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Show BEAR PA3KGHT Itae fci Set Slta9a.t9bi0 r X 1 APRIL 21 S J 0 .0 00 X( RIVm VAIJY LEADER THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1836 Minnie E. Boyd Dies At Deweyville Thurs. It's Thrifty to Buy 1 rJ NOTICE TO RURAL MAIL PATRONS automobiles and mud holes must be kept clear so the mail carried can serve the mail box without leaving his conveyence. So much indifference! has been . shown ' by many patrons until it has become untolerable. The Postal Laws provide that patrons who will not cooperate ' may have service withdrawn. " as know, ' milk-can- s, All persons requiring service on U. Funeral services were held in the S. rural mail routes must erect an apDeweyville ward chapel Monday af- proved mail box and place to on the side of the road traveled ternoon over the remains of Mrs. Min- right-han- d nie Eckley Boyd, 59, who died Thurs- by the carrier and in a convenient place with bottom of box about 4 day evening at her home from diabe- feet above level of the road. . tes. to the ihaii box should be Approach level and Mr. Boyd was born December 10, Ads Get 1876 in Iowa, the' daughter of John graveled and ,ali obstructions, such and Jane Pennington Eckley. She moved from Iowa to Nebraska with her parents when a small girl. She was married to Harry Boyd in 1899, later moving to Garland, where she resided for ten. years. She then moved to Idaho, where she lived until AND four years ago, when she moved to Deweyville and resided there' since. She is survived by one son, Ralph Boyd, of Aurora, 111.; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Kaudson, of Deweyville, and Mrs. Gertrude Waddington of CamSaturday, we will celebrate our First Anniversary in Tremonton. eron, Neb.; one brother, George EckWe will have big bargains in groceries, meats, fruits 'and vegetables., ley, of Deweyville, and three grandWe feel good towards our customers who have made our success, children. possible and we promise you that you will be glad because of coming The services were in charge of Bishto our store to shop Saturday. We are op Marion G. Perry. mentioning some of our a Birthday and Easter Bargains. You will notice that we are adver"Beautiful Isle" was sung by Marble1 and Emma Gardiner. The tising only the best quality of fancy and staple foods and at wholeinvocation was offered by O. W. sale prices. Come! It will be a pleasure. Snow, Jr.. Rulon Gardner sang "Lay My Head Beneath A Rose." The speakers were Horace R. Barnard, J. Eastern Skinned Ernest Dewey, N. Peter .Marble, C. Half or Whole - Lb. J. Dewey of Tremonton and Bishop Marion G. Perry. Mrs. Etta Gardner and Emma Gardner sang, '.'Sometime QUALITY MEATS We'll Understand;.' Leon D. GardFRUITS ner sang the beautiful number, "It ASSORTED Lb. Will Not Be Long." : VEGETABLES Lunch Meat ... .. .... 29tf The words spoken by those who FANCY Lb. spoke were of respect to the departLb. ed one and those called' to mourn. The flowers and many friends expressed 15tf : the love and esteem of Mrs. .Minnie 3 For SLICED . Lb. Eckley Boyd. The benediction was Bunch Goods ..... 100 given by N. Peter Marble and the Bacon was dedicated grave by Of W. Snow, ' FANCY Ex.Lg6; PORK-- . Jr. Burial took place in the DeweyLb. '' . Results Leader AT PENNEY S T ANNIVERSARY fOCAIL , 'ftoyd McFarland is visiting with friepds and relatives in Tremonton this week. Orpha Heppler and Bernice Stokes scent Sunday with mends in igan. Ernie Conger, Pete and Henry Nick ols attended the fights at Ogden Monday night. Mrs. William Wadsworth entertained the L. L. Bridge club Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. H. White and Mrs. Frank Dalton. were special guests. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. Ut. Schaffer and Mrs. Shaw. V'ord is received of the arrival of and Mra. Austin Seager, Logan, Utah, an 8 pound boy at the home of Mr. where Mr. Seager is attending the U. S. A. C. Congratulations. 