jiavc bird. Pheasant chance to get off their roost and into the ficlda before the big pa rade of gunmen. Hunter are hoping for good weather, dry fields and lota of sunshine. Hunters will pay dearly for game law violationa and the police force will lie heavy during the pheasant season, with a larger enforcement staff than ever before Thia should be warning to the ils L ' per OPENS SATURDAY . M1I00L to be given Nov. 18, 1918.: jrtMonday, K. Spurrier and I rep-- , Biahop Sandatrom met with Mu-: aentativea of the Gk-- Bros. distributors of the: ie Company, Hammond Electric organ. T. J. Holland, vice preaident of the com- assured the committee that Jey' would bring an organ and furnish a concert in conjunction AND -- &intk:iik;ii Eureka Ward tier, chairman, X ! 10c On Thursday evening. Nov. 4 at Eureka a Scoutmaster and Tnsp Committee training course will begin under the direction of Paul V. Slolz, a former Scout executive. It is urged that all Scouterx of the district be present to plan time and place of future session. |