'taa 8. O. D. H. club met Thursday at Edith Foxley's. Mrs. Lois Chris-tenseBernice Bjorn and Aileen Hansen were special guests. Vernell Peterson and Elaine Reeder won prizes. , n, Ligrwood Ellis and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Green. Mr. Ellis is a brother to Mrs. Green. Mrs. Ellis remained with Mrs. Green for several days. Mrs. J.udith Strand was a Salt Lake visitor Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nielson are in San Pete wher they have been called because of the illness of Mrs. Niel. son's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Call andi son Clark, returned home Tuesday after spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. Guy Ballard entertained 12 of her friends at a bridge party Friday afternoon, Mrs. Norman Maughn and Mrs. Jess Miller won prizes. Mrs. S. B. Watland was hostess to the G. O. G. Saturday afternoon. Mrs. A. D. Sargent and Mrs. Kim Mann were special guests. Prizes were to Mrs. S. M. Cole, Mrs. Sar- - Lee's Market MEAT SPECIALS TRY US FOR QUALITY IUEATS LEE POTTER, Prop. FOR SATURDAY, APRIL vHvEALROASTS Milk Fed 1D RIB BOIL Nice and Lean Pound GROUND BEEF Fresh 2 Pounds OCn J Country Style Franks - Mince Ham For Easter Pound ..... 1 Heifer - Pound .... A lf t 2 Pounds 1 1QC Pounds .. Small RiW. ... 29c Nice to Bake Pound OQ JC PURE LARD 35c PORK CHOPS Pound QQr Ctjj PICNIC HAMS VEAL STEAK 2 1 SHORTENING POT ROASTS Beef, Choice 1 . Ap SAUSAGE 2 Pounds Snow White 2 Pounds Ottr JjC Mock Chicken Legs qa or LAMB LEGS CaCiX Each -- DC Curb Service ...... Watkins Ice Cream company will officially open on iha Saturday for retailing'o -icp nvnm SU.i V Ivv VI niv mi Which only the best dairy and fruit products are used. y . Cones DIMES WORTH (for 50) and package ice cream will be sold at our factory WE CATER TO PARTIES night Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris visited during the weekend with friends and relatives at Burley, Idaho. The Epworth League gave a dinner, Sunday evening. "Doctor G. H. Blocks tock, of Salt Lake, was present. Dr. Blocks tock is the superintendent of the Methodist Mission. Paul Jenkins attended High School day at the U. of U. Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Gephart is spending a week at Long Beach, California with her son, Berk, who is having his spring vacation at the Military Acad- emy. Mrs. Lloyd G rover and three sons, Mr. A. N. Grover and Gwen Pederson were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pederson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sandall, Mrs. Meltrude Stohl and Mrs. George Stenquist were conference visitors during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hunsaker and daughter, Lu Deane, visited and attended conference at Salt Lake over the weekend. Miss Ruby Green visited Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. : ; Green. ', . A. L. Cook, who has the win. spent ter at Dallas, Texas as a short term missionary, returned to his home, Sun. morning. Mrs. Gordon entertained the Ladies Aid at a tea, Wednesday afternoon Alice Crocket, who is attending Henegar's Business college, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Clara Crocket. William Stone entertained 12 of her friends, Wednesday afternoon, at a quilting. A delicious dinner was - ' enjoyed by all. the Junior Tuesday, League enjoyed - ; Phone 104 11 gent and Mrs. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenn spent Monday at Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ballard were Logan visitors Saturday.: Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Watland and spent Tuesday visiting at Salt Lake. Halver Glenn, Buss Mason, Melvin Mr. and Mrs. Herman Landvatter Bjorn and Theron Pinder entertained thirty-fou- r of their friends at a danc ing party at the Legion hall Friday an jsaster party. Mrs. Ward Shuman returned home Thursday from Ogden, where she ha Deen visiting with her mother. Mrs. Brigg Williams and Mrs. Henry Foxley motored to Logan, Tuesday and visited with Mrs. William's daugh ter, Mrs. Kieth Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Powell visited at Ogden, Sunday with Mrs. Alivia . EASTER SALE Ly-di- JEaster Hams "J . ville cemetery. MOTOR CO. FORD COUPE 1929 BUICK SEDAN 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN 1930 WHIPPET SEDAN 1930 WHIPPET SEDAN 1929 FORD COUPE 1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN OPTOMETRIST Will Be In My Store MONDAY, APRIL Mke Your Appointment There Is Not Much Time Left to Get Your Car Checked. DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH Expert Mechanics r Quick Service .'; M 150 Made from No. One Peanuts Staple Groceries SLICED" 2 FANCY Lb. .190 Pkg. .100 Lb. SCHILLINGS .270 COFFEE - 23c Easter Food- s50 WHEATIES Jar b. for BREAD CAKES - S " Lge: OLIVES Can 130 PIERCES Pork and Beans, Large 10 LARGE Doz. SUGAB .550 -- 250 ORANGES (6 Daffodils FREE) c. 10 Bars Can 10 Lbs. w- - ...290 Tuna Flakes .100 Lg.Can SOUPS ........ 100 Marshmallows " Pkgs. Potato Flakes 2 Lbs. FIG B ARS .190 Soft, Fresh, Fluffy Pound Bag r.f 13c 13 Now STORES During this Sale the City Drug Co., along with other outstanding drug stores of the nation, will feature McKESSON PRODUCTS at DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES Hundreds of Items to pick from Get your Drug and Sundrie needs NOW! - - MARCH OF PROGRESS SUPER SPECIAL DOLLY MADISON CHOCOLATES M M M M r- 2 B GUARANTEED TO BE MANUFACTURER'S REGULAR $1.00 PER POUND QUALITY VO-- Y nflV VJ 2 M With Every Purchase of McKesson Products of 750 or More M M Watch for Hand Bill See Our Window $225.00 $135.00 M $145.00 $150.00 tew Bwvm PRESCRIPTIONS $250.00 1 Guaranteed I X 2. A. A. DRUGS FOUNTAIN SERVICE titako orIlTITTf TTTH Tremonton, A........ S' ... Tomatoes X X X ST- LK STARTING APRIL 9th McKesson March of Progress All Reconditioned and . FRESH "A Surety of Purity" $225.00 $165.00 Butter 90 : FOOD 1930 OFFICIAL TESTING STATION 160 LP'mit DR. DON C. JAMES MAKE ALL FLAVORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE, TREMONTON Roasts ; Installation at U. S. A. C. Watkins Ice Cream Co. Lb. POT Installation ceremonies were at tended by national officers of the Sig ma Phi group, and of fleers of various Colorado chapters. An editorial writer of Student Life, says, '.'We doff our hat this week to Alpha Delta Epsilon, youngest chapter of National Sigma Phi Epailon, whose official open house was held last Sunday. This former local fraternity which just this year moved into a commodious undertaking, establishment, not because it was dead, but because of a healthy growth, wi be a credit to the national organization of Sigma Phi. It is hoped (hat the growth will continue, and that its influence for high standards, of collegiate life will continue to be fejt on Utah State's campus. In National Fraternity USED CARS CALLISTER Lettuce .., Sausage Mr. Holmgren, president of the Alpha Delta Epsilon group, and Mr. Harris, house manager, were among the members first initiated into Sigma Phi Epsilon. Other charter members initiated include Theral Bishop, Reid Oyler, Garland-- ; John : Roundy,. Tre monton, 1934 pregidept of the group. The Sigma Phi Epsilon group joins Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi and Beta, Kappa as the national groups on the college campus. Local Boys Instrumental M Deloras Harris and Lyle Holmgren, Tremonton, juniors at the Utah State Agricultural college, were instrumental in fraternal Installation ceremonies' recently when Alpha Delta Epsi-lo- n fraternity became a chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon, a national Bananas :L..ll. Franks, Wieners Heed. Mrs. Mark Nichols assisted by Miss. Margaret Woodside and Mrs. Skinner entertained the Ladies Faculty club Wednesday afternoon. The program consisted of a piano and vocal duet by Barbara Christensen and Ara Anderson. Marylin Nichols eave a read-- ' ing and the book "National Velvet" by Enid Bognold was reviewed by Miss Nona Smith. Mrs. W. W. Richards was among special guests. Mrs. Effie Jensen of Salt Lake City has spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen. She went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Allen Saturday to help care for her new grandchild. 26c ,.yy77 |